Windows 7 or 10

Discussion in 'Software' started by reziduchamp, Apr 11, 2018.

  1. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    We seem to live in different realities. I don't know any dev that doesn't have there products tested and running on win 7 (or win8 for that matter). It just doesn't exist.
    The driver part is just a bad taste joke...

    It's much easier to get drivers for win7 than for win10. Only very recent hardware runs on win10, everything runs fine with win7.

    It's fine to prefer win10 over win7. After all some people prefered vista to xp. No issue with being spied on, lacking drivers for basic hardwares, or having a chance out of two to have a dysfucntionnal OS, it's a free world and bad taste is perfectly fine. If all you need is a toy and not a working tool, then why the heck not rely on win10. But at least don't invent fake issues with win7. The only problem with this OS is that M$ couldn't pollute it with useless apps, it doesn't have a privacy policy that makes your datas their goldmine, and it's not a toy for twitting idiots.
  2. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Yeah this is true. I remember them saying when they built it that it was based on Linux, which obviously worried me as a Linux user because of the security holes it might create (people targeting Linux users because of the increased user numbers). Android and Chrome are both built on Linux 'Kernels' I think. Part of the code anyway. Apparently this new one isn't Linux. Great. :D
  3. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Linus built Linux based on the Unix code. The name is a play on Linus' Unix (his name and the Unix OS). Can't remember the numbers, but its a high percentage based on Unix. Everyone takes each other's code and builds a new version. Mint is based a high percentage of Ubuntu.
  4. Track0ne

    Track0ne Member

    Aug 14, 2017
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    Totally false !

    Companies stop slowly support on Windows 7. An exemple :
    Only Windows 10 support for lastest version (Software + drivers).
    Support multiple OS cost money.
    And again, there si a better hardware support on Windows 10 + DirectX 12 especially for SSD and other new technologies.

    Windows 7 starts 22th October 2009.
    Windows 10 starts 29th July 2015. Almost 3 years and Redstone 4 in a couple of weeks.

    Come on, leave in your century. :guru: :wink:
  5. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Gaming is totally different. Gaming needs the latest hardware to run some games and its a perpetual chase of the latest and greatest. Music not so much. If we have enough power to make music we tend not to care so much, so I would hope that Devs always take account of this and don't just follow MS's demands. Computers have enough bloatware that musicians just don't need.

    Its the same for dancing computers for music. We just don't need them. In fact, I'd rather it sit there and be quiet and stop dancing around like an arse whilst I'm trying to make music. Dancing computers are for COD. If it did less dancing it might be more efficient at doing the basic stuff like working properly.
  6. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Sorry I don't play on my computer. I was evidently refering to music softwares, being on a music forum and all. Also refering to music hardware drivers.
    I'm fine when and where I'm living, cheers for your concern friend. It's warm and secure here, a private and comfy working environement. Latest gear and soft available to my wallet, latest tech, all perfectly running. We'll talk again in a couple of year. You'll be running the latest beta "OS" from M$; my good old OS will still be running fine.
  7. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Yes it would be nice to stick to Windows usage for making music, since this is an audio forum. I [we?] don't care what anyone is using for gaming, but personally I think consoles are the best for gaming. Tools, remember? :wink:
  8. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Don't you gents keep your "tools" offline? Now how's M$ gonna steal your valuable beets, needlessly update your OS & spy on you being nekkid through your webcam if your tools are offline?
  9. Plendix

    Plendix Platinum Record

    Nov 14, 2013
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    Agreed, parallel universes, happens all the time.
    Now before I do any damage by sharing my very personal experiences:
    Talmi, Windows 7 is the best operating system ever and I doubt there will ever be a more perfect one on this or any other planet!
    Now live on in peace.
  10. DJK

