Peace Tune

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by foster911, Apr 22, 2018.

  1. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Hope you like it. :bleh:

    Does it arouse your emotions? Which of them? :mates:
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 22, 2018
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  3. Spyfxmk2

    Spyfxmk2 Guest

    YES this is it @foster911 ^ :yes::bow:

    You finally listened to me & you followed your bliss !

    yes i do :yes::wink:

    Happiness,peacefuness,calmeness,thoughtfuless,being in a placid space & having a Buddha smile,Bliss & daydreams.:winker:

    So......focus to what i say to you foster.....:bow: :

    Make an album out of this track, this can be the intro/first track.....vibe out of it & get inspired from your own creation & continue the journey until you have a finished/ cohesive album :keys: :bow:,it can be simple , minimal/chill out ambient,throw even some jazzy chords in there, trust me :winker:

    Thank you for your time :wink:

    Spyfx :bow:
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 22, 2018
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  4. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    My bliss is playing with the notes in the most beautiful or purposeful manner not in ... fashion or other fashions.:bleh::mates:

    PS: I'm really pleased when a prolific artist says these kinds words toward this tune. I know this is not perfect but hearing these supportive comments makes me determined for continuing onerous path of making music.:bow:
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 22, 2018
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  5. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    You know you're making some crude music, don't you? :winker: :mates:
    But it has something on it's own and fits together.
    I especially like the sound coming in like waves at 0:09 and the Mellotron-like sound at 2:13.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2018
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  6. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Would you please write more about it? With the sounds? Composition? Structure? Not having verse and chorus in it?:dunno:
    I'll be so happy to hear it from a common species.:bow::mates:

    Also thanks for your listening. So grateful you liked those sounds.:bow:
  7. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    First, you know I don't meant it offending, don't you. I would never do this (to you).

    "Crude" is without doubt completely subjective. Apart from prog rock/metal and some classical music, I'm simply a harmony-fan (btw, in music and life) be it in hard style techno (Angerfist) or growler metal (Arch Enemy) or somewhere in between and I like pleasing melodies.

    I don't mind missing a traditional structure, leaving this behind is most times even more interesting and many of your sounds and phrases remind me of Kraftwerk, Micheal Rother and Alan Parsons, so, there is nothing "wrong" with it, quite the contrary.
    It's just some of your (detuned) sounds and the way you use them in harmony, which I called "crude".

    But maybe I'm just too simple-minded to understand it. [​IMG]

    And, please, as Spyfxmk2 already said, don't change your style, stick to it and continue your journey as it enriches the world of music.
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  8. You cats wanna jam tonight?

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  9. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    You're lying like a cat and fabricating a story to have a pleasant effect on me. Kidding.:bleh::rofl:

    TBH, I know these kinds of music are not genuine music and not smart too. I just wanted to feel the power of tones and their sweetness. I can churn out piles of them but never raises my musical knowledge.

    Tones are the most valuable elements of music and also the most intricate to master. This is the pretext and motivation that MMJ2017 is killing himself and following up better solutions in dealing with them but he usually forgets that tones must connect with the souls not minds. :bow::mates:

    His following music is mind music not soul music.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 23, 2018
  10. This is something that might be of interest to you, Pink Pussy.
    Listen to Mike Cooper & Tasos Stamou - - [excerpt] by Coherent States #np on #SoundCloud

    Taximi is the improvisation during the performance of traditional musical pieces, using soloistic folk instruments. It has roots in the eastern Mediterranean and Arabic culture and can be commonly found in Greek music and specifically in rebetiko. Taximi is a free rhythm melody, an author’s imagination, alternating between various emotional paths with a passion respective to each one who carries it. The main prerequisite in order to play a taximi is not to have excellent technical knowledge, but rather to deposit your soul. You could say that at this point, rebetiko seems much similar to improvised music. And when that singular sound of rebetiko is embellished by a vast range of sonic influences starting from the blues, traditional music, instrumental exotica and ends in electroacoustic /free improv fields alongside distinctive electronic manipulation, it is certain that we are talking about an experiment moving on the fringes of unexplored improvisation, perhaps pushing them even further. And if you asked us to guess which people are responsible for that, the name of Mike Cooper would certainly be the first to come to mind.

    The London Taximi consists of some tracks recorded by Greek experimental musician Tasos Stamou and international artistic explorer Mike Cooper. These recordings took place from 2014 to 2016 in London. Although they have been playing together for some time, this is their first joint record attempt. In 66 minutes we hear the two authors “talk” in a very special musical language, whose vocabulary is derived by their common (and not) influences, using lap steel guitar, bouzouki and modified electronic equipment. It’s worth mentioning that even if enough emphasis is given on the sound of rebetiko, the constant flux in soundscapes and the weird use of instruments / effects do not allow for a very specific musical characterization for “London Taximi”. The switch between Stamos’ electronic moments with Cooper’s (always) Hawaiian / bluesy guitar, leaves a momentary space for a rebetiko opening on the bouzouki, but overall “London Taximi” is so many things altogether, that although one could say that the closest reference point to the previous career of Mike Cooper would be the “rembetronika” Avant Roots album with Vivienne Dogan Corringham, it would hardly be an exaggeration to say that “London Taximi” contains music whose like has rarely been recorded. A music that associates every ideological aspect that take form and appeal straight to the heart and the mind of the listener.
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  11. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Caught, damn. [​IMG]

    Let's wait and see. :yes:
  12. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    I really enjoyed this comment. Excellent!!!:bow::bow::bow:

    But just a simple question:
    Do you know what's the most genuine and authentic type of music?
  13. Nick12

    Nick12 Platinum Record

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Great track! And I still remember that you were very negative about your tracks. And that's also why I said something about it in one of your tracks if you still could remember. Probably not, haha. Never be negative! Always stay positive! Being negative never helps. And see now? What a big improvement!

