Bitwig Studio 2.4

Discussion in 'Software News' started by freefeet12, Jul 12, 2018.

  1. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Announcing Bitwig Studio 2.4

    Let's go sampling!

    Bitwig Studio 2.4 features our Sampler reborn. Now equipped with granular and wavetable techniques, new sounds are at your fingertips and performance-ready.

    Throw in visual crossfading and a revamped multisample editor, and Sampler has gone from trusted sideman to solo act.

    But Bitwig Studio 2.4 has a lot else going on. Below is an overview of what's new, followed by some deeper explanations…

    Feature Overview
    In a nutshell, here's what's new.
    • Sampler overhaul
    • Extended MIDI channel support
    • New modulators: ParSeq-8, Note Counter
    • New devices: Note FX Layer, Channel Filter, Channel Map
    • Resizable tracks in Mix view
    • Resizable scenes in Arrange view
    • Colorable scenes
    • Controller take-over modes
    • On-screen controller visualization
    • Interaction-based hints
    • New quick start templates
    • Modulation workflow enhancements
    • And more...

    Beta Coming Soon

    Bitwig Studio 2.4 will be released this summer, and it is a free upgrade to everyone with an active Upgrade Plan. Beta testing of this brand new version is about to start. If you have an active Upgrade Plan, we'll let you know when we're ready. Make sure you're subscribed to our newsletter.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2018
  3. wuzzle

    wuzzle Rock Star

    Nov 28, 2014
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    Lesser Galactic Co-ordinates: Earth (0.0.0)
    'Bitwig Studio 2.4 will be released this summer, and it is a free upgrade to everyone with an active Upgrade Plan. Beta testing of this brand new version is about to start. If you have an active Upgrade Plan, we'll let you know when we're ready.' Just to quell the 'where is it?!'
  4. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Thanks, I was a bit excited. Updated the OP.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2018
  5. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Beta Testing of Bitwig Studio 2.4

    Bitwig Studio 2.4 is now in beta for all users with an active license.

