Kontakt 5 Installation Error

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by tkrojam, Jan 26, 2013.

  1. tkrojam

    tkrojam Guest

    Hi all guys,

    I just got a clean installation of Windows 7 and tried to install Kontakt 5 from image file then this error window appears:

    in which, E: is my virtual drive, Please help!~
  3. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
    Likes Received:
    @ Tkrojam,

    If I can understand it clearly, your Virtual Drive ('E:') is one that you have mounted with a dedicated program (e.g. 'Daemon Tools',... ), and in which you have all the available content of 'Kontakt 5' (as you could have if you use an official Kontakt version on CD/DVD), isn't ?

    Personally, I never had to face this kind of trouble when I have mounted (or that I still mount) an image with my 'Daemon Tools Pro' program. *no*
    I'm still working under 'XP Pro SP3', but I don't think that your trouble is related to 'Windows 7' in particular, it should come from elsewhere... *yes*

    The curious is that, in almost all the cases, when you 'mount' and launch an image (e.g. '.iso', '.bin+.cue',... ) of a 'Native Instruments' product, the installer ('Setup.exe') is always started automatically by itself (thanks to the 'autorun.inf' file, if included ! )...

    For the moment, the only suggestions that I can give you is to check that all the 'Kontakt 5' content included within the available media(s) ('.iso', '.bin+.cue',... files) is correct (not corrupted for any reason), then if you still not used 'Daemon Tools', try it. It exists a FREE downloadable version : 'Daemon Tools Lite', that can handle the process of mounting several images types without limitations.
    :excl: It doesn't mean in any way that your own programs to mount images aren't good, a contrario ! :excl: but I know, by experience, that 'Daemon Tools' is very reliable. *yes* .
  4. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
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    You don't need to mount it. NI Install iso's can just be extracted to a folder and run from your desktop. It'll probably solve your problem since it'll try to install it on the drive it's being launched from.
  5. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Looks like a read/write error (write being the error)

    Open ISO, copy everything to a new folder on desktop then run install

    Daemon worked fine for me (ran setup from within Daemon virtual drive, with no errors)

  6. tkrojam

    tkrojam Guest

    Thanks for your reply.

    You are right, I used Alcohol120% to mount the image (.iso). However, I will try your method later.
  7. tkrojam

    tkrojam Guest

    Thanks you guys reply.

    I tried to copy and paste all image files and folders to desktop first and then run again the installer. However...

    Holy Shit!!!

    Please help.
  8. trees415

    trees415 Noisemaker

    Feb 26, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Forget alcohol 120%, just use Winrar to extract the contents of the iso into any folder you want (doesn't matter where) then run the installer.
  9. tkrojam

    tkrojam Guest

    I tried and it appears:
  10. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Tkrojam,

    As the 'Error Message' says :

    Cannot create the directory 'C:\Users\.........\Desktop\New folder\data\Kontakt 5 Setup PC.exe'.
    A file with this name already exists...

    That means that you already have this same folder located somewhere on your Desktop, and under Windows you can't to have 2 folders of the same type and with the same name *no* (apart if one is inside the other one, but this is off topic here... ).
    It's the reason why you get this 'Error Message' !

    So simply find the already existing folder on your Desktop, then as suggested by the others members, launch the needed program (certainly the 'Kontakt 5 Setup PC.exe') directly from that already existing folder... *yes*

    As I was reading your previous comments, I found that :

    A simple question :
    In which format(s) are "all these image files" that you have 'copied and pasted' within your Desktop. Are they '.iso', '.bin+.cue' (the usual formats provided by 'Team ASSiGN' before, or by 'Team R2R' nowadays, with their 'Native Instruments' releases), or eventually another(s) format(s) ?
  11. tkrojam

    tkrojam Guest

    That folder is the only folder on my desktop, I don't know why it says so...

    Now the problem was gone. I found another virtual drive software called "Pismo File Mount Audit Package" (http://www.pismotechnic.com/pfm/ap) which it mounts the image using virtual folder instead of virtual drive and Kontakt was installed perfectly.

    Anyway, Thanks a lot for your help, "Studio 555".