u-he Color Copy

Discussion in 'Software News' started by mild pump milk, Jul 6, 2018.

  1. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    u-he Color Copy


    Copied from Urs:

    "A virtual analog effect inspired by classic bucket-brigade delays (BBD), but extended with modern features. We called our new baby "Colour Copy" because it can deliver the kind of colouration people still love in classic BBD units, but with a wider variety of colours.

    Colour Copy started life as the little delay unit called "Lyrebird" we built into Repro-1, but the sound was too good NOT to be developed further and become an FX plug-in…

    In normal digital delays (DDL) the delay time alters the size of the buffer. If you quickly modulate or sweep the delay time on a typical DDL, unmusical glitches propagate through the feedback as the buffer is shortened or lengthened. Like a real BBD, Colour Copy changes the internal samplerate instead (i.e. how fast the "buckets" pass on their content), and this is why Colour Copy is smooth with a capital SMOO!

    It *is* a beta... use at your own risk. Don't install just yet if you're in the middle of an important project. If you do install, consider making a backup first. Also: We don't have any factory presets for Colour Copy yet - feel free to discover uncharted sonic territory!

    We are aiming for an August release.


    - Urs & Team"

    Download Links:

    Colour Copy 0.9b7554 Mac (AAX/AU/VST2/VST3)
    Colour Copy 0.9b7554 Win (AAX/VST2/VST3)

    Note: Linux version tba, NKS FX compatibility will happen for final release

    Temporary public beta serial (expires in a few weeks):

    user name: beta tester
    serial: B1UPT-DTNQ-AA9M-5XQ6-VKTA

    Introductory Offer: 49€ (final price will be €69 when released as V1.0 in a few weeks)

    - click here to buy now -

    Some key features:

    * The routing is quite flexible – you can swap input channels or mix them into either channel, and the feedback can be cross-fed, inverted (especially good for flanger effects) or mixed in for subtle phase cancellations. Cool feature: In most delays with cross channel feedback, the first delay appears on the same side as the original signal. In Colour Copy you can set up "double cross" routing so that the very first delay is on the opposite side.

    * Unlike hardware BBD units, Colour Copy lets you position the left and right tap positions. This lets you move echos independently "forward in time" for e.g. ping-pong or "rushing" delays as well as various stereo chorus or flanger effects.

    * In the Feedback Colouration section you can blend between five different "colours" ranging from resonating and gritty to very dark and slowly evolving. These characteristics can also be modified further via the Brightness and Saturation controls.

    * The Modulation section lets you modulate the delay rate, tap positions or delay amplitude to create various animated effects.

    * The Ducking section lets you automatically suppress the feedback level (the first delay is not affected) according to the dry signal level. This unusual method preserves the spacial effect much better than regular ducking, which removes what the delay was intended to create!

    * The Freeze button causes the contents of the delay line to play indefinitely – the sound will loop smoothly until you unlatch the button.

    * The Note Sync button lets you control the delay rate via MIDI note number and pitch bend. As the Colour Copy delay times extend down into the milliseconds range, you can even use this to "play" pitched resonant effects from a keyboard or MIDI track.

    * Full NKS FX compatibility (in the release version only, not in this beta).

    Some important fine print:

    Note: The promo code from our Newsletter Special won't work for Colour Copy yet - you would have to wait for the final release. However, the Colour Copy introductory offer is cheaper anyway, so you can save that promo code for something else!

    Note about the u-he Everything Bundle and the u-he All FX Bundle: Once Colour Copy is released we will add it to the bundles and adjust the prices accordingly. If you already own either bundle we will *not* oblige you to upgrade i.e. we will not force you to buy any plug-ins we add to the bundle. Instead, we treat bundle licenses as licenses for each individual product. This means that if you want to add Colour Copy you can still take advantage of the introductory offer (which beats a potential upgrade price for the bundles!)
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  3. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    I don't know what but Mr.Valhalla is cooking something new right now.

    Live and let them releasing tools.
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  4. ...and over at the red corner, in black trunks, weighing in at varying pixels and fighting out of Burlington, Vermont, trained by the SoundToys group...echo, echo, EchoBoy!!!

    I want a clean match with no fouling...shake knobs and come out fighting!
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  5. maverickvd

    maverickvd Member

    Apr 1, 2015
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    Is he really ?? :woot:
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  6. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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    off topic, but i don't know why this thread pops this into my head :

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  7. I have really tried but just can't find the common ground. This is a case for Sherlock Holmes.
  8. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    Read carefully
  9. dtmd

    dtmd Platinum Record

    Jan 15, 2016
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