    New features
    • Sampler overhaul (see section below)
    • Program-wide channel support (see section below)
    • Tracks can be horizontally resized in the Mix View
    • Scenes can be horizontally resized in the Arrange View
    • Scenes can be colored
    • Global controller takeover modes, to set how hardware controllers and software parameters interact
    • On-screen controller visualizations, showing the current bank of controls with their parameter values and takeover status
    • Interaction-based hints, displaying all currently available actions in the window footer
    • New Quick Start templates in the Dashboard
    • Modulation mappings can now be copied/pasted by various methods
    • Various East Asian languages are now displayed properly
    • New device: Note FX Layer, for stacking note effects as parallel layers
    • New device: Channel Filter, for suppressing select channels
    • New device: Channel Map, for remapping select channels
    • New modulator: ParSeq-8, a unique parameter step sequencer
    • New modulator: Note Counter, an incrementer for creating swirling modulation patterns
    • Updated device: Bit-8 now has new quantization modes and other parameters
    • Updated modulator: Steps now has ping-pong looping and pattern generation/processing functions (available via right-click)
    • Controller Scripting API now supports USB device detection and communication
    • Controller Scripting API now offers graphics API (for passing bitmap data to controllers)
    Sampler overhaul
    • Repitch playback mode, for traditional sampling
    • Cycles playback mode, using wavetable techniques
    • Textures playback mode, using granular techniques
    • Freeze option (❄︎) for manually controlling the playhead in any playback mode
    • Visual crossfade looping
    • Ping-pong looping mode
    • One-shot envelope mode now has fade-in and -out controls
    • Keyboard tracking can be turned on or off, or set as a percentage
    • Detect root key function (from right-click menu) detects sample pitch from the start of the loop region
    • Editing playback and loop points snaps to zero crossings by default
    • Each Sampler device can load its audio in RAM or play it back from disk
    • Updated multisample interface now with a detail view, showing note ranges along with velocity/select ranges for each zone
    • Select parameter (*) controls what zones are played at note on
    • Zones can crossfade with other zones based on key, velocity, and/or the Select parameter
    • Three per-zone modulation sources are available, with modulation amounts set in each zone
    • Groups can be created for managing zones
    • Round-robin option per zone, to only trigger one matching zone at a time
    Program-wide channel support
    • Each track has settings for the incoming MIDI channel(s) it responds to and which channel(s) it writes to
    • Layers (such as in the Instrument Layer device) have channel options as well, supporting multitimbral tracks
    • Each note stores which channel it plays back on
    • MIDI automation lanes are defined by channel
    • Layered editing mode can work by channel, with various view/edit options
    • The tool menu in the Detail Editor Panel contains an Insert Channel setting as the destination for new notes
    • Better anti-click fading for audio Launcher clips
    • Polysynth device’s glide is consistent across different audio interface settings
    • EQ band-type can now be changed in the GUI by right-clicking
    • Right-clicking a modulation source allows you to change its modulation amount(s) from the context menu
    • Nested device chain channels have a smaller width in the Mixer Panel
    • Modulation sources are now sorted in the Inspector Panel
    • Enhanced device logic for note channels information (Note Echo and Note Latch)
    • Expressions modulator now has a smoothing option (was always on before)
    • The Button and Buttons modulators now show their modulation routing button in the Remote Controls pane
    • Steps modulator can copy/paste patterns from/to other instances of Steps
    • Steps modulator has better visuals when minimized
    • Voice settings have moved to device inspector for several instruments (FM-4, Organ, Phase-4, Polysynth, Sampler)
    • Text editing of parameters is now more robust (only selecting editable values)
    • Open file starts from the current project directory, or from the standard project directory if the dashboard is shown
    • Demos and templates are now under Quick Start in the Dashboard
    • Demos and templates can now install required packs automatically
    • Improved tooltip display logic
    • Polynom modulator source is properly labeled
    • Glide in monophonic legato mode could jump the pitch in certain circumstances
    • Hold pedal automation was sent with the transport stopped when setting the transport position
    • Modulation mapping mode now exits if a modulation source gets disabled
    • Remote controls should show parameter values as provided by the plug-in
    • Audio interfaces changes were sometimes not applied
    • Crash when dropping clips on note editor piano keyboard
    • Crash when dropping sample on empty device list area of a track in mix view
    • APC40 MKII: the knob’s ring might not be properly initialized
    • Maschine JAM version 0.6 was sometimes crashing
    • Channel options should not be visible in layered note editor when editing audio
    • Two-finger zoom would not initiate for a view which was fully zoomed out
    • Ctrl-/Cmd-clicking piano roll keys in the Detail Editor Panel should add notes to the selection
    • Ctrl-/Cmd-double clicking a channel in the Detail Editor Panel should add to selection
    • Double-clicking on a channel in layered editing mode should put focus on the timeline area afterwards
    • On certain Linux system, Bitwig Studio did not start because of missing
    • Like Like x 2
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    • List
  6. fuziohm

    fuziohm Ultrasonic

    Apr 18, 2015
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    Bitwig is so obsessed in copy ableton, they will never get their place in market this way. They should invest in areas that ableton don't, like make a better arrengment window, like a ableton good for mixing too, music isn't maded with just sound design, not even dubstep.
  7. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    BWS is better suited than Live for what I want to do (not dance music, but it's perfect that too), that's why I switched to BWS from Live. Sound design is easily 80% of what I need to do and a sampler is easily 50% of that at the very least. The other 20% is vocals, lyric writing, and arrangement/instrumentation.

    No offense, but it sounds like you don't know what you're talking about. Here are few areas Live hasn't or won't touch for whatever reason despite being around forever now, for your consideration:

    Full MPE support
    Touch Screen Support
    Linux Support
    Open Controller API
    Clip sequencer and Arranger side by side horizontally, drag and drop between the two, scenes or clips. (configurable, improvement from Live imo. I so wanted this in L10)
    Multiclip MIDI and or Aidio editing without the limits Live has (BWS did it first too and better, also wanted with L10)
    Audio/MIDI/Hybrid Tracks
    Integrated native poly/per voice/stack semi-modular system that's smooth as butter conveniently available in a click for every native device and 3rd party plugin. Not that clunky M4L system with those user made devices that are oftentimes buggy, CPU sucking, and or slow (in my experience) with no official support.
    and more. . .

