Acustica Audio releases Gold 2

Discussion in 'Software News' started by Talmi, Aug 14, 2018.

  1. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    It's out...Announcement a few posts below (# 16)
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2018
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  3. Grok

    Grok Producer

    May 8, 2018
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  4. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    How does this work? Existing Gold owners get the new version automatically through Aquarius?
    Good timing if so, I just finished my build.
  5. Someware

    Someware Ultrasonic

    Nov 5, 2014
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    I've not checked out their plugins, I do hear a lot of good things about them. Currently unable to afford them right now, so pretty much no point in me wasting a 30day trial, and my current PC specs wouldn't do it justice either. Their GUIs of the newer stuff look very nice. Meh I know looks ain't everything but I'm a skint Jeweller and looks are important lol :D
  6. Adam Ford

    Adam Ford Producer

    Mar 2, 2017
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    Gold users get automatically their update through Acquarius for free.

    But I'm more hyped for Heaven Neumann PEC Mastering console and Tape sigh
  7. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    If as usual the update is free - and it should be - it will be available in acquarius for installation as soon as it's out.

    It's a nice tool to baptize your new built with ! Congrat :wink:
  8. :wink:Just give me one good reason that a software plugin that sounds almost virtually indistinguishable from it's hardware templet, is perhaps 1/10 the cost, can go anywhere your laptop needs to be and needs no maintenance is preferable to the hardware.

    Just as I get off my lawn!!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 14, 2018
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  9. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    That's what I was thinking. I thought I remembered that happening when SAND got updated.

    This one plugin took my sound to what I was hearing in my head. Later after purchasing, I discovered that Soundgarden had recorded most of their stuff in studios that had one of these types of consoles, as well as Nirvana, Tom Petty and many other bands which makes sense. I always loved the open sound of those releases.

    You got that right! :)
  10. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Aside from the obvious entry fee for the hardware, I like the workflow better with the plugins especially regarding settings recall. I guess the major selling point for the hardware is the tactile mixing flow which many prefer.
    Of course the fact that they are rare pieces to find also makes the plugin more so desirable.
    As for me, I was primarily after "that" sound. It's such a small yet at the same time huge difference.
  11. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Don't know really. You can probably still justify the hw if you like having the most expensive paperweight in the world ? :rofl:
  12. Grok

    Grok Producer

    May 8, 2018
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    The hardware can serve as heating, in winter ; the software can't
  13. Friggy

    Friggy Guest

    Will it finally sound better than Slates FG-N? lol
  14. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Lol...Slates...Just lol.

    But seriously though, to each their own. If you feel FG-N captures the original sound better than Gold 1 (which emulates more than just one unit, just so you know, plus it also offers several comps and preamps, all included in the same unique bundle), than go for it.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2018
  15. Definately this, but those never using hardware won't miss the touchy feelie aspect of knobs and faders if they never get used to them in the first place. A well made hardware controller with templetes to morph between modules would be for me at least a desirable thing to have, one that feels like hardware with stepped controls if wanted for precision recall for tasks like mastering (although recall would no longer be an issue ITB so this might be a redundant feature). But then again, the up and coming are a new breed with new workflows which might even include verbal communication to the DAW, acting as if it was your assistant. Just imagine saying, "Dawson, give me a new stereo audio track for acoustic guitar with the LA2A and that saturation setting we used the last song on lane 23, and create a send to the Bricasti, but this time with a Mu compressor, program dependant attack and release on the verb".

    Fuck yeah!
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  16. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Dammit, now I'm hanging around the Acustica site lurking for the new version, lol. :yes:
  17. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Finaly out !

    "ACQUA - Gold2


    199.00 € 169.15 € (15%OFF)


    Gold2 is a VST/AAX/AU plugin bundle, the latest suite conceived, designed and created by Acustica Audio.
    The realization of GOLD2 is the result of our continuous search for vintage and rare outboard processors and our desire to achieve the utmost perfection in our emulations. This bundle represents a one-stop-shop solution for any lover of the sound of the legendary vintage British consoles. The rarity of the emulated devices, the detail of the emulations, and the superb design make this plug-in as precious as pure gold..

    This brand new 2nd edition of the GOLD plug-in series includes: 6 different equalizers (one more than the previous version), 2 extremely rare compressors, 7 preamplifers (for a total of 15 preamplifiers available inside GOLD2PRE 'standalone version') and a routing control section, making this one of the most comprehensive ACQUA plugins to date.
    Hear the magic for yourself!


    The Gold 2 suite adds an additional uber-rare EQ, possibly a unique piece, and 3 new preamps, each one embodying the original spirit of Gold and providing the most authentic sound of the emulated gear. The suite was also upgraded to our latest CORE 12 tech and features an extended threshold range for better compression behavior.

