want to buy a new PC ..need advice!

Discussion in 'Computer Hardware' started by basschild, May 2, 2018.

  1. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Prices for other PC components might increase significantly in 2018.

    The reason for the price hike for PC components will the result of Silicon Wafer manufacturers planning to increase prices for silicon wafer by 20% in 2018 and another 20% increase in the price is planned for 2019.

    GPU prices are already sky-high due to a shortage of them in the market and it seems that this shortage is not going to end soon and other PC hardware prices, like CPUs, DRAM, and Flash memory, will increase by the end of 2018 as Silicon Wafer manufacturers plan to increase the price.

    Last year it was revealed that SUMCO plans to increase the prices for silicon wafer by 20% in 2018 and another 20% increase in the price is planned for 2019. Now, Taiwan’s GlobalWafers has joined SUMCO in this plan and has confirmed 20% increase in silicon wafer price.

    For those who don’t know, SUMCO and GlobalWafers are silicon wafer manufacturers, these silicon wafers are used to make GPU, CPU, DRAM, and Flash makers. SUMCO is the largest supplier of Silicon wafer and controls 60% of the world’s silicon wafer supply.

    >With the 20% increase in Silicon wafers’ price, expect the prices of CPUs, GPUs, and other PC hardware prices to increase and with GPU prices already sky-high things are not looking good for those looking to own a new system.

    GlobalWafers Chairwoman, Doris Hsu, noted to the shareholders that the company will increase the price of Silicon wafers by 20 percent this year.

    The reason for this price hike is the shortage of 12-inch, 300mm wafers, and this specific wafer is used to manufacture PC hardware components such as CPUs, GPUs, and RAM. What this means is that we will see a noticeable increase in prices for PC hardware components and with GPUs already in short supply, PC gamers will be in a tough spot for a foreseeable future.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 3, 2018
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  2. Nick12

    Nick12 Platinum Record

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Not very much right now, because most plugins and daws have not hardware acceleration functions for example. So therefore you don't have to go that deep. I won't say videocards are not needed, because it probably can help with rendering times in the end and it can be used by plugins that needs to render their interfaces.

    A lot of plugins are also open-gl or are becoming open-gl. That stands for graphic support I believe. So at least the interfaces and everything can be used by the GPU. They are also not only used for 'graphics'. They also can be used for very complex calculations. Some plugins and effects are based on that. An effect like a convolution reverb is a good example of it.

    Probably a Geforce card could be useful for something like Nebula aswell, because if I am right it's one of these developers that have support for the huge parallel processing that the newest Geforce cards offers. Don't know about AMD. So therefore more looking at the future I think it could be useful aswell, because you will never know what the future will bring and if developers will use the GPU more for processing. Probably not, because some developers already stated that this will cause extra latency.

    Another option for having a videocard is if you want multiple monitors. Some people actually have or want multiple 4k monitors for example, but then you really need an appropiate videocard for that.

    To answer your question. No, even without a videocard it should work fine especially with the modern CPU's that already have integrated graphics, but that could mean that your CPU basically have to do two things at the same time whereby having a dedicated videocard can probably help overall.
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  3. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    a 1060 cost approx. 25/30 bucks a year if you upgrade every 4 years, same cost as a 1030/740 because resell value, the low tier is always the most sold, there is literally no resell value/demand.

    as soon as you go 1060 or above you get the ability to connect a sea of monitors, and the ability to do anything on this machine
    Cad, 3d modeling, Video work, gaming.....

    integrated graphics usually suck, i have no experience on 8700k but usually it sucks and clogs up the system in one way or another, they are good to run a 1080p office monitor imo.

    you can always see how it runs and integrate a card later if needed, with a bit of luck everything runs smooth,
    since you are on a budget limit thats probably the way to go.

    i don't like this machines but with 1500 thats what you can get, if you build it yourself you save some, but in the end not worth the hassle
    probably thats all no name "premium" stuff

    dont get me wrong, this is capable machine and should work fine, especially the cpu is a beast, i don't see a reason to overclock at all.
    the price is too high for that as power consumption, noise and heat increase exponentially, and you need a good fan for that which is not in the budget.

    so just take it or look for other offers that go closer to 1500, they are pretty much all the same, just try to buy from a reputable Vendor, and backup regularly.

    Audio machines cost there is no way around,

    you always have the possibility to upgrade to 64 GB RAM later, but be prepared, they cost a lot :P

    you can add SSDs and HDDs later as needed

    SSD best bet is to go 4x 1TB (samsung evo) while for backup 1 x HDD 4TB 5400 usually is the way to go.
    each of them are roundabout 100 bucks, one pack with backup 500 bucks
    or 2x 1TB and 2TB backup a bit cheaper.
  4. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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    who even makes a 2 gigabyte ssd? 2 terabytes maybe.
  5. Nick12

    Nick12 Platinum Record

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Yep, you're right. A little mistake from me. I have changed it.
  6. btmybrother

    btmybrother Newbie

    Apr 25, 2018
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    get a Mac. you will never regret it. anything from a mac mini to a 12 core tower from 2011. they all work flawlessly. no issues. focus on music
  7. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    first thread, chapeau :cool:

    to be honest going mac is my recommendation as well, but i hadn't the courage to say it :hillbilly:
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