Best Free Software for Making Music

Discussion in 'Software' started by Oysters, Nov 4, 2014.

  1. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    a3Panner – Third order Ambisonics encoder/panner plugin

    1. [​IMG]
    2. [​IMG]
    3. [​IMG]

    An Ambisonics mono/stereo encoder that outputs YouTube compatible AmbiX (SN3D/ACN) format Ambisonics.

    Download the demo version to test it with your system.

    a1Panner 0.00€ (excl. VAT for EU customers)
    a3Panner 75.00€ 37.50€ (excl. VAT for EU customers)
    a7Panner 125.00€ 62.50€ (excl. VAT for EU customers)

    The aXPanner is an Ambisonic encoder that gives you control of the azimuth and elevation of the sound source, as well as the width between the stereo input channels. The choice of two interfaces (equirectangular and top-down) lets you easily place your sound in space to create your immersive audio world. It is available in three variations: first-order, third-order and seventh-order.

    Input: Mono or stereo audio.
    Output: AmbiX (SN3D/ACN) format Ambisonics

    Plugin Formats:

    • AAX* (up to third-order only in Pro Tools | Ultimate) – Windows 64 bit, MacOS Universal Binary
    • VST – Windows 64 bit, Windows 32 bit, MacOS Universal Binary
    • AudioUnit – MacOS Universal Binary
    Note that Ambisonics requires a decoder to be listened to correctly, such as the aXMonitor. You will not have correct results if you listen directly to the output of this plugin.

    Seventh order Ambisonics requires a massive 64 channels for each track! Not all DAWs can handle this so please download the demo version to test if your DAW and workflow is compatible with this product – you might only need the first-order or third-order version!

    *Currently in public beta release.
  2. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    S_TOOLS-STx - Intelligent Sound Processing
    Page 1 of 5
    S_TOOLS-STx is an acoustic speech and signal processing application for Windows.The software is actively being developed at the Acoustics Research Institute in Vienna, and is used in a variety of acoustic fields around the world. For non-commercial, scientific and educational purposes, we offer S_TOOLS-STx free for download.

    Signal Processing
    S_TOOLS-STx incorporates a sophisticated sound analysis and signal processing package:

    • frequency analysis based on Fast Fourier Transformations (FFT)
    • spectrum estimation methods, e.g. autoregressive (AR), Pseudo-Wigner distribution
    • fundamental frequency and formant frequency extraction, e.g. cepstrum, linear predictive coding (LPC)
    • digital filtering
    STx Script Programmer's Handbook. S_TOOLS-STx comes with a large number of example script programs.

    Interface Protocols

    S_TOOLS-STx supports the following protocols from within the scripting language:

    • DDE
    • DCOM
    • TCP/IP (TCP/UDP)
    An S_TOOLS-STx/DDE/DCOM demo application is currently available for Microsoft Excel and the statistics software package "R".


    • creates, imports and exports MS Windows WAVE files.
    • runs on Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 and under Wine.
    • stores its metadata in XML files.
    S_TOOLS-STx metadata format (segment addresses, attributes and parameters) is compatible with archiving systems and requirements, since it is stored in an additional file alongside the original wave file.These files can easily be imported into an archiving database system.

    S_TOOLS-STx provides tools for digitization of sound, single or multi (up to 128) channel signal recorder, 16/24 bit, sampling frequencies depending on audio hardware; analogue to digital transfer.


    Page 2 of 5
    STx-Recorder | Real Time Frequency Analyser | Sound file Management | Sound file Segmentation | Visualization | Frequency Analysis | Spectrograms | Quasi-continuous Wavelet-Transform | Wavelet-Phase-Diagram | Spectral Smoothing | Extraction of Formant Frequency Candidates (Speech) | Fundamental Frequency Analysis (Speech) | De-noising, Signal Enhancement | Auditory Perception Modeling | Simultaneous Masking | Order Analysis | S_TOOLS-STx Sequencer

    The STx Recorder
    The STx Recorder is supplied with a peak programme meter. Digital recordings allow no overload at all. For that reason it is extremely important to adjust the signal input level to -12 dB in average, providing enough headroom for signal peaks.


