[SOLVED] (?) Pro Tools v12.5 Audioutopia won't startup [Splash Screen]

Discussion in 'Pro Tools' started by cooper, Apr 22, 2018.

  1. Aileron

    Aileron Audiosexual

    Jan 5, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Dance how you wanna, just don't catch a cold. Yet - stay cool.

    You'll need to call "msconfig". This is a Windows utility, with which you can determine/configure how a computer starts, i.e. what programs and services should load with Windows.

    Open it manually from C:\Windows\System32\msconfig.exe


    in the text box, type down “msconfig”, then press Enter to open the MsConfig window.

    To acquaint yourself a bit, please have a look at this self-explicatory article:

    Last edited: Apr 25, 2018
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  2. cooper

    cooper Member

    May 3, 2015
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    Thank you, Aileron.

    Crazy week, I haven't had time to attempt this, and now Windows released its latest feature update.

    I'm going to go ahead and update first on the off chance they messed up something before.

    Worst case scenario I'll have a few more services to disable.
  3. mpderry

    mpderry Member

    Oct 17, 2017
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    Ok. I had the same problem before. I had same problem few days ago.
    PT stopped seeing FL Studio ASIO and started reject a lot of plug-ins.
    OK. Reinstall of PT - nothing changes, still errors.
    But, used the "Move to unused forder" when starts, moved all crappy plugs, and voila! it's working, flstudio ASIO is present, so next boring part.
    Getting back plugs from unused to native location.
    Still work in progress, but I think problem is in some plugs.
    Funny fact: iZotope Ozone error looks like its not native AAX plug, but wrapped VST
    EDIT! Will be long!
    Here is list so far, working plugs (some are in sub-dirs, but
    you can see manufacturer):