    Some of your tracks or at least some of your sounds do really let me think something about that Stranger Things soundtrack for example. I love that! That can never be bad, because this soundtrack is absolutely amazing as like your tracks! I don't know, but some of your tracks have also such a nice atmosphere or feeling in it. In my opinion the sounds in this track with the melodies are doing great, but I actually really love your sounds and choices in general, really. Funny thing. When I was really young I used to play a game called Maplestory. If I look at your overall style I definitely see something fits in it, right? :) Take for example a listen to 53:55 of that Maplestory one. That's something like a Foster would make, isn't it? :)

    Keep it going!

    Last edited: Apr 22, 2018
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  14. Recoil

    Recoil Guest

    This song is certainly positive, such a composition of sounds :shalom:
  15. Gosh, you really must define what you mean by authentic as your question is far and away too open ended and can mean many things, from performing Baroque music with only original period instruments to building your on instruments from trees you yourself planted, cut down, milled and fabricated in a shed that you built from gathered
  16. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    All of them! XD I think an alternative title could be: Underwater Jazz (pt 15) electric mermaid jellyfish party.
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  17. Kinghtsurfer

    Kinghtsurfer Audiosexual

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Certainly very atmospheric... and left field... Nice sounds... Should be great fun after a toke ... But, I'm too much of a mainstream lover to fully get into it...

    Good job!:wink:
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  18. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I wouldn't consider learning about an area you have dedicated your life to ( music in this case) as "killing myself", in fact I do music because I have no choice it is my passion I love it I am free. I can now do anything with music. A large part to do with my study of music history and study of each genre and each musical job. If that is killing yourself in your mind than damn. lol

    yes, notes have to connect with people.
    and learning how that works (both music,and people both work a specific way)that is the POINT!
    don't forget that your above comment to me.... IS my introduction to this thread!

    I'm intrigued on how you were able to make such a determination?

    I don't forget shit homie. trust.

    Last edited: Apr 23, 2018
  19. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    yes, the kind made on purpose! ( as opposed to the kind made by accident, by randomly choosing and clicking buttons)

    Is an "authentic" doctor the kind that has no knowledge of how the body works and just makes guesses in the room with his patient? errrr the one that dedicated their life to being a doctor which included actually learning how the human body works in reality then treating a patient based on how the human body actually works?
    in my mind there is only one use of "authentic" in any profession. ( one who gives a shit and dedicates,and puts in effort not doing anything randomly.)

    what is the most genuine sentence spoken?
    the one which each word is chosen on purpose (with knowledge of the meaning)to describe a real feeling inside of you? ,
    or the one where words are chosen out of a hat with no understanding what the words mean and how they are used(in order to form a sentence)?
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2018
  20. Unfortunately no, most doctors prescribe medication based on manufacturers recomendations and almost, almost never tie in the root causes of malady with their protocol of blind adherence to the industrial paradigm (drug companies never publish negative studies and heavily promote certain drugs with great enthusiasm, profit before precision). In just one instance, the psych drugs prescribed like candy in the US work no better or less so than placebo in peer reviewed studies and are not healthful to the body. And, then when patients try to wean themselves off of them cannot because of the incredible addictive quality of those drugs from which the AMA vehemenently denied the possibility of until they were called on it and were basically pressured to do so. The same is true in all other instances as doctors just deal with symptoms as opposed to root causes (ask any doctor how many hours are devoted to nutrition or even observing the tongue as a window to the condition of the entire body which is sadly absent in these "modern" times). The exception goes ouy for emergency surgeons, they will actually save your life based on what they observe. Maybe a better analogy is in order. To profess is one thing, reality quite another. So no, learning how the human body works in reality then treating a patient based on how the human body actually works is not the case.
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  21. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I 100% feel you there! ( I mean hypothetically a doctor which cares to study the human body vs one which philosophically has no care to which way the body works or knowledge of it) haha) you are right time and time again doctors are like that. ( capitalism is not always best cure...)
    my analogy is probably better stated as

    Which doctor do you prefer, one that prayed and had a dream that evil spirits are the cause of your hemorrhoids...........

    or a doctor that went to med school 10 years and another 5 years as practice and then is bought out by pharmaceutical companies to pedal their drugs...............oh shit damn.
    well , I have to admit can't really blame any professional for doing what capitalism teaches each one of of since birth to do............

    Last edited: Apr 23, 2018
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