Announcing FL Studio 20.0

Discussion in 'FL Studio' started by mono, May 22, 2018.

  1. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    Announcing FL Studio 20.0 Release
    We are pleased to announce FL Studio 20 Release. [These are the same installers as RC4, for those who have downloaded it already. There will be a bugfix update later this week for the issues reported so far].

    Launch Video

    What's New

    See the FL Studio 20 feature list here

    Download FL Studio 20 - RC 4 Here

    Windows FL Studio 20.0 [445] - Last updated 18-May 2018, 661 MB (693,544,920 bytes)

    macOS FL Studio 20.0 [19] - Requires macOS 10.11 or higher Last updated 18-May 2018, 656 MB (688,005,899 bytes)

    YOU MUST UPDATE YOUR LICENSE TO USE THIS RELEASE (Use the about screen method)

    Updating from 11/12 to 20

    1. On the installer select 'Settings > Migrate previous' (Transfers: Browser search paths)
    2. Let FL Studio 20 install to the default location.
    3. Check your Browser extra search folders here. Match FL 11/12 and 20
    4. For VSTs / AUs you should select Verify plugins, Rescan previously verified plugins, Rescan plugins with errors here and 'Start scan'.
    5. If you have any projects or personal data in the FL Studio 12 installation folder (which you really shouldn't [​IMG] ). Move them to the locations noted here.
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  3. Is aftertouch still sonething that needs to be created by the user in a templet? PITA, this.
  4. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    I'll wait for v20.1
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  5. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    Find it funny that they releasted the rc4 as the full version with a note saying ,
    There will be a bugfix update later this week for the issues reported so far.

    Not a good thing to do on their part as all users that install it now
    will end up downloading and installing it again in the next few days lol
  6. Doctor_Me

    Doctor_Me Platinum Record

    Oct 16, 2016
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    Man, I loved the new features, specially the organization related ones... Can someone tell if the R2R keygen can activate this version?

    Ps. I would love to buy FL but unfortunately our average salary here in Brazil is someting about $240 (converted to dollars), that's why it's hard to buy things in dollars or euros. But once I'm able to afford it i will buy it.
  7. ruthkatz

    ruthkatz Guest

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  8. Nimbuss

    Nimbuss Platinum Record

    Nov 21, 2015
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    For anyone wanting to know, the manual PDC option has been FIXED.

    I can confirm that I'm able to route audio Out of my Interface -> Into outboard gear and back into a new channel, manually add the Buffer length im working at eg 1024 samples and all other channels sync back up!!

    Finally !!

    Now if only FL wasn't so easy to crash during saves and plugins loading :thumbsup:...

    Also as a Side Note...:

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  9. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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  10. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    Think there just messing with us now.
    releast fl 20 then a bug fix rc1 two days later
    im lost at what there up to :deep_facepalm:

    Thanks for the info .
  11. Maizelman

    Maizelman Rock Star

    Jun 19, 2017
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    I'm still really impressed what they added to FL. :bow: So many options to save CPU now: consolidation and the + arrangements are perfect to change quickly into sound design mode and back, without getting out of flow.. :yes: It makes me happy!

    Ah, and the toolbar isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Changed it to single row to save some display space. I think they even fixed almost all the APDC errors by now @Seecret.
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  12. eXACT_Beats_

    eXACT_Beats_ Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2018
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    I have been using FL Studio (among other various DAWs,) since version...7-ish, and I finally gave up on them. The *major* instability issues, the chronic bit of worry in the back of your head that FL won't recognize a plugin or instrument (or worse, is unable to find them at all,) and the general attitude of "Let's add new shit and rearrange the menu layout instead of fixing a million bugs and glitches that slowly consume your computer in Violent, Blue Flames of Death." I even contacted them once stating my aggravation at having to direct FL to a specific sub-sub folder (among many other things,) to get it to read a plugin, which it then only read half of the time. (There is no reason a DAW should freeze up when you load a VU Meter. Also? Reason, Pro Tools and Studio One have no problem with any of my plugins or instruments.) The person who got back to me blamed it on Klanghelm (one of the plugins I was using,) and on Fabfilter which they said had "...known issues with many professional DAWs." Really? Fabfilter? Also, I like how he had to add "professional." It was a confusing communique at best. Anyway, I finally switched to Studio One as my main DAW directly after the last FL12 update came out. And after seeing FL20, I don't really want to go back. This isn't a promo for Studio One, but goddamn is it smooth!! I had almost forgotten what it was like to be able to just sit down and make music without tinkering inside my PC every five minutes.
    So my presence on this post is merely to satiate my voyeuristic needs by watching you people toil with Image-Lines Flagship of Eternal Torment. Best of luck to you all. :)
  13. Maizelman

    Maizelman Rock Star

    Jun 19, 2017
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    Sry to hear that you had so much trouble with FL, I mean who had not..:winker: but I never encountered chronic worries that FL wouldn't recognize my 3rd party plugins. :wow: I even used FL to test all the new plugins because it was always the fastest and most reliable way for me to do that... well.. until FL 12 and that Plugin Manager which always got errors due to their own Multiout.dll. That was the most demanding time I had with FL and it took IL way too long to solve the issue. But I think it's life and all things have their ups and downs. Btw. I heard Fabfilter (..yes.. Fabfilter) and Pro Tools have some buggy history as well. :p

    It may be IL's lifetime upgrade strategy, that contributes a lot to the urge to put out one update after another, there seem to be no clear deadlines anymore which all the other DAWs make use of. :dunno:

    I started using S1 a while ago and fell in love immediately as well, but I learned it will never give me the ease of sketching things that FL offers me. I think I won't ever be able to put down my ideas in S1's scratchpad as fast as I can in the new + arrangements in FL. It all depends on workflow/habits and for sure convictions.:mates:
  14. Seecret