    Katalog: c:\Program Files\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins
    2018-05-07 12:59 <DIR> .
    2018-05-07 12:59 <DIR> ..
    2017-05-25 21:47 <DIR> 112dB
    2017-05-20 22:46 <DIR> 4020_Retro_EQ_Native.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 22:47 <DIR> 4030_Retro_Comp_Native.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 22:47 <DIR> 4040_Retro_Limiter_Native.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 22:47 <DIR> 6020_Ultimate_EQ_Native.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 22:48 <DIR> 6030_Ultimate_Comp_Native.aaxplugin
    2017-08-01 19:43 <DIR> A.O.M
    2017-05-23 13:16 <DIR> Absynth 5.aaxplugin
    2017-05-22 10:56 <DIR> Addictive Drums 2.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 22:48 <DIR> AE400_Active_EQ_Native.aaxplugin
    2017-11-01 11:30 <DIR> AIR Music Technology
    2017-05-21 00:15 <DIR> AIRChorus.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:15 <DIR> AIRDistortion.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:15 <DIR> AIRDynamicDelay.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:15 <DIR> AIREnhancer.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:15 <DIR> AIREnsemble.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:15 <DIR> AIRFilterGate.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:15 <DIR> AIRFlanger.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:15 <DIR> AIRFrequencyShifter.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:15 <DIR> AIRFuzz-Wah.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:15 <DIR> AIRKillEQ.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:15 <DIR> AIRLo-Fi.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:15 <DIR> AIRMulti-Chorus.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:15 <DIR> AIRMulti-Delay.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:15 <DIR> AIRNon-LinearReverb.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:15 <DIR> AIRPhaser.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:15 <DIR> AIRReverb.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:15 <DIR> AIRSpringReverb.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:15 <DIR> AIRStereoWidth.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:15 <DIR> AIRTalkbox.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:15 <DIR> AIRVintageFilter.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:34 <DIR> AmpliTube 4.aaxplugin
    2018-02-16 19:26 <DIR> ANA2.aaxplugin
    2017-05-23 01:06 <DIR> ANALOG87 CS-STRIP(x64).aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 22:49 <DIR> Analog_Channel_AC101_Native.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 22:49 <DIR> Analog_Channel_AC202_Native.aaxplugin
    2017-05-22 23:23 <DIR> AnSpec.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 23:49 <DIR> Aphex Aural Exciter.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 23:49 <DIR> Aphex Big Bottom Pro.aaxplugin
    2017-05-31 19:10 <DIR> Arturia
    2017-05-26 21:39 <DIR> AS-BusComp.aaxplugin
    2017-05-26 21:39 <DIR> AS-Comp.aaxplugin
    2017-05-26 21:39 <DIR> AS-Exciter.aaxplugin
    2017-05-26 21:39 <DIR> AS-Gate.aaxplugin
    2017-05-26 21:39 <DIR> AS-PreAmp.aaxplugin
    2017-05-26 21:39 <DIR> AS-PulseEq.aaxplugin
    2017-05-26 21:39 <DIR> AS-Rack.aaxplugin
    2017-05-26 21:39 <DIR> AS-StateEq.aaxplugin
    2017-11-25 16:45 <DIR> Audified
    2017-11-14 10:16 <DIR> Audio Damage
    2017-05-26 09:16 <DIR> Audiority
    2017-05-26 09:23 <DIR> AudioThing
    2016-04-11 16:09 <DIR> AutoPan.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> Bass Director.aaxplugin
    2017-05-22 10:45 <DIR> Battery 4.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 23:51 <DIR> BBD Delay.aaxplugin
    2018-02-10 15:05 <DIR> BeatSkillz
    2017-05-20 23:49 <DIR> BF-2A.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 23:50 <DIR> BF-3A.aaxplugin
    2016-04-11 16:09 <DIR> BF-76.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 20:56 <DIR> BIAS AMP.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:04 <DIR> BIAS FX.aaxplugin
    2017-06-27 10:10 <DIR> BIAS Pedal.aaxplugin
    2017-05-26 22:13 <DIR> BioTek (64 bit).aaxplugin
    2017-08-02 10:11 <DIR> BioTek.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 23:55 <DIR> Black Op Distortion.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:53 <DIR> Black Rooster Audio.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 23:55 <DIR> Black Shiny Wah.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 23:56 <DIR> Black Spring.aaxplugin
    2017-05-26 09:32 <DIR> Blue Cat Audio
    2017-10-08 15:28 <DIR> Blue Cat's
    2017-05-22 22:26 <DIR> Boogex.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:23 <DIR> Boom.aaxplugin
    2017-09-02 11:04 <DIR> Bounce.aaxplugin
    2017-11-23 14:03 <DIR> Boz Digital Labs
    2017-10-18 10:30 <DIR> BRITPRESSOR.aaxplugin
    2017-05-26 21:43 <DIR> BusDriver.aaxplugin
    2017-05-27 14:41 <DIR> bx_digital V2.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 23:56 <DIR> C1 Chorus.aaxplugin
    2017-05-22 17:23 <DIR> Cakewalk
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> Centipede.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 16:20 <DIR> ChannelStrip.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 22:49 <DIR> Channel_G_Compact_Native.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 22:50 <DIR> Channel_G_Console_Native.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 22:50 <DIR> Channel_G_Dyn_Native.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 22:50 <DIR> Channel_G_EQ_Native.aaxplugin
    2017-05-22 08:54 <DIR> Character.aaxplugin
    2017-05-23 08:45 <DIR> Chromaphone 2.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:46 <DIR> ClariphonicDSPmkii.aaxplugin
