Windows 7 or 10

Discussion in 'Software' started by reziduchamp, Apr 11, 2018.

  1. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    1) Plugins that don't work with W7 are very rare. Most of them are still compatible even with XP. I've heard the newest version of Sylenth1 likes W10 better, but that's incredibly rare and you can still use older versions perfectly anyway.

    2) There are absolutely no benefits over W7. On the contrary... more FLS slots is used on W10 by default. Remember that FLS slots are used by services, background programs and everything that is essentially running on your OS at the time. The less shit you have running, the more FLS slots you will have available for plugins. W10 runs tons of shit in the background. Not that W7 is much leaner compared to XP, but it is. ;)

    3) Good for you to choose W7. I wish you happy times using your *daw and plugins* for *making music* and *not using your OS much* [fiddling with it, cursing, problem solving etc.]! :wink:

    For those who have problems installing W7 on newer computers - you haven't done your homework. W7 works perfectly with every hardware there is. Maybe Google search has become too hard to do these days...? :rolleyes: Admit it, you're just lazy. :)

    I am never going to use W10. Ever. Microsoft is going down slowly anyway... there will be alternative solutions to W10 with time, I believe. If nothing else, I will use OS-X for music rather than this MS POS until an alternative to both of these corporate cocked-up OSes arrives... I have high hopes for Linux and been using it daily since 2012 for everything but music. Instead of fiddling with W10 I recommend everybody installing Debian Linux for Internet and daily usage. It will make your life much easier, trust me. :headbang:

    When you realise that you can do everything with Linux except pro-level audio [some will say pro-level video, too], you will change your opinion about Windows as suddenly an OS becomes just a tool... nothing to be passionate about and obsessed with updates. Just a tool to get you from point A to B and not to I [Internet]. When you install it, it should just work and XP and W7 do exactly that.

    Cheers! :wink:
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2018
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  2. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Half of the producing world still uses W7....90% of working producers, professionals in music over 30 years of age use it. Not one sane developper who want to sell its software is going to ignore the main OS that actually works and is used by people who can afford to buy their softwares.
    There is litteraly not one software that is not running with w7 as of today and any horror story regarding an OS update or drivers in the last 2 years is bound to be related to w10 not w7.
    No user or avid defender of w10 has been able to prove any gain whatsoever related to that OS compared to w7.
    OP, use the os you feel like using and the one that doesn't give you any headache when it comes to making music and don't be intimidated by the scare tactics used by M$ and its army of trolls to force your hand in doing an useless change.

    And maybe just maybe use the search function of AS because those threads W7 vs W10 have been plaid over and over already.
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  3. DJK

    DJK Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2017
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    felixstowe england
    its called having an opinion, and why would people say its better if its not? everyones system is different and behave different, my old win 7 took 1.30 to load from power on, now its 30 seconds, ableton loads in 10 seconds which took 2.00 before, you cant say that win 10 is shit, it might be for you, but calling people noobs for stating their opinion is just stupid, as i said i used win 7 since release to last week, older os will always be left out in development compared to the latest os, in an ideal world i would have liked to keep win 7 as i loved it, but time moves on and as newer motherboards and cpu made for win 10 only, use what os you want, for me to update was a big decision to make, and i thought long and hard about it, which is why i tried the upgrade from 7 to 10 on my old system to see how it performed, and as i said everything just worked better and my old system was 9 years old, things started to fail, everything has a life span, so i built the new system for win 10, ok i could have got an older mb and 6th gen cpu, but why go back to old technology when i can have the best, you have to make that choice sooner or later if you want a fast modern pc, if your win 7 os is ok and offline then keep it, i wanted a faster cpu, better gpu and more faster ram, as i got fed up with live crashing and spiking with only a few plugins loaded, resulting in freezing and flattening tracks to audio, 1 instance of diva for example would spike the cpu at nearly 80% and now i can load over 10 divas with cpu at 35%, so thats my reason and my opinion.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2018
  4. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    sadly it's not that simple,
    OS isn't even a tool, it's more of a "middle layer" for software and hardware we actually use,
    that said, the main concern being compatibility and performance, due to nature of "open-sourceness" and variety of Linux platform, devs and manufacturers cannot simply provide what Microsoft has been building for decades,
    I moved from Windows to MacOS just for fun and realized it's all about devs and manufacturers "goodwill" to support anything else but Windows, with recent Microsoft steps the situation is becoming more and more interesting as Microsoft is effectively leaving Windows as we know it and Apple does too
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  5. sir jack spratsky

    sir jack spratsky Producer

    Apr 22, 2017
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    win 10 runs great....just dont have any daw online period...
  6. OBKenobi

    OBKenobi Producer

    Jul 14, 2012
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    You get all the latest spyware updates it's awesome. E.g. the Spring update gives you the great new feature of not being able to turn off internet searches. So every time you search local files it's going to be sent to M$. With such advanced futuristic productivity features I don't know how people can live without it!
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  7. OBKenobi