    Real Time Frequency Analyser (2-channel)

    Sound file management
    Sound file management, storage, archiving and migration of large sound files including metadata; DataSet management (xml-based)


    Sound file segmentation and annotations (xml-based)

    Visualization, labeling and annotation of sound data in the time domain, narrow segmentation (phonetic transcription, Unicode)

    Frequency analysis (FFT, DFT,Wavelet, Filter Banks)

    Spectrograms (FFT, Wavelet, Cepstrum, Linear Prediction Coding Formant Extraction)
    Visualization, labeling and annotation of time-varying signals by means of spectrograms (in the frequency domain)


    Quasi-continuous Wavelet-Transform
    and other time-frequency representations (Pseudo-Wigner-distribution).


    Comparison of partial# 8 of 4 different music strings.


    Spectral Smoothing
    1. Cepstrum Analysis: free selection of order (liftering)
    2. Linear Prediction Coding (LPC) Analysis: free selection of model order

    Extraction of formant frequency candidates (in speech)

    Fundamental Frequency Analysis (of speech signals)

    De-noising, signal enhancement
    spectral subtraction and frame averaging


    Auditory perception modelling - (Computational Hearing)
    Comparison of auditory model with LPC-model (for speech)


    Simultaneous Masking - Over-Masking: spectral relevance

    Order Analysis:
    To identify gear orders in a multiple motor component environment a specific method for the generation of order spectrograms has been implemented. The method applies smoothing on the rpm-signal and uses re-sampling as well as the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) in combination with the anti aliasing filter to create order analysis spectrograms at reasonable computational cost.


    S_TOOLS-STx Sequencer:

    Page 3 of 5
    S_TOOLS-STx - Intelligent Sound Processing - Download
    At the moment, using STx is free for non-commercial, scientific, and student use.
    To apply for a full license, please contact the ARI office.

    Do not install the rtanalyser and the freeware version in the same directory: the configuration files are incompatible.

    Page 4 of 5
    If you use S_TOOLS-STx in your scientific work, please cite one of the following publications, if appropriate:

    • Balazs, P., Noll, A., Deutsch, W., Laback, B. (2000): Concept of the integrated signal analysis software system STx, in: Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaf 2000, ÖPG 2000. , CD-ROM. (proceedings)
    • Balazs, P. (2003): Masking Filter, Phase Vocoder and STx - an introduction, in: SAMPTA03-Sampling Theory and Applications 2003 (extended abstracts)
    • Kasess, C., Noll, A., Majdak, P., Waubke, H. (2013): Effect of train type on annoyance and acoustic features of the rolling noise, in: Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 134 (2), 1071-1081.
    • Moosmüller, S., Brandstätter, J. (2014): Phonotactic information in the temporal organization of Standard Austrian German and the Viennese dialect, in: Language Sciences 46, 84-95. (article)
    This will help in securing the continued development of the software.

    Page 5 of 5
    The S_TOOLS-STx documentation for the current version is here
  3. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    vIKO and Documentation


    The (virtual IKOsahedral loudspeaker array) vIKO

    Markus Zaunschirm ([email protected]) Nov. 29th 2016. Introduction

    The interactive virtualization of the IKO for different playback/recording positions at various venues is intended to be used on a laptop equipped with a spatial audio workstation (e.g. Reaper with ambix plugin suite) and headphones.The vIKO employs multiple input multiple output (MIMO) convolutions comprising measured room impulse responses (RIRs), impulse responses(IRs) controlling the IKO and the higher-order microphone array (eigenmike EM32), and individual head-related IRs (HRIRs) used for dynamic binaural Ambisonic rendering. Please find more information as well as a perceptual evaluation of the vIKO here [1].

    In-depth information on the IKO and the PEEK project Orchestrating Space by Icosahedral Loudspeaker (OSIL) can be found on the project homepage [2].

    What is in the box

    • presets for mxfc_convolver - multichannel audio plug-in suite (folder: mcfx_vIKO)

    • presets for the ambiX - ambisonic plug-in suite (folder: ambix_BinauralDec)

    • default Reaper projects as starting point for compositions involving the IKO (in folder: vIKO_default)
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2018
  4. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    ambiX v0.2.7 – Ambisonic plug-in suite


    I am happy to finally release my cross-platform Ambisonic processors useable as VST/LV2 plug-ins or standalone application under Windows, Mac OSX and Linux. They can be used in flexible hosts like Reaper, Ardour, MaxMSP, Bidule or as standalone applications with Jack.

