UI Lag in Live 10

Discussion in 'Software' started by Cav Emp, Feb 12, 2018.

  1. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    please add your OS and exact Live version, helps to track down issues..

    I'm on 10.0.1 high sierra
    no problems so far

    waiting for 10.0.3 because 10.0.2, from the reports, stinks
  2. inusable

    inusable Producer

    Jul 27, 2014
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  3. Alpha0ne

    Alpha0ne Producer

    Jan 26, 2012
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    I am on Windows 10 64bit and using AL 10.0.1. My rig is i7 4970K@ 4400MHz with GTX 970 OC 16GB Ram with 750GB Samsung Evo 840 SSD. Yes UI lags anyway @ 1440p. Since i have scaled up the desktop to 130% i have a strange problem with some of VST plugins and audio. e.g. If i put in a Roland Synthplugin and try to go to presetprowser, the mouse is never positioned correctly. You have to move the mouse somewhere more left of the opened submenus. Or, if you try to drag and drop an audio song/file from desktop/folder to ableton live the mouse is far left then the file itself while dragging. Try it yourselves.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2018
  4. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    things to try

    set windows scaling to 100%
    set Ableton scaling to 100%

    set your monitor to 60hz in windows

    if multiple monitors with different refresh rates, set the slowest monitor as the main display in windows

    check if Pen Tablet mode is enabled

    disable g-sync

    hows cpu meter ? (Visual output is always treated as secondary to audio output)
    there are some i7 systems that have problems in Ableton, they need to disable cpu throttling/power saving

    start a clean project, if you have a standard setup with lots of plugs/m4l involved it could be one of those
    (this will happen automatically if you do the reset explained further down)

    disable Lemur/touchable/Bomes midi Translator / all the fancy stuff to exclude them

    disconnect everything you don't need to exclude them as cuplrit, (peripherals, usb sticks, monitors, controllers, sound cards, phones, whatever)

    from Ableton:

    High-DPI monitor support (Windows)
    • Live Versions: 9-10
    • Operating System: Windows
    High-DPI mode on Live 10
    Live 10 has High-DPI support for Windows 10 computers by default. This can be toggled in the Preferences under Look/Feel → Enable HiDPI mode.

    Auto Scale Plug-in Window
    Certain HiDPI plug-ins may require you to manually disable scaling (via the context menu) in order to use them on HiDPI screens.

    There are two ways to do this.

    1. Right click on the plug-in title bar and deselect "Auto-Scale Plugin Window".
    Autoscale Plugin WIndow.PNG

    2. Right click on the plug-in the Live Browser and deselect "Auto-Scale Plugin Window".

    Autoscaling Plugins.PNG

    How to reset Live
    • Live Versions: All
    • Operating System: All
    To troubleshoot issues with Live, it can be helpful to reset Live to its default settings in case the problem has been caused by corrupted file settings. Resetting Live won't delete any important files, such as project files and presets, however we still recommend backing up your system beforehand.

    Resetting Live performs the following actions:

    • Your template set will be erased if you have one
    • Live's preferences will be deleted; audio and MIDI hardware needs to be setup again, plug-in support needs to be re-enabled, custom preferences need to be set again
    • The Undo folder will be deleted
    Steps to reset Live
    1. Close Live
    2. Open the following hidden folder (Live x.x.x corresponds to the version of Live installed on your computer eg. Live 10.0.1):

      Windows: Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Ableton\Live x.x.x\Preferences\
      Mac: Users/[username]/Library/Preferences/Ableton/Live x.x.x/
      (you need to have access to hidden folders)
    3. Delete Preferences.cfg, Undo folder and Template.als (if present).
      Note: In Live 9, there is no Undo folder. Instead delete the Undo.cfg file.
    4. If you have previous versions of Live installed you should also delete the same files in their respective folders.
    5. Restart Live

    6. Note: If you don't want to permanently delete these files you can temporarily copy the Template.als and Preferences.cfg files to another location on your computer (eg. Desktop). If the reset has not solved the issue, then you can place them back into their former locations.
  5. knowsnothing

    knowsnothing Newbie

    Jul 6, 2018
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    I'm having the same issue and it looks like it is indeed related to the refresh rate of the monitor. I havent found a fix yet but i wasnt having these issues until i updated my nvidia drivers a few days ago(Build 398.36)!

    8gb ddr4 3200
    ryzen 5 1600
    gtx 1060 3gb
    windows 10 home(version 17114.132)
  6. tidus1990

    tidus1990 Producer

    Aug 23, 2014
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    I had this problem, turns out 10.0.2 is very unstable. Reverted to 10.0.1 and I had a nice session just now.