Do I need a graphic card?

Discussion in 'Computer Hardware' started by Blue, Jul 8, 2018.

  1. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    But as @Medrewb says, I don't think you'll get a better DAW performance.
    But I think it's better for stability.
    Some years back I used a PC with one of those Intel GPUs with shared memory. The system wasn't really stable and I've seen a lot of BSOD until I installed a dedicated Gfx. I back then suspected the shared memory to be the problem, as other processes - not using the correct standards - may have used the GPUs memory...
    For me, an inexpensive fanless gfx is a good choice. For DAW use and multiple monitors good enough by far. I don't use my audio system for games though.
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  2. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Thanks a lot all of you,
    Sorry,i have 16Go DDR4 2166MHz.
    The PC is ultra fast,when I click on a plugin,his Gui is displayed immediatly.
    But with only 3 synth plugins and some few Fx plugins I already hear crackles,the Asio load swing a lot,between 5-10% to 100% !!! With a comfortable buffer of 512 samples.
    And in task manager the cpu is just 5-10%.
    I have a big problem but I don't know what.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2018
  3. artwerkski

    artwerkski Audiosexual

    Apr 20, 2016
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    Do you use an external audio card / device or are you on the internal?
  4. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    You probably have 16 gb of DRR4 at 2666mhz, a 2166 doesn't exist, there is of course 2133mgh ddr4 but the 8th intel core series has a minimum bandwidth of 2666. Any system builder who respect themselves will pair a cpu like yours with at least the minimum clocked ram supported by the cpu.
    Your ASIO problem is the sum of many things , so if you don't describe exactly what is it that you do, we 'll be guessing. But just for starters turn off any cpu power efficiency schemes, in control panel - power options - and select high performance.
  5. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    when it wants to be a nightmare it can become really tricky to figure out this kind of problem, at least you know its not your gfx card that is causing this, that alone would have made you spend days thinking about alternatives.

    maybe the port you use to connect your audio card is not compatible with your interface? happens, test changing slots or USB ports.

    use the free latency meter proggie, cant remember the exact name, it could at least point towards the right direction and show you the worst offenders. it pin points drivers for drives, usb, gfx and shows you what is causing the the worst latency, some processes are normal and some cause abnormal problems
  6. Hooman.Leys

    Hooman.Leys Platinum Record

    Dec 26, 2015
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    definitely i need one :\
  7. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    I bought this pc 1 week ago,already assembled.
    I am pretty sure it has 2133MHz RAM.I don't remember exactly,but I looked it 2 times in the BIOS and each time I go in the BIOS ,Windows doesn't start properly,even though I don't change anything.Why???

    I have set high performance in Windows and That seems to be a bit better with my DAW but not as powerfull as it should be.

    I tried different usb ports for my RME,usb2 & usb3 but I didn't noticed any difference.

    EDIT: @taskforce When I have only 10 tracks in S1 or Live my Asio is really unstable,it constantly swings,up to 100% and I hear crackles and glitches.And in task manager the cpu load stays under 5% and the memory around 25%.
    Sorry I don't know how to describe it better!
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2018
  8. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    update all drivers even mobo drivers and chipset drivers then .net framework
  9. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    RME UCX connected on the usb 2 or usb 3 port.
  10. boogiewoogie

    boogiewoogie Platinum Record

    Sep 15, 2012
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    If you want to play new games at 60 FPS on your DAW computer then yes :) Otherwise no.
  11. celtic3342

    celtic3342 Audiosexual

    Oct 15, 2014
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    Working with 2 monitors (DAW + Mixer) an external VGA is absolutely necessary. But not the option of everybody.
  12. m9cao

    m9cao Producer

    Oct 3, 2012
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    yes you must buy a graphic card with 2 fans and neon light bulbs
  13. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    What do you mean by windows doesn't start properly ?

    Did you disable your mobo internal sound device in the bios ?

    On the gfx matter I agree with @twoheart and I had the same experience. A proper gfx card is necessary even for plugins but doesn't better your audio performances - I experienced some bsod with dmg or fabfilter plugs with an i5 onboard grfx card until I had a dedicated grfx - but the problem is gone since I use the latest cpu, their internal grfx unit do the trick.
    In short it won't affect the performance of your audio even if it can generate bugs if you don't have the adequat card ( wether it's external or internal)