    The plug-ins can be used to produce 3D Ambisonic content or do post production on recordings. (eg. Soundfield or Eigenmike® microphone recordings)
    The Ambisonic order is variable and can be choosen at compile time. A practical limitation for Reaper is 7th order due to the 64 channel limit. The processors use the ambiX convention (full 3D, ACN channel ordering, SN3D normalization)


    A short video clip showing the plug-ins in action:

    You may want to use these plug-ins in combination with the mcfx multichannel effect plug-in suite:

    Source code repository:


    Windows 32bit VST:
    1st order: ambix_v0.2.8_win32_o1.exe
    3rd order: ambix_v0.2.8_win32_o3.exe
    5th order: ambix_v0.2.8_win32_o5.exe
    7th order: ambix_v0.2.8_win32_o7.exe


    Windows 64bit VST:

    1st order: ambix_v0.2.8_win64_o1.exe
    3rd order: ambix_v0.2.8_win64_o3.exe
    5th order: ambix_v0.2.8_win64_o5.exe
    7th order: ambix_v0.2.8_win64_o7.exe

    Mac OS X (>= 10.7) VST Universal Binaries:
    1st order:
    3rd order:
    5th order:
    7th order:

    [​IMG]You will also need the binaural decoder presets if you want to listen with headphones:
    (download includes decoder matrices + binaural loudspeaker impulse responses)

    Install the decoder presets to:
    Windows 7/8: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\ambix\binaural_presets\
    MacOS: ~/Library/ambix/binaural_presets/
    Linux: ~/ambix/binaural_presets/

    Currently there is no preset generator included, you have to generate your decoding matrix with other tools. For example with the Ambisonic Decoder Toolbox by Aaron Heller using Matlab/Octave: [Source repo] [LAC Article].

    Read this article from the AES Design competition for some informations regarding the plug-ins!

    A slightly outdated paper about the plug-ins can be found here:

    Ambisonic transformations are described here ICSA2014_KronlachnerZotter_AmbisonicTransformations.pdf

    This software was developed during the work on my master thesis at the Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustic Graz. [ IEM ]

    ambiX Ambisonic plug-in suite
  5. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    mcfx v0.5.5 – multichannel audio plug-in suite


    mcfx is a suite of multichannel VST plug-ins for MacOS, Windows and Linux
    (mcfx_convolver, mcfx_delay, mcfx_filter, mcfx_gain_delay, mcfx_meter)

    these plug-ins are very handy if you want to process multiple channels in one go for example
    * multiple loudspeaker setups, Ambisonics (see ambiX)
    * Microphone array post productions (eg. Eigenmike®)

    currently high channel counts per track are only possible with the DAWs Reaper (Win, OSX) and Ardour (Linux, OSX)

    – channel count is configurable with compile time flag
    – cross plattform VST for MacOSX, Windows and Linux
    – uses the JUCE framework (
    – ready to use binaries for MacOSX (≥ 10.7, 32/64 bit) and Windows (32/64 bit)


    Source code:

    VST Binaries: (2, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 36, 50, 64 channel version)

    Win32: mcfx_v0.5.5_win32.exe
    Win64: mcfx_v0.5.5_win64.exe

    Additionally you can download some example first order B-format reverb presets for mcfx_convolver:
    Here is a help file explaining the .conf files.
    Note that you have to use ambix_converter after the convolver and choose the preset .amb -> ambix in case you want to use those impulse responses in combination with ambix_decoder or ambix_binaural.
  6. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Reaper libsndfile wrapper – allows to READ and WRITE more audio formats (eg. .paf, .mat, …)


    adds import and export capabilites (reading/writing soundfiles) to the Digital Audio Workstation Reaper ( such as RF64 (eg. used by RME Digicheck, mh acoustics Eigenstudio®), .paf, .sf, .raw, …

    Complete list of additionally supported file extensions: .au, .avr, .caf, .htk, .iff, .mat, .mpc, .oga, .paf, .pvf, .raw, .rf64, .sd2, .sds, .sf, .voc, .w64, .wve, .xi


    Binaries download (easy to use installers)

    [​IMG]Windows 32 bit: reaper_libsndfilewrapper_win32
    Windows 64 bit: reaper_libsndfilewrapper_win64
    MacOSX (32/64 bit): reaper_libsndfilewrapper_osx

    Install the plugin and drag/drop former not-recognized audio files into the Reaper session.
    In the Render dialog choose Output format: libsndfileand the wanted format. Be aware that not all formats support arbitrary channel counts!

    Source code:

    This software is licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (LGPL) license.
    It uses libsndfile by Erik de Castro Lopo which is licensed under LGPL
  7. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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  8. webhead

    webhead Audiosexual

    Oct 5, 2014
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  9. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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    ADSR Sample Manager (FREE; requires website email sign-up only)


    The optimal starting point for every production session, ADSR Sample Manager makes organizing, finding and auditioning samples refreshingly simple.

    The most effective way to access all your samples at once, ADSR Sample Manager keeps your project in the flow while keeping all the action right in your DAW where it should be:

    • All your samples searchable in an instant, directly in your DAW
    • Hear samples in the context of your music with MIDI input
    • Drag samples directly into your project
    • Use multiple instances directly in your project
    • Loops sync to your project tempo
    • Automatically tags all your samples in a flash
    • Add your own custom tags
    • Use with services like Splice, Noiiz and Loopcloud
    • VST & AU available
    • Save time and money on finding the perfect sound so you can spend both on making better music.
    Ever gotten half way through a track and wished you’d tried a different sound? Do you feel like half your production time is lost to sorting through sample folders and files? Do you even really know what sounds you actually have in your current sample library?

    Forget empty promises made at midnight that one day you’re going to clean up your hard drive. Download ADSR Sample Manager – it’s free and it works.


    Sys Req's :

    Minimum Specification Windows 7 4GB RAM Mac OS 10.9.x 4GB RAM

    Download Here :
  10. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    "The free guitar amp simulation plug-in"

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Blue Cat's Free Amp is a free guitar amp simulation plug-in offering three amp models created with the acclaimed Blue Cat's Destructor amp simulation modeler.

    Inspired by legendary guitar amplifiers from the real world, the included "classic clean", "classic drive" and "modern drive" amp models cover a wide range of guitar amp tones, from clean vintage sounds from the early days of electric guitar to modern high gain metal tones.

    Operating the plug-in is extremely simple: load it in your favorite host application, choose a preset or an amp model, and play! Like with a real guitar amp, you can tweak the frequency response with the included EQ and adjust the amount of drive - but watch out, it goes to 11!

    Last but not least, this plug-in is entirely free: no registration required, no dongle, no newsletter... It's just 100% free!

    If you are looking for a more powerful guitar and bass amp simulation modeler, check out Blue Cat's Destructor. For a complete amp simulation solution with built-in effects, check out Blue Cat's Axiom.

    Price: Freeware
    Typical applications: Guitar amp modeling for clean, crunch or heavy distortion tones.

    Destructor dynamic distortion and amp modeling engine.
    • No latency.
    [paste:font size="4"]Blue Cat Audio Standards:
    • Available as: Mac-AAX, Mac-AU, Mac-VST, Mac-VST3, Win-AAX, Win-VST, Win-VST3, Win x64-AAX, Win x64-VST, Win x64-VST3.
    • Native DSP code for optimal performance.
    • Full MIDI control and automation support with silent, zipper-free parameters update, advanced response control and MIDI Learn.
    • No CPU load on idle: when the plug-in is fed with silence, the processing smoothly shuts down, to optimize the CPU usage of your Digital Audio Workstation.
    • Customizable user interface with transparency management and zoom.
    • Smooth Bypass: activate/deactivate the plug-in with absolutely no noise.
    • Undo/Redo.
    • Full featured integrated presets manager.
    • Copy/paste the state of the plug-in between instances using the system clipboard.
    • Any sample rate supported.

    Blue Cat's Free Amp Presets

    You will find here some custom presets to use with the Blue Cat's Free Amp product.

    To use a preset bank, download the file, unzip it and then select the unzipped preset in your plug-in user interface (check this tutorial or your user manual for more information).

    [​IMG] Product: Free Amp
    Description: A collection of 20 free presets for the free amp plug-in.
    Author: Hans Van Even

    contact us: export your presets using the plugin export function, and send them to us together with a description, a title and your name. Once validated, the presets will be published on this website. For more information about how to export the presets in the appropriate format, please check this Presets Export tutorial.

  11. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Studio One 4 Prime
    Product Detail

    Price & Purchase

    • Many of the same powerful features from Studio One Artist and Professional
    • Intuitive single-window work environment with quick and easy drag-and-drop functionality and unlimited tracks
    • Nine robust Native Effects plug-ins
    • Nearly 1GB of loop and sample content to get your creativity rolling
    • Studio One 4 operates on 64-bit operating systems only.

    Product Details & Resources
    Studio One Prime is the free version of our flagship DAW, Studio One.
    Enjoy many of the same powerful features from Artist and Professional editions, including intuitive drag-and-drop functionality, unlimited tracks, Presence XT, and nine robust Native Effects plug-ins. You'll also get nearly a gig of loop and sample content to get your creativity rolling.

    Click here for the comparison chart to see the complete feature list
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  12. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    PreSonus Bundle - Fat Channel Plug-in Bundles

    Product Detail

    Price & Purchase

    • A FREE collection of 2 EQs and 2 Compressors
      • VT1 EQ
      • VT1 Compressor
      • RC-500 EQ
      • RC-500 Compressor
    • Compatible with Studio One Artist and Professional (Versions 3.5.6 and higher)
    • Functions as additional Comp/EQ models in the Fat Channel XT Plugin in Studio One
    • Also Compatible with StudioLive Series III Console and Rack Mixers
    • Functions as additional Comp/EQ models in the Fat Channel processing section of StudioLive Series III Mixers
    • Compatible Mixer Models:
      • StudioLive 16 Series III
      • StudioLive 24 Series III
      • StudioLive 32 Series III
      • StudioLive 16R
      • StudioLive 24R
      • StudioLive 32R
    • File Size - ≈ 47MB

    Product Details & Resources
    4 Fat Channel Plug-Ins. Our FREE gift to you.

    Contains the following:

    • VT1 EQ
    • VT1 Compressor
    • RC-500 EQ
    • RC-500 Compressor
  13. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Exclusive Offer - Get VG SPARKLE for FREE!
    Offer ends August 10th


    Check out this exclusive offer from UJAM! They're giving away Virtual Guitarist Sparkle absolutely FREE to Studio One owners. You can also take 50% off other products including Iron, Amber and Silk!

    Click over to their site and use the following voucher codes:
    Virtual Guitarist Sparkle (100% voucher): 2tj2-wlav

    Please enter your Presonus Audio promo code to get your plugin license.

    1. Paste your AllVG code from one of our valued partners
    in the field above and click “GET LICENSE”

    2. The Checkout page will open after
    clicking “GET LICENSE”

    3. Enter your e-mail address for Authorisation
    and Select a Password

    4. Agree with the Terms and Conditions


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  14. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    HoRNet Angle

    Control the frequency balance of your mix

    Smooth tonal shaping

    HoRNet Angle is a little handy tone shaper tool. It’s based on the concept of the “tilt eq” a special kind of equaliser designed to change the tonal balance of the track to which is applied.

    A “tilt eq” does not provide frequency or Q control, it simply increases or decreases high and low frequencies around a fixed point, and in the case of HoRNet Angle is 650Hz, turning the “Angle” knob on the GUI towards right increases the right part of the spectrum (the high frequencies) while lowering the left part (low frequencies) of the same amount. This simple action allow to perform very gentle tonal shaping that can help you get the correct frequency balance of your mix with very little effort.

    HoRNet Angle also adds the standard HoRNet goodies, we have added input and output auto gain based around the 0VU level, leaving them engaged may help you keep the level constant while you tweak the EQ. HoRNet Angle also has the “OpAmp” analog emulation derived directly from our AnalogStage plugin that adds harmonics and make the sound “thicker” when enabled.

    The best possible sound quality is always guaranteed by the auto-oversample feature that internally adjusts the oversampling amount to give the plugin enough bandwidth to keep the aliasing at minimum with every sampling frequency.

    This plugin is free, you can download simply adding it to the cart!

    Free – Add to Cart
    Share this page to download the plugin
    To download HoRNet Angle please share this page using one of the buttons. After you have shared this page you will be able to add the plugin to your cart for free!

    Video overview

    • Tilt EQ adjustable from -18dB to +18dB.
    • Input and output gain controls with auto-gain.
    • Input and output peak meters.
    • Analog emulation based on AnalogStage’s OpAmp model.
    • Bypass button to exclude the plugin processing.
    • Mac OS X (>=10.7) and Windows support.
    • 32 and 64-bit compatibility both on Mac and Windows.
    • Audio Units VST2.4, VST3 and AAX format.
  15. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    HoRNet CompExp

    Compression and expansion based on a classic telecom chip

    Nice compression and expansion

    HoRNet CompExp is a compressor expander based on the design of a compander chip designed for telephone lines and used in many electronic devices to reduce the noise.

    The chip works with a fixed threshold (in our case is internally set to -18dBFS) when the “amount” knob is at a value greater than 1 the gain is increased by the specified factor if the signal is below the threshold, and decreased if above. If the chip is set to work as an expander, the contrary happens, the gain is increased if above the threshold and decreased if below.

    The system is designed this way to permit dynamic compression on telephone lines and compressor and expander are used together in this configuration, but we found that these models sounds interesting by themselves.

    The model of this chip is implemented in the HoRNet HDD1 where is used to keep the noise down in the delay feedback loop.

    Internally the gain is compensated so that the output is always kept to around -18dB RMS


    This plugin is free, you can download simply adding it to the cart!

    Free – Add to Cart

    Share this page to download the plugin
    To download HoRNet CompExp please share this page using one of the buttons. After you have shared this page you will be able to add the plugin to your cart for free!

    Video overview

    • Compression and expansion
    • Fixed ratio and gain compensation
    • Attack and release times
    • Mac OS X (>=10.7) and Windows support.
    • 64-bit compatibility both on Mac and Windows.
    • Audio Units VST2.4, VST3 and AAX format.
  16. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Typewriter is a Kontakt sample instrument featuring a Royal vintage typewriter.
    Meticulously sampled at Calmaestudis recording studios using 4 mic positions: close stereo, stereo ribbon, mono and stereo room.

    All microphones are controllable from the Mixer page with pan, width, volume, load/purge and separate outputs for each channel.

    In the Effects section you can apply up to 8 different DSP effects including chorus, saturation, high quality EQ and convolution reverb with more than 40 custom impulses.

    From the Settings page you can set the number of round robin repetitions, tweak the release volume, velocity curve and pre-shift or pre-roll of each sample individually.

    Recorded with 3 velocity layers and 10 round robin, not only the keys but also paper noises and typewriter hits, rolls and much more. Separate note on and note off samples and one shots as well. Download now for free!


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  17. @No Avenger .. Laugh, laugh, laugh my friend, but next time you have to write the theme music for a new an updated version of Murder She Wrote, you'll be damn glad you have this freebie hiding someplace on a hard drive to give the intro of the show a true sense of realism, like Jessica Fletcher is right there in front of you writing her next true crime story. :winker::mates:
  18. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    I'm afraid I would be overchallenged by this. [​IMG]
  19. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Get Free Sound Effects:

    Get the sounds of a Goshawk chicks at their nest, from Mindful Audio, here

    Bonus: More Free SFX:
    • Download Soundly and get more than 300 free sound effects right here
    • Get Thomas Rex Beverly's 'Free Sound Collections 1 & 2' here
    • Get 30 high-quality jet fly-by sound effects from Airborne Sound here
    • Get over 1GB of free SFX from a variety of SoundBits libraries here
    • From old motorcycles to Asian percussion - Detunized has free sounds here
    • Get souvenirs from the Galapagos Islands from Dynamic Interference here
    • Get the 4th pack of freebies from Red Libraries right here
    • Get tons of "free for personal use" from The Recordist's extensive library here
    • Get free robotic voices, whooshes, kicks, and more from Antisample here
    • Get EbV3rd - Lite (Rooms and IRS up to 5.0 Surround) from Tovusound here
    • Get free the lite versions of Audiomodern's instruments here
    • Get a free sample pack of 40 hi-tech sci-fi DPS sounds from The Coil here
    • Get free sound effect Kontakt libraries from echo | collective here
    • Get a free SFX pack from Bonson when you sign up for their mailing list here
    • Sign up for the Hzandbits newsletter and get free access to The Vault here
    • Sign up for The Sound Keeper newsletter and get free island sounds here
    • Sign up for The Sound Catcher newsletter & get a variety of SFX here
  20. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Version: Kontakt 5.5.2 / WAV / 0 GB / V1

    FREE Granular Engine


    Download Method: KONTAKT HUB



    This library is the main core of an upcoming huge FREEBIE for Kontakt 5.

    Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter at to receive news about the full library!

    It contains only the main engine, but the final library will include a lot of factory sounds for you to start with. Anyways...You can already use this to mangle your own samples. Simply load them via the mapping editor inside kontakt (we'll post a video containing the basic setup asap) and start your own sounddesign :)

    the idea behind this was to create pads, atmospheres and ambiences even from percussive instruments like a glockenspiel, chimes, marimba etc. without having to timestretch the sounds. it is furthermore recommended to bounce what you create with Granularis, because depending on grain size and amount CPU load can increase rapidly.

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