    Also, the price:
    Ableton Live Suite (for the good stuff) $749
    Bitwig Studio 399 (currently 299)

    BWS is only on 2.4 and it's replaced Live for me, and then some. In the last 6 months they've put out two major updates plus several bug fix releases and that's just with 4 guys coding. In 3-4 months they'll likely have another, assuming they keep at this pace and the model keeps working for them.

    This new sampler is awesome BTW, I've only had a couple hours with it and it's my new favorite Sampler. It's so easy to get great results in little time. The new Sampler plus that integrated mod system, phew, amazing. (looking forward to that round-robin too) It's like mods on top of mods, controlling mods, on top of stacks of mods controlling more mods and the CPU is like: Please, is that all you got? Throw some more mods at me! I could never go back to Live's Simpler/Sampler (which I missed dearly to be honest) combo again. In fact, I've gone ahead and uninstalled several plugins (Giest 2,Granite,Nuance,Battery,TAL,Redux, some others) because this one native sampler is all I need now. The new mods, while I"m talking about mods (love that word :winker:) are awesome too. I really like that per step modulation in the new ParSeq-8. They also added it to the steps mod, double bonus. Yet to get to the others.

    But hey, to each their own. There's plenty of DAW's to choose from.

    What's wrong with the arrangement window anyways?

    All of this stuff is so subjective.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2018
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  8. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    This is kinda cool. If you're into that.

  9. Blazin

    Blazin Producer

    Jun 25, 2017
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    In my own world...
    yes i want so bad to check out the new sampler. i hope someone updates the 2.2 version on sister site to newest soon!
  10. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    That version on the sister site was not so great. It was buggy and some things just didn't work. It's as if the crack didn't fully take, IDK how that works. At worst you can try it when 2.4 officially goes live. I'm assuming the demo will be available to try.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2018
  11. xbitz

    xbitz Audiosexual

    Apr 18, 2013
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    just begin to play with it but the multiple MIDI channel driven Drum Machine is quite interesting

    Attached Files:

  12. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Whoa, I haven't seen that yet. I didn't have any time to dig in today. I'm curious as to what that can be used for in Drum Machine.

    Also, I think the Sampler could use some fade handles (or similar function) that work across the different modes. I don't see fades in cycle, for example, and something is not right in repitch mode as well. I'm also confused about zones, grouping, ect. Round-robin I got to work but imo it should be more random, unless there's already a way to do that. A user guide would help. I'm going into this blind. How am I supposed to know if everything is working if I don't know how to work everything?

    Anyways, still awesome in beta-1
  13. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Changes in Bitwig Studio 2.4, Beta 2

    New features
    • Added controller support for Novation Launchkey Mini
    • The contents of a multisample zone can be replaced by using drag-and-drop onto the zone waveform editor
    • Pitch bend range used in MPE for plug-ins can now be set in the device inspector
    • Excessive CPU load for note-inputs of controllers
    • Sustain pedal CC64 does not return to 0 when stopping transport
    • Steep automation curves are not being read under certain conditions
    • Jump to play position in clip has offset if clip start is not at 1.1.1
    • Dropping samples on the zone list header now maps the whole key-range
    • Don't use AltGr modifier during drag and drop on Mac as this key is not present
    • Clip color indicator for group scenes does not redraw when changing clip colors
    • Multisample zones in 2D-editor are not repainted when switching between velocity and select view
    • Crash when entering layered audio editing mode without any layer selected and then clicking the tool chooser
    • Drag-and-drop on windows didn't work for some sources
    • Crash when deleting group track in some cases
    • Takeover modes sometimes not working correctly
    • Possible to lock the application up in dual display profile by editing shortcuts and not providing a valid name for the shortcuts
    • When undocking a multisample editor into its own window add an inspector inside the undocked window
    • Regression: two-finger-scroll and zoom commands not working in Sampler waveform view
    • When browsing for devices and presets for the first device with a mix parameter in an effect track using the popup browser make sure to set the mix parameter to full wet
    Regression Fixes
    • Copy devices modifier was not shown when dragging clips to new tracks
    • Copy modifier was not shown when dragging remote control pages
    • Setting crossFadeMode of a track via API does not work
    • Recording of audio clips in the clip-launcher finished too early when stopped by launching a clip (including itself)
  14. Blazin