    OBKenobi Producer

    Jul 14, 2012
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    M$ really does employ an army of trolls. It spends hundreds of millions of dollars on advertising/PR annually, what it calls "community relations". Some of the Windows fans sites were started by MS to promote Windows and push Microsoft's agenda. Some Windows forums and Reddit are infested with Windows PR people who like to deny facts and tell people to use MS equivalents of other products and MS services.
  8. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Can you elaborate this?
  9. evolasme

    evolasme Platinum Record

    May 11, 2013
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    somewhere different almost every night
    I only switched from 7 to 8.1 because Cubase became optimised for 8. the performance difference was astounding . when I built my last machine 10 had been out for a while so I thought id try it haven't turned back since. as cubase9.5 now is 64 bit only anyway. if I was still on an older or 32 bit daw id still be on 7. most VSTi when u install have a choice of either 32 or 64 bit so their is no real limitation as to what VSTi you can have and I dont see that changing anytime soon to be honest
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  10. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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    You know 64 bit Windows 7 is a thing, right?
    Not sure, but let's go with that. How many of these "working producers" are there in the world, totes? How many plugs do they still need to buy, considering they like to stick with old stuff they know & works? What kind of a company develops a product to make < 1k sales?
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2018
  11. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Percentages are interesting conclusions with anything in print because it's a good chance that you can find another article that has a different percentage. While I use both PC and MAC for recording and editing purposes, I have seen MAC based magazines that have stated that 70% of the major Professional Studios use MAC's and other magazines say closer to 50|50. The only way anyone can possibly know the accurate answer is to ask every single studio in the world what they use that charges for its services. It's not going to happen.

    Linux is great for many things. So is a MAC, so is a PC.
    I see no point in comparisons other than to choose one that is better suited for a specific need or purpose.
  12. R!ngo McGoogle

    R!ngo McGoogle Member

    Jun 29, 2017
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    Came back to edit and clean up my comment. I like Windows 7. :winker:
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2018
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  13. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    UWP, PWA, Azure, Windows 10 S - those all are matters Microsoft is rolling forward
  14. Bandit

    Bandit Producer

    Oct 30, 2014
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    Win 10 64 bit here and it works like a charm, running both Maschine and Cubase 9.5. The only VST I miss is Venm, but I got that jBridged. All other things I use are 64bit compatible. The performance is amazing, world of difference. I even manipulated my (basic) laptop for quick music editting on the fly, and I am amazed by what it can handle.
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  15. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Glad I moved over to Linux a decade ago for just about everything except music and gaming (old PC is sat there doing nothing, so why not). There isn't really anything that Linux can't do for free that MS can, unless you're looking at music or other artistic things. Basic operations like Word Processing is free on Linux so why pay extortionate amounts for something that has maybe a couple of extra features that you probably won't use and nicer graphics? Nightmare of a learning curve but then so is MS 8.0 for anyone daft enough to use that crap. "Lets hide everything from our users so they can't even install anything". Hello, Technical Support, yeah, how do I turn my computer on?

    Linux isn't without its headaches, even when you're experienced with it, but on the balance, every time I get stupid ideas about testing MS it never lasts for a day. New laptops get wiped first thing.
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  16. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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    OpenOffice ( runs on Win & Mac. So does most *nix/open source stuff.
    Who cares about music? This is a word processing forum!*
    2018 the year of Linux desktop, this time for sure!
    Computers are hard :|
    *But for the few who care, there's Audacity, Reaper & few others. Not as good as Win counterparts, but they're trying, and that's what counts.
  17. alex921

    alex921 Producer

    Jan 27, 2016
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    When the day will come windows 7 will be unsupported, I'll switch to OS X.
    Win10 = nothing but trouble.
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  18. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Oh yes, Windows 7 and XP certainly shine for g
    Although, there is a possibility that a "lite" LTSB W10 version might be alright for audio. Why not? :wink: Still, I think W7 has a pretty long life ahead of it. You can still make great mixes with XP, too. I don't miss anything in XP and it's been unsupported by MS for years and years. I haven't tried XP with these new x170, x270 and x370 chipsets, nor new AMD ones. MS support generally means nothing to us. Well, almost. Only that you are possibly a bit unsafe browsing the Internet. Also, someone mentioned that older W. systems have less bugs and that's true. Even if there are bugs, they're mostly known bugs, so it's easier to cope with them. :wink:

    A bit OT. I really, *really* wonder what it's going to be like to make music about a decade from now. Silicon CPUs will have to be replaced with something else since transistors are approaching atom-size. It will be interesting. :)
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2018
  19. DJK

    DJK Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2017
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    felixstowe england
    really, how do you come to that decision? the new update allows you to delete all the telemetry win 10 collects, its fast and much better than win 7, move with the times,
  20. lerkjurk

    lerkjurk Platinum Record

    May 22, 2014
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    Behind you
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