Uploaded.net 1 Month Coupon/Contest

Discussion in 'UL.to Coupons' started by Catalyst, Dec 26, 2012.

  1. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Hey guys. We have a good community here and I think we can learn a lot from each other. I would like to help support you by giving the winner of this contest a 1 month coupon code for an Uploaded.net account. You can help support me by entering this contest and sharing some knowledge and experience that you've picked up along the way. In the process we will hopefully all gain a lot as a community.

    First some background to help you tailor your responses: I have very diverse listening interests but I am mostly looking to make Electro-Industrial. However, other areas of interest include: Ambient, Dance, Downtempo, Drum and Bass, Dubstep (not that Skrillex garbage), Electro, House, IDM, Lo-Fi, Minimal, Synthpop, Techno, Trance, Trip-Hop in no particular order. As some of you may know Electro-Industrial is a very difficult genre to work with. Even more so as a result of the scarcity of learning materials available in the current market. Tutorials always have a slant towards other genres particularly dance or rap. Those who manage to achieve an advanced skill level are less likely to want to share their hard-earned knowledge.

    1) You must have, at the very least, 3+ years of experience to enter. This will be apparent in your response so please don't waste everyone's time. You can't impart knowledge and experience unless you happen to have these qualities and that comes with patience, practice and study.

    2) No producers whose main genre is Rap. I'm really interested in responses from producers working in any of the genres listed above with a particular emphasis on Electro-Industrial if at all possible. No offense. *no*

    3) Keep in mind that in-depth and well thought out submissions with links to either tutorials, forums or other learning resources that focus on Electro-Industrial or composition (with an emphasis on piano roll rather than staff notation) will get bonus points.

    1) Submit a minimum of 5 links to some good sites, forums or YouTube channels for learning music production, music theory, composition, learning how to play the piano, genre specific production techniques, mixing, mastering, etc. I probably will know a lot of the basic ones that you guys will submit but I'm sure someone will post some good links that I haven't tried yet. Each link must be for a different site or YouTube channel. Individual YouTube links not allowed, only channels with related content. I'm looking for sites with a wealth of information.

    2) In your experience with music production what would be some good in-depth advice that you would give in the areas of your expertise. Try to pick the 3 areas that you are most confident in and leave some advice, experience and knowledge. Areas can range from tips in music production to composition, compression, creative use of effects, equalization, layering, miscellaneous production tricks and techniques, mastering, mixing, intermediate music theory, reverb, sound design, etc. This is the only question that requires a real in-depth response so make it count. Remember what were the biggest stumbling blocks for you in your musical endeavors and imagine what advice you'd give yourself knowing what you know now.

    3) Any quality learning materials (e-books, videos) that you would recommend?

    Please tailor answers to someone of an intermediate level and put some time and thought into your responses. Rush jobs will not win. Also try to keep things in your own words. Copying a substantial portion of your response from another site is not allowed. If the site is good then simply put the link in the links section of your response. It's really easier than it looks. I pretty much answered each question in-depth while I was writing this. Thanks for entering and good luck to you all. :thumbsup:
  3. korgrog

    korgrog Member

    Sep 13, 2011
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    No offense, but I am going to need more incentive in the 100 t0 150 range or one year range

    the world is becoming , a data mining, jump through a hoop,find the secret spot on the web page, here's a carrot come and get it , scam

    If you are going to give something, just give it.
  4. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Why is it that people always expect something for nothing? I am simply providing some incentive for people to share knowledge with the community. If it were a 48 hour coupon I would gladly just give it away but seeing as it's a 1 month subscription I think it's quite reasonable to ask for something in return. Particularly when that something will help the community as a whole. What it really boils down to is 5 links (simple), your favorite equipment/VST's (simple), some tips in 3 areas of your expertise (more involved but still not a big deal) and the 4th learning material part is simple as well. The only involved response that is really required is for number 3. It would take most people 30 minutes max to answer these questions. 30 minutes (not even) of your time for a month free subscription is not that big a deal. I'm not some nefarious corporation but rather just a musician trying to gain a little knowledge and give something back to the community. If you think that someone should give you a 1 year subscription for that then I don't know what to tell you. Unless you happen to be Bill Leeb of Front Line Assembly that is.
  5. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    click link below. Lots of different specialist forums which may help your quest for knowledge !!!

  6. genemesis

    genemesis Newbie

    Dec 2, 2011
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    If you need knowledge, the best you can get is by making...

