Sylenth1 2.21 on Windows 10 1803 30/05/18 Problem

Discussion in 'Software' started by djr94, May 1, 2018.

  1. Skyren

    Skyren Newbie

    May 7, 2018
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    We're talking about cracked license that got probably blocked by some hidden anti-piracy utility that has been implemented with the new update. I had to disable plenty of new Windows Defender services and yet no luck and I doubt users who bought their licenses get any issues at all... probably some minor "5 min fix it issues". It's always better to stay up to date and no, don't blame Microsoft, they're doing pretty good job and I had no single issue with legal software using it over years ironically on cracked Windows 7 license that somehow became legal Windows 10 license. Yeah, I am pretty rot in piracy and I have alot of it to bust me for life, which I am not happy for. :/
  2. OBKenobi

    OBKenobi Producer

    Jul 14, 2012
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    In the case of Windows it is without a doubt NOT better to stay up to date. That's why the Enterprise version exists. Always wait to see if a major update screw things up before applying it. If applying it at all. I'm still using 1709 and see zero reason to use 1803.

    And I do blame Microsoft for many of the world's problems. I think people would be better off without Microsoft and Apple. OSes should be open-source, so no single company and/or government can extort the entire planet, steal data & spy, and control the media/internet.
  3. Alpha0ne

    Alpha0ne Producer

    Jan 26, 2012
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    On my PC Win10 64bit Sylenth1 lets Ableton Live crash with "A serious problem has occured bla bla bla"-errormessage. On Bitwig it only crashes the the plugin and cant be loaded.
  4. Gus

    Gus Newbie

    Dec 2, 2017
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    Perfect!!! It worked!!!!
  5. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    I just uninstalled latest R2R release and tried AoN release and unfortunately it doesn't work for me.
    On Win7/64 in both S1v3.6 and v4 Jbridged Sylenth freezes Studio One the moment it is loaded on a track.

    Regular 64bit install works until computer is restarted than it freezes DAW and if I don't kill S1 process right away (ctrl-alt-del) Windows will also freeze.
    The problem is same for AoN and R2R releases.
    Before installing S1v4 I could generate fresh Sylenth license and it would work until computer was restarted. After installing S1v4 even restarting the DAW was enough to kill Sylenth. BTW S1 is blocked from accessing the web.

    I never had any problem with Sylenth1 with any release until recently when something unrelated to Sylenth triggered the problem.
    Unfortunately I don't have the luxury to have dedicated offline computer for DAW.

    What else can I try?
    Is there anything that I could clean from the registry?
    Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Kor Haan

    Kor Haan Newbie

    May 31, 2018
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    Hey guys I finally got it to work using Jbridge and the 32 bit version. I disabled my avast virus scan and then sylenth1 ran in demo mode, then I re-registered and it worked! Thanks guys!
  7. DJK

    DJK Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2017
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    felixstowe england
    well said, i was with win 7 for years and was a bit afriad of win 10, but i built a new pc with all the latest cpu, mb, ram ect, and win 7 is not supported on this hardware, maybe you can install win 7 but i stuck with win 10, i did have a problem with the 1803 update, after updating i got 2 blank screens, was not from my end as win 10 was a new clean install, reinstalled and it worked, to be honest i loved win 7, but you have to sometimes move with the times, people said the same about xp, and vista and win 8,win 7 will not be supported after 2020 which is fine if you keep offline with it, so i just reinstalled the vsti i actually use and leave the shit alone, omni loads in a few seconds, patches and all, i suppose it all depends on your system and what you have installed on it, from power to desktop is 10 seconds and shutdown is 1 second,and when people say oh you cant make music on win 10 are stupid, all my software loads much quicker on 10 compared to 7, so its simple, if you want to keep using 7 then fine, but dont slag others for upgrading to 10, its all about choice, yours or mine, if win 7 was the only os out there then that would be a no brainer, i like the way win 10 works, once you disable all the shit then its fine, only thing different is the start menu, if you want to disable all the so called spying shit then use destroy windows app or spybot beacon, but after a week or so you can get 10 just the way you had 7.
  8. FREq

    FREq Ultrasonic

    May 28, 2018
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  9. Kor Haan

    Kor Haan Newbie

    May 31, 2018
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    BTW does anyone know if you can get the channel states back, because when I open projects with the new bridged sylenth all channels are back to INIT
  10. alagga

    alagga Newbie

    Jun 5, 2018
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    I can confirm that this procedure works even on Windows 10 creators update:
    - download
    *- rightclick , properties, set compatibility mode to Windows 8
    *- open as admin
    - install 32bit Version and Bridge via jbride

    No "thank you for using this demo" nor crashes ! :)

    (* don't know if These steps are needed)
  11. 2Y2B50

    2Y2B50 Newbie

    Sep 10, 2018
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    I was having the same problem and was ready to delete the program until I saw these instructions and gave it one more try.

    I did not need to deal with compatibility mode or run installer in admin mode. What I did do, is install 32 bit version of Sylenth1 at the recommended location, ran J Bridge advising the DAW (Ableton Live 10) was a 64 bit Host).

    I ran JBridge in Admin mode and had it create the bridge from the 32 bit to the folder I have Ableton scan for plugins, for they were different.
    I then copied the License.dat file to the installed folder and finally Ableton did not crash upon opening and Sylenth1 ran instead.

    Thank you for your suggestion. It was two days of frustrations and trying so many things.

    I have sense downloaded a Learning Sylenth1 Tutorial from and will learn this Synth and begin to create. Once again thank you for helping me get this running for even if I have Massive, and Synths in Ableton, I have heard this is a must have synth so I am looking forward to seeing if I agree as a gain experience.

    Thank you to the individuals who made the program available. Thank you to you for the suggested solution and of course thank you to the developers. If I use this program for commercial purpose and make any money, I will surely purchase a licensed to support those who developed the product.
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