MacOS 10.14 Mojave BETA

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by tzzsmk, Jun 7, 2018.

  1. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
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  3. grdh20

    grdh20 Platinum Record

    Jan 14, 2014
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    I'll hold off till I see many more Mojave ready updates from the various 3rd party sources. Don't need this sort of annual aggravation,
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  4. rfelyran1977

    rfelyran1977 Guest

    As a connoisseur of dark themes on computers and other devices, macOS 10.14 Mojave has my approval, although I don't think my Mid 2010 iMac could ever support it. Still very cool, though. :wink:
  5. recycle

    recycle Guest

    In Apple's strategy of the latest 10 years, the Steve Jobs attitude is completely lost: no innovation, no new ideas, nothing.
    Mojave? yeah: yet another useless update
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  6. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    awesome. a non-free over-hyped linux distro which can run commercial software . idiots
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  7. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    I've been Apple since 2E but refuse to use an iphone because it blemished the computer forewever. Aside from the nightmares of a yearly OS update they actually design the computers like an iphone now with ram and batteries etc being soldered directly to the motherboards as planned obsoletion methods. I still have a 2008 8-core Mac Pro 16gb ram and it runs just as good as my girlfriends Macbook Pro.

    edit; I didn't realize this was about parallels, hope you'll pardon the random sentiment
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2018
  8. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    again apple goes the right way, i love it :wink:
  9. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    oh my God I would never run a Windows machine with music production and video production creative production in general but what in the f why does Apple continue to make new OS X constantly that's the only well that's one of two things I hate about Apple is it can't keep OSX alone for a while and the price of Apple computers but I would never use a Windows PC for anyting
  10. Lazybones

    Lazybones Member

    Oct 20, 2011
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    Oh fer fukks sake....another one...again??? If I didn't hate windows so much more and invested in Logic i'd... lol
    Love how Apple makes it so that if you want to upgrade an app to another .xx update you gotta upgrade the OS
    Love how Apple keeps adopting new interface schemes only to abandon them every few years for another one.
    Love how 'plug & play' and 'it just works' went out the flipping window a good 10 years ago

    Fukk you the pieces of garbage running Apple
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  11. Cosval

    Cosval Member

    Jun 17, 2014
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    I chose not to install OSX 10.13 and I am still running 10.12.6.
    Everything works fine and I chose not to be the victim of the hassle of changing my OS every year.
    In December 18 (or later ?), I will make a clean install of 10.14 and I think that one every two years is bearable from the look of the poor new functionalities and / or upgrades that Apple provide each year.
    (Anyone thinks than deleting a file since 10.12 is 5 times longer than before when the SSD was not forcefully encrypted ??).
  12. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    to be honest, I am not impressed with it just yet, although I love dark themes...

    exactly, imo Apple top was in 2012 (latest upgradeable macbook pro, latest cheesegrater upgradeable mac pro etc.), since then things got fucked up somehow...

    well, for Apple customers it's completely free OS including upgrades (unlike Windows btw), speaking of Linux distros, I'd gladly switch to Manjaro KDE if there was appropriate hardware and software support and compatibility...

    me, I have MacOS 10.11.6 on all my genuine and hackintosh rigs, I will probably upgrade all (but not at once) to 10.13.6 once High Sierra becomes "final", luckily CarbonCopyCloner can do full backup copy while using the OS, so any issues with newer build can be rolled back
  13. Tomassio

    Tomassio Newbie

    Sep 24, 2016
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    That looks ugly AF. Like it was done with MS Paint
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  14. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    What took 'em so long with a dark theme (as an option)? I've read of OS 10.5 planned to be able to run iOS apps (in tandem with iOS 12, due later this year). I finally late-adopted 10.3 a few months ago. Wish Apple would hold their horses with the OS upgrades – or, as I've maintained for years, release an OS version with greater backward compatibility for multimedia applications, (maybe even including for 32-bit applications such as audio plug-ins). I don't know to what extent such compatibility might be possible, but every four or five years is a much more reasonable upgrade cycle, rather than every one to two. Forced upgrades (or forced obsolescence) really pose a problem for music-makers.
  15. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    this time (unlike the last two) its only a refinement, it will just work