    DJK Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2017
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    felixstowe england
    all you lot that keep saying people who like win 10 are noobs and fools is a joke,i said i have been on win 7 since it came out, up until my old system started to fail, so i upgraded my old machine from 7 to 10, and it ran good, why all the neg shit about it, my new system built for win 10 is a beast, and fuck all that spying shit, if you know what ur doing you can easily disable it, spyboot beacon for 1 example, people have an opinion, you have an opinion, but if you all want to keep living in the past and stick to what will soon be an outdated and unsupported os your choice, for me music production has always been my main prioity when choosing an os, i am so happy with my new super pc running win 10, so get off my ass and let be what will be, and what you all gonna do when devs only support win 10 for vst plugs? well you all be crying in ur soup lol
  11. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I wonder how is W7 outdated and unsupported when we have all the latest DAWs and plugins running in it with no problems. We don't have to install any antispy garbage and apply a 100 diff tweaks on top of a dozen we always have to do in every Windows, nor we have to install an AV if you're running it offline. It's just a nice and smoothly working production environment. When it stops being that it is time for a change, I wholeheartedly agree. :wink:

    Change to something better than Windows perhaps? Who knows what will be "in" when W7 becomes *really outdated*. :) By that time maybe W10 will become outdated, too. :rofl:
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  12. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    In a mix

  13. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    I am really impressed with Linux Mint. Works right out of the box. Updates and upgrades are a easy as 1,2,3.
  14. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    I never really liked it. Always had issues with it for one reason or another and its never lasted very long on my computers. I've used it for a few months in total though I think. Ubuntu always upsets me too, but I always seem to make my way back to it when other flavours screw with my head. Fedora is currently messing my mind up with its top left corner thing. I've installed the remove app but that never works properly and when I actually want to access that corner it doesn't work properly. Other than that I kind of like Fedora. But that's the great thing about Linux, all the options and not being tied to somebody's whim, like when Canonical decided to 'spy' its users and lost a lot of users as a result. Would never happen with M$ or Apple. Its a shame the music industry hasn't properly embraced it and probably never will (tablet music making aside, if you count Android as Linux). Maybe the new Fucksya will embrace it properly, who knows?

    I think Mint is always behind Ubuntu on stability because it relies largely on Ubuntu's previous shell, but maybe that's a good thing because its probably more stable and community tested by that point. Pretty much every Linux I've used is easy for updating. If anything they become annoying with the daily update reminders. From what I remember I think Mint is a lot easier than Fedora for getting apps. Fedora is a proper nightmare.
  15. Rudy Manterie

    Rudy Manterie Platinum Record

    Jun 4, 2018
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    As if latency of 200 or 1000 MICROseconds would make any difference anywhere whatsoever...Win 7 just works, Win 10 just works...for me
  16. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Would never happen with M$ or Apple? Dude win 10 spys on all users and apple also.. That is why there is a tweak to stop it. But Yes really a shame they have not embraced it more. I used to used Fedora in the past but that to me is more of a server distro. I have not had any issues at all with Linux Mint yet. Ubuntu I have the gui, I really like cinnamon GUI best right now.
  17. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Bit of a mix up of my meaning there (ADHD kicking in) - I meant the not being tied to a single OS by using Linux. When Canonical introduced the spyware into Ubuntu it lost of lot of credibility in the Linux community by spying on their users and basically becoming Apple/M$. Yeah it can be removed with a, possibly easy, solution (if you can be arsed working it out whilst you're fuming at them for wasting your time), but stuff like that shouldn't be in there and for new users who are being directed to Amazon with every search they know no different and that does damage to Linux in general, especially when Ubuntu is most people's first attempt at using Linux.

    Cinnamon was good. Probably the best actually. The newest Fedora comes with Gnome as default which isn't bad actually, apart from those top corner things. The menu gets hidden and its quite simple to use. Takes a bit of getting used to but I'm happy for now. I'll probably remove it next week now that I've said that. ;) Not sure I'd recommend Fedora unless you have a bit of time spare to work out how to get the 'software' tab up and running. It seems to be blocked by default. Its the kind of thing I do once and forget and then on a reformat I spend days trying to get it working again.
  18. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    I agree Canonical messed things up a lot. I really never got into Gnome. What I love is the multiple desktops and being able to send a program to another desktop via a right click. Windows is way behind on this. What I find is really funny also that Windows states it windows and all the GUI stuff. Yet Linux is way more advance in a GUI than Windows. 5 different GUI's to chose from, sending programs to different desktops.