R2R Appreciation (revised)

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by SynthAnon, May 29, 2018.

  1. SynthAnon

    SynthAnon Member

    Nov 29, 2017
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    As 'requested' by @Introninja

    Just wanted to say thank you for consistently delivering quality software over the years that many can't afford to buy. Transferring from one version of a DAW to another can be nerve racking once you've spent the time to set it up to your personal preferences, and the confidence I have in R2R allows me to make the transition without fear. Thank you R2R.
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  3. TonyG

    TonyG Guest

    I just write to say that your previous thread should not have been closed for the reasons stated by the MOD. The rules state in pertinent part that:

    "Your very first post is going to be moderated, just to prove you're not a spammer. We will not alter it, unless it's in violation with our rules, promise."

    The rules go on to state that:

    "We're strongly against censorship, your posts may be edited by moderators to fix formatting, rename thread, or remove violating paragraphs, but even criticism of anything forum related will not be censored, as long as it's in full compliance with rules."
    If the MOD thought that the first sentence of your paragraph was not proper, all that was needed was its removal instead of closing the thread.

    I will advise you to edit the title or to at least add (revised) to it in order to differentiate both threads. Good luck.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2018
  4. Legal-ease!
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  5. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    Well AS is not a .gov playground...so learn to live with mod decisions... it's easy to to re-post as well if you
    feel your main point is that important

    very much is tolerated here.. so I wouldn't lose any sleep over an occasional deletion...
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  6. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I disagree with you. His previous post was obviously nothing but a request and it got rightfully moderated. From the first letter to the last. Nothing but a request.

    Anyway AS is in no way a channel to communicate with the teams one way or another. Releases are on AZ, nfos are on AZ, etc, etc.
    The thanks, the request, the nfo translating into ridiculous debates, all that should happen on AZ and not here. Here it is an audio forum where you can also require help for your (already) cracked software.
    It's not R2R or VR communication channel....
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  7. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Hey @TonyG Good day!

    It wasn't only my decision others mods & members who reported it were in agreement, im not the Judge, Jury & Executioner, im just the executioner in this case.

    Do you really want us to put No Warez Requests in the Rules (on Behalf of the staff here, where is the common sense? Hmm at this rate maybe its not a bad idea)

    @SynthAnon wrote
    I wrote

    Ohh i didnt know it was that easy lol jokes, nah @TonyG i/member have to remove the comment, then i have to delete the other members comments about the comment and then explain to the members why i deleted the comments. You see what Im shaying (in the Grinch voice).

    Why not have an fresh start, and now look at where it's heading..Pointless Valley

    The first thread is closed & removed. Op is free to rename back at their leisure.
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  8. TonyG

    TonyG Guest

    Firstly, thank you for explaining your disagreement. That is how it should be.I was not even going to reply to what you wrote but I disagreed with what you wrote.
    His first post was not a request from the first letter to the last. In fact, the same paragraph with the first sentence removed is the whole content of this new thread. You and other members read the first sentence as if it was the controlling idea. It was not. The controlling idea was to show appreciation for R2R. This conclusion is clearly supported by the first thread's title "R2R Appreciation".
    As to the second part of your reply, my answer is simple: there is nothing in the rules supporting what you wrote. Nothing forbids members from thanking a Team or discussing what a Team has said. Nothing at all. Thus, how can you censor something that is not in violation of the rules? Finally, let us not forget that these debates are good for the site's traffic.These debates also encourage members to communicate. After all this is a Forum. If everyone agreed on everything, and there was no debates nor controversy here, this place would be very boring.
  9. TonyG

    TonyG Guest

    @Introninja Thanks for taking your time to explain what led you to the decision to remove the whole thread instead of just a paragraph. You provided me with a reasonable justification for doing so. I am aware of how busy you are, and as I have told you in several occasions, I do appreciate your efforts in trying to keep this place clean. :bow:

    As to the changing the rules to explicitly state "no Warez requests", the first thing I have to say is: good luck with that. Why? A great percentage of threads on this site deal specifically with Warez, in one way or another. A blanket rule banning request does not make any sense unless the site wants to lose a great percentage of its traffic. As long, as there is no links to Warez -as prohibited by the current rules- members should continue to be allowed to request Warez from other members.
  10. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Thanks for your answer.
    You misunderstood me for the second part. I didn't once called the rules regarding thanking the teams, I just said that AZ would be the appropriate place. Any thread honestly thanking the teams on AS is fine with me - and the rules - and I usually join in although honestly and again I think thanking the teams in the releases brought by their runners on AZ makes a hell more sense.
    The debates around the nfos contents are nothing but trolls foods, they always end up locked down as people involve in those, however good their initial intentions are or not, talk about things they don't know in their entirety. They speculate without having much clues about anything, which always ends up in drama.

