Links for digital hoarders

Discussion in 'Internet for Musician' started by Obsessed, Jan 4, 2013.

  1. Obsessed

    Obsessed Member

    Jan 3, 2013
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    "Christina Villarreal, a cognitive-behavioral therapist in Oakland, Calif., says she has clients in the tech industry—young men mostly—who spend so much time and money amassing collections of music or games or gadgets that they withdraw from the real world. "They can't pay their rent or buy food because they have to have this latest piece of equipment to support their habit," says Dr. Villarreal. She notes that hoarding often starts out as a way to feel good or fill an emptiness in life, but it leaves sufferers even more isolated. She helps clients relearn basic social skills and find other enjoyable activities instead.

    Digital hoarding can stem from the same psychological issues as other kinds of hoarding, experts say. "It comes down to fear and indecision," says Katherine Trezise, current president of the Institute for Challenging Disorganization. "I see people who have hundreds of icons on their screen because they're afraid they can't find them again."

    Hoarding is officially considered a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder, but some hoarders also suffer from attention-deficit-hyperactive disorder. Some digital hoarders are driven perfectionists who don't know when to stop researching or collecting."

    More articles:

    Don't lose your hope, though. And don't fear a relapse for downloading. Big changes come little by little.

    The best thing is to realize that you're not alone.
  2. flyingsleeves

    flyingsleeves Platinum Record

    Aug 25, 2011
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    I did a Google search for "digital hoarding" and I was amazed at all of the hits I got. This is a very real, very serious problem for a lot of people. And unfortunately with warez sites, you can get nearly anything for free. eBooks, video games, movies, software, porn, etc. The problem I had was that I was just downloading everything I could get my hands on. I amassed some pretty useless stuff, and instead of deleting it I would find someplace to store it just in case I might find a use for it some time in the future. That's classic hoarding. Not being able to get rid of useless things. I'm still finding stuff that I forgot I had. Too much clutter. I'll feel much better once I get rid of it.

    Another interesting term I recently found:
    border hoarder - you're not quite a hoarder but you're right on the border
  3. paraplu020

    paraplu020 Banned

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Sewers of Amsterdam
    So funny, just a couple of days ago i was thinking about this subject myself. now i started 2013 with a 'bang' and I completely reinstalled osx and deleted everything, now i only use the plugins i bought and soundtoys decapitator. i find myself much more creative when not exposed to so much choices, at one point i had 830 plugins in logic, it's juct sick. i didn't even knew every plugin, i just had to have it for eventual future purposes, but you really gotta understand this...

    when you have to put all plugins into genres there aren't so many genres anyway, so choose 1 or 2 from every 'genre' and learn it inside out, when you're more knowledgeable you'll find much less need to be a hoarder because you'll make better decisions about what you need. you know exactly what you want then and realise you don't need everything. let your needs grow with your skill level, this is especially important for beginning digital musicians..

    why download every new synth of AudioZ's recent posts when you don't know how to use the thing properly?

    i see too many of those people who don't know how to control e.g. a compressor but still want every new comp coming out cause they want to make their beats bang...

    withstand your temptations, make music, you started out because you like making music... not to be a hoarder...


    P.S. it's good we can speak about this together, we all felt it somehow, i'm sure bout that.. that's why i like it here.. nice atmosphere *yes*

    have a good 2013, i'm finally unblocked by spiral raver, thanks for that...

  4. Mental Exchange Department

    Mental Exchange Department Newbie

    Jul 2, 2011
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    I'm an addict, Slip, get back up etc. Look at heads of state, Bankers , All obsessed for power money greed. Fcking addicts like me but worse. Why because they create suffering, wars , famine , I love hoarding , Downloading, what ever I can get my mittens on, Its only a problem if you feel it effecting your normal way of life, If anyone knows what normal why of life is, as I haven't got a clue.
    But for anyone who feels they have a problem addiction obsession what ever kind of label one would like to put on it.Don'tt be paying £60 pound an hour for some smart talking middle class bread head twat for help. As help is free any person who hasexperiencedd addiction can help you with your obsession as addiction is not confined to just drugs or alcohol it touches every single person on the planet. So all together Step 1 We are Audio Sex and we are all fckn addicts.
  5. Mental Exchange Department

    Mental Exchange Department Newbie

    Jul 2, 2011
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    For got the rolli
  6. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    The Collector - Part 1 & 2
    Christian Guyenne (FRANCE) R.I.P.

    "Christian Guyenne lived in a small town in Provence. For 50 years he had been collecting things that have been thrown out by the people town's inhabitants. The Mayor tried to ban him from collecting, but Christian continued to work at night to evade detection. On October 2009 Christian was forcibly taken to a psychiatric hospital in Montelimar after the Mayor and his legal guardian or 'tutelle' decided he could no cope with living alone in his home.

    A petition circulated in his home town of Buis les Baronnies in Provence demanding that he be allowed to return to be looked after within his own community. Eventually it was decided that Christian should be given a place in his town's retirement home. However, after waiting for over 2 months in the hospital, during which time he became progressively more depressed, on 30 December 2009 Christian suffered a massive heart attack and died in the office of the hospital.

    For more information see here:

    Christian despaired at the wastage of modern life and worked 365 days a year to salvage the things he believed were still useful, storing his finds at his home and on inherited land, occasionally selling or giving them on to his 'clients'. This enormous collection of fridges, televisions, toys, shoes, books etc... represents a remarkable material history of the town's consumer habits, and I consider it to be an outstanding artwork."

    NOT my words (above). I think he suffered mental disorder.
    To be in the "flow" of life one should constantly clear spaces to
    make new room for new contents, but not hoarding material.
  7. oisinn

    oisinn Ultrasonic

    Jul 6, 2011
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    Wild West
    Listen wise guy I don't have any trouble paying the rent and I eat very well too on account of getting all my goodies free. Share or be shared and may the sharing hand never falter
    The Lord will provide
    a beast for the slaughter
  8. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Whatever makes you happy, u should do, I don't need some therapist to explain to me why she thinks I have a problem.

    Maybe she's addicted to diagnosing things.. :wink:

    reminds me of all the drug ads on TV... Makes u start thinking, I must be sick with SOMEthing... *no*
  9. audiodessey

    audiodessey Banned

    Sep 8, 2012
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    even after reading this, you know that you'll not stop downloading when you see Albion II and Spitfire Percussion on audioz :wink:


    do you really think you can stop peope? :rofl: really? *no*
  10. light59

    light59 Member

    Nov 7, 2011
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    Please take no offense. :mates: You don't need a psycologist! The best way to enjoy and take advantage of warez is to discipline yourself not to DL more than three or four items at the time. Then you immediately install them and play with it, so you get to know the programs (plugins, DAW's, samplers etc) allowing you to judge what you should keep or trash. Folks, discipline is the name of the game. Wise and succesfull musicians know how to divide their time properly. In other words, you network, you download, you practice, you compose, you arrange, and then you use digital software to package your music professionally in order to sell it. You cannot afford to do just one while disregarding the others.

    If you have the money and time to spend the whole day dowloading then "Don't Worry, Be Happy" and enjoy life. :rofl: - I would suggest for the unhappy victims of Compulsive Download Disorder (CDD) - i.e. those not feeling good about themselves - to either enjoy it (it's for free) or quit coming to all Warez sites and burn everything you've ever DL from the scene. Next, you can dig deep into your pockets and buy everything you want from the retailers (they take visa and mastercard too) and feel good about yourself. How about Waves Mercury Bundle Native at $6300.00 to start with?

    And yes, I do agree with Oissing and One Reason. Most of us here at AudioZ are happy and do enjoy it. If not, we would be doing something else. We don't need to be diagnosed through Freudian & Jungian methods of psycotherapy! *yes* To hoard or not to hoard - that is the problem! Maybe there are some other places in the net where you can do that!
  11. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    download, play, delete, ... :bleh:

    "Waves Mercury Bundle Native at $6300.00"

    gotta get me some of that!
  12. Alraun

    Alraun Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    In fact member Obsessed seems to be very disciplinated in what he is doing. I am sure he will be able to use the same kind of discipline after having set new priorities.

    "We don't need to be diagnosed through Freudian & Jungian methods of psycotherapy!"

