Rappers dying this week...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by LuckySevens, Jun 20, 2018.

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  1. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    i found OJ!
  2. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    All Off topic comments have been removed.

    Remember one thing : If you put an information in a forum, people will react, their reaction may not be what you like.

    The only thing I ask to you all, is not to call each other "idiot" etc.. You can perfectly argue without calling other members names.
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  3. Luka

    Luka Platinum Record

    May 10, 2018
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    @Olymoon If you are going to delete posts in which a member points out another member who is negatively rating threads in mass I think you need to look into those ratings too.
  4. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America

    What does this have to do with the topic? And I will continue to voice my opinion thru word or the rating system here. If I see it as like, I like it, if I perceive it as nasty I vote that too. Thats what it is there for. Now...let me direct you back to it.

    If you want to ask…Yes, you and you're supporters are the bad guys. You want to Murder humans for lessor crimes. You believe Violence solves issues. You convict before a jury does, and that is why our system of Justice is failing. Because of people just like you.

    Now this isn't a judgement, it is discernment. You're words show me and everyone else here who and what you are. You and people that think like you want to be judge and jury. You are ignorant enough to try people with out knowing the facts, just what you read in the media. I can’t judge what kind of human he was. I never met him. But obviously you can! You want to be God.

    Now since you seem to not be able to comprehend my 1st statement, I will repeat it again...I don't condone or defend any act of violence of any sort. I abide by the laws of my land and I don't judge without knowing the facts. You ask..”justifiable rape”, well there is a such thing as Justifiable murder. It happens everytime you murder to defend yourself or if a jury sentences you to death. Still when you do that, you are playing God. Again, I don’t condone violence of any sort!

    I just refuse to act like I’m God.

    Now let me ask you…If a woman raped a man would you condemn her to Death? If a woman beat up a man…would you condemn her to Death? Cause I have never seen A Man say or do that.

    Murdering a person for hitting a woman will get you the death penalty. Murder is Murder. And any person that hits another should be dealt with in a court of law, not by your hands. Thats what our courts are for. A civil society that can make and enforce laws. Show me one that says if you beat up some one you get the death penalty.

    Lastly I have 3 sisters and I love and respect women. But you’re judgement is skewed and disproportionate for the crime.

    I’m done with this topic.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2018
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  5. Maizelman

    Maizelman Rock Star

    Jun 19, 2017
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    What the fuck, I'm done with that forum if ya don't remove @Luka, but remove my comments @SAiNT @Olymoon
  6. Maizelman

    Maizelman Rock Star

    Jun 19, 2017
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    Yeah, what a great place @Olymoon @SAiNT :woot::facepalm:
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2018
  7. Luka

    Luka Platinum Record

    May 10, 2018
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    You talk about judging and that is what you do. Don't blame me or people like me for the fallouts of the justice system. I never have been inside a courtroom. Neither as a civilian or serviceman. The problem with the justice system is to be blamed on people like the dead rapper you are mourning, on those who believe that there is a cure for anti-social behavior and on those fools that preach that rehabilitation instead of punishment is the solution. Those are the ones to blame not me. At the age the dead rapper decided to commit his first serious felony I was in the Army serving my country overseas. While he was committing his second and his third major crime I was still serving my country. So point your finger elsewhere.
  8. Luka

    Luka Platinum Record

    May 10, 2018
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    In 2008 some people said : " if Obama gets elected we are moving to Europe" In 2017 some others said "if Trump gets elected we are moving to Canada". It is 2018 and everyone is still here. You ain't going nowhere regardless of what the Mods decide to do. You like all this drama, can't live without it. :rofl:
  9. Maizelman

    Maizelman Rock Star

    Jun 19, 2017
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    Its alright @Luka I don't give SH€T about all that. I simply reacted, but thats it. I know people like you can't feel anything, there's no happyness in your life at all. But whatever things happened to ya in your childhood, we're there for ya. :mates:
  10. daddytang

    daddytang Producer

    Sep 8, 2013
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    Birmingham Alabamastan
    the real shame is that rap didnt die in the 80's, then rappers would not be dying.
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  11. foster911

    foster911 Guest

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  12. kensaundm31

    kensaundm31 Newbie

    May 6, 2013
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    A psychopath wife beater dies. Great! Good riddance, everybody is better off.
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  13. eXACT_Beats_

    eXACT_Beats_ Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2018
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    Is this one of those "You can't call her a bitch, but you can say she's acting like one," type of things? :hahaha:

