Best Xfer Serum cracked !

Discussion in 'Software' started by Darix, Jun 28, 2018.

  1. Darix

    Darix Newbie

    Oct 13, 2017
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    Hello guys,
    i am sercing a very stable e reliable recent version of Xfer Serum becouse my 1.2.0b9 version become instable after a month af work.... it started to asked my the serial every start of app =(
    Who know a good tested stable version? =)

  3. tidus1990

    tidus1990 Producer

    Aug 23, 2014
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  4. Sombra

    Sombra Member

    Mar 10, 2017
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    Best Answer
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  5. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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  6. PartyShit

    PartyShit Producer

    Jul 19, 2016
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    I don't understand why is it "worth" to spend any money on "DAW/Plugins" when it's available for unlocked & free.
    People who actually buy everything they use/play with
    Are they making money with music?

    Finally please somebody tell me "who makes music at home for fun and earning money" and not in a band just a lonely somebody who actually don't have to do any usual day-job instead all day all week all month stays at home he/her has some kind of "music portal" where has his/her uploaded songs and money just comes in every day or monthly etc.

    I watched a huge amount of documentary about this but nobody tells the "real stuff" how they made it.
    Yeah I know deadmau5 was working in a factory and in "secret" he was interested in making music but he never told how he became famous and how people get to know his music/how he "breakthrough" from a "regular slave worker" to a "paid musician" and after that a "highly paid Artist" because he is not an "Artist" he tells clearly that he has no idea about "piano scales" & music theory he is just trying to draw chords in Ableton and that's it he tries listens and the melodies just working or not.
    Tell me how to become a "paid person" so I can leave my day-job and live a life I want alone without putting my valuable time in to some kind of shitty job I don't want to do with people I don't want to see/speak/be a team member with.

    Tell me for example Skrillex was bought "SERUM" and that's it.
    He owned FL Studio and SERUM that's it if you bought legally these stuff then you are allowed to make money with songs/melodies written with SERUM using FL Studio.
    Is this the way?

    You make something awesome then you have to contact Image-Line and Xfer Records to tell them that you made an awesome song using their "patches/FL effects" and you are ready to sell it on iTunes/SPotify I don't know.
    How does this works?
    I beleive a lot of us want to know this process so we can become a "paid artist" and we can just travel the world nice beaches all day we can live on facebook/instagram and don't have to worry about anything.
    Finally please somebody tell me.
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  7. trenton

    trenton Kapellmeister

    Mar 26, 2014
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    Did he ask where to buy it?? No. He didn't. I'm sure he's smart enough to figure out where the xfer records website is all on his own.
    He asked the best cracked version and I can guarantee you, the stupid answers listing Xfer records site or the Splice site aren't his answer.

    I personally don't much like the synth so I don't use it and therefore don't have an answer either. But at least I wont point you to something that you aren't asking for.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2018
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  8. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    problem is there are not fully unlocked working version available thats why we suggested to buy it. point.
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  9. Utada Hikaru

    Utada Hikaru Producer

    Dec 8, 2015
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    So this is your philosophy?:

    But yeah, I can bet 80% of all famous producers started from "free" versions of any program, and even some of the programs are popular because of that.
    Cubase was one f the most popular DAWs when it didn't have the USB e-Licenser, so now the DAWs that can be obtained "free" are the ones more used by everybody, from kids to popular artists, and grows the popularity and the income for the original developers, there is FLStudio as an example.

    Another point of view:
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  10. r4e

    r4e Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I bought it right after it got released and I never regret it. OK, in the last year there were no updates and nothing new
    but there will be an update soon as I was reading in the official customers forum. Meanwhile you could try to update your
    serum with the most recent stable 1.21b3 or b4 that became public. I'm sure you'll find it somewhere in the net.
  11. black bounty

    black bounty Platinum Record

    Nov 8, 2015
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    I erased it from my HD some times ago and I didn't regret it.
    spire is a totally under-rated synth compared to serum, and it's became one of my main synth with omnisphere and kontakt libraries.

    A.N.A 2 is not so bad either, but honestly, with the 3 mentioned above + all the expansions / soundsets one can get, there's enough for a lifetime.

    in the end, it's more about how creative you are
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  12. black bounty

    black bounty Platinum Record

    Nov 8, 2015
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    at one point you have to produce yourself live.

    that's it.

    there's no "secret", you just have to go out and build an audience for yourself.