    Making a competition for gaining access to a premium month, it's in my opinion, putting competition where it doesn't belong.
    Maybe you thought you would have more answer, and maybe you will (good for you), but without this coupon idea and if I was producing the kind of music you're in, I would have write down some things just as a friendly act...

    Ow and like you, I tried to made my "best plug-ins list", but with time I thought it really demands of the track and not of the musician. Not all the music you're making would be better if made with a 100 000 budget, and having too many tools in the beginning will have only one result: you will need to dig more the manuals and the presets than your own style...
  7. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Phew, seriously? 1 month? :wow:

    Electro Industrial? *no*

    Gee thanks, but think I`m gonna..... :dunno:

    Meh! :bleh:
  8. xsze

    xsze Guest

  9. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Kinda what I thought about your post, no offense.

    That's a hell of a lot of thinking and typing to do for ten bucks my man.

    Google is your friend

  10. Jannegirl40

    Jannegirl40 Ultrasonic

    Sep 20, 2012
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    Yeah, I'm gonna pass on this little 'survey'
    Hope you understand *no*
  11. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I've removed the VST portion to make it easier on all the intricate brainwork required to complete this contest (insert sarcasm here). Now all you have to do is 3 really simple things. If you have any interesting links then you already have them stored in your favorites so it's a copy and paste kind of thing. The tips and tricks portion is the only item where you may have to use your brain for about 5-10 minutes for the benefit of yourself, me and the community. The learning materials question is a no-brainer. You either know good learning materials or you don't. If you don't then you don't even have to list anything. If I had broke this up into a few threads and not offered anything I guarantee that I would have some responses. Here I offer something and I get zero responses. People are just unbelievable. I think that making a contest for a premium 1 month uploaded.net membership is exactly where a contest belongs. What should I have done just give it to the first person who happened to see the thread? How would that benefit me or the community exactly? I figured that by creating this contest it would help us all out. You don't want to do it then you don't have to. I think it's more of a waste of your time (and mine) to list all the reasons that you don't want to do it and get absolutely nothing in return. If you put an ounce of that energy into constructive replies you'd gain a lot more.

    I'm well aware of the forums. This isn't the only conduit for information. I just figured this contest would be a way for people to give something back to the community (crazy I know).

    I agree with you about the best way being practice. I do the best that I can with what I have but it definitely would be nice if someone posted some tips and tricks that would help get more direction in any area. I'm sure that you spent PLENTY of time on various sites, forums, asking questions, watching videos, etc. Practice is only one component. I also agree that plug-ins aren't the most important thing but they can be inspiring and this can be a springboard for a composition. Also various plug-ins have vastly different capabilities. We wouldn't compare Nexus with Omnisphere now would we?

    Electro-Industrial was just mentioned in case anyone works in this sphere and it isn't a requirement. There are a ton of other genres I listed as being interested in.

    @One Reason
    I'm not asking for something for nothing. That's what you guys are asking for. You all just want a PM of the code with absolutely no input on your part. Also I'm no stranger to Google. I'm that person that's watching a movie where they talk about something I don't know and I just have to pause to do some research. Now this is literally 15 minutes max of your time. You would be making more per hour than most of you would in your real world jobs. That's $40/hour and possibly even more if it takes you less than 15 minutes. Give me a break.

    @Jennifer Anne G.
    And yet I continue to live.
  12. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Where I dont want to be
    lol.. I haven't asked for anything.. I could care less about a coupon for a download site.

    anyway. I'll pass, you obviously already have all the answers.

    Probably spent 10 dollars of my time already in this thread. :rofl:

    Good luck. :wink:
  13. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    @One Reason

    Your presence on a thread that you supposedly have no use for indicates otherwise. :rofl:

    Anyways Happy Holidays :wink:
  14. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    If I win, I will open up another topic offering the voucher in a lucky draw, first name pulled out of a hat wins, then I will politely ask in the appropriate forums for help and advice.... might be worth a few brownie points. :mates:
  15. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Where I dont want to be
    Posting in a thread in no way indicates a need for the content of it.

    and being a smart ass won't help your cause.

    Happy holidays to you as well.
  16. HebrewInTheRain

    HebrewInTheRain Noisemaker

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Main genre can't be rap lol. And no Skrillex garbage?... okey WHO THE F:)CK is this noob? 1 month? not worth it, and definitely not for electro industrial! I want to slap you Catalyst!!! keep your voucher
  17. genemesis

    genemesis Newbie

    Dec 2, 2011
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    Maybe I wasn't clear: I have a lot of plugs, surely like a lot of people around, but having them could make my work sounds better not they not very often make the composition more interesting (but yes sometimes).
    No, I don't spend a lot of time on forums and watching videos, but sometimes I do (for the vids).
    I think I'm not working enough if you wanna know what I think. For example I have difficulties to understand compression, because I'm coming from instrumental music, and different levels of dynamic are important with a piano...