    2016-04-11 16:09 <DIR> ClickII.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 19:50 <DIR> Compassion.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 22:51 <DIR> CompressorBank_CB101_Native.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 22:51 <DIR> CompressorBank_CB202_Native.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 22:51 <DIR> CompressorBank_CB303_Native.aaxplugin
    2017-05-23 00:01 <DIR> CP2V.aaxplugin
    2017-05-23 00:01 <DIR> CP3V.aaxplugin
    2017-10-05 09:00 <DIR> CRTIV Tape Bus.aaxplugin
    2017-05-23 00:01 <DIR> CS1V.aaxplugin
    2017-06-21 18:07 <DIR> CS3301.aaxplugin
    2017-05-27 10:42 <DIR> Cthulhu.aaxplugin
    2017-05-22 23:23 <DIR> CurveEQ.aaxplugin
    2017-05-23 08:39 <DIR> Cyclop.aaxplugin
    2017-08-30 10:54 <DIR> D16 Group
    2017-05-21 00:23 <DIR> DB-33.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 23:57 <DIR> DC Distortion.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 22:51 <DIR> DE555_Native.aaxplugin
    2017-05-22 23:21 <DIR> Deft Compressor.aaxplugin
    2018-05-07 12:59 0 dir.txt
    2017-09-04 08:38 <DIR> Disperser.aaxplugin
    2017-08-22 10:29 <DIR> Disto_64.aaxplugin
    2016-04-11 16:09 <DIR> Dither.aaxplugin
    2017-05-23 13:25 <DIR> Diva.aaxplugin
    2017-05-26 09:40 <DIR> DMG Audio
    2017-10-28 11:30 <DIR> Dmitry Sches
    2017-08-22 18:11 <DIR> Dominator.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 16:20 <DIR> DownMixer.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 23:18 <DIR> Driver.aaxplugin
    2017-05-22 21:46 <DIR> Drumformer.aaxplugin
    2017-05-23 00:04 <DIR> DS-10 Drum Shaper.aaxplugin
    2016-04-11 16:09 <DIR> DVerb.aaxplugin
    2016-04-11 16:09 <DIR> DynamicsIII.aaxplugin
    2017-08-16 11:07 <DIR> EfektorDS3603.aaxplugin
    2017-08-16 11:07 <DIR> EfektorFZ3603.aaxplugin
    2017-08-16 11:07 <DIR> EfektorOD3603.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:46 <DIR> Electra DSP.aaxplugin
    2017-05-22 21:41 <DIR> Elephant.aaxplugin
    2016-04-11 16:09 <DIR> Eleven Lite.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:11 <DIR> Eleven.aaxplugin
    2018-02-12 17:04 <DIR> Empirical Labs
    2017-05-20 23:18 <DIR> Enhanced EQ.aaxplugin
    2017-05-23 00:01 <DIR> EQ1A.aaxplugin
    2017-05-23 00:01 <DIR> EQ2V.aaxplugin
    2016-04-11 16:09 <DIR> EQIII.aaxplugin
    2017-05-26 19:35 <DIR> EVE-AT1.aaxplugin
    2017-05-26 19:35 <DIR> EVE-AT4.aaxplugin
    2017-05-26 19:39 <DIR> EVE-MP5.aaxplugin
    2017-05-22 08:44 <DIR> Eventide
    2018-03-02 15:19 <DIR> FabFilter
    2017-05-20 23:50 <DIR> Fairchild660.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 23:50 <DIR> Fairchild670.aaxplugin
    2017-09-04 08:38 <DIR> Faturator.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 22:52 <DIR> FilterBank_E606_Native.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 22:52 <DIR> FilterBank_F202_Native.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 22:52 <DIR> FilterBank_P606_Native.aaxplugin
    2017-05-26 22:27 <DIR> FinalPlug 5.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 23:57 <DIR> Flanger.aaxplugin
    2018-05-06 16:15 <DIR> Flux
    2017-05-23 10:23 <DIR> FM8.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:32 <DIR> Focusrite d2.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:32 <DIR> Focusrite d3.aaxplugin
    2017-10-05 14:06 <DIR> Ghz CanOpener Studio 3.aaxplugin
    2017-10-05 14:06 <DIR> Ghz Faraday Limiter 3.aaxplugin
    2017-10-05 14:06 <DIR> Ghz Good Dither 3.aaxplugin
    2017-10-05 14:06 <DIR> Ghz Lohi 3.aaxplugin
    2017-10-05 14:06 <DIR> Ghz Lossy 3.aaxplugin
    2017-10-05 14:06 <DIR> Ghz Midside 3.aaxplugin
    2017-10-05 14:06 <DIR> Ghz Midside Matrix 3.aaxplugin
    2017-10-05 14:06 <DIR> Ghz Panpot 3.aaxplugin
    2017-10-05 14:06 <DIR> Ghz Tiltshift 3.aaxplugin
    2017-10-05 14:06 <DIR> Ghz Tone Control 3.aaxplugin
    2017-10-05 14:06 <DIR> Ghz Trem Control 3.aaxplugin
    2017-10-05 14:06 <DIR> Ghz Vulf Compressor 3.aaxplugin
    2017-10-05 14:06 <DIR> Ghz Wow Control 3.aaxplugin
    2017-05-22 22:24 <DIR> GlissEQ.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 23:58 <DIR> Gray Compressor.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 23:58 <DIR> Green JRC Overdrive.aaxplugin
    2017-05-25 17:34 <DIR> Guitar Rig 5.aaxplugin
    2017-05-22 08:54 <DIR> HaloVerb.aaxplugin
    2017-11-25 13:49 <DIR> Helix Native.aaxplugin
    2017-05-25 22:04 <DIR> Hybrid.aaxplugin
    2016-04-11 16:09 <DIR> InTune.aaxplugin
    2016-04-11 16:09 <DIR> Invert-Duplicate.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:43 <DIR> JOEMEEK Compressor.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:43 <DIR> JOEMEEK Meequalizer.aaxplugin
    2017-05-23 13:34 <DIR> Joey Sturgis Tones
    2017-11-04 11:35 <DIR> JST BG-Bass.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 11:35 <DIR> JST BG-Drums.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 11:35 <DIR> JST BG-Guitars.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 11:35 <DIR> JST BG-Keys.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 11:35 <DIR> JST BG-Mix.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 11:35 <DIR> JST BG-Vocals.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 12:13 <DIR> Kazrog
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> KClip - Surround.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> KClip.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 12:13 <DIR> kiloHearts
    2017-05-20 23:23 <DIR> Komplete Kontrol.aaxplugin
    2017-05-24 11:21 <DIR> Kontakt 5.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 12:13 <DIR> Kuassa
    2017-05-21 00:47 <DIR> Kush UBK-1.aaxplugin
    2017-08-31 11:09 <DIR> Lexicon
    2017-05-21 19:07 <DIR> Limitless.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 20:27 <DIR> Lindell 254E.aaxplugin
    2017-10-28 22:53 <DIR> Lindell 354E.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 20:28 <DIR> Lindell 6X-500.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 20:28 <DIR> Lindell 7X-500.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 20:28 <DIR> Lindell ChannelX.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 20:28 <DIR> Lindell PEX-500.aaxplugin
    2016-04-11 16:09 <DIR> LoFi.aaxplugin
    2017-05-26 09:07 <DIR> Loom.aaxplugin
    2017-08-31 11:05 <DIR> LXPChamber.aaxplugin
    2017-08-31 11:05 <DIR> LXPHall.aaxplugin
    2017-08-31 11:05 <DIR> LXPPlate.aaxplugin
    2017-08-31 11:05 <DIR> LXPRoom.aaxplugin
    2017-05-23 09:19 <DIR> Massive.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> masterDither - Surround.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> masterDither.aaxplugin
    2016-04-11 16:09 <DIR> MasterMeter.aaxplugin
    2016-04-11 16:09 <DIR> Maxim.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 12:13 <DIR> MeldaProduction
    2017-05-31 17:57 <DIR> MellowMuse
    2017-11-04 12:13 <DIR> Metric Halo
    2017-05-22 08:54 <DIR> MHChannelStrip.aaxplugin
    2017-05-22 08:54 <DIR> MHDelay.aaxplugin
    2017-05-22 08:54 <DIR> MHDesser.aaxplugin
    2017-05-22 08:54 <DIR> MHMultibandCompressor.aaxplugin
    2017-05-22 08:54 <DIR> MHMultibandExpander.aaxplugin
    2017-10-23 19:49 <DIR> MHThump.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:23 <DIR> MiniGrand.aaxplugin
    2016-04-11 16:09 <DIR> ModDelay_III.aaxplugin
    2017-05-22 15:08 <DIR> MODO BASS.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:51 <DIR> moogerfooger AD.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:51 <DIR> moogerfooger LP.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:51 <DIR> moogerfooger Ph.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:51 <DIR> moogerfooger RM.aaxplugin
    2017-05-31 17:57 <DIR> Nomad Factory
    2016-04-11 16:09 <DIR> Normalize-Gain.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 23:59 <DIR> Orange Phaser.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 12:13 <DIR> Overloud
    2017-05-20 23:30 <DIR> Passive EQ.aaxplugin
    2016-04-11 16:09 <DIR> Pitch Shift Legacy.aaxplugin
    2016-04-11 16:09 <DIR> PitchII.aaxplugin
    2017-05-31 17:57 <DIR> Plug and Mix
    2017-05-31 17:57 <DIR> Plugin Alliance
    2017-05-21 00:33 <DIR> ProMultibandDynamics.aaxplugin
    2017-05-22 00:27 <DIR> PSPaudioware
    2017-05-21 00:34 <DIR> PultecEQH-2.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:34 <DIR> PultecEQP-1A.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:34 <DIR> PultecMEQ-5.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 23:50 <DIR> Purple Audio MC77.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> Ram Fuzz.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 23:31 <DIR> RC 24.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 23:32 <DIR> RC 48.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> Recabinet 5.aaxplugin
    2016-04-11 16:09 <DIR> RectiFi.aaxplugin
    2017-09-30 08:40 <DIR> Replicant 2.aaxplugin
    2017-05-31 17:57 <DIR> Reveal Sound
    2017-05-21 00:34 <DIR> ReverbOne.aaxplugin
    2016-04-11 16:09 <DIR> Reverse-DC Removal.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:35 <DIR> ReVibeII.aaxplugin
    2018-02-24 15:36 <DIR> RevoiceProLink.aaxplugin
    2017-05-25 17:59 <DIR> Rob Papen
    2017-05-21 00:00 <DIR> Roto Speaker.aaxplugin
    2016-04-11 16:09 <DIR> SansAmp PSA-1.aaxplugin
    2018-02-15 08:37 <DIR> Scaler_x64.aaxplugin
    2016-04-11 16:09 <DIR> SciFi.aaxplugin
    2016-04-11 16:09 <DIR> SignalGenerator.aaxplugin
    2017-08-22 10:18 <DIR> SKnote
    2017-05-31 17:57 <DIR> Slate Digital
    2017-05-21 00:36 <DIR> Smack.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 23:33 <DIR> Solid Bus Comp.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 23:34 <DIR> Solid Dynamics.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 23:36 <DIR> Solid EQ.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 12:13 <DIR> Sound Radix
    2017-05-21 00:36 <DIR> SoundReplacer.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:37 <DIR> Space.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> Stockholm.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:23 <DIR> Structure.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:00 <DIR> Studio Reverb.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 23:37 <DIR> Supercharger GT.aaxplugin
    2017-08-09 10:36 <DIR> Syn-X 2.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 20:38 <DIR> TAL-BassLine-101.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 20:46 <DIR> Tal-Dub-X.aaxplugin
    2018-05-05 12:51 <DIR> TAL-Mod.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 20:47 <DIR> TAL-Sampler.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 20:49 <DIR> TAL-U-No-LX-V2.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:01 <DIR> Tape Echo.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 12:13 <DIR> TBProAudio
    2017-11-04 12:13 <DIR> TDR
    2017-05-25 22:12 <DIR> theRiser.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> Thermionik Amped Bass.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> Thermionik Bassmensch.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> Thermionik Blackverb.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> Thermionik Chimp.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> Thermionik Damage 120.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> Thermionik Duality 2ch.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> Thermionik Duality 3ch.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> Thermionik FB100.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> Thermionik Fueled Blue.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> Thermionik Fueled Silver.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> Thermionik M2B.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> Thermionik M2CP.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> Thermionik M4.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> Thermionik Marshland 45.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> Thermionik Marshland 800.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> Thermionik Marshland Jumpy78.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> Thermionik Marshland Jumpy79J.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> Thermionik Marshland Jumpy79S.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> Thermionik Ogre Excess.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> Thermionik OgreTuber.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> Thermionik Plexi.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> Thermionik Psycho A.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> Thermionik Psycho B.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> Thermionik Psycho C.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> Thermionik Serpent.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> Thermionik Solid 100.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> Thermionik Super 1690.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> Thermionik Tangerine Nightmare.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> Thermionik Vocal30 TB.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> Thermionik Vocal30.aaxplugin
    2016-04-11 16:09 <DIR> Time Shift.aaxplugin
    2016-04-11 16:09 <DIR> TimeAdjuster.aaxplugin
    2018-05-06 16:15 <DIR> Togu Audio Line
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 Black 76.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 Brickwall Limiter.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 British Channel.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 Bus Compressor.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 Classic Clipper.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 Classic Comp.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 Classic EQ.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 Classic Multi Band Limiter.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 CSR Hall.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 CSR Inverse.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 CSR Plate.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 CSR Room.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 De Esser.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 Dyna-Mu.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 EQ-73.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 EQ-81.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 EQ-PA.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 EQ-PB.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 EQ-PG.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 EQP-1A.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 EQual.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 Linear Phase EQ.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 Master EQ-432.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 Master Match.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 Metering.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 Mic Room.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 One.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 Opto Comp.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 Precision Comp-Limiter.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 Quad Compressor.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 Quad Image.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 Quad Limiter.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 Saturator X.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 Stealth Limiter.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 Suite.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 Tape Echo.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 VC-670.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 White 2A.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 10:56 <DIR> TR5 White Channel.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 12:13 <DIR> Tracktion Software
    2017-05-21 01:28 <DIR> Transfuser.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 23:38 <DIR> Transient Master.aaxplugin
    2017-05-22 08:54 <DIR> TransientControl.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:02 <DIR> Tri-Knob Fuzz.aaxplugin
    2016-04-11 16:09 <DIR> Trim.aaxplugin
    2017-05-31 17:57 <DIR> u-he
    2017-05-21 00:23 <DIR> Vacuum.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 18:17 <DIR> VacuumPro.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> ValvEQ.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 23:38 <DIR> Vari Comp.aaxplugin
    2016-04-11 16:09 <DIR> VariFi.aaxplugin
    2017-05-26 21:58 <DIR> VBC FG-Grey.aaxplugin
    2017-05-26 21:58 <DIR> VBC FG-MU.aaxplugin
    2017-05-26 21:58 <DIR> VBC FG-Red.aaxplugin
    2017-05-26 21:58 <DIR> VBC Rack.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 23:39 <DIR> VC 160.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 23:40 <DIR> VC 2A.aaxplugin
    2017-05-20 23:40 <DIR> VC 76.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:03 <DIR> Vibe Phaser.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 21:43 <DIR> Vintage Driver.aaxplugin
    2017-05-25 02:32 <DIR> Virtual Mix Rack.aaxplugin
    2017-05-26 22:09 <DIR> Virtual Tape Machines.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:37 <DIR> Voce Chorus-Vibrato.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:37 <DIR> Voce Spin.aaxplugin
    2017-05-31 17:57 <DIR> Volko
    2017-11-04 12:13 <DIR> Voxengo
    2017-01-24 13:04 4 219 888 VUMT Deluxe v2.1.1 x64.aaxplugin
    2017-11-04 12:13 <DIR> Waldorf
    2017-05-31 17:57 <DIR> Wave Arts
    2018-05-07 12:43 <DIR> Waves
    2017-05-21 00:05 <DIR> White Boost.aaxplugin
    2017-05-21 00:38 <DIR> X-Form.aaxplugin
    2017-05-22 18:33 <DIR> XILS-lab
    2017-05-31 17:57 <DIR> XLN Audio
    2017-05-21 00:17 <DIR> XPand!2.aaxplugin
    Last edited: May 7, 2018
  4. Audiozer

    Audiozer Kapellmeister

    Apr 2, 2018
    Likes Received:
    @cooper and @mpderry

    What happened here? Happy ending, or are you guys doing a naked binary dance together? Wait... those could both be happy endings!

    Seriously though... do tell.
  5. powerplay

    powerplay Ultrasonic

    Dec 1, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Set your audio interface's buffer to 1024.
  6. Audiozer

    Audiozer Kapellmeister

    Apr 2, 2018
    Likes Received:
    "...buffer to 1024."

    THAT is why they pay you the Big Bucks, right?
  7. eway

    eway Ultrasonic

    May 4, 2015
    Likes Received:
    somewhere over the rainbow
    Plugins can cause crashes or PT not starting. Some Wrapped plugs also but only while opening a session . But there's something important you should know by uninstalling and reinstalling PT. you must trash preferences in the USER directory to allow PT to rescan all plugins.
    check this link > https://www.sweetwater.com/sweetcare/articles/how-do-i-trash-my-pro-tools-preferences/
    uninstalling PT won't perform this action. you have to do it manually. that's the best starting point to check your system. After that you can perform another test to check plug by plug. Put every 3thrd party AAX to unused plug folder and put them one by one to the AAX plug folder. It may take time but it should be the best way to know what's doing what.
    Last edited: May 21, 2018
  8. Audiozer

    Audiozer Kapellmeister

    Apr 2, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Still really hoping that cooper and mpderry... obviously particularly @cooper... could come back and put a little bow on top of this thread.