    Deadmau5 likes to say he's not a "real" musician because he doesn't know theory, but he is. That's just his narcissistic ego speaking, like " I'm a fraud but reality tells me otherwise ". He never has enough, you just have to watch how he turned his jealousy into a rant when Skrillex got along with Bieber.

    Skrillex was in a -touring- metal band before he had trouble with his voice, which lead him to turn to electro and become a "DJ", he already had a fan-base and he knew better.

    Leadership, Ego, intelligence, ambition, opportunity, a flair for commerce and teaming with the right people is what will make of you a paid artist, not being an Artist.
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  13. r4e

    r4e Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2014
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    You wouldn't if you would've paid money for it. When you use everything for free, you aren't able
    to esteem the real value of these products as much as you would with things you paid money for.
    I produce mostly using freeware (as I always did) because I didn't forget, what a value it has when
    someone puts alot of time into something and then gives it away for free - just because it helps
    the music community or whatever.
    But I also buy plugins when I like them really much after "trying before buying" and when I do that,
    I start to esteem its value by studying everything that plugin can do. It's the same like in reality
    with a car for example. If you're able to get cars for free on mass, you drive them shortly,
    throw 'em away and take another one. When you have to pay for it, you're driving and fixing that
    car until it falls apart.
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  14. oversoulSky

    oversoulSky Member

    Dec 31, 2017
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    Im feeling blessed to be guided by experienced producers here. love Audiosex.
    Hard work has always paid, all the artist you know are the example. keep ambition to work hard not to sit on a beach. please buy the stuff you love, its a blessing to have these tools for free, but developers are hard working people too, when you start working you will have the respect for people working as hard as you. best of luck my man.
    peace and jah love.
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  15. black bounty

    black bounty Platinum Record

    Nov 8, 2015
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    no comment :unsure:

    first : who tells you I didn't pay for it ?

    like, I had a imaginary girlfriend and in my head I dumped her, but I wouldn't do that in real life, because it would mean I know the worth of a vagina ? and who knows, maybe I'm too ugly to get another one ?

    not only it's insulting, but second :

    your comment about "reality"

    proves not only that you've got a serious problem about what's fiction and what's not,
    but also about your values system : "throwing things and getting another one when there's mass production" is typical of the mental process
    of the kind of people you assume I am, but which you actually are.

    respect is not and neither should be proportional to profusion

    I suggest you take your assumptions and prejudices somewhere else.
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  16. spacetime

    spacetime Platinum Record

    Jan 28, 2016
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    i think the general vibe is, if you are unable to search for a cracked version to the extent that you need to ask for help

    you dont understand warez, so better go buy it bum
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  17. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    It's funny,each of us have different tastes.Actually I don't make any track without Serum,for my music Serum is th king!I love this synth,it sounds so big and dark!
    And I didn't like Spire in the past but today I use it more,it is very good too,but not for the same kind of sounds.
    Quite the opposite I used a lot Omnisphere and today I don't play with it a lot..Its workflow it really not handy.
  18. black bounty

    black bounty Platinum Record

    Nov 8, 2015
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    yeah, I get it.
    my only critic about Serum is there's no arpegiator.

    I'm not a fan of synthesis personally - also because I know sound design is a real job - but sometimes I like to create my own patterns, or tweak a little bit a factory preset to make it fit my expectations, and that's all, but having to use an external arpegiator is where serum failed to seduce me.

    on the same note, I got Avenger a few months ago, it has a great sound, but even with a handful of expansions, compared to the shit-tons of soundbanks I have with spire and omnisphere, i was like "meh ?!"

    it's a bit like DAWs - except for Ableton Live, which for me is totally unique and the best for a Live use (with Traktor) - find the tools you feel the more acquainted to, and stick with them to concentrate on creativity.

  19. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    He asks for the "best", not for a "perfect" one. He gives details about stability problems. It's not a bad question like others in the style of "best kontakt library ever please?".
    One of this site strong points is to be able to talk about warez.

    Nailed it. Well, I wouldn't use the 's' word but that's because I have nieces.
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  20. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    @Xupito nobody said it is not allow to talk about a cracked serum version here, but there is literally no good working version out there, so it makes no sense to pinpoint x-release for serum.
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  21. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    What is wrong with 1.21b3?
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