    The most you're experiment with software synths for example, the more you'll find what you're needing and the quality of sound you're looking for... There's no magic answering coming from the outside. Personnaly, I like NI's Massive, and OP-x but they have a really different sound so I'm not using them to do the same thing.

    To be more simple, check some tracks on my soundcloud, and if there's a particular sound of something you like I could tell you how it's made...

    well, I'll answer you in a way: What I'm using: Overloud's TH2, NI's Massive, Sonic Projects' OP-X, Chipsounds, Pianoteq(genius work), Overloud's Spring age, Vember Audio's Surge, GRM Tools, and RX to clean the sounds I've recorded... and that's what I'm using, most of the time. Of course there's other things but it just depends of the project...

    Macvideo and Groove3 are making good vids you could enjoy, watch more on Audioz...

    And experiment new things you never did before, without judging the result every second, FOR CHRIST SAKE!
    You could be thrilled of what you could find.
  18. genemesis

    genemesis Newbie

    Dec 2, 2011
    Likes Received:



    I read it some months ago, and it's made on user choice...

    In a way, what you needed...

    PYRUS MALUS Noisemaker

    Sep 19, 2011
    Likes Received:
    NOTE: This is basic information, as I don't have much time to commit to this ... However

    1) 5 links 3 joints

    Many commercial resources (Lynda, Dubspot, MacProVideo, Etc)
    have some great publicly accessible (free) content. PointBlank is
    one of my favorites -- If you commit 15 minutes a day to learning
    something new (or refreshing what you already know) you will benefit

    http://www.youtube.c...ointblankonline - PointBlank (Great Overall Resource)

    Most 3rd party product sites have a channel dedicated to their products
    (Waves, NativeInstruments, Izotope, Etc) While these videos are product
    specific, many illustrate universal production techniques that apply to
    production in general -- My favorite(s) here are iZotope and Fabfilter
    Great explanations and techniques

    http://www.youtube.com/user/fabfilter - Fabfilter (Illustration of Applied Techniques)

    Nearly every DAW out there has an official channel or 3rd party equivalent(s)
    (AbletonLive, StudioOne, Reaper, Etc) -- Again, these sites show product specific
    application of standard production techniques, and provide a wealth of information
    I frequent Ableton's channel -- but mine for information across the entire spectrum

    https://www.youtube....user/abletoninc - Ableton Inc (Always something new)

    2) Advice that you would give in the areas of your expertise.

    a) Avoid over-compressing your tracks - attempts by producers to get that hot 'radio'
    sound truly fuck the track up in the end (Radio stations compress the signal in-studio,
    many stations also broadcast in mono to boost the signal as well - something
    to keep in mind if you ever looking to push your stuff over the airwaves)

    b) Remember that end users (the listener) have volume control too (allow them some of
    that control) - louder is not always better, work to preserve dynamic range - not loudness

    c) Mix for the medium - If you are planning to release vinyl, keep in mind that vinyl
    has stricter guidelines for mastering and must keep within range when getting dubplates
    pressed up (do your homework) - whoever does your dubplate mastering will let you know
    their specifics (some have specific guidelines) -- My personal suggestion is
    Dubplates & Mastering (Berlin) - A few places here in the states are alright as well,
    but I happen to know the cats in Berlin and can vouch for their werks

    d) Check the 'Tom Demac Production Tutorial' - he has a great bit on mastering w/ pink noise

    e) Avoid the P&D (pressing and distribution) deal when at all possible - We all want our
    work pressed on vinyl, and you can get it done rather quickly with a P&D deal. If you're
    resourceful enough and do the footwork, you might find a place that is willing to press
    you up and get you out there -- and yes, its cool to have your shit on wax -- BUT -- be aware,
    thats about where the coolness ends. Unless you sell thousands of copies, you won't see
    any income from sales, and -- dependent on your contract details, you may find yourself owing
    the record company for unsold vinyls - additionally, you have very little control over how
    many copies are manufactured for restock. Annually, Unsold records may be offered to the
    Artist for purchase at manufacture cost (between 2-3 USD each) + shipping (where the real
    cost is) -- If the artist does not buy back the unsold stock, the records may be recycled
    and the artist may be liable for manufacturing/production fees. If you do become involved,
    read your contract thoroughly (best advice; find yourself an entertainment lawyer). If you're
    looking to press vinyl -- save your change, shop around and do it yourself -- I suggest Archer
    Records (Detroit) for production -- Distribution is a whole other ball of shit, you need to ask
    around and find out from other artists (ask around in social media circles) the distribution
    companies that are paying right and on time -- many are slow as fuck, or have the numbers
    fucked -- prepare yourself. http://www.archerrecordpressing.com/

