Ableton Live 10.X.x Betas Announcements Post

Discussion in 'Live' started by ArticStorm, Mar 19, 2018.

  1. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    10.0.2b5 Versionshinweise

    New features and improvements:
    • Filter curve visualisations in Wavetable are updated in real time in cases where e.g. an LFO or Envelope is mapped to the filter cutoff frequency.
    • On OSX, grid snapping would erroneously toggle when setting the arrangement loop start/stop marker position by clicking inside the arrangement scrub area while holding the [CMD] modifier.
    • A crash would occur when editing the crossfade between two very short clips.
    • Live could crash on Windows when clicking on a breakpoint while holding the grid modifier.
    • On Windows, if a plugin shows a modal dialog, the main window could be closed anymore while that dialog is being shown.
    • Live would crash when dragging a Live device on top of a Max for Live device.
    • The grid modifier would not toggle the grid when changing the time selection or moving the insert marker with the arrow keys.
    • Dragging a device over a session return track header that overlapped a group device chain header would cause erratic scrolling in Session view.
    • Echo's timing would change when exporting audio at a different sample rate than the one currently in use.
    • Under certain circumstances, Wavetable's polyphonic voice stealing would cause certain notes to get stuck.
    • A crash might occur when trying to preview a Live Clip in Live's browser, if this referenced a Wavetable device.
    • Changing the MTC Start Offset in the Preferences would have no effect.
    Push bugfixes:
    • Improved the touch-strip latency when in MIDI clip mode on Push 2.

    Live 10.0.2b5 OSX

    Live 10.0.2b5 WIN

    Previous Logs here:
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  3. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    10.0.2b6 Release Notes
    New features and improvements:
    • Improve horizontal movement of a range of automation segments This avoids that ramps are created when a time selected range of automation is moved (by nudging or dragging) horizontally and is still partially within the original time range.
    • Improved playhead smoothness on Windows.
    • Fix crash when removing a device that shows a parameter in an additional automation lane and the mouse is hovering over the parameter's automation.
    • Positioning fade handles with arrow keys would not work anymore.
    • m4a audio files would not show up in Live's browser anymore.
    • Plugins and sets that are saved in directory junctions on Windows work again.
    • Live would crash when launching the program by double clicking a Live Set, in cases where the Live Set was corrupted.
    • On Windows on a computer with a 4k screen and HiDPI mode enabled, Live's UI would temporarily stop updating if the mouse hovered over an instance of the Spectrum device breakout view.
    • Mapping Device Rack Macros to a live.remote breaks under certain conditions after reloading the set.
    • The switches on the left side of the Glue Compressor device are now centered.
    • Certain parameter names would be truncated in the left column of the Wavetable Modulation Matrix.
    • Dropping many samples onto a Simpler or a Drum Rack would take much longer in Live 10 than it did in Live 9.
    • Live could crash when loading certain Wavetable presets from the Core Library.
    Changes for Push:
    • Fix parameter sensitivities for Analog and Impulse devices on Push 2.
    • Adds missing parameters and icons for Operator and Analog's parameter banks on Push 2.

    Live 10.0.2b6 OSX

    Live 10.0.2b6 WIN

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  4. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    Dear Live 10 beta tester,

    We discovered a bug that affects Live beta testers who update to the upcoming non-beta version. In order to keep all your color-coded Browser Collections intact, we advise you to avoid updating to Live 10.0.2 at this point.
    What’s the problem?
    When you switch from any Live 10.0.2 beta version (between 10.0.2 b1 and 10.0.2 b6) to the non-beta version (10.0.2, 10.0.1 or 10.0), colored Browser Collection items can lose their color and disappear from their respective collection.

    This only affects items that are part of the Ableton Core Library, as the beta and release versions have their own copy of the Library in different locations.

    How can the problem be avoided?
    Avoid opening the non-beta version – use only beta versions and let 10.0.2 b6 auto update to 10.0.3 b1.
    When will it be fixed?
    We expect to deliver a fix early in the 10.0.3 beta phase. When you switch to the 10.0.3 non-beta release in the future, your Browser Collection favorites will remain intact.

    We’d like to thank you for being part of our beta testing community, and for working with occasional inconveniences such as this.

    All the best,

    Your Ableton beta team

    Looks like live 10.02 will be out very soon and i can't update :rofl:
  5. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    never used these collection favs, so dont care.

    hopefully Live 10.0.2 will be out soon.
  6. loCurnus

    loCurnus Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2011
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    ty.... i took a look to the beta page now...
    "...colored Browser Collection items can lose their color and disappear from their respective collection"

    actually this happened to me while remixing a track :))
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  7. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    Think its better using the beta version with all the bug fixes it has at the moment.
    There at b7 now and still no news about 10.02 :woot:
  8. LFO

    LFO Kapellmeister

    Dec 13, 2017
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    Yep, seems like a "trouble in paradise" situation...
    But I can't believe they are taking so much time. Seems like they have some internal issues which is strange as they had so much time developing L10 in past years and for sure they have a time line for future development of L10 for at least next 4-5 bigger updates.
    Surprisingly L10 wasn't such a major update after L9, so I am thinking that they are keeping some "big" suprise for 10.5, but I might be wrong.
  9. grdh20

    grdh20 Platinum Record

    Jan 14, 2014
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    I assume these beta versions can't be used on top of the Patched versions?
  10. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    0.0.2b8 Versionshinweise
    New features and improvements:
    • Reverted the addition of the flat symbol in the MIDI Editor.
    • On Windows 10 1803 with HiDPI enabled, drag&drop will work as expected between Live, plugins and Max and the Explorer.
    Push bugfixes:
    • Fixed a scenario where the Push 2 display could crash when hotswapping AU plugins presets.
    10.0.2b7 Versionshinweise
    New features and improvements:
    • When connected, the Novation Launchpad S and Launchpad Mini control surfaces are now automatically selected in the Preferences.
    • Fades no longer snap to the Arrangement View grid.
    • Fixed a problem which might prevent AU presets from recalling correctly.
    Changes for Max for Live:
    • Firewall permissions dialog is appropriately suppressed in the Max for Live editor.
    • HiDPI: improved drawing when changing Windows display settings.
    • JS: sketch methods are no longer called on non-UI js objects in js_calljsfun().
    • Max Authorization Window: improved wording and user options.
    • mgraphics: mgraphics: deletion of temp file is now ensured when reading an .svg from a Max for Live device.
    Latest Beta:

    Live 10.0.2b8 OSX 64 bit
    1.6 GB
    Live 10.0.2b8 WIN 64 bit
    1.6 GB

    b8 is a RC, so lets hope they will release 10.0.2 quickly.
  11. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    just read this:

    looking good!
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