    @SynthAnon was disguising a request in a thank (and his thread now is indeed a thank), which is probably the worst in term of respect regarding the teams, and yes requests are banned by our rules on AS as you know it. It's easy enough to perceive that it was a request since the daws releases from the team (specially fls whose installers were never in any way modified by R2R) don't help at all when it comes to transitioning as he wrote from one daw to another....Fls allows you to keep your preferences from previous installation (well some of them) at install, R2R has nothing to do with it. As a legit user of many daws who once was a non legit users of the same daws (except cubase) there is one thing where legit vs nonlegit doesn't change a thing it's for transitionning. The installers are the same, the paths where installations take place and where pref files are written are the same, it's irrelevant weither it's R2R release or the official one.

    The only way having a daw release by a team can ease the transitioning to the updated daw is if the new daw hasn't been cracked yet (which is the case with the new fls), and you need to request it because as a non legit user you don't have access to the new updated daw (and then go make a request in the proper part of the proper site, not here on AS). What keeps @SynthAnon from dling the new FLS and doing a smooth transition right now ? Certainly not FLS installers which do that just fine, I can testify to that, all my preferences from FLS 12 have been perfectly exported to FLS 20 (just had to copy my plugins prfes for the picker, as usual for a new FLS release, cracked or not)....Those two live togeither in perfect harmony. So it's because it hasn't been released yet, which was indeed in the first part of his banned thread and was, in my opinion, the main - and only - point of his thread.

    I perfectly understand btw the fact that you would want to test the latest version of a daw and you can't afford to get it so you want it to be released. And I can also see as a solid argument the fact that you would want to test an updated daw before investing in it ( not that it's the case with FLS with their lifelong update policy, which is how I got the updated FLS without spending a dime).
    But then we're talking about requesting it - for very valid reason - and it should take place on AZ. One shouldn't use our forum and pseudo thanks to make a request when there is a dedicated space for that on AZ.
    There is nothing wrong with request but people should own them and make them where it's appropriate to do them.
    Last edited: May 29, 2018
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  11. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    near you
    Legends cant be forgoten! Thank You!
  12. TonyG

    TonyG Guest

    @Talmi Once again, thanks for replying and explaining.
  13. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    No problem @TonyG , thanks to you too for your politness, I can always talk to you in reasonable terms and I appreciate that.
    I don't want to seem acrimonious to anybody and quite honestly requests aren't at all something that bug me, as long as they are on AZ.
    Getting a bit tired of the request fest here on AS anytime a daw is updated. When I feel like people hide those in thanks that are then rendered worthless, I tend to lose my temper a bit. I surely shouldn't, as it really isn't worth it. I'm guessing R2R (or VR or any team really) never reads any of those.
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  14. Arold

    Arold Noisemaker

    Aug 7, 2016
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    Sigh!…What happened to Paradox? :sad:
  15. Arold

    Arold Noisemaker

    Aug 7, 2016
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    Sorry wrong thread. :)
  16. jefft

    jefft Producer

    Jul 30, 2012
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    Kingston Upon Hull, pronounced Ull
    As a long term member of AZ I would also like to thank all contributing humans, I have now bought Omnishpere2 and Studio One 4 with a legit version of Win 7. Without the help of A Z this would never have happened.. A BIG thanks.
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  17. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    @Talmi and @TonyG Nice and polite communication thoug different sights on things. I appreciate that :)
  18. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Grow the fuck up.
    Its threads like these that make this forum a joke.
  19. SynthAnon

    SynthAnon Member

    Nov 29, 2017
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    Seems to me many people are confused what the word request means. A disguised request? No, the first sentence in the last thread was a preface.

    @jefft I'm glad the releases have helped you to purchase the software on your own as I would like to be able to do the same in the future.
  20. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    A bit off topic, but yet:
    I love to see you trying to keep other members from making this forum a joke - that´s indeed interesting :yes:
    Im sure you could be a great moderator on this forum!!
    Last edited: May 29, 2018
  21. iamawesome

    iamawesome Newbie

    May 29, 2018
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    Sure, thanks R2R. And AiR. And H2O. And also V.R.


    How come it's not ok for some sites to make money on warez, but for others it is? Like audioz? According to the comments it seems that R2R approves certain people posting their links on slow hosts (when free user) but with the highest payout.
    So it's only ok for some sites to make money on your cracks? According to the mods horseman and the other r2r uppers are seemingly continuius asking for others not to post mirrors, so everyone have to use the posted links?
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