Is it possible to connect any chord to other chords without considering any rule in all keys?

Discussion in 'Education' started by foster911, May 26, 2018.



  1. Yes?

    34 vote(s)
  2. No?

    6 vote(s)
  1. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Is it possible to nail a bunch of random wooden boards together and call it a house?
    well, it sure is possible to nail a bunch of random wooden boards together, but to call something a "house" is a very specific context.
    (specific boards with specific measurements and cuts aligning with specific materials.)
    The act of calling something a "house" is just a shortcut to describe all those thousands of contexts.

    Music is the same.

    we don't call raindrops falling on a shed roof "music"
    we don't call a waiter dropping a pan of glass dishes on concrete and them all breaking and shattering "music"
    we don't call a baby sliding their hand across their father keyboard in random way "music"

    "music" is deliberate specific expression , using very specific set of cultural criteria.

    the only reason to use a shortcut called "chords" and "chord progression", is to use the words as description of what it really is describing. (how it actually works)

    the way to connect any 2 chords is by what comes before and after those 2 chords.

    picture a newborn baby random plucking their fathers acoustic guitar strings. is that art?
    now picture the father randomly plucking his acoustic guitar strings is that art?
    now picture the father using a knowledge of music to deliberately chose from how music works a specific pattern that expresses his emotions by making that specific set of 5 chords after another.(on the acrostic guitar) is that art?

    in the last example the father is picking a specific set of chords that gives the listener is exact set of feelings. the father is portraying his own feelings through the music he specifically chose to play.

    there are a couple types of musical systems when dealing with chords.
    (for sake of simplicity)
    in one set of criteria you have home and away from home. 4 chords in KEY represent "away" and 3 represent "home", these chords work a certain way and connect a certain way. tension -to release, in other words away from home to home.

    in another set of criteria in the other chord system,
    you have 5 chords that all represent "home"
    but each of the 5 chords has different level of tension even though is all expression of 1 chord.
    in this system each of 12 keys has 5 chords inside representing every variety of type of chord. this system allows most freedom ( as long as what comes before and after the 2 chords makes musical sense.

    Last edited: May 27, 2018
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  2. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    You are like the greatest troll ever. And "greatest" is not meant as a superlative in this case.
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  3. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    2 systems of using chords (for simplicity)

    1. in first system is diatonic.
    take C major CDEFGABC
    you have 2 functions home and away from home.
    are options for away from home
    are options for 'home"
    you start with away from home then arrive at "home"


    2. system 2
    in this system "unity" is king.

    take F lydian

    you have 5 chords

    FACE Major
    GBDF Dominant
    BDFA Minor flat 5
    DFAC MInor
    EGBD MInor flat 9

    all these 5 chords are expression of FACE
    they are all "home"
    but each unique flavors.

    in system number 2 you can connect any of these 5 chords to any of the 5 chords of any other key.

    BUT there is no such thing as Ionian or aeolian modes and chords in this system.
    in both systems larger than KEY structures minor 3rd and major 3rd away
    exist and resolve back to initial KEY. (called KEY collections)

    take C major diatonic.

    C major KEY D# major KEY F# major KEY and A major KEY

    all resolve back to C major , this is called diminished key collection


    C major KEY E major KEY and G# major KEY
    all resolve back to C major KEY
    this is called Augmented key collection.

    KEY collections outline every possible chord substitution in a KEY.

    (so for example, the diminsihed KEY collection the ""away from home" chords from D# major F# major and A major are possible substitutions for the "away from home" chords inside of C major KEY) the same holds true for the augmented KEY collection

    A note collection which is not symmetrical makes a up a KEY
    a note collection which IS symmetrical makes up a KEY collection


    in system number 2 of "unity"

    you have same Diminished KEY collection and augmented KEY collection.
    but in the context of Lydian.

    so F lydian G# lydian B lydian D lydian form the Diminsihed KEY collection
    which resolves back to F lydian,

    so F lydian A lydian C# lydian form the AUGMENTED KEY collection which resolves back to F lydian.


    I have now described to you in one short comment box how every possible chord can connect to each other in 2 systems.(by what comes before and after the 2 chords that you select.)

    chords are the level inside a KEY, chords progressions which come from many keys are derived from KEY collections.
    Last edited: May 27, 2018
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  4. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Sigh. No. I answered your question explaining the conseqences connecting any chord to any other with no attention to rules and conventions.
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  5. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    graphics that go with the above short comment
    here is the merger of the diminished KEY collection and augmented KEY collection

    here is every possible chord connecting through every KEY collection with C major KEY as the center point
    here is the augmented KEY collection connecting every possible chord
    finally here is the diminished KEY collection connecting every possible chord

    These few images demonstrate every connection between ANY chord which exists.
  6. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    @MMJ2017 just try to connect them. Trust me! You would see it's simply possible. At the end the only thing that you should do is refining them by your ears. You can have any variation you want.:yes:

    Music theory is not a fixed set of rules. It could be highly dynamic with your new experimentations unless you totally don't believe in yourself and just rely on your knowledge from books or elsewhere.:wink:
    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2018
  7. BibouLeNoob

    BibouLeNoob Kapellmeister

    Apr 11, 2015
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  8. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    I selected all notes by ear without thinking about any theory.:wink:

  9. Daz

    Daz Guest

    Yes, you asked some questions, fair enough, but once again you are questioning many of the answers with your own jibberish answers...

    So why did you ask the question if you think you have all the answers anyway.
    You have asked a question, basically shunned every answer, and attempted to answer the question yourself with multiple nonsense answers.

    Baxter is right, it appears you are trolling your own thread :sad:

    P.S. The answer to your question is yes and no, but I'm sure you will correct me on that with another jibberish answer...:drunks::guru:
    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2018
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  10. somethin

    somethin Member

    May 8, 2016
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    The more I read your threads, the more I feel that you are taking some strong butthash.
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  11. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    @DoubleSharp 's video is a great instance showing that everything is possible. Also most people selected yes and I also provided two examples (the future ones would be more complicated). I really needed to know what people think about this issue and at least this thread increased the possibility level toward more freedom. Instead of persuading members to pit against each other, please post sth to guide people to more practicality.:bow::wink:
  12. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Do these really help?:no:

    I never called him a thief. I just told him to rely on his musical mind than making reference to sth that tries to unify everything.
  13. I never mentioned theory, just talking about you randomly using chords as the foundation without regard to melody or any concept as you seem to be espousing. Without examples this is just another useless exercise of uesless nothingness, an energetic black hole sucking and blowing, a neutral blur.
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  14. karamuzas

    karamuzas Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    You can also connect chords putting inbetween a diminished chord.
    e.g.From Cmaj7 to Dm7, you put a Dbm7b5 chord.
  15. peterA

    peterA Platinum Record

    Dec 29, 2015
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  16. BibouLeNoob

    BibouLeNoob Kapellmeister

    Apr 11, 2015
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    No you didn't, this is an automatic arrangement processed by either BIAB or Jammer or the like. Voice leading is automatically ensured even though you would have "picked" any given chord, which proves what @MMJ2017 ant others already told you. Now stop this and apologize.
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  17. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    I never use those toys. Their results are not classical-like music. They just allow to make some chaotic music without having to full control on every note.

    I used my DAW (FL Studio using GM sounds and for drums, some presets) and also my ears both for composition and voice-leading. :winker:
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2018
  18. Beth

    Beth Guest

    But wait....I do :yes:
    Every time it rains you can find me out in the shed ...ear to the roof......such sweet music !
    As you see i have a purpose built shed just for that :wink:

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  19. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    I posted two short pieces. The next one would be more complete.:bow:
  20. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    To get more insight.