Europa : Can You Hear Us Now ? One synth Audiosex challenge

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by Spyfxmk2, May 31, 2018.

  1. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Am I too late?
    Its been quite a while, but I might actualy install a DAW on my clean machine. I like the one synth idea. The whole thing keeping me from jumping right back in was all the installations of vst/fx/libs to get me back where I used to be....
  2. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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  3. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Here's a completely thinking-outside-the-box-idea for everybody concerned about using cracked software for a Synth Callenge: why you just don't use the DEMO Version provided by Propellerhead???
    It blows my mind how people debate about "nightmares" and "posting the receipt" along with a track instead of just using the demo… smh.
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  4. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Ill grab the demos of live suite and europa....

    But what kind of demo is it? White noise blast wont work for this. Dropouts would suk too but are managable. Del the synth and reloading it, with no recall or save. A real PITA. Im just yappin tho, really have no idea about the demo restrictions
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2018
  5. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    From the manual "Alternatively, you can run Europa by Reason in Demo Mode.The plugin will then time out after 20 minutes, and saving patches is disabled."
    But I don't know if you can restart it. Maybe someone has personal experiences?
  6. genophyte

    genophyte Producer

    Mar 13, 2015
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    i got entirely distracted in fl studio trying to figure out how to run 4-8 instances of europa with drum patches in its own contain piano roll for a day until i found this .

    things ended up getting absurdly intricate with the europ track, and i also ended up going back to other projects and making new drumkits orgoing through old fpc kits ive made with the VFX Color Mapper inside Patcher.

    so probably like sunday or im still not mixing or mastering so i'll just do it by ear and these koss pro4aa i forgot i bought in a vintage shop a few years back and shoved in a box.

    rambling aside , europa is going to be a definite buy for me this fall or winter .
    biggest selling points are.

    • modulation bus section.
    • Envelopes section.
    • User Wave and Mixer section.

    took me a bit to get used to it until it dawned on me the envelope section and mod bus section are basically like a less all over the fucking place rob papen synth like predator or blue 2 .

    the envelope section is pretty cool in tandem with mod bus if you take the time to treat it like ni massive with routing lfo's and envelopes .

    going off of the datarhythm patch and using the distortion fx s&h i managed to make a ton of top loop and hat patterns.

    the hyperdrive patch was the one that led me to start using the synth like reaktors lazerbass+ and massive.

    loadng your own user wave just made me nostalgic for the times back in the day i used to cram soundfonts into soundfont players and make really bad fakebit chiptune hybrid tracks.

    oh and my limit for how many instances of europa i can run on fl studio in a project and have them all going is about 18 without the cpu going to angry red and stuttering so thats a huge plus so far

    i tried just using the online europa player and recording to audacity . it worked but it felt like i was loitering in guitar center making a track with a 4track recorder hidden in my bag and cord splitters hiding in my sleeve
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2018
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  7. Voyager

    Voyager Member

    Jun 13, 2018
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    Damn nice idea -and a pretty well done track sir :D

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  8. genophyte

    genophyte Producer

    Mar 13, 2015
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  9. Herr Tony

    Herr Tony Producer

    Aug 23, 2017
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    Where is the repository of the tracks, if there is one?
  10. genophyte

    genophyte Producer

    Mar 13, 2015
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    im not sure there is due to the semi questionable way people are getting and using europa while having it attached to semi anonymous musician names.

    that aside , i ended up working a lot and had to put my project on hold along with a lot of other heres my last dip into it

    its still somewhat in WIP since i tend to draw piano roll note by note with it set to snap to cell then go back and click none then adjust.
    for this i went back to old school limited analog arpeggio mono tricks ,making the synths do weird things when notes are pressed too fast at low bpm.

    also the piano roll volume is entirely ignored by fl studio 12 and below with my versions..
    flp if anybody is interested in somebody elses mario paint influenced workflow
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  11. Sound's goodly, genphyte.

    Another issue with FL Studio, ignoring piano roll volume for various instruments. I wonder where the issue lies, with the DAW or the instrument?

    I tried again to like Europa (the synth, not the continent) but I just don't jive with it. Same for me with all Rob Papen machines. I believe it is just getting into my head that it is because they for the most part are genre directed, pretty much EDM-ish or so in that general area. That, or I am just a poor synthises-ist.
  12. genophyte

    genophyte Producer

    Mar 13, 2015
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    i think it is geared for electronic music in general , although there are a few stock patches that go pretty well as synth elements in a live band setup like prog-rock or synthpop .

    one thing i noticed was its CV inputs. i dont have reason or a bajillion bucks for analog racks or gear ,but looking farther into integrating europa into something like a drum rack seems to expand it far more than just as a ugly looking vsti .

    it also plays really nice with pretty much every sequencer i threw at it , especially sugarbytes obscurium . so i really do think it boils down to how you approach europa since unlike massive it doesnt sound like "this was made with massive" or " i know that preset and all they did was turn one damn knob cough*serum*cough"

    to be fair there are a ton of synths i still have no idea what im doing with and will truthfully just work with a stock preset i like and constantly save patch variations until i have the sound i like or fuck something up on accident and be surprised at the outcome . plus the random option on fl studio is and has always been amazing.

    oh and there are work arounds for the piano roll volume issue . my favorite being browse parameters and then either automate or record changes. in a sense digging under the hood and using CC automation expands the scope of what you can do with a lot of vst and vsti ...especially freeware things
  13. Spyfxmk2

    Spyfxmk2 Guest

    It was a pleasure working with you good friend @No Avenger :wink::bow:
    i'm still trying to find the perfect German beer here in the know what i'm talking about :winker: :wink:

    Maybe next collab will happen when i come to Germany ? i will be visiting Ableton :winker: :)
  14. Spyfxmk2

    Spyfxmk2 Guest

    Thanks :wink::bow:

    Well here is one more for the "Europa Album" enjoy :wink::winker::bow: :

    Created in Ableton live 10 & played/recorded live thru an Akai Apc 40 mk2

    Presets used from the Europa synth are :
    Rhytmic Waves
    Pluck Train Sequence
    Flying High
    Rock Em Out

    various d&b drum hits

    & spyfx love :winker: :

    also thanks @korte1975 & @Luka & @Voyager for the very kind words :bow::wink::yes:
  15. tapekiller

    tapekiller Kapellmeister

    Oct 5, 2015
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    At this point why do we even bother buying audio software if we can simply bounce audio from demos?

    Guys we found how to not pay for audio software and use it legally! JUST USE THE DEMOOOOOO YOU DUMMIES XD XD XD
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