Bandecho 1.0 crack

Discussion in 'PC' started by pinglebart, Aug 12, 2011.

  1. pinglebart

    pinglebart Newbie

    Aug 11, 2011
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    My name is Bjarte Ludvigsen and I am the creator of Bluenoise Plugins and Bandecho which has just been cracked. I am the ONLY person in this company and I have spent months of my life devoted to create each plugin. I am shocked, angry and very sad that you support this without thinking that this affect me and my life very much. I have a wife and kid and this was my plan of living that you now have totally ruined. Please tell me how on earth can I try to esablish a company and make a living when people like you are supporting/cracking my software. I hope you can go to the deepest in you hearts and see the sadness in what you do.

    The software cost 50 dollars at the moment. 50 fucking dollars! Don't you feel that it is fair that this money should go to me and my family. I can seriously say that this has made me think if it is worth the work to create plugins in the future.

    You might think that the companies making software earn a lot of money and are big business. The fact is that I have so far spent over 2000 dollars to create Bandecho 1.0 and I have so far earned 800 dollars. That means I have still have to get 1200 dollars to break even.

    What you have done is worse than stealing from me because you have left all other people just downloading it for free. If I stole from you wouldn't you be angry or said? Do you go into a store and steal thousands of products?

    Please remove the software/links from you website and hosts. I'm begging you. This is the worst thing that could ever happen to me.

    Bjarte Ludvigsen
    Bluenoise Plugins
  3. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Where I dont want to be
    Calm down Bart... if you already made 800 bucks in a short amount of time, likely you will make back the rest.

    This is how the world, fact is, I didn't even know about your product until it was posted here, and probably never would have.

    I am an artist, and my work has been 'warez' all over the net for the past 10 years, I still make my money.

    fact is, if you don't want you work 'stolen' you better invest on better protection measures. If not.. no amount of forum posting and guilt tripping will stop your work being posted for free.

    Having said that, you can email the webmaster here and he will probably have your company blacklisted on this site.

    I can't vouch for other sites... but.. you may find that this kind of exposure may actually.. help, your sales.

    Good luck mate. :mates:

    PS. I didn't download your plugin... I use Soundtoys Echoboy, which.. after trying...for free..

    .....I purchased.

    If your plugin is something special.. people.. WILL buy it.... warez'ed.. or not.
  4. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    totally agree with ...
    btw we ppl here on audioz dont create cracked ... u have to tell that assign - u can find the email from them in the nfo file i guess.
    yh its hard i know a friend of me created also an awesome recreation of a hardware synth and i told him about he was also very angry, but he was really lucky that his sales didnt dropped down after that 'cos a lot of ppl know him ... by ppl i mean also
    pro artists and they still buy - and they can also download the cracked version ..

    btw 50$ are not much but for ppl which are not at all in music and doing it as a hobby its hard to buy 1 plugin for 50(fucking) dollars.

    i also never heard of ur company and ur plugin(s) - it was just after looking into article here and googled and after that i said ... no thats nothing for me ...
    i have it not downloaded ...

    and btw u dont get more sales 'cos the ppl who wanna try only never buy your plugin away?!
    so i hope u enjoy the free advertisment which assign did for u ...

    and i hope also u can get ur 2000+$.

    ... btw could i be that u use synthmaker for doing these plugins?! i know the knobs from the gui?!
    ask the admin here to put ur company on the blacklist - he'll for sure do ...
  5. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Plan 9
    @ArticStorm : ... btw could i be that u use synthmaker for doing these plugins?! i know the knobs from the gui?!

    Its SynthEdit he uses.
  6. Duu

    Duu Noisemaker

    Jun 9, 2011
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    St Albans nr London Town!!!
    There's a question in a prvious post, something about 'Piracy, friend or foe', I can't find it now. Maybe Bjarte could find it and get a better understanding of the situation from both sides of the fence here. Of course he has a point, but as I said in my post in that thread, I've bought many many plugs and apps, but only after I've used them properly and I mean properly. 50 dollars doesn't sound much and it's not really, but it is for a plug in that may not be used again, or doesn't work!!!!. It seems like the posting of the cracked version has exposed the fact it simply doesn't work properly (in Live anyway), and if I'd paid 50 dollars for it I'd for one be a bit pissed!!.
  7. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Well if he complain about cracked plugins and he uses synthedit he should be very very welcome about the hype he get for this plugin.

    I guess that he didn´t do a great deal of marketing as i haven´t seen any ads about he´s wonderful plugin.

    I know of many many plugin developer who uses synthedit or synthmaker to develop their plugin and they give them away for free there are thousands of them.

    If you are serious about plugin development atleast make your plugin in code not in a software(that is if you can c++?)

    Or are you like me a dude that learn from others on internet forums and then create the plugin (in my case in synthmaker)

    This has been debated before and some plugin developer say that in order to really make a good plugin you must code it yourself.

    Good luck in the future with your plugin development hope to see a REAL plugin from you in the future then i maybe buy it.

    And as Duu said you have to test ir so it works in all the daw:s before you can sell it.

    So i guess you haven´t buy all the daw:s?
    That is a lot of money to spend for every Daw on the market for your testing purposes

    And about your protection what did you expect?
    The crackteams have cracked ilook & syncrosoft protected plugins like Waves and Arturia.And Daws like Cubase.

    And protections that developers have spent years to develop like "Uhe:s" synths unlike your 7 months for the whole plugin alone.
  8. nidza61

    nidza61 Noisemaker

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Bjarte Ludvigsen i'm sorry you got a problem. I've never heard about your products. However, much of your anger is because You do not understand the whole problem.
    I have not heard or read that the creator of his trial released into circulation and ask the opinion of warez community as to best protect the product. On the other hand, how to improve your product if you have no feedback from users. Is it necessary that customers buy a product first and wait for the repairs to eventually get what they want.
    It is very difficult and slow to create the company name in the world where there are big names long. Value warez community is to equalize the chances of both small and large companies so that all products made equally available to users. As a result many unknown companies are broke into the top without investing millions in advertising and without a large number of lawyers, etc.
    Your skill is not simply to output the product, currently, it's like you put a drop into the sea. Your product purchased a few, I bet that at least one of them is a consultant from a well-known companie. What will you do when after a year or two (when you close the company due to poor profits) find your design solutions in some of the well-known companies products. Try to understand, many companies invest more in advertising than in research and experts. So they think they are faster and easier to stay on top. With the help of warez community, users can quickly discover what is really new and what is just makeup.
    All are equal under the court of users. You go into battle and got the first blow. You survived, do not cry, use this experience to be a better fighter. If you're struggling, let it be in front of millions of people. Contact with them, be persistent, and show people that your product is worth attention. If necessary, teach them how to use it, there are many forums, use them, ask them what they think, be open to new ideas etc.
    Do not make the product users, the truth is that the users makes the product. Think about, why all the big companies are proud to list the big names that use their product, most of them first heard of the tool when signing the contract. What tools are used in their work, only they know it, maybe just use your tools in search of a finesse that escapes them with the use of other well-known tools.
    And finally, you're not alone in your company, your company somehow make everyone who using your products and contribute them to being better and to expand the name of your company in the market.
    I wish you luck and success in business
  9. Pronto

    Pronto Kapellmeister

    Jul 21, 2011
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    you sound like a bit of a drama queen about renaming your company DQ plugins and have them crying when they load?
    this almost sounds like a wind-up...'..the worst thing thats could ever happen to me'..?..thats a bit naive and i doubt your partner would want to hear that either?....the loss of a child? the cracking of one of my plugins as i thought i could release it on the internet and it would never get cracked...
    how about turning it say you only have one person working on it..its not likely to be that great in the long about gettting the people who now have it to help test it?....did you really think you could make your fortune off this one plugin....i don't think i'll download it now as your attitude stinks and you're an idiot.
  10. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Where I dont want to be
    "the worst thing thats could ever happen to me'..?..thats a bit naive and i doubt your partner would want to hear that either?....the loss of a child?.."


    or perhaps..soldiers coming back from a tour of duty missing limbs, 7 year old girls with bone cancer, babies, starving to death, while the (fucking) flies swarm over them..

    Give me a break. :snuffy:
  11. Rubadub

    Rubadub Newbie

    Jul 29, 2011
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    i never heard about your product before , thanks to this site i tried it and i still prefer echoboy anyway :)

    sorry for your tragedy ..
  12. Jason

    Jason Newbie

    Aug 12, 2011
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    What you guys don't understand is that Bjarte Ludvigsen put more than money into this. There's no respect anymore for anything.
  13. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    I am literally feeling proud reading your comments. :mates: :mates: :mates:

    however, i feel that it would be right to kindly answer pinglebart's request.
  14. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Where I dont want to be

  15. oldor

    oldor Newbie

    Aug 12, 2011
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    Whoa, this plugin sounds quite cheap and digital. You say your plugin is ONLY 50 Dollar, and thats an offer? Normally it costs 100 bucks.
    Yesterday I purchased RobPapen's Delay for 10$ at Audiomidi. Listen to UAD RE 201, Soundtoys, RobPapen and others, they sound way more analog and smooth
    than your synthedit delay.
  16. Lord Gaga

    Lord Gaga Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    So you'll let us share your baby once you'll recover your huge investment, right ?
    Cry me a river.

    :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
  17. Rico88

    Rico88 Newbie

    Jun 21, 2011
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    This guy should have a picture of a cute little puppy dog with a gun to its' head, and a caption, 'download my software and I'll shoot the dog'!

    Why don't people like this realize that someone that downloads his software only becomes a loss to him if that person was actually going to buy the software and downloaded a cracked version instead? Why is that always missed in the equation? Somehow we've 'stolen' from him, and 'ruined the prospects for his family', over a downloaded product that most of us hadn't even heard of, and were never going to be purchasing in a million years! He must be joking!!!

    And how did AudioZ become the "hub" of all this 'personal disaster' for him? Doesn't this clown realize that this release by a warez group can probably be found right now on a few hundred different websites? How did AudioZ wind up ruining his life?

    Geez, this dude's thinking is so off, I don't even want to waste my time now trying his stupid software -- if his thinking is this warped, how good could the ideas behind his product be?
  18. Pronto

    Pronto Kapellmeister

    Jul 21, 2011
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    i remember now..alot of these bluenoise plugins were free until about last week, they had been for years too... i actually visited the site to check that a link was still active and things like seven and the dfrumset. the therimin..all free....I'm not sure how this helps your case bjarte...have you taken over the company and are trying to make money off it now?
  19. pinglebart

    pinglebart Newbie

    Aug 11, 2011
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    I'm going to answer all the opinions here in the best way I can. I have to cut it up in several replies.

    I don't think you understand the real picture. Getting back 2000 dollars I put into it is not the issue here when putting months of work into creating it. Do you really think I would put this amount of work only to get even? The fact is that since this crack was released NOBODY has bought the plugin. How can I try to make a living, devote myself into this without even hoping I would make even a lousy salary on it? I did expect to get rich from it but maybe get some money so I can continue to develop the plugin for the next version. This is unlikely now.

    My hope was that people slowly would notice it and the fact that you found out about it here doesn't help me a bit. Also my plan was to use much of the income to promote it. There is now way I can do this now.

    This is the core to the problem. If nobody would download cracks nobody would need to have any serious protection. Btw, a serious crack protection like Steinberg or Avid uses costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. That doesn’t mean it is legal to crack small companies like mine. I cannot afford this. I am just hard working person without any funds from anyone.
  20. pinglebart

    pinglebart Newbie

    Aug 11, 2011
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    As said, I had a few sales the first week before the crack. After = none. I really can't see how this can help. 98 percent of people downloading cracks are not buying the software anyway - even if they like it.

    Listen carefully. The plugin is available at my site as a fully working demo for 7 days. You have 7 days to test the plugin before you need to decide if you want to buy it. So why the hell crack it? It must be people don't want to spend money at all even if they like it. Why download the crack when you can download the demo? I totally understand that people want to try the software first and that is why I did create the demo. The software has been tested by 10 betatesters in many DAWs before releasing it. Abelton live works flawless with the genuine version.
  21. pinglebart

    pinglebart Newbie

    Aug 11, 2011
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    I have done this.

    Sorry, but this is not helping me at all. And I can't see why I used Synthedit would change anything. A lot of commercial software use that software to develope.

    All my previous plugins has been free and I have helped the community with plugins like Mountain Echo, Mydrumset and many more. Bandecho was my first commercial release and I have put enormous amount of work into it. I think I should deserve some payment as all other hard striving developers. It is sad that you think that plugins made with Synthedit should be free and are bad. It is not the truth and many great plugins that you don't even think about are made with it. Anyway, your statement doesn’t really hold a fact in real life.

    Why on earth should I put more of my life into making plugins that I don't earn a dime in making? I seriously hoped that the crack teams and the people in general would have a heart when it comes to very small developers. The warez community are talking about getting to try before buy attitude. Fine. I agree. Then download the demo and try it. No features are taken away. I can in some weird way understand that people want to try out Cubase or similar if there was no single demo and the program costs thousands of dollars. My plugin has a demo and it cost for the time being 50 dollars if you like it.