Attacking Your Strings: Plectrum and/or Au Natura

Discussion in 'Guitars' started by superliquidsunshine, Apr 8, 2018.

  1. That is what I kind of figured out on my own...and the reason I haven't cottoned to all the finger picks I have tried, although the kind that is pictured in your post, the version that is more an extension of the nail itself feels like it would fit the bill for what my need is. None of the finger picks I have worn are comfortable to don for more than a little bit of time nor do they feel like a natural extension of my fingers or my hand like a plectrum does. Perhaps, and only if I had used them when I was starting out they would be reflexive and not always in my conscious thought when playing. It just doesn't feel natural to use them at this point, but I am hoping for the best.
  2. Thanks!
  3. Seedz

    Seedz Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Sitting on a Cornflake
    Greetings moosh, if you can find a cheap (maybe broken) bit of tortoise shell from a market or such, it doesn't matter if its bent or curved as once it is cut roughly to size and dropped in some boiling water you can then flatten it out by squeezing it in a vice, once cool it pretty much retains the shape......probs why it was so popular for trinklets once upon a time..

    I use a rough file to get the "triangular" shape and then a small rifler filer to get it close.

    Then just tape some coarse sandpaper to a flat surface and place the thick but roughly shaped pick on top and get with the circular motion while pressing down and checking you're getting an even thickness in the process while fliping the thing from time to time, you can also start to refine the "triangular" shape you want as well..........then just move to finer sandpaper until you get the thickness and shape you want.....btw, they last a long long time, the ones in the pic are at least 15 years old, apparently when the do go they just snap all of a sudden.

    The thinner they are the brighter the sound.

    On the coin thingy, Brian May used an old sixpence all the time.
  4. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    for years tried all these different tutle shell and faux turtle shell ,after having my grandad give me a bunch tortoise shell picks way back (from 1930's and 40's)

    The way they grab the strings ,but at same same glide right through was amazing and unique.
    (I am talking Authentic 1930's real turtle shell)

    I spent ton of money onall these real and faux ones.

    the Faux ones where about 95 or little less percent the way there.

    But then I stumbled across these which are dirt cheap and 90 percent the way there(compared to 100 dollar piece turtle shell plectrum) in terms of how it grabs and glides
    about 2 for a buck

    and they are 90 percent close to my turtle shell picks
    for 9 years since these 50 cent picks are what I been using.[​IMG]

    This is the only plectrum I have been using now for 9 years sometimes they are 4 for a dollar sometimes 2 for a dollar on amazon and ebay, either way Ill never switch back to expensive plectrums again. I have about 5000 of these all together now. the first one I bought 9 years ago is still working and functional.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2018
  5. Seedz

    Seedz Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Sitting on a Cornflake
    @MMJ2017 the pics at the top look like turtle shell pics? I have a few of those but they're pretty poor, to useless. I hope that these are not what was gifted to you as tortoise shell..

    Turtle shell is much lower in density, kinda handy if you spend most of your time in the water, and quite soft in comparison to tortoise shell, it is fiberous and almost like wood to work with. And unlike tortoise shell it is not opaque.

    In the lower pic the two bottom right are tortoise shell, but those are not yours, correct?

    I also use the white pic showing in the middle row at the left......Wegen Picks, Bluegrass.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2018
  6. ]
    I have used one or another of the Tortex line for years, way better to me than mostly chippy and scratchy Fenders and the like I started out with. Those sharpies look faster than greased lightening to play with.
  7. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    no those top picks are just from google i got rid of all my real tortoise shell picks
    the tortex sharp 1.5 mm are the way to go! love em.
    they different than any other tortex or dunlop or any pick i have tried for some reason they just work.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2018
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