24 Hour Audiosex Mix Competition: CASH PRIZE!

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by Master Q, Apr 21, 2018.

  1. beatmagnus

    beatmagnus Guest

    Lol, this is a tough one for you as there are a bunch that sound cool. It was a mix contest that turned into a remix contest that crosses genres, good luck!
  2. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    There will be a compromise no matter what, especially if the OP will want the song ready 4 the masses while also the vocals weren't recorded in the most perfect enviroment nor recording chain (really important note). What matters is for the music to connect with the actual end listener.
  3. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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    And the winner is...
  4. Master Q

    Master Q Producer

    Oct 1, 2016
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    That is going into my highlight reel lol
  5. Master Q

    Master Q Producer

    Oct 1, 2016
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    loooool omg your answers and memes are the funniest ...please explain you little snippet winner will be annouced shortly
  6. Master Q

    Master Q Producer

    Oct 1, 2016
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    In 3rd Place
    the winner of a life changing tax free 10 sterlings (an upgrade from dollars ; )) + Very Rare Sample Pack + Brief Mix Analysis+ My personal step by step mix checklist

    @SteveBoston - Congratulations Homie !

    This mix was pretty darn good. It kept the original essence of the songs and you kept it simple and pristine I love that!. The timing and struck of the song is on point and true to the original.

    Strong Points - The vocal sounds impeccable, well controlled Smooth, present in the mix and not harsh, I think this is the best sounding vocals out of all the submissions received , not that is an achievement in itself well done.

    Low lights - the punch of the kick and snare are not really there i wonder if there is some phase cancellation going on with the subby bass and the the kick ? who knows. The water effect may also be too loud at the end it gave my ears chlamydia which was quite scary lol, oh well

    Improvements - more depth to the mix , a wider stereo image, some reverb sounds a bit to dry, and some punchier drums I wanted it to Knock see as its a boom bap kinda track and with those sort of tracks you want to remember the groove, my head should be automatically bouncing up and down and it did not do that for me .

    however this was a pretty solid mix and i would not be mad at that.

    Please can you share with use a brief summary of your process and especially what you did to that vocal.

    Let me know 1 if you want your prizes and 2 how you want to receive them , inbox me the details.

    Thankyou @SteveBoston
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2018
  7. beatmagnus

    beatmagnus Guest

    Congrats Steve! @MasterQ that line, "as a youth it was hard, that post cold war made a fella grow fast" was fucking fire. peace
  8. Master Q

    Master Q Producer

    Oct 1, 2016
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    hahah thanks glad you likes it but it fact it says the "postcode war" referring to the area code he lives in .In london people fight just because of them living in a different area.... zip code for you guys assuming you are american
  9. beatmagnus

    beatmagnus Guest

    Haha, oops, it was cool in my head then!
  10. Master Q

    Master Q Producer

    Oct 1, 2016
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    No problem post cold war sounds cool too .

    2nd place being announced later today waiting to hear from @SteveBoston
  11. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    is best [email protected] best remix...

    edit.lol i only heard it on laptop speakers...am i inadequate this way...?

    vocalvoice would need more lows in it , to shine on all tracks..
  12. Master Q

    Master Q Producer

    Oct 1, 2016
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    Hey man thanks for you input appreciate it . @junh1024 does have a great mix.

    Keep the comments conning guys these guys worked hard on this I'm sure the appreciate your feedback.
  13. beatmagnus

    beatmagnus Guest

    I think Calvin's mix is the best, the composition really puts it over the top for the win IMO. Good pre master mixes could be introninja or junh1024. Sylenth.Will.Fall gets most potential remix award:) admittedly my mix is all over the place among some unintended artifacts in the audio
  14. Master Q

    Master Q Producer

    Oct 1, 2016
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    Hey man thanks for the input appreciate the feedback ! Everyone's mix had something I liked !
  15. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    First, I want to clarify some things. OP asked for feedback, so here is mine.
    This is not my favorite music (first reason why I didn't participate), but I listened to all tracks from beginning to end.
    This is my opinion, it's not professional, I only mention some details and I certainly couldn't have done it better than you guys (second reason [​IMG]).

    Introninja: bd too loud, vocals a bit too low, great instrument sound, nice outro

    Tod Slaughter: creative intro & outro, creative beat, sufficient presences

    Vampiretna: creative (sratching, reverse sounds), vocals could be more open

    Spyfxmk2: vocals need more presence, instruments sound good, hh could use more presence, creative end

    Calvin Lanz: good bass and bd sound but together they're too much, good vocal sound

    gyerosaski: vocals sound overproduced, instruments sound overcompressed, nice hh presence

    junh1024: quite balanced, deepest bass notes are boomy

    beatmagnus: nice work on the music, vocals could use more space and have a irritating sound (a bit), could use more presence

    Sylenth.Will.Falll: uptempo = creative, vocals could be more open (on purpose?), nice organ

    SteveBoston: sounds soft, HH could be more present, bass in the break too boomy, good vocal sound

    Lambchop: = Lambchop [​IMG]
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2018
  16. Master Q

    Master Q Producer

    Oct 1, 2016
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    Hey man thanks for the feedback im sure the guys appreciate it and nice precise feedback on everyone track this is great stuff !
  17. Master Q

    Master Q Producer

    Oct 1, 2016
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    In 2nd Place
    The winner of a life changing tax free 15 sterlings + Very Rare Sample Pack + Brief Mix Analysis+ My personal step by step mix checklist

    isssssssssssssssssss 1st and 2nd was very close

    Congratulations !


