How to make this Bass sound "Weval - Detian"

Discussion in 'how to make "that" sound' started by Adam Ford, May 13, 2018.

  1. Adam Ford

    Adam Ford Producer

    Mar 2, 2017
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    Hi guys hope you're fine!

    I'd like to know some tips on how to do this bass sound, quite housy.
    Maybe if synthesis doesn't catch up, could be out there a nice house patch library with some of those sounds in there.

    I'm quite interested in this song, speaking about drums, fx's, harmonies, I would accept tips on those sounds too!

    I'm new to house music so if there's something that could provide me similar sounds and vibes... I'm ready for it.


  3. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    Reveal Sound Spire (VST synth, fresh release available on sis)
    factory bank - 6 (click on menu/select bank)
    preset 17: BA Blueprint
  4. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    thats an interesting track, especially the melody part, thanks for sharing.

    well, there are a lot of FX used properly, quite an art to get there tbh.
    if i had to guess, this artist is using Ableton but thats just speculation :bleh:

    the bass changes later on but its prolly just a lower cutoff setting.

    have you ever heard about James Wiltshire?
    he makes insanely good tutorials that could help on your path

  5. Adam Ford

    Adam Ford Producer

    Mar 2, 2017
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    I'll try with the spire Factory preset and I'll let you know.
    Yeah this man it's a great musician indeed, first time I hear about him, thanks for the tip!
  6. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    he is especially good at explaining, maybe not the "deep" sound you are looking for but still, the basics do count a lot and are essential imo, since you are new to House music.

    as-well you could look for some

    minimal house/techno tutorials, focused on sound design.
    these genres are essentially that what needs to be added to JW to turn into your posted example.

    to give a preview into this deep sound work, its usually a ton of FX stuffed over each other,
    because sounds tend to get extremely thick and big applying such a lot, they need to be eq'd wisely,
    coupled with different sidechain techniques and parallel stuff alongside loooong (not only, but essential) automation curves on multiple Parameters simultaneously, partly just subtle movements, while the basic foundation (beat,Bass) are barely moving or even static.
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