    Blazin Producer

    Jun 25, 2017
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    In my own world...
    im so close to just buying it. i will wait until 2.4 is final
  15. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Changes in Bitwig Studio 2.4, Beta 3
    New features
    • Added controller support for Novation Launchkey MK2
    • Support of text rendering for more languages
    • LFO, Steps and ParSeq-8 now follow the pitch bend when set to track the pitch
    • SAMPLER: Round-robin logic should be applied before voice stacking
    • Added unselect-all command to edit menu, with escape key as premapped shortcut
    • Enable creating linear or curved velocity ramps by alt-clicking and then clicking/dragging again
    • Remember last used velocity
    • Possible to drag and drop the sample file name used by a Sampler to arranger or clip launcher etc
    • When connecting an engine to a project that has some parameter automation manually overridden the engine would still play back the automation even though it shouldn't
    • Some projects created in 2.3.5 and earlier versions that used automation of MIDI CC could not be opened
    • Selecting notes via alt+left/right keys sometimes does not work when note editor is in clip mode
    • Click description is missing in timeline ruler area
    • Double-click descriptions missing in timeline editors
    • Drag and click descriptions missing for timeline pencil mouse interactions
    • Unit of loop crossfade length field should be percent instead of ms in multisample zone inspector
    • Multi Note device does not preserve the channel of the incoming notes
    • Beat markers created by dragging a ghost marker at the end of the sample sometimes jump to an invalid location
    • Reversing a looped clip sometimes moves the start marker when it should not, or result in a non-looped clip
    • Stretch tool might snap to timeline grid with an incorrect offset
    • When layer editing by channel, double-clicking a channel layer always adds to the previous selection
    • Deleting a modulation mapping from the source context menu did not remove it in the context menu but did delete the mapping
    • On 4k monitors the minimum width of the scrollbar in the arranger could get too small to be of much use
    • Remote controls panel layout would get broken if a page had a very long name
    • File dialog on Linux may sometimes open behind the application window and show the file dialog as a separate application in the taskbar
    • Modulation copy/paste allows to make modulators modulate themselves
    • Device remote controls open/closed state would not be restored correctly when dragging a preset to the empty track area to create a new track
    • Issue with controller scripts using both MPE and a note-translation map
    • When playing two notes of the same pitch using MPE controllers, releasing either note would stop both notes from playing
    • Midi Modulator reacts to all CCs if channel is set to all
    Regression Fixes
    • File open dialog starts in temporary folder for a new project or the templates folder if it was created from a template
    • When dragging a clip to the track above in the clip launcher it easily lands in the slot to the right
    • Wrong arranger playback start position when double-clicking into note editor timeline ruler
    • Notes sometimes get pasted multiple times
    • Not possible to move an automation segment by using cmd-drag in clip automation editor
    • Crash when loading old beta project
    • Shift-clicking on notes to select a range of notes does not behave as expected
    • Cryptic device type text in Browser side panel
    • Channel aftertouch did not get recorded anymore
    • Pitch-bend automation was recorded wrong
    • Steps modulator in transport mode did not start if device chain was not in focus
    • Should not be possible to drag expression nodes beyond note end
  16. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Bitwig and Reaper are the two future proof DAWs. Bitwig is tough to learn as compared to Ableton. Feature wise, it will surpass Ableton Live soon. Bitwig v2.4 is complete DAW with the new sampler.