    3) Recommended learning materials

    Don't waste too much time reading into shit -- seriously. You'll never get anything
    done that way. (and don't listen to too many people - way too many 'opinions') Best way
    to learn shit is by getting your hands dirty and just doing it. Make the mistakes, and
    experiment -- prepare for failure. If you're prepared to fail, the successes fare much sweeter.
    Commit 15-30 minutes a day to learning (tutorial, reading, etc) -- use the rest of your
    free time (time you spend in the studio) working, playing and experimenting.
    That being said -- if you intend on pursuing a CAREER in music or the recording arts --
    A good Music school is essential (Berkley, FullSail, PointBlank, Dubspot, Etc) -- HTH
  20. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Instead of just asking I offered something in return. Not to mention that my sole purpose in making the contest was to give people incentive to be more likely to want to share a few tips with everyone and not just me. I was planning on opening up a new topic with all the answers posted so that members could refer back to it later on down the line. I actually have friends that I could give the coupon to but I thought let me do something that will maybe help the community and people just starting out.

    @Hebrew In The Rain
    You assume that because I haven't posted much here that this is indicative of me being a noob somehow. Honestly you can go on thinking whatever you want as I really couldn't care any less. I don't worry about teenagers. :lmao: I said no rap because the production is different in that genre. I was looking for EDM related responses. I said no Skrillex garbage because I don't consider that good music or even remotely anything that I want to create. If you do then remember when I said I couldn't care any less...well I was wrong. And somehow I think that if this conversation were taking place in person I seriously doubt you'd have such a big mouth...particularly when you'd be wearing your teeth. *yes*

    I don't know how far along you are with compression but if you're just starting out with dynamic processors this might be useful:

    They used to release a short video every week but stopped a while ago for some unknown reason. Season 1 is dynamics processors (compressors, noise gates, etc.) and Season 2 there's only one video on filters. It's basic but illustrates the concept very well. I might also have this small pdf that members get to download in case you don't want to sign up but are interested in checking it out. I'd be happy to upload it for you.

    Also this site is good. It doesn't solely focus on compressors but I think you can find a lot of interesting tutorials in all aspects of production:

    If you haven't yet I would also really recommend checking out Rick Snoman's Dance Music Manual 2nd Edition and the Dance Music Production video collection. He has one that specifically deals with compressors (Sessions 04: Compressors). It let's you sit in on a live session so you can see what's being tweaked and hear what it's doing to the mix. I tend to use the SSL Bus compressor as I think it works really well and sounds great. Anyways thanks for being a decent human being. They're quite rare these days. Also thanks for sharing. Happy Holidays. :mates:

    @Pyrus Malus
    Thanks for the response. Over-compression would have definitely been one of the points I would bring up. Music is losing all dynamics these days. I recently saw a video with the Red Hot Chillipeppers' new album being run through a NuGen plug and you could see the severely limited dynamic range. Thanks for sharing some knowledge. Happy Holidays :mates:
  21. HebrewInTheRain

    HebrewInTheRain Noisemaker

    Jan 24, 2012
    Likes Received:
    @Hebrew In The Rain
    You assume that because I haven't posted much here that this is indicative of me being a noob somehow. Honestly you can go on thinking whatever you want as I really couldn't care any less. I don't worry about teenagers. :lmao: I said no rap because the production is different in that genre. I was looking for EDM related responses. I said no Skrillex garbage because I don't consider that good music or even remotely anything that I want to create. If you do then remember when I said I couldn't care any less...well I was wrong. And somehow I think that if this conversation were taking place in person I seriously doubt you'd have such a big mouth...particularly when you'd be wearing your teeth. *yes*

    Wearing my own teeth lol. If you wanna have a real contest? How about me and you ONLY 2 days to create the best Electro-industrial song and let the people on the forum decide whose is better?
    Because I bet my months pay that I'll win :D
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