How to get this vocal effect?

Discussion in 'how to make "that" sound' started by Tim_ale, May 21, 2018.

  1. Tim_ale

    Tim_ale Noisemaker

    Feb 16, 2016
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    Hi guys, please help me with this
    How to get that effect? what plugins were used? and so

    Thanks in advance
  3. Hooman.Leys

    Hooman.Leys Platinum Record

    Dec 26, 2015
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    it's a reverb and slap delay!
    try to find a good reverb, there is many, but as i see you are a beginner, so try Valhalla vintage verb or even stock plugins which you can find in your DAW,
    Hope it helps :)
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  4. Put up any of the reverb plugins that you have on the vocal track that you want to have this effect on, any will do. Now set the mix knob to about 20%, give or take a little here or there. Maybe let the reverb sound for about 2 seconds, try different lengths and see how it sounds. Then use a delay plugin that you have and put it just before the reverb. Find a preset that says that it is a slapback delay, or, again, set the mix knob to about 20% , the delay time to maybe 50, 60 or even 100 milliseconds depending how you wish to hear it and the tempo of the song (your delay plugin might have a way to "sync" it to the tempo of your song, but keep it short, 1/16 to 1/8th maximum). That should get you close. Play with the parameters of the effects to fine tune the way you wish it to sound. Experimenting with your tools is a good way to learn what they do and how you can implement them to suit your need.
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  5. Tim_ale

    Tim_ale Noisemaker

    Feb 16, 2016
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    I'll try... thanks for your detailed explanation :bow:
  6. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    you trolling, right ? plugins in the 80's ? anyway, reverb and compression is the answer, maybe an eq cut around 2k for a silky sound.
  7. jollythatthing

    jollythatthing Member

    Feb 26, 2015
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    i thought i was being rick rolled just to find what effect he was talking about.Any good karaoke machine will give the same sound lol
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