    But Pro Tools is still industry standard and Reaper is not. That's why Bitwig can't beat Ableton Live in terms of popularity. I had a taste of v2.4 and man it kills.
  17. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Changes in Bitwig Studio 2.4, Beta 4
    New features
    • Updated user guide for version 2.4
    • Extended filter range in Phase-4 and Polysynth to match Sampler
    • HW Instrument device can now send MIDI Polyphonic Expression (MPE)
    • Default anti click fade time is now specified in seconds in preferences instead of beats
    • Remember the scroll position and zoom level the user set within the sampler and multi sampler for each sample used
    • Synchronize the scroll position and zoom level for the sampler expanded view with the one in the device chain
    • Content of looped Audio Clips in Launcher should not be doubled, when using Bounce in Place on them
    • Transport.fastForward() and Transport.rewind() did not do anything when the transport was playing
    • Devices/modulators with any source routing selected (sidechain, etc) will now never go to sleep
    • E-Hat amplitude fluctuated with certain attack/decay settings
    • It was possible to get the application into a state where the dashboard could never be shown again
    • Fixed auto detection of Korg nanoKONTROL2 on Mac and Linux
    • Preserve note-channel (whenever possible) for notes sent to VSTs with the "Use MPE" setting enabled
    • Bitwig .multisample files weren't storing groups correctly
    • Clips visualized on Maschine JAM don't get turned off when deleting them
    • Creating a new project before the audio engine has finished connecting to the existing project could get the application into a state where the engine could not connect to the new project
    • Marian Seraph ASIO driver didn't work
    • Crossfade to next clip gets replaced by fade out when cutting clip using knife tool
    Regression Fixes
    • Polling of USB devices caused performance issues on Windows after running the application for a long time
    • Potential crash when editing MIDI automation in beta 3.
    • Takeover modes should not be used for boolean or enumerated parameters
    • Piano roll in note editor was auditioning notes at the wrong velocity
    • Potential crash when editing MIDI automation in beta 3.
  18. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    I'm not into techno, dubstep, garage or any other form of electronic music but I use Bitwig for recording in a linear fashion. I use it for recording vocals, guitar, keyboard and various VSTi instruments. I love it! It is less cluttered than Studio One and FL Studio. It is easy to use, easy on the eye and light on resources.
    I'm an old fashioned guy and I don't need too many tricks to get what I want from this DAW.
    I reckon that some folks think that this DAW is just good for EDM stuff but it is a lot more versatile than that.
    I used to use FL and Studio One until I discovered this from it's first conception and I have been using it ever since.
    If you haven't yet tried it then give it a try! You may be suprised at how versatile it is! Cheers.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2018
  19. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Changes in Bitwig Studio 2.4, Beta 5

