My HD is fu..ed up

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by thantrax, May 3, 2018.

  1. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    What I'd do is, as several users have said, to boot with USB/CDROM with file explorer-like capabilities. This way you stress less the damaged HS and you boot from an undamaged disk.

    The WinPe Sergei Strelec is a f... beast, it almost has everything you need. But there are others.

    It has happened to me when a HDD crashes the "now you see me, reboot and now you don't" thing. lol hard times.
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  2. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Newegg has a tera master 4 bay drive less for like 209.99. I have one and it's pretty nice. Load up a min of 3 drives raid 5 and use the share as storage pool.
  3. panaman

    panaman Kapellmeister

    Jul 8, 2017
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    bought a w 2tb black myself a couple of months back, goung to have to look into its health for sure now. if i read it correctly there is only one bad sector on the partitions g and h, plus the ones on your undetected partitions.
    before you do anything make a backup now, then you can work on that with your recovery efforts. meaning either make an iso of the drive, mount and work on that, or better yet clone the drive onto one of the same or bigger size (not all 3TB drives are equal and may vary by a few bytes or kilobytes. in that case a clone image wont fit even if the destination is just one byte smaller, eg by a sector marked bad,
    since windows doesnt like reading corrupted disks, starting truimage from external boot device like usb or boot cd will be more prone to succeed than starting from windows.

    then there are hardware sector copiers. it will take forever, even a couple of days or more, but is well worth a try. here i have an external sata 2 hd bay called icy box that can run in standalone mode, autonomously, without being hooked up to a pc. will copy sector by sector, sometimes even bad ones, partially. goes for about 50 € here. can be used to connect 2 sata hds via usb or sata the rest of the time. just make sure you understand the difference between source and destination and double check, it doesnt ask questions like windows would.

    now your chart says 4300 power on hours, with 1300 power ups. 2 years are roughly 700 days, so almost twice a day.the spin up is most stressful on your hd, rethink your power plan and usage.
    or you had it running straight for 2 years without ever turning off (my typcal usage) then there may be a problem with the power supply/cable causing a head crash when suddenly cutting.
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  4. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    That's a shame for Western Digital! The drive is almost new (94h powered on). :woot:

    The temperature is quite high with 30 celsius. I really would try to cool the drive down. Put it in a fridge for some minutes. If it's an external drive open the cabinet and first of all do a complete bit-by-bit backup of the whole drive.
    If this works put the old drive away and try to re-animate the partitions and data on the new drive.
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  5. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    You could give this software a try if you want to have a go at recovering some of your stuff.

    It can even scan HD's that don't show up on your computer when there pluged in,
    i would just let it run for 5 min to see if its finding anything on the drive
    then let it run for a bit longer if you know its working.
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  6. panaman

    panaman Kapellmeister

    Jul 8, 2017
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    30 degrees is nothing, just slightly above room temp.
  7. panaman

    panaman Kapellmeister

    Jul 8, 2017
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    good thing is if nothing helps you could still use it as a thermometer
  8. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    You can change the values of what you see on the right pane in CrystalDiskInfo to DEC instead of Hexadecimal. From the menu under Function/Advanced Feature/Raw Values. Then you can see exactly how many bad sectors etc in plain numbers.
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  9. OBKenobi

    OBKenobi Producer

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Where do you live, Iceland? LOL That's room temperature for many places in the world. >50c is when you have to start worrying.
  10. I've never had a fueled up disk drive. Are they better than ram sticks?
  11. sevente

    sevente Kapellmeister

    Sep 26, 2017
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    I used to work in tech support for a company that made external hard drives that used OEM drives from a lot of different manufacturers, in terms of trying to get the data back what people have already said is pretty good advice, my 2c on situations like this:
    1. If it's important, back it up. If it's not backed up, it's not important.
    That doesn't help you now but hopefully you (and anyone else reading this) will take it to heart to prevent any future heartache.
    2. Hard drives will fail. It's not a question of if, it's a question of when. Because of this see point 1. SSD is certainly better (having no moving parts is one less potential point of failure) but the point is: no one storage medium is going to be 100% reliable. So again, see point 1.
    3. The freezer trick does work but should really be a last resort as there is the potential for condensation to form as the drive heats up, possibly damaging the drive. But it might just buy you enough time to copy off what you need. I've seen this work with drives that were clicking madly, but there are no guarantees.
    Also don't just stick the drive in the freezer, put it in a zip lock bag with as much air removed as possible or if you have access to a vacuum sealer all the better.
    4. I've seen pretty much every brand of hard drive die, based on my experience I have a preference towards WD drives but again, see point 2.
    5. Data recovery programs can work and are worth a shot if it's just a problem with the volumes, not a physical drive problem but in my experience media files don't do so well, they tend to get corrupted easily.
    Professional data recovery (where they take the drives apart and read the data off the individual platters in a clean room) has a very high success rate but is also very expensive.
    Even knowing all this it has happened to me and I know how much it sucks. I wish you all the best and hope that you're able to get your data back.
  12. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    there are quite some factors that kill HDDs, heat, vibration, constant usage, scans, defrag.....

    i double backup all samples/librarys, and triple backup project files by additionally uploading them onto a cloud.

    i bought a lot of 6 year old used apple (hitachi) 2TB drives and not one failed so far, they are found for cheap and of good quality.

    my 2 cents
  13. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    No, not Iceland but not a very warm country, you're right.
    Most HDDs work best at temperatures well under 30 degree celsius and temperatures above 40 degree lead to shorter life span of my HDDS in the past (although 45 degrees within desktop HDD specs). So now I operate my first NAS in the basement, where temperature never goes over 18 degrees celsius, the other NAS is located in a room with A/C, never over 20 degrees. HDD temperatures never reached 30 degrees according SMART.
    As I said before, a lot of my HDDs over the years died from too high temperatures. So I changed the placement of the disks (I've read an Intel paper about temp/MTBF correlation back then).
    I have not lost any HDD ever since. It has been cheaper for me to buy and operate an A/C then buying new disks and/or losing data every now and then. By the way A/C is more comfortable for me as well. :)
  14. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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    I think there's a good chance your stuff is still there. Load the HDD on another PC before you chill it.
  15. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Wow 30 years of IT, I never had a raid corruption failure. Thank GOD. Had a drive go bad, thank god I had raid. Now for rebuild time that depends on raid card speed and Drive size and speed but on m Qnap I did lose a 4 tb drive rebuild in less than 8 hours.
    But I had all my data. He can get a 6 tb mirror drive no need for raid for him.
  16. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Overheat on any Computer component can kill anything. Try over heating your CPU. It will go they way of your hard drive also.
  17. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Yes testdisk is good I have used R-Studio it worked also.
  18. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Same here, not country. Mine are in the basement. Nice a cool down there.