GOOD NEWS!! Let us pray for and wish well to @tonyg

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Luka, Jun 29, 2018.

  1. shankar

    shankar Platinum Record

    Apr 29, 2015
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    Hi @TonyG, Good job my friend, Happy to see you better :)
    May the force be with you and hope to see you soon here.
    Cheers :wink:
  2. asad12

    asad12 Platinum Record

    Dec 4, 2012
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    You guys used all the good and fancy words in the dictionary and left nothing for me to say. :snuffy:

    Absolutely great news to hear:thumbsup:
    A good ending story you can tell to the grandchildren @TonyG :mates:
  3. devilorcracker

    devilorcracker Platinum Record

    Oct 16, 2013
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    Great news! Nice to hear @TonyG is getting better.
  4. Luka

    Luka Platinum Record

    May 10, 2018
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    All over the place
    A THANK YOU NOTE FROM @TonyG's MOM :thanks:

    I want to thank all the members that prayed for and wished well to my dear son. Words can't describe the gratitude and joy that I, as well as his family, feel towards all of you. Today, I read to my son all your messages. I showed him the poster that lerkjurk made. I played him the songs from Foster and Nick12. For the first time in years, I witnessed my son shed tears of joy. He wanted to write you a few words but his dad, who is the Neurologist in charge of his recovery, is not allowing him to read or write for a few days. Once again, thank you all. Thank you!

    The above message was sent to me by his mother. I tried to copy and paste it but It didn't work so I decided to type it myself word by word.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2018
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  5. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    And the doctors have checked him out thoroughly, you say? :D Anyway - great, wonderful news! (I'm just suffering from hay fever ok! ;___; *blows nose* )
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  6. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Well performed, Tony's mom. This must have taken a while.

    Oh, sorry to hear this. [​IMG] :mates:
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  7. Beth

    Beth Guest

    Thank you @TonyG'sMom for keeping us up to date.........wonderful to hear Tony's progress! :thanks:
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  8. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    I got a message here, from Asgard, signed by the Walkyries. It says, "This one is way too rowdy for us. He drank all the mead, kept us up all night with his out-of-tune singing, showed his backside to the Rhinemaidens and you really don't need to know what he did with Odin's horse. Have mercy on us and take him back before he causes any more trouble."

    Yay! Party on, TonyDude!
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2018
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  9. DrachenFire

    DrachenFire Producer

    Jan 17, 2018
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    Lessee...What time is it...YEP that's where I am!
    WOW! Well that would explain the e-mail I got from Wagner who is SERIOUSLY PISSED about some new turn of events! He says it totally messes with things 'in the Ring'. He's beside himself. Of course that's really nothing new...

    As I understand it ( and my German is rough to say the least) it may take a while to write 'Terror der Tony auf die Götter'

    But hey, don't quote me...
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  10. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Glad to hear the good news also about TonyG..
  11. sir jack spratsky

    sir jack spratsky Producer

    Apr 22, 2017
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    well of course its impossible to know which of the possible 10000 plus gods to invoke with our to leave them all alone in my opinion.... so i will just say...may the universe be with you tonyg and grant you a few more moons on this planet....cheers
  12. JM6996

    JM6996 Rock Star

    Apr 27, 2018
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    This is great news, get well soon :)
  13. Someware

    Someware Ultrasonic

    Nov 5, 2014
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    Keep on getting better, its great to hear that you are out and back to recovery mode :) Got you on my healing thoughts list :) Takecare, and speedy recovery <3 :)
  14. Audiozer

    Audiozer Kapellmeister

    Apr 2, 2018
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    Good man, Tony... now get up and reap the harvest you've sewn! :phunk:

    Although newly joined, I've lurked these parts for a few trips around the sun. Your mammy and pappy raised you right. As an outsider looking in, there were a few early standouts as "good peeps" around here. Some for general good vibes and encouragement to others. Some for humour. Some for being master's of dickheadery. :rofl:

    YOU, my friend... stood out immediately for your willingness to share your vast and obvious knowledge with those that sought it, displaying immense generosity of your time, and the patience to make sure those seeking answers were in better shape than before your paths crossed. Only good shits do that.

    I've also seen you calm situations when things are starting to decend into useless drivel, with a sound voice of reason, and... maybe my favourite trait on top of the above... to BITE when someone needs biting!

    Accidents stink... and are just that. But it is always so nice when the universe does the right thing... the good karma flows... good things happen to good people.

    Yer obviously surrounded by a beautiful family and friends. Lean on them, as I'm sure they have on you... and heal up! Look forward to your presence again.

    Much love and strength, me aul flower.

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  15. "Is that the one about the hooker with the dysentery?"

    Yea, people bite back when they're pushed to extremes. Suppose that's human nature? Instinct.
  16. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Very happy to hear these awesome news! Can’t wait to see you @TonyG back!
  17. nexusmusic

    nexusmusic Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2016
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    What a great relief hearing this amazing news about @TonyG . Life is good, glad to hear your back with us. Speed recovery mate.
  18. If you're gonna get into this, always go top shelf. At least then you'll not have a shit playlist in your head for the rest of your journey.
  19. complete

    complete Producer

    Sep 19, 2013
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  20. Luka

    Luka Platinum Record

    May 10, 2018
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    All over the place
    @TonyG is doing fantastic.:wink:

    First, I want you guys to forgive me for not reporting on our brother sooner but as a soldier the Army places restrictions on my communications with the outside world while on duty.
    This past weekend I had the honor to meet @TonyG and his beautiful family. I was invited by his mother and father who paid for my trip and invited me into their home. After meeting them it is easy to understand why @TonyG is the man that he is. To say that I was treated like a dignitary would be an understatement but the best was yet to come.
    On my first night his father, who is the neurologist, took me to the hospital to personally meet with @TonyG for the first time. That is a moment that will remain engraved in my brain for the rest of my life. The positive energy that was coming out of him touched me. To see him doing so well, being able to talk and remembering everything, after such a horrendous crash is testament that a Higher Power does exist...whatever you want to call it.
    We talked for about 1 hour that night and during the whole time he kept on telling me how thankful he was for all the prayers, well wishes and positive energy that we sent his way. He was pleasantly surprised to see some members with whom he have had disagreements in the Forum go the extra mile and wish him well.
    The second day was even better. His engineer and his mother took me to @TonyG's home to show me his "home studio". [ this section has been deleted upon request by @TonyG ]
    It was my first time in front of a Neve recording console. A beautiful and sweet sounding Genesys Black. The outboard gear resembles a museum with 90% of it twice my age. I surely didn't want to leave. Lord have mercy on my poor soul...I need to win that Powerball. :bow:
    After living his home, his mother took me back to the hospital and I was treated to 3 hours of anecdotes by @TonyG. Oh boy! He is an Encyclopedia when it comes to the 70's- 80's music and its artists. Unbeknownst to me, he started out as a club DJ in New York City and Miami.
    On my last day, his engineer gave me a tour of their commercial facility and allow me to sit during a mixing session for an upcoming major film. Needless to say, it was impressive and a great learning experience.
    Before returning home I paid another visit to @TonyG. This time he was the audience. He wanted to know why I joined the Army and what I did. He was all ears, only interrupting me to ask me pertinent questions. When it was time to say our good byes he reminded me to thank you all and promised to be back...very soon. He baptized me "his brother from another mother". :rofl:
    All in all a great experience for me and extremely rewarding to be the recipient of so much gratitude from @TonyG and his beautiful family.:thanks:

    Keep on recovering brother. We need you back here ASAP :crazy:
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2018
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