How to recolor or reskin - Fl Studio

Discussion in 'FL Studio' started by mono, Feb 10, 2018.

  1. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    Hi all,
    Seen as the first Fl skin post has got a bit messy with all the info spread out over 20 + pages,
    i've gathered what info we have learned over the last few months
    and will post it all here on this new thread ,i will update this post with any new skins made
    and also update this page with any new info that we come across to help user make there own skins.

    There will be a few parts to this post ,one for the info about the RCdata,
    one for the icons and fonts, one for the patches and one for the skins them selfs.

    Because most users will just want the skin ,ill start with them first and work down from there.
    Please note that most of the skins are added into Fl version
    but because nothing has changed in the FLEngine its self ie bug fixes ect for version 12.5.165
    there was no need to update the skins again as long as you use the 12.5.165 setup
    from Image-Line to install Fl Studio.

    If you are a skiner and are making new skins or have updated or changed any skins you have already made and would like too share them with every-one,
    you can eader post them here on this page or send me a PM so this frist post will be updated with them.This will save users having to search for them as well as the info on how to reskin Fl.

    We should also thank Image-Line for makeing a realy great music program that has
    inspired and motivated people from around the world and giving evey user a chance
    to fulfill their dreams.Lets get on with the show :mates:

    Adobe Black x64 v12.5.1.5 update 10 by momo /16-12-2017


    Adobe Black x86 v12.5.1.5 update 2 by momo /27-01-2018


    A Bit Darker x64 v.1.0.3 by maizelman /10-02-2018


    Snow White x64 update 3 by noctis /01-02-2018



    FL Valentine x64 V2 update 2 by momo / 08-02-2018


    There is still about 20 pages on the frist fl skin post ill have to go over
    some skins are still missing so will update this page again over the next few days.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2018
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  3. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    RC Data info last updated on the 10/2/2018

    Ok skiners this is eveything we know so far about the RC Data,
    This has been put togetter with the help of myself, Maizelman,r4e, and Lunarpole
    over the last few mts so hope it comes in handy.

    Here is a vid from r4e that will help
    if use can't use the patches that will be resorted and shared again soon,
    it's a work-around he found to recolor the toolbar in the RCdata
    and what made us keep going.

    This is a quick vid from me to try help use to use the tools
    and change the color in the RCdata it can be updated again if needed.
    but with r4e's vid use should under-stand what to do.

    To find the settings or color code to change most, but not all of the colors in fl studio
    the FLEngine_x64.dll or FLEngine.dll can be dropped or open in programs like
    / Restuner/ Pexplorer / Restorator / ResHacker ...ect

    When you frist open the FLEngine_x64.dll or FLEngine.dll inside any of these programs
    you will see folders and the color settings are to be found in the RCdata folders sub-folders.
    The same RCdata folder can also be saved or copyed into the x64 or x86 version
    to change the color again in eader version, only if they are the same version number
    and can save you lots of time doing it this way.Restorator is very fast at this.

    The color code listed within the sub-folders in the RCdata folder
    will have the names of what they are for and the color code looks like this,

    Color = 9670537 With others been named like ClBlack or ClBlue ..ect these are not used as much as Color =

    The best program we have fould to add your own colors into the Rcdata folders is called ColorMania,
    Make sure the color is set to Powerbuilder / then chouse what color you like eader using the eye drop tool
    too scan any images or by using the color setting in ColorMania,

    Next copy and paste the numbers from ColorMania into the RCdata like this
    1234567 where Color = 9670537 so it now looks like this in the Rcdata folder Color = 1234567
    then hit enter to save it and then resave and open fl studio to see the changes made.
    When using copy & paste and have already make changes to the color
    but did not save the FLEngine inbetween the changes you can sometimes get a error like the color is still the same.
    So make sure to click on an other folder,page or line then go back to where you were working
    to make sure the new color is set, if its not set or changed to what you wanted
    just add it in again and it should work,the new color code will also go blue in Restuner
    when added right,

    You will also have to make sure when you frist open the FLEngine_x64.dll or FLEngine.dll
    in / Restuner/ Pexplorer / Restorator / ResHacker that its not from within your fl studio folder
    as you could get errors saying that the files is in use,ie your still running it in one of these programs lol
    so when you frist start make sure to make a copy of the FLEngine_x64.dll or FLEngine.dll
    then add it into a new folder and open it from there ,this way you can resave the new
    FLEngine_x64.dll or FLEngine.dll inside your fl studio folder and will save you time.