    right, unfortunately your out of luck this time, your machine will not support it.
    starting with sierra, apple switched over to fully gpu rendered OS, thus needing metal gpu
    here is the list:
    • MacBook Pro (mid 2012 and newer)
    • MacBook Air (mid 2012 and newer)
    • MacBook (early 2015 and later)
    • iMac (late 2012 or newer)
    • iMac Pro (2017 or newer)
    • Mac Pro (late 2013 or newer, or mid 2010 and mid 2012 models with Metal capable GPU)
    • Mac Mini (late 2012 or newer)

    apple prices are fine, they don`t matter because resale value scales with the price, resulting in low true cost of ownership .

    Yes, every year they bring an update for the OS.
    gradual improvements generate less problems and are a lot smoother compared to a big release every couple of years.

    if there are features that need latest OS you have to upgrade, thats not apple, its called nature of things.
    its not like you cannot use the older software, just not the latest, there is no way around this.

    i see a gradual path, where is the ditching of interface improvements?
    basically the OS interface is the same since 1984.

    the dark mode of Mojave needs the added features of sierra and high sierra, its not just a "dark theme"

    it still is plug and play and just works
  16. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    macOS will not be able to run iOS apps natively, they just add the API and make it simple and secure for developers to port.

    gradual improvements are better and easier to manage and digest than big ones
    Mojave will have good backward compatibility since no major overhaul like sierra and high sierra.
    innovations roughly only occur once in a decade, i expect next couple releases to be of the same nature.

    32bit is ancient tech nowadays, as you surely know there are ways to still use them

    sure, they could do it, but as always, apple doesn't give a sh!t :winker:
  17. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    really depends on point of view,
    yes Apple releases shiny new version of MacOS every year, breaking compatibility of many programs,
    on the other hand Microsoft releases shiny new major update more than once a year, breaking functionality of programs and hardware, sometimes crashing entire system into unbootable state,

    5-year old upgrade cycle is what end users can choose to do so, and most professional environments never jump into latest stuff,
    in MacOS it's pretty simple to refuse updates/upgrades, although incompatibility with latest fanciest software is unfortunate,
    in Windows 10 such thing is undesirable and Microsoft is actively preventing ability to let users decide on updates,

    since 2012, hardware advancement slowed down drastically, users no longer see a reason to throw away their current rigs and companies are finding more or less shady way to force hardware sales,
    latest trend being hardware security vulnerabilities, API incompatibility (DirectX 12, Metal 2) and other sickening bullsh!t
  18. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    the darktheme looks much better than the MS dark theme in my taste :


    and the new desktop feature is what i do at the momenent manually , ha ! awesome.

    Lets see how the Eplorer looks when they add acrylic
  19. Lazybones

    Lazybones Member

    Oct 20, 2011
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    I'm not a jump on the latest OS person. I was happy with Mavericks until if you wanted the Logic 10.x updater, I had to leave Mavericks and went to Sierra and that was around the end of last summer at the end of Sierra's cycle when High S came out.

    Personally, until Sierra, I haven't experienced USB peripherals conflicts or formatting errors or fails with new bought usb drives. Sometimes I had to use my pc's terminal to get rid of the hidden EFI partition in new drives so Disk Utility will format to Mac.

    I'm not even an adopter of latest hardware. I jumped from an 8600 ten years to a 2007 Macbook then the 2012 Mini.

    I have a late 2012 mini so it looks from your list the Mango OS probably be the last one supported on this machine and eventually install maybe 3,4,5 years from now, lol
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2018
  20. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    as somebody would buy an apple pc/product only to have a dark theme? ohh wait apple logic :D

    anyway, there is indeed not much in the log.
    and i also miss the innovation Steve brought to the table. :(
  21. rfelyran1977

    rfelyran1977 Guest

    If the latest version of High Sierra is as far as I can go with my Mid 2010 iMac, then I won't mind being stuck with it. I mean, I've put up with Mac OS X 10.6.8 for a number of years before switching to Windows 7 x64, and I've tried Windows 10 for a few months before reinstalling W7, so I really don't mind not having the latest and [not so] greatest OS. Anyone else who has downgraded from Windows 10 to Windows 7 will know exactly what I mean. :wink: