Compressor release problem...

Discussion in 'Software' started by Tad Mikowski, May 3, 2018.

  1. Tad Mikowski

    Tad Mikowski Guest

    when I get home I try the triger tip and continue my homework.. I really appreciate your help! Yes, I speak italian :yes:
    I do not understand. it's a joke?
  2. Matt777

    Matt777 Rock Star

    Oct 17, 2015
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    Oh, so that's how Baxter and SineWave got their HW... :hahaha:

    "Oh yes, sorry mate.. I'm sure it's broken.. Look,, coz Im good, I give u a few bucks for this. Might need it for parts.." (peeking at the cutoff knob turned left)
  3. Tad Mikowski

    Tad Mikowski Guest

    About my first doubt:
    I understand your jokes and I understand that the problem is me (my inexperience.) I said so because I already had other problems with daw and vst! example manipulator pitch-shifting: manipulator.PNG

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  4. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Homey you just have to get use to what compressor IS, what it CAN possibly do, what to use it for.
    next what settings will give you a specific result.
    my impression is that you are not looking to get compression based on how it works , you are looking instead for volume automation.

    try a 1176
    try a pulteq
    try a DBX

    try manual volume automation.
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  5. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    You are using a granular pitch shifter. Granular means that it takes chunks of audio and pitches them equally, but results in different start- and end point for each grain. Doing so creates a buffer retrigger effect, meaning that you will get granular artifacts. Even at smaller grains you will get a smearing sound. But granular synthesis is another huge topic all together.

    Instead, try putting a snare in a sampler and pitch-bend it (yes, the snare will become shorter the higher you pitch your snare).
    Last edited: May 5, 2018
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  6. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Being teached using a compressor propper is indeed a challenge - especially when some people find it amusing comming with off-topic comments.

    Baxter <----- You are outstanding!! :like::like::like:
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  7. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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  8. Spyfxmk2

    Spyfxmk2 Guest

    Hello @Tad Mikowski & fellow members :bow:

    something to have a look at if you want :

    #1 Gain staging of your tracks(channels) before triggering your compressor
    #2 transients of your tracks (channels) before triggering your compressor
    #3 unmasking with m/s processing your tracks (channels) before triggering your compressor

    #$$$$$$ 4 (very important) use a calculator & divide this number : 60000 with the bpm of your track,
    then if you want divide again by 2,then by 2 again if you want & so on...
    that should be the release time of your compressor & track/song should be in sync with the tempo/groove.
    Use the same release time on your limiter/s too

    Use your ears too & have fun in the studio !
    I hope this info helps you :wink::bow:

    edit : * divide by 2 & so on for sorter release times
    Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2018
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  9. relexted

    relexted Producer

    Jun 18, 2011
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    This applies to mastering compression.
    Compressing a group or bus or individual track, I do it like this:

    First set the ratio and treshold to the max. squash it.
    Move the attack up little by little, when the transient of the sound comes thru you'll hear a pronounced click.
    Now readjust the ratio and treshold to a reasonable amount.
    Then set the release time to where the gain reduction returns to (almost) 0 before the next transient hits.
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  10. Spyfxmk2

    Spyfxmk2 Guest

    @relexted :wink:
    Do you like techno ? nice ! yes yes & yes :thumbsup:

    Yes it does but not only for mastering you can set the release time on lets say a drum group also :winker:
  11. Tad Mikowski

    Tad Mikowski Guest

    thanks Baxter I did not know! score: broken tools-0 my inexperience-2 :)
    yes, I have already done a lot of tests.. in the sampler I got the best result!
    phloopy You're right, I'm very sorry for the little off-topic on the pitch.
    Hello Spyfxmmk2.. Thanks for these tips!
    I had already tried to set the release based on the temp, it did not work with my settings (example in my third post on the first page)
  12. Tad Mikowski

    Tad Mikowski Guest

    Do you guys assign me a task? for example a very dynamic vocal to flatten?
    Ps. these days I'm learning more about compression, thank you for all your answers:bow: and excuse me for my stupid questions (and my bad English)
  13. Matt777

    Matt777 Rock Star

    Oct 17, 2015
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    Just a word of caution. You don't compress, just because it's "cool". Bad or unnecessary compression can damage your recording, let alone the whole mix. I am not a professional mix engineer, but even so.. your's isn't a stupid question, but there are so many that you should ask yourself before that one. I know you are learning the technical stuff now, but at the end it's all about the musicality. Do yourself a favor, take one step back and look at the bigger picture. Let me rephrase your question:

    "What can I do, how can I treat a very dynamic vocal before I drive my compressor crazy?"

    Ps. The vocals should be on your "learning menu" when you will already have a solid base on how the compressor works (alone and in context with other tools). A little history on which compressors are suitable for a vocal and why wouldn't hurt too.
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  14. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    Look into vocal riding and volume automation first and foremost. Not all "problems" are easily fixed with a compressor (or two in serial).
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  15. Tad Mikowski

    Tad Mikowski Guest

    Matt777 and Baxter thanks for these suggestions:bow: