How to use a bank containing midi files and wav files ?

Discussion in 'Live' started by kadabz, Aug 8, 2018.

  1. kadabz

    kadabz Newbie

    Aug 8, 2018
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    Hey guys,

    sorry if this is not the right section but I did not know where else to post.

    I've gotten a bank called Big Edm Future Bass and Chill containing midi and wav files. The two are obviously meant to work together, as I can clearly see that when I drag and drop a midi file (let's say the bass for instance) to a midi track, it represents what the wav file sounds like in a midi aspect.

    The problem is that I don't know how to make ableton understand that those two are meant to work together; I've tried to dragging the wav file into the midi track, but it only plays the beginning of the first note repeatedly, as the midi notes are short.

    So my question is how do I "link" those two and make Live understand that they should merge together ?

    Thanks !
  3. LuckySevens

    LuckySevens Platinum Record

    Sep 23, 2012
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    3rd planet from the fireball...
    Well... are the WAV files part of a sampler instrument in this pack?? Like Kontakt, HALion, or any other samplers? If so (and you have one those samplers), then you would load the sampler instruments and they will load all the necessary .wav files associated with that sampler. Then you drag the MIDI files onto the track that you loaded the sampler instrument onto...

    If the pack did NOT come with a sampler instruments folder, then you could create a sampler instrument in Ableton Live using "Sampler" and those .wav files and then create a (MIDI) instrument track (in Live) with an instance of Sampler, then drag the MIDI files onto that track and press play. You will then hear those MIDI files files playing Sampler in Live...

    You need this tutorial (or one like it): Ask Video - Live 9 203: "Live's Sampler Explored"
    Here's a Google search link for: Ableton's Sampler

    The other thing that I do, is to use those MIDI files using ANY synth or sampler loaded with ANY sound you choose and then experiment!! You can also change the MIDI notes of those files (in MIDI editor) to make it fit your idea or particular key your song (or track) is in...
  4. Olaf

    Olaf Platinum Record

    Jun 5, 2011
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    You can use the audio loops (wav) for a quick demo or draft arrangement or take the MIDI files if you want to edit them, assign sounds yourself, etc. They are not meant to be "linked" in some way. It's rather an either/or choice.
  5. relexted

    relexted Producer

    Jun 18, 2011
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    There are many, endless possibilities in live.
    You can slice the wav to midi (right click the file).
    Maybe first create markers to get the chops you need. Then slice to midi, and choose 'slice to warp marker'. This is the easiest way to get what you need.
    Now you have the sound of the wav file, and you can if you want to, use the midi file corresponding with the wav. Or play something yourself.
    Make sure the midi notes hit the correct slice. Maybe mess around with it to make it your own and stand out.
    Adding some delay and filter automation will instantly make the chopped audio and midi sound similar to the original wav file. But now you have total control over it. 'Merged'.
  6. kadabz

    kadabz Newbie

    Aug 8, 2018
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    Thank you for your responses.

    I forgot to mention those .wav were loops, so it felt like they were actually meant to merge into the midi files... They do follow the same musical notes so that's why, but maybe they are indeed meant to be chopped ..? Seems a bit weird since only the notes actually played in the loop would not be played faster or slower depending on the pitch, wouldn't they ?

    And beyond that, what are the point of midi files ? just giving you the exact notes of the associated wav file ?

    @LuckySevens There are some Massive presets yes, those do work but they have nothing to do with the wav files.

    There are some folders named "Constructive kits", are those anything specific?
  7. relexted

    relexted Producer

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Wav and midi are like apples and oranges. They do not 'belong' together. But they can go together, as explained earlier. Maybe you need to forget that for now.

    Associated midi files are provided for maximum possibilities and creativity.
    The manufacturer used that midi, to trigger a synth, then they ad fx and bounce it all down to wav.
    You now have the midi, so you can make the exact same as the wav, (good practise) or maybe make something your own and unique using that midi part.
    I suggest to only use the midi and open up a synth with a preset (which they provide as well) or ofcourse create your own bass/synth patch.
    Maybe use the wav file as a reference while creating your own sound and fx. So you'll understand what to aim for and what is needed to make it juicy.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2018
  8. kadabz

    kadabz Newbie

    Aug 8, 2018
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    Alright, thanks a lot for the insight !

    I have one last question tho, what would the presets be in term of files ? I have some for Massive but no clue how to link them to a wav file (they don't do anything by themselves), could you please enlight me on how to do that if you find the time ?