We need to talk about Aphex...

Discussion in 'Music' started by filtersweep, May 18, 2018.

  1. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    Is it just me? or is Aphex Twin losing his mojo.
    Syro was patchy, there were some good tracks but using the Amen break on about 4 tracks? patchy...
    this new thing ( mini LP?.. EP?) is just totally uninspiring. i've just listened to it all the way through and not noted anything progressive or inspired. I get the impression that Mr. James is fucking with people, just pile on loads of 'Wonk' crudely rendered, plus the requisite amount of dischord = the epitome of difficult listening. i don't get his motivation. Richard D James LP is a thing of beauty with a balance throughout, full and crafted structures, inventive sounds,... this is utterly an aneamic in comparison. and repetative. and listless.
    it sounds like a kid half-heartedly noodling about. the sound is insipid. Mr James does not seem to discriminate with his output. Perhaps he should. I guess he has enough fanatical folllowers who applaude everything he does.
    I recommend getting som e PLaid instead. now THAT's what i call (electronic) music
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  3. Andsoitseems

    Andsoitseems Ultrasonic

    Mar 17, 2018
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    He hasn’t lost it I think he is Just trying to find a new Sound and be groundbreaking but the competition is too fierce and he’s not the only one who can make forward thinking beats anymore
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  4. dtmd

    dtmd Platinum Record

    Jan 15, 2016
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    He's got nothing (more) to prove. Especially in today's plastic soul environment. Publicly slicing and dicing.. glitching.. cabbage, will still render some standing ovations, by those always in fresh blood search mod tick-people, who endlessly, wo ever questioning (self) anything, as a life force are sucking idea, package.. instead of content. Toxic or nutritional.. is not in question for them (they live). Blood is blood. His introverted "anti-pop-star" message, didn't produce any positive feedback. Just the ordinary expectations and.. MOAR! Give as MOAR! WE WANT! OR ELSE.. DADDY!..

    And yes, "muse" is a hellish trickster. When present, with mouth full of everlasting growth, bliss, progress, elevation.... for artist ("everyone" is artist of some sort, form..) is probably the most important and beautiful "thing" in life. Life force. Geist. When she stops being a-mused, when she purposely as last goodbye, now with devilishly red eyes directs one last eye contact.. and turns back and leaves, leaving only cynical laughter echoing forever.. all those (self-fullnes) promises from before - if followed - momentarily turns to rotten emptiness, meaninglessness, in bubble of entropy realization of lingering on edge of abyss.. in some frequency domain not ever to be understandable, chaos kingdom. Now, after phase one muse-full overture, in muse-less uncertainty-full phase two. Phase cancellation.

    Luke is allso, more or les muse-less, drowned in pointless reminisce, sipping acid for himself in front of todays "tough crowd".
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  5. Thomas DeColita

    Thomas DeColita Noisemaker

    Mar 29, 2016
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  6. MaXe

    MaXe Kapellmeister

    Aug 30, 2016
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    It is so sad that I see people saying such things about a great humble TRUE artist. I am not by no means a fanatical follower of him. But believe me, he has already made many mind blowing stuff. If you google, you don't find lots of new pictures of him. He STAYED TRUE to his art. Fu*k all these dumb fags who think after installing a DAW and learning a Synth can talk about Aphex twin and judge is his art(Who else are you?). Bi*ches, even with today's technology you cannot shape the sounds like he did in 1990 decade xD
    At the end of the day, he became famous by STAYING TRUE to his art not by taking pictures while smoking weed or showing off how much money he has, how many bi*ches he fu*ked, putting a tattoo on his anus and taking pictures of it or what a gangsta he is xD =))
    He is a timeless artist, believe me ( You don't even have to believe these words, cause your opinion don't matter at all and truth is independent )
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  7. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    This man is a genius but not a machine!
    After 30 years making music you have imperatively some moments more or less inspired.The more if,like him,an artist stays during his career in the same register.And i agree with his way.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2018
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  8. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    You can do it today,more than ever,if you have enough money to buy stuff and enough talent
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  9. dtmd

    dtmd Platinum Record

    Jan 15, 2016
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    Isn't that ironic? At same pace and magnitude as technology evolves (we're - more/less, statistical % generalization - the ever-same-old monkeys, slaving more (than ever) to technology growth), human artistic credo, imagination (that ancient, anarchistic, rebellious thing, opposite of today's stable copy-paste herd mimicry methods), creativity, strive to/for versatility, finding your own way to reinvent the wheel..... drops. In some point, possibly to Øro. "Slaves to the (singularity) rhythm."