    Damnnnn this mix is good. you definitely pulled through and pull this one out of the bag! as soon as the beat kicked in my head started bopping. everything sounds creamy and silky. definitely the best sounding instrumental of the bunch give or take a fee things.

    Strong Points - The tone of all the instruments together is well balance for the most part. and you know something is mixed ell when you keep turning it up and up and up and it never irritate your ears. the stereo image is beautiful and all the instruments have definition. really nice clarity you achieved on this well freaking done

    Low lights - The only thing that let you down is the annoying high frequency that comes in and out i think it may be the high hats or the shakers. And the only other thing is the vocals! thats the most important part man and to me they sound unmixed and unprocessed its like you mixed the instrumental super well and said to yourself F the vocal who needs it and just stuck it on lol .... i dont know

    Improvements - lol mix the dammm vocals , its the most important instrument. 2 im guessing you did not take any breaks during mixing this and i understand its a 24 hour competition so its most likely why you dint notice the high frequency and your ears got used to it which im sure you are aware of!

    However this was almost the winner and i definitely listed to this track over 10 times out of pure enjoyment before i even started critiquing it.

    Thanks for participating man i know you put in the effort aswell coming from work to do this I appreciate it.

    Please can you share with use a brief summary of your process and how you achieved such a dam nice balance and clarity and outstanding stereo image

    Let me know 1 if you want your prizes and 2 how you want to receive them , inbox me the details.

    Thanks Q
  18. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    I have been holding off replying here because i didn't take this serious, i only had an hour, was tired and im used to just making instrumentals, then craving out to add vocals, which clearly didn't happen lol. i could of easy won this if was given more time but rules are rules and i did the best i can in that time frame. i should blame you @Master Q for rushing me lmao, but it's all cool.

    For the prize, can i donate to @Floyd he deserves it and can use all the help given.

    Thank you for doing this, but we are still due for a one on one mix battle.
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  19. Master Q

    Master Q Producer

    Oct 1, 2016
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    @Introninja hahahah thanks that's a great reply you've been a true sport ! And I'm happy to give it to @Floyd if he wants to accept it... and I will take you one anytime lol so.eone just needs to provide us with a mix session and I will wipe the floor with you sir I promise lol.

    And ahhhh your a vocal last kinda guy anywya you want to share with the people briefly ...or in depth lol if you have the time how you achieved what you achieved

    Thanks !
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  20. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    lol nice, yeah the mix was pretty easy to mix,
    1. Add the instruments to the my Daw (Fl Studio)
    2. Set the Tempo, labels, Colors, Edits (cut out blank sounds)
    3. Add them to my mixer channels
    4. Add a Vu Meter to check what i'm working with, for each Channel (Peaks, rms, m/s) then set levels according to match -12 to -18 rms and max peak of -6
    5. Pan each channel if needed & set Balance mix level
    6. Corrective Eq & Compression for any offending channels
    7. Sub-bus Drums (Kick, Snare, Hi-hats & Percussion)
    8. Sub-bus Basses
    9. Sub-bus Vocals (not for his mix thou lol)
    10. Any other sounds run freely to fill & add excitement to the mix
    11. Mixbus Comp (mostly the neve 2264 or 2254) i turn down/up all mixer channels depending on the mojo im looking for (Slam lol) or just slap a Vu Meter with volume control before the comp and go from there
    12. Listen to the mix at this point, stop the music, Bounce it, take a 15min break out of the room. Then test it in your car, phone, home theater system.


    1. Creative Eq (1073 & Geq 8200 mostly) & Compression on each sub-bus in this order; Drums, Bass, Vocals, All Others (you need a good foundation)
    2. Set Reverb & delay Plugins with mix knobs in each Sub-bus for Air, Space & Automation (not Cpu friendly lol)
    3. A Tube saturation plugin/hardware in each Sub-bus (depending on the mojo im looking for, Punchy/Warm/Bright/Full/Gritty/Airy & etc.)
    4. SPL Transient Designer to further tune the attack and/or release in each Sub-bus (Tighter/Punchier/Softer/Sustaining)
    5. Limiter in each Sub-bus if needed (mos def for Drums)
    6. Listen to the mix at this point, stop the music take a 30min break or the night off out of the room.
    7. Listen to the mix if good stop the music, highlight the beginning to end in the playlist for all the Channels in the sub-bus you plan to Render, and Render the Stems/Sub-Busses separately (Add the new render to a new channel and turn off your sub-bass and channels, this will free up CPU/Ram for your mixbus plugins)
    8. Time for mixbus processing (ER Glue, Low Cut Filter, Dynamic EQ, Tube Sat,Tape Sat, Desser, Limiter, TDR Ultrasonic Filter)
    9. Bounce Full Mix
    10. Test it in your car, phone, home theater system, upload here for references.
    11. Any problems fix it at the Source of it (Problems can come from the beginning, middle and end.) even just one wrong plugin or setting can upset a mix.
    12. Send off to get Mastered
    13. Receive the Masters, listen in amazement that nothing has changed lol well except for level, eq & comp for the different platforms and have the label distribute.
    14. Repeat
    When using reaper, the same technique is applied, I follow this set-up for all my mixes and it hasn't failed me yet, this took me about 10 years to master, 4 years theory 6 years practical. Then recently my studio monitors gave out and i'm still adjusting to my new ones.

    P.s did some formatting to make it look more presentable
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2018
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