A Quick Studio One Poll (out of curiousity....)

Discussion in 'Studio One' started by eXACT_Beats_, Aug 1, 2018.

  1. eXACT_Beats_

    eXACT_Beats_ Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2018
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    Having been on various forums before and after the release of Studio One 4, I've seen a lot of peoples perceived Pros and Cons of PreSonus' latest release compared to v3.5.6. Being a Studio One user, I'm curious what AudioSex members have to say. So, the basically what are some of Studio One 4's features or changes that PreSonus added/made that you see as notable improvements, and what are you disappointed that they didn't add/change? (Ignoring, of course, blatant errors and bugs.)
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  3. sir jack spratsky

    sir jack spratsky Producer

    Apr 22, 2017
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    s 1 is the ants pants......fabulous
  4. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    I noticed some stability improvement with the audio engine on my computer.

    Next, the drum track is reminding me of the step mode of some 80s drum machines.

    Finally, the chord track is also an improvement but I have yet to use it.

    On the whole, very happy with this version since the workflow didn't change.
  5. The_Disturbed

    The_Disturbed Ultrasonic

    Oct 11, 2017
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    i have some annoyances to s1, but it is not version specific. I do feel 4 is an improvement over 3, however 4 feels somewhat unfinished.

    Chord track needs improvement -- make actual chords out of nothing
    tempo track needs improvement -- make it like automation
    automation needs to be in clips -- to prevent annoyances when dragging automation
    option to disable automatic crossfades please
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  6. The Revenant

    The Revenant Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2015
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    Love S1v4. Just a bit disappointed there is still no option to lowering the PPQN (Pulse Per Quarter Note) at 48 on midi file export to recreate "that" vintage drum machines famous groove: read pages 33 and 34.
    James Mtume explains here (@ 2:13) why he didn't quantize the LinnDrum on Juicy Fruit.
    It's a PITA to have to use another DAW (Reaper) only to get the groove on drums tracks...
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  7. The Mazeman

    The Mazeman Kapellmeister

    Dec 3, 2017
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    I will list the missing features :-
    01. Ability to customise which buttons to display in the track view. (like solo,mute,monitor)
    02. Surround format support. (I guess it will take time given their number of employees)
    03. Feature which hides fades in a audio clip when I am not selecting it. (a little too nitpicky right ?)
    04. More resizing options of the tracks. (they missed a very useful size between tiny and small, you can access it manually by removing the space from bottom of the tracks in the tiny view)
    05. Ability to customise and create theme entirely from scratch. (a fantasy of mine)
    06. Have sends on FX channels and have multiple outputs on audio tracks. (like Kick 1 can be sent to Drum Bus 1 and Drum Bus 2 without using sends)
    07. Feature to remove anything I don't want from the top and bottom bars. (like macros from top and record max from bottom)
    08. Fullscreen
    09. Editing multiple midi clips at once needs serious re-work.
    10. Rename Studio One to Production Studio or something else because giving numbers after the One (Studio One 4) is really "unprofessional".
    11. Feature to record audio from another track inside Studio One without rendering or bouncing.
    12. Everything should be symmetrical. (at this stage I am just making fecal matter up)
    13. Why does the automation gets copied when I duplicate the midi clip. (Why God, WHY ?!?!?!?)

    I can do this all night long but business beacons me, so yeah.... nothing else to say.

    P.S. - If I made a mistake please don't hesitate to correct me and any-and-all opinions about this are welcomed.
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