    CORE 12 represents a huge leap forward in our technology. Not only is the CPU load greatly reduced, allowing you to use more instances in a mix, but the sonic authenticity it achieves is simply unprecedented. Plus, Gold's update to CORE 12 gave us both the opportunity to enrich our acclaimed dreamware suite - loved for its unmistakable British soul - by improving on the overall sound of the units thanks to a meticulous denoising process for a final quality that will leave you speechless.

    This 2nd edition of the GOLD plug-in series includes: 6 different equalizers, 2 extremely rare compressors, 7 preamplifers (for a total of 15 preamplifiers available inside GOLD2PRE 'standalone version') and a routing control section, making it possibly the most comprehensive vintage anthology to date.


    GOLD 2 consists of:

    • GOLD2 (Channel-strip):
    • GOLD2 PRE (standalone preamps module)
    • GOLD2 EQ (Equalizer standalone module);
    • GOLD2 COMP (standalone compressor module);
    To help you fully unleash the true potential of your mixes, we have created a BUNDLE which includes each individual module of GOLD 2, giving you the possibility to use each component separately, with a significant saving in terms of CPU. This will help you enhance your mixes greatly with all the quality, versatility and the distinctive sound of Acustica’s plugins. GOLD 2 and its modules have been created to satisfy the most demanding engineers’ requirements.

    For each plugin included in our GOLD2 suite there is a “Standard” version or an alternative “ZL*” version which operates at *zero latency at the cost of extra processing resources and is thus suitable for use when tracking.


    Acustica has decided to create an Anthology (Analog Dreamware Anthology) plug-in. It's not just a series of plug-ins: our goal is to provide all customers with a complete collection enclosing all inestimable outboard of the past.. in order to realize our goal we are ready to hunt them down to the ends of the earth.

    1. Analog

    - About analog modeling
    “It’s no secret that the sound of our creations is different from all the others. Better or worse, nobody can deny that they are unique in every respect. Our approach is based on sampling; by using FIR filters we have also a clean, almost alias free signal with a beautiful frequency/phase response up to Nyquist frequency. Long kernels allow to reduce ripple without introducing the typical errors of IIR implementations (no oversampling needed, no decramp filters, no lowpass filters, no phase issues or approximations)”.

    2. Dreamware

    - What we do
    We are finally doing something new: a software which in a certain way is really superior to both a classic software approach (circuit modeling) and an existing real hardware created from a specific design. The first would be sterile; it would sound like a “plugin” because of the usual IIR phase issues and not precise harmonic distortion introduced by "ideal circuit modeling". The second would include many physical world limitations. This is the reason why we don’t use an “algorithmic” approach: Acustica uses ‘samples’ of real gears and the resulting sound proves to be amazingly authentic!

    3. Anthology

    - How to get the most
    Our Anthology captures the spirit and essence of our plug-ins. The goal is to provide all customers with the best collection of vintage commercially available hardware. We are willing to improve our technology day after day, in order to create the most faithful emulations on the market, always aiming to achieve the best possible quality.

    CORE 12
    Core 12 represents a new technological advancement by Acustica:

    • Upgraded SASM™ (Symmetric & Asymmetric Saturation Modeling) high-performance saturation algorithm;
    • Introduction of a new post-production sample de-noising technology for cleaner deconvolved impulses called STT™(Super Transient Technology);
    • Full compatibility with Client/Server architecture integrated by default in Acqua plugins;
    • Engine optimization thanks to a new highly efficient algorithm. This innovative technique is applied to all the deconvolved impulses for further de-noising and subsequent elimination of any incorrect low-level behavior (including the so-called "echo bug").
    Core 12 allows for remarkable performance improvements for each plug-in of the Acqua series, while at the same time preserving all the features already supported in our previous CORE editions. "

    And yes it's already present in Aquarius if you already own Gold 1

    Thanks AA !
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2018
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  18. Grok

    Grok Producer

    May 8, 2018
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    You're quick, @Talmi :like:

    Quicker than Gearslutz
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2018
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  19. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Lol, was hoping for a release yesterday tbh, I've been refreshing their front page like a crazy person since then. :)
  20. Grok

    Grok Producer

    May 8, 2018
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    30 minutes ago, there was nothing
    Gearslutz has not even announced it yet
    Only on Acustica Audio Forum, 6 minutes ago
  21. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Wow, just checked this morning when I got to work, no joy.
    But, I see it now. There doesn't seem to be any offline installers available yet, so I'm going to attempt the Aquarius offline copy sneaker-net paste method.
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