How many ciggies do you smoke?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by flashback23, May 25, 2018.

  1. shankar

    shankar Platinum Record

    Apr 29, 2015
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  2. sparkles

    sparkles Guest

    TurnED to IQOS, smoke one packet a day, very cool for me, after 30 years of smoking shits here and there plus the smell ,plus the ashes everywhere,ashtrays also ,clean, throw the left overs blah blah blah,feelin better and my chest not annoying me with pain any more,feelin clean,not saying that reached the nirvana show,lol but if I look back now im good ,cheerios !
  3. sparkles

    sparkles Guest

    yeah man, so many lies the old school of minds... they can go to hell lol. In other hand I missed the old days were you was able to smoke even in the doctors waiting room :rofl:
  4. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    weed does not help to focus, if it does, thats a clear sign you are right with your assumption.

    i suggest you to dig deeper
  5. Matt777

    Matt777 Rock Star

    Oct 17, 2015
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    @SineWave, don't worry (stress is def a killer..) You seem just at the right frequency to me. ;) Seems you found your sweet spot..
    I am a bit angry because e.g. my mother (83 y/o) has this terrible pain from neuralgia, and a chief of the department of neurosurgery @ UCLA will clearly tell you, mariJ would help alleviate the nasty symptoms. More research should be done.. but I know docs/scientists keep away from it because of stigma,.. Heck, at 80+ you should really get a license to do whatever you want with your life.. ;)

    @superliquidsunshine It was just because I always find your comments very interesting (and I write lots of crap, didn't know what it was..)
    Anyway, from the moment I heard your last performance, you have a "diva" status in my book - so you can also start behaving like one ;) Just hope they leave you home alone again, so we get another yummy treat!
    :wink: :bow:
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  6. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    The oldest living person in history was a smoker.
    I do agree that a healthy lifestyle is a good thing, but smoking as a killer has been linked to DNA. Some people suffer from it some do not. While Lung cancer is definitely more prevalent in smokers, they still keep trying to convince everyone that smoking causes it. The issue I have with that idea is that people that have never smoked anything or been exposed to carcinogens have got lung cancer, so that throws that out the window as the cause. Sure smoking will exacerbate any lung problem. If they said it clogs arteries they would be correct. They'd have a better chance selling heart disease.
  7. Thanks, more will follow as I am finally recording my singer/songwriter catalogue, just me and a guitar in one live take. I'm experimenting with the mic/preamp combos and deciding on which guitar to use as well as creating a mix templete that will lend consistency to every track and one that I can live with. Posts like yours are like welcome kicks in the butt to get a move on, so thanks again.
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  8. vector99

    vector99 Kapellmeister

    Oct 23, 2015
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    0 since i was born lol