    Seecret Ultrasonic

    Jan 17, 2018
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    It is definitly better than 12, but still needs a little more work, and for PDC it's not completely fix, it's just all channels and the Master Bus is following the Latency heavy channel, you can notice sound jumping when you bypass a latency heavy plugin.
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  15. eXACT_Beats_

    eXACT_Beats_ Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2018
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    Yeah, workflow is indiviualistic, even beyond wether you play actual instruments, midi instruments, are a heavy sampler, are mainly using your DAW as a Studio Recording/Mixing/Mastering station, etc., so I feel ya', but I feel like Image-Line is really trying to snag more and more people with their DAW as opposed to actually listening to what the masses say they need/want fixed/altered. That being said, I do miss the midi roll in FL (S1's midi looks ghetto and isn't as smooth as FL's, in my less-than-humble opinion. Maybe I'll change my mind over time.)
    I personally like the scratchpad, but it's not a major selling point for me. One of the top three things that made me switch was the fact that everything about S1's recording capabilities make a lot more sense to me, coming from a live instrument/studio background; little thing like the ability to send different mixes of the same track to say, a guitarist who needs more drums in their headphones, while your mix has more guitar so that you can hear what is going on; it makes sense to me, especially the way it's all set up. Another thing that bothered me was FL always had problems with multi-outs. If I am using a 16 pad, as I often do, I need sixteen channels; FL always was angered by this no matter what FL version, OS, etc., that I was using, it always fought me tooth n' nail. As I said, I'm not plugging S1 (I don't think they need it,) I'm just frustrated that I was forced to change due to what seems to me a lack of concern on the part of Image-Line for anything but sales. As I mentioned, Image-Lines service leaves a lot to be desired. One guy I know who switched to Ableton about a year ago said that he had a difficult time even logging into his FL account for the updates and one of the times he had trouble with it, they accussed him of having a pyrated copy, which he doesn't; it seemed in poor taste to me, accussing a paying customer of being stupid enough to try and update a pyrated copy.
    FL20 may be a nice step in a better direction, I'm just over trying to justify my continued use for it. I feel like I've been dating a largely complacent girl for the past ten yrs. Also? I am not shocked in the slightest by the "bug fix in a week," upon the release.
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  16. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    looks prtty good! if only FL/IL brought some of the features like 10 years ago, i would have stayd with FL instead of Ableton.
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  17. CJ Antz

    CJ Antz Newbie

    Dec 7, 2017
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    Very nice, but will it be costumizing on skins? :dunno:
  18. genophyte

    genophyte Producer

    Mar 13, 2015
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    precomputed effects is literally the greatest news in all of this to me
  19. Maizelman

    Maizelman Rock Star

    Jun 19, 2017
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    I completely forgot to mention the probably most important thing that the/my DAW-choice depends on, which is the usecase. And my usecase is mostly arranging samples and softsynths and some more sounddesign (through 3rd party FX in the mixer) on top. And I agree completely with you, I'd never even think of doing a headphone mix in FL :rofl:, or multitrack recording.. I have mixed some songs with up to 20 tracks in FL, but would still advise anyone to use another DAW for that. The new grouping possibilities in the playlist could help a bit, making me try to mix bigger projects.:yes: ...we'll see.

    Nope, they still have not gotten to this.
  20. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    2018-05-2520.0.1 Bugfix Update 3

    this is now being served live from the downloads page.

    Win - FL Studio - 661 MB

    Mac - FL Studio - 656 MB (requires macOS 10.11 or later).

    • Updated FL Studio Mobile to version 3.1.9



    • PDC incorrectly calculated when the Master Mixer channel is selected and audio clips were sent to master (in some cases).
    • "Add to plugin database" doesn't work when a browser snapshot without the plugin database is open
    • Consolidation of playlist tracks shouldn't work if the whole track or the selection is muted
    • Crash dragging items from the picker panel to the playlist
    • Loop recording can be sluggish
    • Mouse cursor is in wrong position when moving multiple clips in the playlist and notes in the piano roll
    • Mouse cursor is laggy when it's over the graph editor in Windows 7 and 8
    • "Purge unused clips " doesn't affect all arrangements
    • Saving a channel state can result in an "Unable to create directory" error
    • "Select unused" in the playlist will also select clips that are used as regular sampler channels
    • Toolbar is not correct at 150% scaling
    • Edison: space bar triggers playback in FL instead of Edison when the mouse is held down in Edison
    • Fruity Delay: settings are not applied when loading a preset or project
    • Fruity Delay: keeps processing when it's reset (stop button pressed twice)
    • Fruity Limiter and Maximus: incorrect latency when loaded from the Installed section of the database
    • Patcher: no thumbnail shown for plugins even though there is a thumbnail in the plugin database
    • VFX Level Scaler: display isn't updated properly when animations are off
    • Video Player: can be smart disabled while it shouldn't


    • Changing a preset hides and shows the plugin window
    • Changing the name of a search path in File settings doesn't work very well
    • Sending MIDI messages doesn't always send the correct data
    • Fruity Delay: no sound
    • Fruity Envelope Controller: no envelopes displayed
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  21. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I have to agree on that. Fl Studio is an awesome producing machine. It's horrible for mixing, imho. What's up with that mixer ?!
    My mixing daws are indispensable since I use FL Studio so much lately.
    Tbh I view Ableton the same way. It's ideal for exploring ideas, or producing a beat with a fun exhilarating workflow...When it comes to mixing, in my opinion, it's really not there yet.
    Last edited: May 29, 2018
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