    • Right-clicking in an empty modulator slot should target the modulator slot
    • "Selection follows notes" in the multisample editor will now scroll selected zones into view
    • Show inspector when undocking a sampler expanded device view
    • Update Nektar controller support
    • Made MPE option in HW Instrument less hidden and more consistent with plug-ins
    • Added pitch-bend range setting to LinnStrument controller extension
    • Auto fades for audio clips and events are now applied in more cases when the user edits audio material
    • Error playing back .multisample files which had non-ASCII filenames inside them
    • Sampler clicked on violent modulation of loop position/length
    • Crash when replacing a zone with a sample file that had an error loading
    • Group colors are not shown on multisample zones after loading project
    • There was no inspector on the second display of the "Dual Display (Studio)" layout
    • Fixed certain ASIO input formats
    • Corrected note playback behavior for non-overdubbed arranger recording
    Regression Fixes
    • Crash when working with audio time selections on arranger and in note editor
    • It was possible to get launcher clips out-of-sync with the transport if the transport was started as a result of launching the clips
    • Initial detection of USB devices was broken on windows in Beta 4
    • When dragging a clip to the track above in the clip launcher it easily lands in the slot to the right
    • Crash when performing undo after slice to drum machine
  20. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Release Notes for Bitwig Studio 2.4
    System Requirements
    • Windows - Windows 7, 8, or 10 (all in 64-bit)
    • Mac - macOS 10.11 ("El Capitan") or above
    • Linux - Ubuntu 17.04 or later
    What's New in Bitwig Studio 2.4 [released 12 Sept 2018]
    New features
    • Sampler overhaul (see section below)
    • Program-wide MIDI channel support (see section below)
    • New device: Note FX Layer, for stacking note effects as parallel layers
    • New device: Channel Filter, for suppressing select MIDI channels
    • New device: Channel Map, for remapping select MIDI channels
    • New modulator: ParSeq-8, a unique parameter step sequencer
    • New modulator: Note Counter, an incrementer for creating swirling modulation patterns
    • Tracks can be horizontally resized in the Mix View
    • Scenes can be horizontally resized in the Arrange View
    • Scenes can be colored
    • Global controller takeover modes, to set how hardware controllers and software parameters interact
    • On-screen controller visualizations of takeover status, showing the current bank of controls with their parameter values
    • Interaction-based hints, displaying all currently available mouse actions
    • New Quick Start templates in the Dashboard
    • Modulation mappings can now be copied/pasted by various methods
    • Updated device: Bit-8 now has new quantization modes, additional parameters, and an optimized layout
    • Updated device: HW Instrument now has an MPE mode that outputs note expressions as MIDI channel voice messages and dynamically allocates MIDI channels, if appropriate
    • Updated modulator: Steps now has ping-pong looping and pattern generation/processing functions (available via right-click)
    • Controller Scripting API now supports USB device detection and communication
    • Controller Scripting API now offers graphics API (for passing bitmap data to controllers)
    • Added controller support for Novation Launchkey MK2, Launch Control XL, and Launchkey Mini
    • Added controller support for Sensel Morph
    • Added controller support for MIDIPLUS X2mini, X3mini, X4mini, X6mini, X6pro, and X6pro
    • Added controller support for Vault Apex 25, Apex 49, and Apex 61
    • Various writings systems are now displayed properly, including: Arabic, Armenian, Bengali, Cham, Cherokee, Chinese, Devanagari, Georgian, Gurmukhi, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Lao, Runic, Tamil, Telugu, and Thai
    • Updated user guide for version 2.4
    Sampler overhaul
    • Repitch playback mode, for traditional sampling
    • Cycles playback mode, using wavetable techniques
    • Textures playback mode, using granular techniques
    • Freeze option (❄︎) for manually controlling the playhead in any playback mode
    • Visual crossfade looping
    • Ping-pong looping mode
    • One-shot envelope mode now has fade-in and -out controls
    • Keyboard tracking can be turned on or off, or set as a percentage
    • Detect root key function (from right-click menu) detects sample pitch from the start of the loop region
    • Editing playback and loop points snaps to zero crossings by default
    • Each Sampler device can load its audio in RAM or play it back from disk
    • Updated multisample interface now with a detail view, showing note ranges along with velocity/select ranges for each zone
    • Select parameter (*) controls what zones are played at note on
    • Zones can crossfade with other zones based on key, velocity, and/or the Select parameter
    • Three per-zone modulation sources are available, with modulation amounts set in each zone
    • Groups can be created for managing zones
    • Round-robin option per zone, to only trigger one matching zone at a time
    Program-wide MIDI channel support
    • Each track has settings for the incoming MIDI channel(s) it responds to and which channel(s) it writes to
    • Layers (such as in the Instrument Layer device) have channel options as well, supporting multitimbral tracks
    • Each note stores which channel it plays back on
    • MIDI automation lanes are defined by channel
    • Layered editing mode can work by channel, with various view/edit options
    • Detail Editor Panel provides various note color options, including by clip, by MIDI channel, by pitch class, and by velocity
    • The tool menu in the Detail Editor Panel contains an Insert Channel setting as the destination for new notes
    • Better anti-click fading for audio Launcher clips
    • Default anti-click fade time is now set in seconds instead of beats
    • Automatic fades for audio clips and events are now applied in additional editing cases
    • Last used velocity is applied when drawing a new note
    • Linear velocity ramps by can be created by alt-clicking (and then clicking/dragging again adds curvature)
    • EQ band-type can now be changed in the GUI by right-clicking
    • Right-clicking a modulation source allows you to change its modulation amount(s) from the context menu
    • Right-clicking in an empty modulator slot now targets the modulator slot
    • Nested device chain channels have a smaller width in the Mixer Panel
    • Modulation sources are now sorted in the Inspector Panel
    • Browser items can now be added to a collection via the context menu
    • Now supports drag and drop of a sample filename from Sampler to the Arranger or Launcher, etc.
    • Enhanced device logic for note channels information (Note Echo and Note Latch)
    • Expressions modulator now has a smoothing option (was always on before)
    • LFO, Steps, and ParSeq-8 now follow the pitch bend when set to track the pitch
    • Polysynth device’s glide is consistent across different audio interface settings
    • Arpeggiator device now holds keys with the sustain pedal (MIDI CC64)
    • The Button and Buttons modulators now show their modulation routing button in the Remote Controls pane
    • Steps modulator can copy/paste patterns from/to other instances of Steps
    • Steps modulator has better visuals when minimized
    • Extended filter range in Phase-4 and Polysynth to match Sampler
    • Voice settings have moved to device inspector for several instruments (FM-4, Organ, Phase-4, Polysynth, Sampler)
    • Pitch bend range used in MPE for plug-ins can now be set in the Device Inspector
    • Text editing of parameters is now more robust (only selecting editable values)
    • Added unselect-all command to Edit menu, with escape key as premapped shortcut
    • Note FX Layer now uses larger LEDs
    • Open file starts from the current project directory, or from the standard project directory if the dashboard is shown
    • Demos and templates are now under Quick Start in the Dashboard
    • Demos and templates can now install required packs automatically
    • Improved tooltip display logic
    • Added pitch-bend range setting to LinnStrument controller extension
    • Updated support for Nektar controllers
    • Fix bugs in Clip.scrollKeysPageUp/Down via controller API
    • It was possible to sometimes get clip contents scrolled out of view on the clip launcher if a project was saved on a hi res monitor and then opened on a low res one
    • Step modulator has an offset of 1 when using note advance and smooting
    • Error playing back .multisample files which had non-ASCII filenames inside them
    • There was no inspector on the second display of the "Dual Display (Studio)" layout
    • Fixed certain ASIO input formats
    • Corrected note playback behavior for non-overdubbed arranger recording
    • Content of looped Audio Clips in Launcher should not be doubled, when using Bounce in Place on them
    • Transport.fastForward() and Transport.rewind() did not do anything when the transport was playing
    • Devices/modulators with any source routing selected (sidechain, etc) will now never go to sleep
    • E-Hat amplitude fluctuated with certain attack/decay settings
    • It was possible to get the application into a state where the dashboard could never be shown again
    • Fixed auto detection of Korg nanoKONTROL2 on Mac and Linux
    • Preserve note-channel (whenever possible) for notes sent to VSTs with the "Use MPE" setting enabled
    • Clips visualized on Maschine JAM don't get turned off when deleting them
    • Creating a new project before the audio engine has finished connecting to the existing project could get the application into a state where the engine could not connect to the new project
    • Marian Seraph ASIO driver didn't work
    • Crossfade to next clip gets replaced by fade out when cutting clip using knife tool
    • Delay-2: audio cuts out if Delay time goes below 0ms due to Detune
    • Crash when switching between different controller extensions using the drop-down when ports where already selected
    • Use MPE setting can now be turned off even for plug-ins which are automatically detected as supporting MPE
    • When connecting an engine to a project that has some parameter automation manually overridden the engine would still play back the automation even though it shouldn't
    • Selecting notes via alt+left/right keys sometimes does not work when note editor is in clip mode
    • Beat markers created by dragging a ghost marker at the end of the sample sometimes jump to an invalid location
    • Reversing a looped clip sometimes moves the start marker when it should not, or result in a non-looped clip
    • Stretch tool might snap to timeline grid with an incorrect offset
    • Deleting a modulation mapping from the source context menu did not remove it in the context menu but did delete the mapping
    • On 4k monitors the minimum width of the scrollbar in the arranger could get too small to be of much use
    • Remote controls panel layout would get broken if a page had a very long name
    • File dialog on Linux may sometimes open behind the application window and show the file dialog as a separate application in the taskbar
    • Modulation copy/paste allows to make modulators modulate themselves
    • Device remote controls open/closed state would not be restored correctly when dragging a preset to the empty track area to create a new track
    • Issue with controller scripts using both MPE and a note-translation map