    Oh, and I use two monitors. An internal card is perfectly fine for that type of setup.
  14. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    I already said a lot i guess, but i 'll just add this much.
    No one in their own mind pairs the latest i7 with the cheapest motherboard and ram below the intended cpu spec. This is the work of amateurs and i wouldn't care less if they have a good name to theirselves, they are not fitted to build a proper pc for daw work. H310 chipset has 6 Gen.2 pci-e lanes for fk's sake. You will excuse me but i will not sit around and discuss the -pretty much laughable- work of amateur pc builders and try to refine it step by step while someone else has been paid and entrusted to do so. There have been one too many cases such as this, personally i 've grown weary of these.
    It is only logical you take this terrible build back to whoever put it together and demand at least ddr4 @2666mhz and a mobo with a proper chipset like an H370 or Z370 which would be the best. The whole "upgrade" shouldn't be more than 80 euros (European pricing). I just put the upgrade in quotes because what i mention, it's should be there in the first place, not really an upgrade.
    Cheers mate and sorry for the rather abrupt message. Hope you sort this.
    PS: And if you 're not short on cash add another 100eu for a dedicated Radeon to ease your cpu thermals once and for good.
  15. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Thanks a lot guys,
    I'm not an expert in computers,my passion is making music.Yes I know that would have been better to buy a motherboard with Z370 chipsets.I an pretty sure a new good graphic card would be better.But I am poor.I try to have the best configuration for a small amount of money.
    I really have 2133MHz ram (2x8Go),I have checked it.I have sent a mail to the vendor,and he replied me(please google translate,sorry guys) :
    "Bonjour, le processeur ne définit pas la capacité ou la fréquence de la RAM qui peut être supporté, c'est la carte mère qui prend en charge la RAM (il ne peut pas y avoir de problème d'incompatibilité) quand 2 éléments d'un PC ne sont pas compatibles, il est impossible de les connecter et donc de faire démarrer un PC. votre carte mère prend en charge la RAM DDR4 de 2133mhz à 2666mhz, le processeur ne joue aucun rôle. Il est aussi possible de mettre de la RAM avec une fréquence plus haute que la carte mere ne peut supporter par exemple 3200mhz, et cela fonctionnera et ne sera pas un probleme de compatibilité, la fréquence de la memoire sera simplement limité à 2666mhz par la carte mère. Nous pouvons si vous le souhaitez vous faire parvenir une barrette de mémoire G.Skill de 16GO dont la fréquence peut aller jusquà 3466Mhz (limité à 2666Mhz par votre carte mère) Il faut dans ce cas nous faire parvenir vos barrettes mémoires. A reception nous vous expédierons via chronopost une nouvelle barrette mémoire."

    So I think I will swap it,but I'm very angry by their amateurism! I will be without computer during 2 weeks!...

    @Talmi : I have been in the BIOS 2 times to satisfy my cutiosity,I didn't change any parameter and when I escape and then I launch Windows,I have the blue window logo,the PC is loading and I get a message "windows can't start properly"but I don't have the home page with my password.I have the windows repair tools instead.
    When I get that I click on "try to start Windows",I don't remember exactly the message.
    And after that Windows start as it should.

    @taskforce I bought this computer too quickly because it was cheap,i made a mistake.I thought it would have been a good computer.
  16. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    They don't seem like very serious sellers. I hope you get things sorted quick, it's very disapointing to change hardware and not benefit right away from the upgrade. Hang in there.

    Regarding the bios, there should be a category named "onboard chip" or something of the sort. Normally the enabling and disabling of the onboard sound chip should happen there. Make sure it's on "disable".
    Regarding your OS, if you have this on every start up it means it wasn't properly installed, and you have some missing drivers/components. So that part seems to have been messed up too and a new setup is probably in order.

    Imho they have poorly assembled and set up the whole thing, it's an addition of misteps. Now the hardware you picked may not be the most advised when it comes to audio work, but all in all it's a powerfull cpu, and with 16 gig of ram and an ssd you should have excellent performances once you've adjusted a thing or two properly.

    I don't run Win 10 and I can't really help with this OS when it comes to setup, but we have many specialists on AS who can guide you on the best version to install and which components to turn off and/or tweak in order to have the best performances in Audio. That matters too!
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  17. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    I read what they told you and it looks like typical excuses of the usual "office pc" builders. Most of them will not take you really seriously, unless you throw at them a shitload of money...
    Intel i7 8th gen has a native support of 2133, 2400 and 2666 mhz. It is only logical to install the maximum clock natively supported by the cpu and NOT to "cap" the total performance by installing lower clocked ram just because it is compatible and perhaps 15-20 euros cheaper. The total loss of performance may very well be negligible but it is always a matter of what goes where, first of all. As for the supporting motherboards, i will give just an example, Z370 can go anywhere from 2133 up to 4133mhz depending on the model. Although as they mentioned, your H310 motherboard doesn't support more than 2666 mhz but this is not an excuse for their negligence. Thanks :)
    Ps:I will put it simply just so you know, speeds of 2133 mhz are a 4 yrs old story. Also, typical builds with z370 usually pair an 8th gen i7 or i5 with ddr4 @3000 or 3200 mhz, which sits somewhere at the lower middle in frequency and price from what is available, knowing for example that top of the line right now is drr4 @4600 mhz (lol). Compare that to the 2133 and you will draw your own conclusions.
    Be well
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2018
  18. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Thanks a lot @Talmi and @taskforce ,
    I will spend more time optimizing my BIOS and Windows,and I'll see.
    If I need some help I will perhaps write a new thread!
  19. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    That is what Latencymon says...
  20. m9cao

    m9cao Producer

    Oct 3, 2012
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    yes the h310 is outdated
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