The Crystal Floor

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by Judge Dredd, Jul 31, 2018.

  1. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Guest

    Until the next song :shalom:
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2018
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  3. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    sort of rock in an electronica vein...? you did a good job utilizing the tools...I like the driving feel of it..
    what are you using for drums tho..?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2018
  4. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Guest

    Yep, good washing up and vacuuming track lol

    Drums are courtesy of Studio one's Impact.
  5. Kinghtsurfer

    Kinghtsurfer Audiosexual

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Good one! I can see a nice album coming together! :like::like:
  6. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Guest

    Maybe with a band and a vocalist, perhaps, but nice sentiment :wink:
  7. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Nice track.
    Is this your voice with the vocoder?
  8. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Guest

    Cheers, and yes, it's my voice through a vocoder.
  9. black bounty

    black bounty Platinum Record

    Nov 8, 2015
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    nice feel.
    go easy on the vocoder and maybe try layering several tracks with different settings for the vocals, it's important that we can distinguish what you say, don't be ashamed of your voice
    it needs more work & improvement, but yeah... nice feel
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  10. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    I know that you don't like ppl sharing opinions of stuff you post privately on the internet & then further shroud in secrecy here, @Judge Dredd :D so I won't comment on the music! But all (two!) of ur tracks seem uber filtered and seem to have the life squashed outta them. Also would be nice to have an idea of a soundspace maybe? Snare sound is fine, but needs desperately hihats and a groove and variation to hammer home the driveyness. Also respite / buildup maybe to combat fatigue. Obviously ditch the vocoder just adds to the overall smudginess, got no idea why ya use it. Would've (squashed af) even suit a kinda "whisper in the ear" vocal performance; just reading words randomly.
  11. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Guest

    Thanks for the post. Just to clarify some things and explain some points raised in your post.

    I thought that was cleared up in the last thread. I don't seek opinion, but the ethos of this part of the forum is for members to air them, and as I've stated, I wouldn't want to change that. There's certainly no dislike to it. I don't know what "further shroud in secrecy" has to do with it either, as I understand it we're pretty much all anonymous to some degree. If anything, with a link on JD's soundcloud to my official project, with it's link to my website, I'm probably more exposed than many others here... from a secrecy point of view. I'm hardly hiding. lol

    Well over a hundred and climbing, not that it's a contest. I've posted many here during my time. You must have just missed them. You gotta be quick around here sometimes.

    Limiter on the master bus, compressor on the vocoded track and amp sims for guitars and that's about it, no filters or drastic eq going on.
    Again, as stated before, I don't post up my finished tracks here any more, just these early demo versions which I also explained previously are predominantly written to static beats and are a take it or leave it deal.

    Just not going to happen on my writing versions.
  12. Recoil

    Recoil Guest

    As always a great work from you :metal:
  13. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Guest

    Very kind, thank you :wink:
  14. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Hey, it's just feedback. Hopefully constructive. It's fine if ur just looking for "cool track bro"...
    (If not, just feel like you should maybe (defo) ditch vocoder & some of the synths ya use and rethink; if it's not deliberately eq / filtered / compressed af? There's plenty of options out there...) Also, I've just never heard of ya before, just 2 tracks lately. Unless ya used to be that Aliens guy? In which case 3 tracks =)

    I was kinda being /s just a lil tiny bit >_____> barely even perceptible! :P
  15. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Guest

    To be fair about it, your post was a little bit of troll wasn't it? just like the comment in the last song thread was too.
    Each to their own and all that. You must have what you think are valid reasons to have to do it twice.

    Once again, and I don't know what's so difficult for you to follow, I'm not looking for anything, be that 'good track bro' or 'your mix sucks'. That's why you'll never see a thread from me with "what do you think" "feedback wanted" "critique my sh1t" etc. I post up early song ideas. You listen, you don't, like it or not, it's your call. I share what and when I want because it's what I do.

    From a technical perspective, I don't have any issues with my tracks as they are. I'm not an engineer or producer, I don't have the ears for it, and I work on the principal that if my songs are ever picked up to be released, it doesn't matter how 'correct' my mixes are, everything will be rerecorded by a label anyway. A waste of my time to use it on pointless mixes when I can be writing more songs instead. Again, each to their own, there is no right or wrong, but that's what studio employees are for.

    So, until the next song I post, which you can stalk or not, giving advice I neither need or seek:shalom:
  16. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Maybe should be in the invite only space, or (better) the WIP space, then. This forum exists for finished tracks, and feedback (crit) of them. Like SC I guess:

    Just sayn! Or rather someone else is. It's all very well claiming "I don't ask for feedback or attention.." when you post (hide =) ur tracks in two places that exist solely for it! XD

    No, not at all. You are free to take or leave any openly meant, (hopefully) helpful, sincere feedback. From someone who actually listened to ur track.
  17. Hey Judge Dread, are you really Sly Stallone hiding behind the vocoder like the rumors say? I read that you have an adversarial relationship with your brother Frank and that you want to show him up, bettering him musically and just plain getting one over on him. Well, have a great day and keep on keeping on.
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  18. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Guest

    I'm going to keep posting my songs here, thanks. For all intent and purpose, as I don't post completed tracks any more, they are the final on line versions I'll be sharing on AS - Even with just ad libbed vocals. If, to defend your position or troll you need to be the board police about it, then go for it.

    But just so we're on the same page regarding quotes - From the main our music page.

    "introduce your music; ask for criticism or advices."

    Which funnily enough is what I do and don't do :yes: :no:

    Again, for the third time to you, I have no problem with feed back and accept it's the way of the forum. What you fail to understand is that I have no need for it, nor will I take steps to act upon it. It is what it is. One can listen, advise and like, or not. I just post my songs up whether people listen or not. :shalom:
  19. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Cool track bro. Cool story bro.
  20. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Guest

    Thanks, kid :shalom:
  21. Kid! :rofl:
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