    Some people need support, others don't. Everybody has to decide for himself. We never know what is really the best for other people and what is not. Even doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists don't know.
    Inner healer knows. And sometimes it's good to find whatever method, to come in better contact with what is called the inner healer.
    By the way: development doesn't stand still. Since Freud & Jung we had a period of about sixty years of modern consciousness research....but this is not the topic.

    I agree with you, that this is not the place for diagnostics and therapies.....or to convert others to do what i think might be the "better" thing for them.
  13. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Yeah i'm definitely guilty of this as well

    Although in my defence i did delete 150 gig of stuff i don't use the other day, but then i did replace it with 100gig of new kontakt expansions
  14. eternaloptimist

    eternaloptimist Member

    Jul 9, 2012
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    really interesting stuff... basically what Amsterdam Pirate said :thumbsup:

    I only need logic and the fabfilter bundle. no more izotope stuff... the rest can be done by my mastering engineer --- i am only a composer

    make music peeps!
  15. otooj

    otooj Newbie

    Nov 10, 2012
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    Ooo, I've got my Downloads folder packed with Downloads, from 2011 to 2012. They are organised with what's been installed & what hasn't been installed/extracted. I've gone as far as placing them in Months followed by the Company/Pack name. Funny thing is, I've got more left to install than my Hard drive permits. My excuse is I haven't finished my PC build so I can't delete them yet, saying that I moved all the installed files (Mostly Audio Related) to my External and have not touched it since.


    Would you say I'm a hoarder?
    (I have starting deleting things as I use them, But I still have only 4GB Left on my Internal :rofl: )

    Oh, & I support what "Amsterdam Pirate" said, I got the Demo of FL on my Dad's desktop, to my surprise, I was able to produce three to five beats with One Drum Sample Pack & two or three soundfonts...So yeah, Going Back to Roots/Back to Basics work out well.
  16. Alraun

    Alraun Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    Thanks for mentioning. Deleting stuff is no bad thing, but in fact rarely a true solution. It's like stop smoking just by throwing your cigarettes away.
  17. White Noise

    White Noise Newbie

    Aug 21, 2012
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    Burbank CA
    Damn, after reading this I guess Ill start deleting most the shit I don't use, along with my 2 TB porn collection I never watch... :(
  18. Frubbs

    Frubbs Kapellmeister

    Feb 2, 2012
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    I don't know if I'm a hoarder or not, but I can certainly identify with the tyranny of choice someone mentioned earlier. It can be paralyzing creatively, it tends to shut down your inspiration. Here's a quote on the utility of creative restrictions that I have on my wall to help me keep perspective:

    The creator's function is to sift the elements he receives from [imagination], for human activity must impose limits on itself. The more art is controlled, limited, worked over, the more it is free.

    As for myself, I experience a sort of terror when, at the moment of setting to work and finding myself before the infinitude of possibilities that present themselves, I have the feeling that everything is permissible to me....

    Will I then have to lose myself in this abyss of freedom? To what shall I cling in order to escape the dizziness that seizes me before the virtuality of this infinitude? ... Fully convinced that combinations which have at their disposal twelve sounds in each octave and all possible rhythmic varieties promise me riches that all the activity of human genius will never exhaust... I am always able to turn immediately to the concrete things that are here in question. I have no use for a theoretic freedom. Let me have something finite, definite--matter that can lend itself to my operation only insofar as it is commensurate with my possibilities. And such matter presents itself to me together with its limitations. I must in turn impose mine upon it....

    My freedom thus consists in my moving about within the narrow frame that I have assigned myself for each one of my undertakings.

    I shall go even farther: my freedom will be so much the greater and more meaningful the more narrowly I limit my field of action and the more I surround myself with obstacles. Whatever diminishes constraint diminishes strength. The more constraints one imposes, the more one frees oneself of the chains that shackle the spirit.

    -- Igor Stravinsky, "Poetics of Music"​
  19. oisinn

    oisinn Ultrasonic

    Jul 6, 2011
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    Wild West
    Instead of wasting your time posting this analytic garbage why not make some music sucker
  20. paraplu020

    paraplu020 Banned

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Sewers of Amsterdam
    why reply then? ^

    it's good we can discuss all kinds of things here. why so negative?
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