    Sharing - hard/er to understand, not commercial, not widespread, "occult".. not for $.. - knowledge is one thing. Human, for some mystical reason, never taken seriously - utopistic - "hive-mind, interconnected, all-one well being.." thing. Absolutely different from purpose of "I" (look ma´-me-smart), revelations about (how to market) "basic mathematics skills" (""creative seminars".. ""for" polyrhythms". WTFF?!). Blatantly plain, dumbing down and potent wide-spreading disease, that's undoubtedly devastating for above mentioned "human soul".

    Should one.. anyone.. neurotic enough to (be partially unbound) perceive and accept her/himself "that way".. be even slightest "worried", when stumble on some critic(ism) about her/him? Let's put it this way. Can someone who "knows".. "my" past doings, and expect same "me-results-standard", based on his own (for his/hers own cherry picked entertainment) "comprehensions" of "previous-standard-me".. "endanger" my - now, present, completely different inner me from any of "past me"? When nobody watched (that non cherry picked, whole other part of me), "I" discovered mathematics of sound in glitched cabbage. Should "I" present idea in public? Should "I" be troubled about probable criticism, about nonrecognition of my "cabbage heureka" moment, about judgement based on (cherry picked) expectations of previous "me"....? Not even expectations. Rather, some written, critically formed glossolalia, in main purpose of some ("..now THAT's what I call..") "I". Me-not-important in some "I" marketing. Me-just, model of abstraction. Part of todays, someones "I" theme. Me-no-agitated. Me-gleefully-expertly-glitching-cabbage. Besides criticism, what do you.. today.. "expertly"?
  10. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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    AFX is the godfather modern electronic music. He really can do what ever he wants and I know better than to try and compartmentalize his work - if it's a top 10 hit, great. If it's a grammy winning album, ok. If it's some ambient, mind-warping confusing experimental concoction, ok. I will just listen and take it in.

    I thought Syro was incredible. It took me a few listens to take it in. The Syro mix didn't seem as 'polished' as some of his older stuff, imo; it didn't breathe as dynamically in the lows and the mid-highs seems compressed a bit too much?? Anyway, it reminds me of when Bjork's 'Homogenic' came out - it took me about 5 listens to fully understand and love that album.
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  11. zpaces

    zpaces Platinum Record

    Jul 29, 2016
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    Totally overrated imo! I never understood why people like his "music". Actually it's not music, it's some random glitched shit. And just because he makes it different, people call him a genius! Feel free to call me stubborn, idiot or someone who has no clue about electronic music. Whatever, there is nothing left to say but this classic motivator:


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  12. Voyager

    Voyager Member

    Jun 13, 2018
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    ...It's funny!

    In the 90's, he just decrypted Gamelan and FOLI, throw an electronic suit on it and wooooop'd it up some bpm's for good measure - It's nothing genius about either Aphex or any other act, it's more like a state of mind, somethings appeal to you and other things don't. It's just like people, cars, houses, blings etc, you either like them/it or you don't, and sometimes you don't really care.

    It's pointless to discuss...
  13. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    "Random glitched shit"? Quite the contrary. We are not talking about Autechre here. :)
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  14. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Today tools are more powerfull and less expensive than what they have never been(unless you want a Fairchild compressor or an original TR909 or some stuff like that).
    Today you can download what you want,samples,softwares,and everyone can learn theory with internet.
    When he began music that what not that.
    Otherwise you need intelligence,personality and ideas.And not to be superficial and fashion victim.
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  15. boomoperator

    boomoperator Rock Star

    Oct 16, 2013
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    I need to talk about Aphex Twin 2. The reason: I just found his 302 unreleased tracks on Soundcloud!
    He's appearing under his birthdate: user18081971. Only has 190,000 followers.
    Yup, it was nice living under a rock :dunno:.

    Let me point to this track, but there're are loads of great tracks on there:

    Edit: apparently, on SC there are only 55 tracks under the above username.
    You'll find 223 tracks on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfbWBKV8v3iAaRsgw2EVNgg0jy-puVXvF
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2023
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    PYRUS MALUS Noisemaker

    Sep 19, 2011
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