    So, in essence, what you're saying is that the problem with the "Justice" system stems from people who are believers and preachers of rehabilitation? Sounds like a pretty weak arguement to me. Those people "preaching" those things have little, if any, power or pull when it comes to the joke of a Justice system that we have. Let's lay the blame where it should be placed, on the lazy, over-fed judges and state counselors who care so very little about actual Justice that it makes me physically ill.
    I have been in court (because I'm an Upstanding Pillar of The Community,) and guess what? I've been charged with Failure to Appear in court and got extra days from the judge for that....even though I was in their jail at the time; I told the judge that and that fact "....didn't concern him." I also have been arrested without charges for anything and jailed just for being seen with a known carjacker, and you know that beautiful law that says they have to charge you or let you go within 72 hrs? Apparently it is kind of just a suggestion, seeing as how I spent two weeks in jail without even being allowed a lawyer or even a public defender. They told me that the 72 hrs thing was "....not a law in every state." All of my charges were possession of weed, or some other non-violent misdemeanors. On the flip side of that I saw a judge let some woman, with two felonies on her record already, walk out of the court room after--wait for it; I'm not making this up--stealing a car while drunk *and high on meth, doing a hit & run in that car at a busy intersection, hitting a cop car at the end of the chase and was found with meth and a dope pipe on her....she got six more months probation....seriously. Before she was dismissed he said "....I hope all of this is a wake up call for you." Seriously?!?! Our "Justice" system is a joke, Luka, and it isn't because of people preaching rehabilitation, it is because the jail/prison system is a self-perpetuating machine that has to find ways to feed itself. Surely you know this though, right?
    If XXX had gone to court he may or may not have gotten charged with the crimes. He's famous and that plays differently quite often, so, whether he got convicted or not doesn't really matter. At the end of it all, I think that it's fairly telling that you were in the army and fail to see the benefit of rehabilitation. The funniest part is that by your statements, you somehow seem to assume that some serving time will....what? Straighten them out? I hope you're not that foolish.
    As I said, I don't give a rat's ass if these guys are dead or not, they put themselves in the positions they found themselves in; it's not Karma, it's just cause and effect--simple as that. That being said, you say that we want to be God's? That people shouldn't judge people, jurys should? Well, what the hell do you think a Judge and a jury is/are? Some sort of omnipotent, all-knowing being(s) who is/are the only thing standing between structured society and chaos? Think again on that one....

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  14. Luka

    Luka Platinum Record

    May 10, 2018
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    @eXACT_Beats_ Your interpretation of what I said couldn't be more wrong. You totally missed what I said. The problem with the justice system is to be blamed on people like the dead rapper some members are mourning and vehemently defending. That was my starting point. Who makes the prison system a self perpetuating machine? Criminals, anti socials. Blaming judges and state counselors for one's own mistakes is an excellent defense mechanism. As you said it "they found themselves in the positions they found themselves in". And I never assumed that someone serving time will straighten out. You did. By having those persons serve time you punish them and protect the citizenry. Lock them up and throw away the key . Keep them away from committing crimes. Finally, I was not in the Army. I still am an enlisted soldier, yes sir! and proud to serve this country. The comments about G-d and judges and juries that you attributed to me were made by someone else. I keep G-d out of my posts. Have a great weekend.
  15. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Firstly you're completely OT. Like this has nothing to do with the original thread. You've been going on with the justice system, the army, and god knows what else for two pages, now. Could you please @Olymoon remove all that spam from the thread ? Cheers.

    Secondly you're the only one threatning and willing to hijack the "justice system", since you want to kill every suspected wife beater you cross in the street, in order to protect your sister...My point and the point of many others on the other hand was to say that XXX hadn't been judged yet before his death so it wasn't up to the mob to declare him guilty before judgement of an official real judge. So actually defending the "justice system", contrary to you.

    Lastly you probably shouldn't antagonize people so much.
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  16. Luka

    Luka Platinum Record

    May 10, 2018
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    @Talmi The only antagonizer here is you. The whole controversy was started by you trying to defend that scumbag that got shot. You threw the first stone here calling those who did not agree with you cowards. You need to respect my point of you. And to stop being so hysterical about what I said on defending my sister. At least she is family and not a stranger like that low life piece of shit you have been defending for 2 days. Do you think he was going to treat you with the same respect you are demanding he be treated? Just press that ignore button so my opinions don't offend your sensitivity or learn to respect my opinion and point of view as I have respected yours. Have a great weekend.
  17. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Again. Learn to read soldier. I didn't defend him. You on the other hand like others before you keep having a cowardly and shamefull attitude by insulting a dead person, on a topic dedicated to announce his death. I'm just stating facts, I'm not antagonizing anyone.
    I actually didn't give any bad rating to anybody and none of my comment was removed. So check again, regarding me being negative toward others.
    Lastly you're being hysterical about your own sister, and wanting to kill suspected wife beaters and all, I'm simply noting and stating that by being hysterical toward your sister you are a clear threat to the justice system and thus to society in general.
    Should we lock you away too and throw away the key ?

    Cheers soldier. :wink:
  18. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    since you feel so strongly about this.. "XXX" fellow.. I will extend condolences to you for your "loss" and your grief over this person..

    however... you really did take @superliquidsunshine out of context with a huge twist of his intentions..
    the point he makes is an enlightened one and he lightened it up with poking fun at a mass murdering monster,
    whom no one sanely could sympathize with... try not to go off the rails with your feelings and cloud your reason

    this is the way many people think sir.. when they see something walking like a duck.. and
    quacking like a duck.. , to them.. it is nothing other than a DUCK... or perhaps
    a penguin that advertizes communism, which, last time I checked , is responsible for more
    human "murders" than virtually any other errant ideology


    where is your sympathy now big bird ?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 23, 2018
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  19. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Well you're a man of many talents, and now you also apparently read minds too :woot: Good for ya :wink:

    Personaly I don't. So I'll keep on reading comments and making my own opinion about them.

    And thanks for the condoleance thingy.

    I'm indeed sad that a young musician of barely 20 years of age - no matter what other mistakes he had made in his short life so far, and while knowing that nothing can erase those misdeeds - got killed by automatic weapons on the middle of the day and the middle of the street for a luxury bag from France.
    Sorry if others can't relate. That's simply the way I personaly feel.
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  20. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Durr you must feel good amongs the soviets..;Didn't they use to chase forbiden imagery too ?

    #witchHunt #MacCartysm
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