    • When playing two notes of the same pitch using MPE controllers, releasing either note would stop both notes from playing
    • Send RPN 6 to plug-ins when "Use MPE" is enabled (or auto-detected).
    • Excessive CPU load for note-inputs of controllers
    • Sustain pedal CC64 does not return to 0 when stopping transport
    • Steep automation curves are not being read under certain conditions
    • Jump to play position in clip has offset if clip start is not at 1.1.1
    • Dropping samples on the zone list header now maps the whole key-range
    • Don't use AltGr modifier during drag and drop on Mac as this key is not present
    • Clip color indicator for group scenes does not redraw when changing clip colors
    • Drag-and-drop on windows didn't work for some sources
    • Takeover modes sometimes not working correctly
    • Possible to lock the application up in multi display profile by editing shortcuts and not providing a valid name for the shortcuts and closing the dashboard
    • When browsing for devices and presets for the first device with a mix parameter in an effect track using the popup browser make sure to set the mix parameter to full wet
    • Application could end up not being able to quit if it was closing and asking user about saving a project and user changed display profile before responding to the question
    • EQ-5 lowpass4 was called "2 poles" instead of "4 poles"
    • Sometimes notes get recorded one bar further than you actually play them in clip launcher
    • Beat LFO could go wonky gonky bonky at high transport beat time
    • Polynom modulators are all called "Out" in Inspector and context menus
    • Hold pedal automation was sent with the transport stopped when setting the transport position
    • APC40 MKII: the knob's ring might not be properly initialized
    • On certain Linux system, Bitwig Studio did not start because of missing
    • Polysynth glide might sound steppy when playing with large buffer size
    • Improved oscillator retrigger in Polysynth
    • Legato glide's pitch might jump under certain conditions
    • Crash when toggling pre-fader in the inspector of an FX track
    • Control Surface API: crossfade enum got broken ("Off" instead of "AB")
    • Moving clips while playing could make the sequencer out-of-time
    • Text editing of integer fields was annoying if the display had a pre or post-fix
    • Note counter modulator does not update gfx (0/5) when being used in monophonic device
    • Remote controls: button modulator name was not properly shown
    • Engine crash when using Note Counter Modulator on a Monophonic device like E-Kick
    • Possible to scroll the key zone out of screen using the bottom scroll bar in the multisample editor
    • Launch Control XL auto-detection for firmware older than 1.2 is not working
    • Launch Control XL: device LEDs not painting correctly
    • Crash when dropping clip on note editor piano keyboard
    • Crash when dropping sample on empty device list area of a track in mix view
    • Maschine JAM version 0.6 by Native Instruments crashed
    • Right-click on a Track Group Slot from the mixer view does nothing
    • Stop the modulation mapping if a modulation source gets disabled
    • Sampler - Reverse mode calculates offset play start/end off of sample start (instead of sample end)
    • Multisample editor: some parameter values are not mirrored between GUI and Zone Inspector
    • Channel list should not be visible in layered note editor when editing audio
    • Remote controls should show the parameter value as provided by the plug-in instead of a 0..1 range
    • Fixed auto detection of Akai MPK25, Akai MPK49 on Windows and macOS
    • Fixed auto detection of Korg nanoKontrol2 on macOS
    • It was possible to get launcher clips out-of-sync with the transport if the transport was started as a result of launching the clips
    • Crash when performing undo after slice to drum machine
    • File open dialog starts in temporary folder for a new project or the templates folder if it was created from a template
    • When dragging a clip to the track above in the clip launcher it easily lands in the slot to the right
    • Wrong arranger playback start position when double-clicking into note editor timeline ruler
    • Notes sometimes get pasted multiple times
    • Not possible to move an automation segment by using cmd-drag in clip automation editor
    • Shift-clicking on notes to select a range of notes does not behave as expected
    • Cryptic device type text in Browser side panel
    • Channel aftertouch did not get recorded anymore
    • Pitch-bend automation was recorded wrong
    • Steps modulator in transport mode did not start if device chain was not in focus
    • Should not be possible to drag expression nodes beyond note end.
    • Copy devices modifier was not shown when dragging clips to new tracks
    • Copy modifier was not shown when dragging remote control pages
    • Setting crossFadeMode of a track via API does not work
    • Recording of audio clips in the clip-launcher finished too early when stopped by launching a clip (including itself)
    • Flowing layouts were line-breaking too early
    • Paste at the start of device chain was broken.
    • It was possible to get two audio clips playing at the same time on the same track
    • Elastique Pro formant resolution parameter only worked for every second audio event
    • Cross-fade between launcher clips added a slight offset to automation
    • Issue with polynom display
    • Loops were not read for some SFZ files which didn't follow spec
    • Crash when reading metadata from some SFZ files
    • Plug-in parameter value text is not updated
    • Like Like x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • List
  21. meow

    meow Guest

    Beta or not, none of the versions i've used has been reliable. Bye Betawig.
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