    The other ClBlack or ClBlue CLRed color codes that are not used that much can be found here.

    These are what some of the sub-folders names change in the main RCdata folder
    and there are lots more that you will see but this will get you started.

    TSTEPSEQFORM = Channel Rack

    TEVENTEDITFORM = Piano Roll & Play list
    NewCaption TNewCaption / ToolsBtn: TQuickBtn / QuickFront.Color /
    Changes the color on the playlist snap to grid tab + piano roll tools tab + piano roll stamp tab.

    TMIDIFORM = Options / midi to about page

    TPLUGINFORM = Top bar on plugins + Plugin eddit page + Layer page + Sampler page
    There are more settings in the fruty wrapper's for the plugins page.

    TFXFORM = Mixer
    TFLBASEVECTORFORM & TMSGFORM = Save changes box / yes / no

    TSampleListForm = Top Browser Menu and Left scroll bar on Browser

    TFRUITYLOOPSMAINFORM = Top toolbar / Right bar on browser window / vol / pitch / play / stop / song position.

    TPRBASETOOLFORM = Out-Side border on all piano roll tools

    TWAVRENDERFORM = Save export wav ,mp3 ,ogg pages.

    Anything thats not listed in the RCdata are incoded into the FLEngine_x64.dll and FLEngine.dll
    with some been in the wrapper for the plugins page.
    These need a debugger to change and find the color code.

    Updated rcdata info :
    In fl studio 20 the full toolbar can now be found and changed in the RCDATA folder.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2019
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  4. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    Patches to recolor fl 12.5.15 x64 11/2/2018

    The patches provided will help you color in the parts of FL Studio that are missing in the RCData folder this is the hardest part of sking fl and there are times you will go WFT.
    It has taking me about 400 to 500 hrs to find the rest of the color code
    so used have it easy trust me.

    Best thing to do with these patches is just get stuck into it , put on a few nice tunes and see how it goes, while some parts are easy to change other parts have no way of under-standing them or at least for me, the channle rack blocks ,mixer faders, and inside browser are the worce parts to recolor so with these few bits, luck is needed and lots of time.

    If part of the color code starts with 0xff and you remove the 0xff that part can go transparent
    so keep an eye open for this,while some other parts are coded with 0xfffff or 0xfff0f
    with these you can remove the 0xff and most times they will come on a list or block with other 0xff.

    From what i can made out lists like this are dark and light code with shr eax, 0x10 set between them if you are changing a list of 0xfffff change them all to the same color code
    or you can try your luck at changing just the shr eax, 0x10 numbers ie 1 to 99 or a to g.
    But if the last 0xfffff or 0xfff0f code has or r8d, 0xff000000 you can try change just this line
    removing the ff if needed so 0xff000000 will look like this or r8d, 0x1234568.

    There is also a mix of color code used by the FL Studio dll just to make it more fun
    C++ Hex, photoshop or powerbuilder
    these color codes can all be found in ColorManias drop down list.
    so if one color code don't work for you try an other till the color changes how you would like.

    The patch are not 100% sorted so you could get two patches that change the same part.
    I've also made a quick vid on how to load the patches and how to save your work as you go.

    Wish use the best of luck :)

    Program used to load in the color code patches.

    Patches and vid.
    Last edited: May 20, 2018
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  5. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
  6. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    Fl Studio can no longer be fully skinned like before
    only the RCdata can now be changed.

    FL Studio_win_20.1.2.887 midnight skin V2 x64
    r4e Theme Selector FL2012b887TS-r4e.7z


    Make sure FL isn't running when installing the theme.
    Otherwise the Theme selector will restart your PC to replace the theme at the next start.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2019
  7. Maizelman

    Maizelman Rock Star

    Jun 19, 2017
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    Replace or DIY your own FL Logo:


    The easy way to replace the Logo:
    The Logo is saved inside a file called ILGlyphsEx.ilfont
    In the archive of my latest ABitDarker skin, you find a folder called fl.logos that contains the example logos 1-8 + some more + all the info.

    1. You can use the included .cmd (made by r4e) to open the folder where you need to replace the .ilfont file

    2. Best to save your old ILGlyphsEx.ilfont file (if you accidentally forgot, there's a backup included) and simply replace it.

    The advanced way:
    3. Make your own logos,use APPs like Fontlab Studio 5.
    Eader U use existing vector images or make your very own.
    Start with lots of ready to use fonts from
    (Yaa need to rename the fontfiles from .ilfont to .ttf, before you can load them into Studio5)
    In Studio5 open the .ilfont and then copy-> paste -> STRG + 9 to resize and STRG + ALT + G to export to .ttf (then rerename the file to .ilfont)

    4. If you want to go one step further, paste your own pictures into a file in Studio5:
    Simply choose an image with lots of contrast (or better only two colors, but you can still reduce them later)
    There is a free APP called Inkscape which helps you with that job.
    Use it's tracing algorithm for transforming bitmaps into vector graphics.
    A screenshot is included that shows which settings you should use when tracing a bitmap.

    5. After converting, you won't see anything happened, because inkscape places the vector graphic on top of your picture. Drag that away (and voila..magic..and it even looks better because there are no pixels anymore).
    Copy that into a new file which you save as .eps (postcript). That .eps you can now import to Studio5 to finally bring your own vectors into the .ilfont. :winker:
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2018
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  8. AudioDesigner

    AudioDesigner Ultrasonic

    Mar 18, 2015
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  9. r4e

    r4e Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Here you go:

    Btw. Found an even better tool to edit fonts cause Fontlab Studio sometimes alters some glyphs when exporting edited fonts.
    It's called "High-Logic FontCreator". If someone needs it, just write me.

    Here's an example of altered glyphs by editing the same font files:

    Fontlab: [​IMG]

    FontCreator: [​IMG]

    Ps: Even this font file got deleted by Image-Line.
    If anyone needs it, write me a pm.
    Last edited: May 13, 2018
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  10. samitheproducer

    samitheproducer Newbie

    May 16, 2018
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    hey guys im new here and found your skins, that is siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick what you did i appreciate your valuable time and efforts to do all for this, and i did not find the links working to download these skins as well as can you please make the samples list black as well for the blue theme like hoz it is in the red and black skin ??? thank you guys
  11. PersonneAudioZ

    PersonneAudioZ Kapellmeister

    Sep 26, 2017
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  12. md imran

    md imran Newbie

    Jun 23, 2018
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    waiting for fl 20 skin updates
  13. mewoingtons

    mewoingtons Producer

    Jul 24, 2015
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    They have already arrived.
  14. oR1_PRS

    oR1_PRS Noisemaker

    Apr 18, 2018
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    can anyone re upload black skin for fl please!!??
  15. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    Was trying to fix the midi ch colors 1 to 16 again to work with the blue notes
    and ended up doing this lol will call it 8-bit and keep trying
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  16. mewoingtons

    mewoingtons Producer

    Jul 24, 2015
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    Haha looks interesting. I'm all for some abstract skins.
  17. Manuels

    Manuels Newbie

    Jul 28, 2018
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    File not found... Really like that Snow white. VERY ATTRACTIVE.
  18. Manuels

    Manuels Newbie

    Jul 28, 2018
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    I already made one but some paremetre missing like the sliders color on mix track.. And the Step sequencer Color.. That dark aqua color.. If i am correct.. Still fond folder for it.
  19. raslerx

    raslerx Noisemaker

    Aug 11, 2018
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    Does anyone how to make these work in FL20? Cheers.
  20. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
  21. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    Info moved up
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2019
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