Feedback on dreamy techno track

Discussion in 'Electronic' started by lost_soul, Jul 22, 2018.

  1. lost_soul

    lost_soul Member

    Oct 6, 2017
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    Hello everyone,

    First of all, I am not sure how to call this type of music and honestly it didn't matter much to me, I just made this track without thinking of how it would fit in any genre so please don't focus on that!
    I would love some feedback from your guys to have an idea of what I should improve and how the "story" of the track sounds together.
    Regarding mixdown, I've done my best and stopped when the sound was clean enough to listen to and finish the arrangement. Def didn't try to perfect it.

    Please let me know I'd be so happy to hear your thoughts ! Thanks in advance :)

  3. AntagonistHero

    AntagonistHero Member

    Oct 9, 2016
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    following on SC, pretty good o.O
  4. T3NR@

    T3NR@ Producer

    Aug 4, 2017
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    This track is much too quiet, there is a lot going on in the low-end frequencies that you need to EQ out for better balance, then put a good quality limiter on the master bus and make it louder. As for the "story", figure that out for yourself. Mixing is something that you can learn from others, but creating a feeling with music is something that must come from you and it can't and will not come from anywhere else. My initial opinion is that it has a good vibe, the mellow piano adds some real class to this track, good song to drive to although I think there's some element missing to give it a sensation of speed. The hihat and snare are too harsh and need de-essing or EQing.
  5. Seedz

    Seedz Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Sitting on a Cornflake
    Nice work moosh, I'm getting a Tangerene Dream motion vibe.

    Compositionwise I reckon you could condense what you have into less time for interest.

    An' yeah maybe De Harsh curtesy of Brainworks

  6. Beth

    Beth Guest

    yeah as others said the vol is low at the moment.....nice track though.

    i really liked that short breakdown dreamy section around 4:45 and could well imagine that alone being expanded into a full ambient track of its own ! I'd like to hear that :)
  7. lost_soul

    lost_soul Member

    Oct 6, 2017
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    Thanks for your answers guys
    Antagonist, thanks for the support :)
    T3NR, Seedz: agreed after listening to it now it misses some element of speed. As Seedz said I think making it shorter might help with that. EQing the drumbeat properly might also give it some of that groovy punch I'm looking for. As for the low end, it is a bit messy...I need to watch some more tutorials on mixing kick bass and practice.
    Will keep working on it and repost after hours of geeking.
  8. artwerkski

    artwerkski Audiosexual

    Apr 20, 2016
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    Minimal Tech. Like it. Bit quiet on the vol. But the balance is fine and transparent. (Reminds me of Gui Boratto and early Ame.)
  9. lost_soul

    lost_soul Member

    Oct 6, 2017
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    Great to hear mate.

    One thing I am struggling with is the workflow for the mixing process. I understand there is no unique magic formula, but a workflow always helps. Should I have a one by one approach? aka mix the kick first, then incorporate the bass and mix both together, then the snare => hi hat => pads => etc... until I have incorporated all layers of the track?

    My current vision is that there are so many "interdependencies" between all layers. Meaning: mixing the kick then the bass then the snare etc...will not give the same final result as starting with the snare, then incorporating the synths, then the pads etc for instance. Is this wrong? :s

    Again, I understand there is no unique formula, but I'm sure everyone has his workflow and way of doing things. Just curious what are your workflows, so I can maybe get inspired by that?

    Thanks a lot!
  10. DJK

    DJK Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2017
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    felixstowe england
    good track but the volume is poor, need more
  11. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    i would say "dreamy techno" is a fitting description

    was interesting to listen to, i hear talent, good work!

    the hats sound a bit sharp, some eq cuts in various elements,
    some control in the sub area, a bit of glueing, + proper volume = Mastering

    dunno at which point you are or what you want but as a producer your work is done (if you want)

    best way is to empower the Mastering engineer by giving the individual tracks to him.
    he has to know this genre well, + all that fancy analog gear to do this how it needs to be done.

    they will bring this to diamond level and tell you what you need to look out for,
    next time you only need to send the master channel :winker:

    or you just put izotope Ozone on the Masterbus, find a decent preset and spam it to labels :wink:

    thanks for sharing, curious to hear more from you :dj:
  12. lost_soul

    lost_soul Member

    Oct 6, 2017
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    Nicee great to hear this feedback! I will shorten the track a bit and send it to a mastering engineer then, and learn from it as suggested. Do you have any suggestions btw? Someone who knows this genre and who can communicate regarding things to improve? I'd like to actually understand what's going on behind the scenes, not just receive a clean file back. Not too expensive would be great :)

    Thanks a lot
  13. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    Robert Babicz, this is your man
    go big or go home, hehe :hillbilly:

    just click on the twitter icon, you can find the mastering address there

    he will serve you, but he knows what his magic is worth :winker:
    but still reasonable, i think it starts at 70

    just send him a mail and explain your situation, he even does full mix downs (but then prices explode :wink:)
    he helps with production/explain where the problems are.

    a single stereo master + feedback from him should be in range

    theres also a masterclass available from him
  14. lost_soul

    lost_soul Member

    Oct 6, 2017
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    Awesome ! I love his music and productions, very original. I will email him and see what I can afford. Thanks for the tip ;) I have another track I'm finishing up, would you suggest waiting to finish both and potentially making an EP out of them before blasting to labels? Don't want to spoil my first contact with labels...
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