    Does the lack of an ending mean he's in heaven, or the counter version of...
  9. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Could the current rash of problems be related to computers that are on-line vs off-line?


    On-line systems not configured properly to block programs & plugins from going on-line (phoning home)?
  10. Audiozer

    Audiozer Kapellmeister

    Apr 2, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Certainly seems possible. A lot of work to maintain a reliable 'freeware" machine. When I look at half the comments in threads from people that... I can't get it to work... no WAY they're taking steps to lock things down... even if they can get it to run in the end.

    But... @cooper did seem to have a pretty good head on his shoulders. Maybe not, though. Maybe he got a ride in a van, hence the radio silence? I kid, I kid.

    Great point though, quadcore64. Just unplug them work machines. Use a laptop, old flame to get the goods.
  11. cooper

    cooper Member

    May 3, 2015
    Likes Received:
    I started a new job right in the middle of all of this and down time is lacking.
    I haven't been able to get it to work yet.
    I had a lot of issues with the latest Windows Update, so I'm glad I waited in case it screwed everything up again.
    I'm still going through the services.
    I'll update when I finish testing all or if I end up doing a clean install or even changing DAW.

    Notes for future reference:
    * No plugin calling home issues, I use NetLimiter that blocks every app by default, if for any reason I need to let something through, there's also a Firewall that blocks everything by default.
    * I'm 100% sure there' isn't an issue with any plugin:
    - The PT splash screen lasts less than a fart (local spanish saying :D )
    - I deleted everything manually and cleaned the registry as well
    * Re-installing PT did nothing
    * Trashing preferences and any file related to PT did nothing
  12. Audiozer

    Audiozer Kapellmeister

    Apr 2, 2018
    Likes Received:

    What graphics card do use?
  13. cooper

    cooper Member

    May 3, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Just in case I'll add a little more info.

    Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 6670
    Sound Card: M-Audio Mobile Pre II (USB-External) - Native ASIO drivers
    CPU: AMD A8-3850
    RAM: 8 GB
    OS: Windows 10 Pro Build up-to-date

    Could any updates to .NET framework o related be causing this? No idea what version was installed before
  14. cooper

    cooper Member

    May 3, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Well... I'm throwing the towel.
    I ended up disabling every single service and nothing.
    There were some I couldn't disable, some that change their name every time Windows starts (I checked that in my work computer and it seems to be normal behavior).
    So, I'm probably going to backup / delete everything I can and go ahead and re-install everything.
    This time I believe I will make a partition just for audio.
    Sadly all of my hard-drivers are too full to make an image.
    I'm guessing I won't have any issue installing the same Windows license in both partitions.

    If anyone else has any more ideas, I'm all *eyes* :D
  15. cooper

    cooper Member

    May 3, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Just a thought.....
    I have several hard drives and partitions, most of them are nearly full except the OS / Pro Tools ones, could that be causing it?
  16. cooper

    cooper Member

    May 3, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Can I curse in this forum? :D
    Guess what? It just started working, I don't know if it's permanent or not, but the mo**** f*****g program just got past the splash screen.
    My guess? And one thing I thought about but actually didn't find my way around it at the time, as it made sense to me that the Pro Tools installer would simply install everything it needs.
    One of those .NET or whatever Redistributable libraries that are some times installed during Setup was corrupted or something.
    Visual Studio, Android Studio or whatever probably messed something up some time around the issue started.
    The other day I installed SQL Server and what do you think? Today I felt lucky, tried to run PT and it worked!
    So if anyone has any idea how to find out which libraries Pro Tools needs to run. That would be awesome! Audioutopia, where are you? :D
  17. Aileron

    Aileron Audiosexual

    Jan 5, 2017
    Likes Received:
    All of our prayers were heard I guess :mates:

    EDIT: finally :winker:
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2018
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  18. Stefan Simion

    Stefan Simion Newbie

    Jan 19, 2022
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    Anybody got a "go-to" solution for this problem? Cause i installed the softs that cooper mentioned and it didnt work, lol