Headphones with focusrite scarlett 2i2

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by Poper21, Mar 28, 2018.

  1. Poper21

    Poper21 Member

    Nov 10, 2017
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    Hello there!

    I would like to get some advice, about buying some mixing headphones, well, not necessary mixing but some kind of all arounders. I read alot of topics , and I was kinda decided to go for Beyerdynamics DT 880 PRO, but thing is, the PRO version is 250 Ohms. Meaning I might need a AMP with focusrite scarlett 2i2,so i could go for 80 ohms, but I read its not that good quality anymore. People been saying its still fine without amp, but I was thinking to look for some advice. My budget is 200 Eur.

    I currently have cheap Samson SR850, and I can say that sound is pretty good, except the quality of the heapdhones, meaning that they aint comfortable at all and they kinda broke already.

    Thank you alot.
  3. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Beyerdynamics DT 880 PRO are great headphones. I got mine from several years and I have no complain. Only that the cable should be plugin and not solder.
    I use a Focusrite interface, but it's a 18i20. It seems that limiting the headphone output power is general in the Scarlett range.

    When mixing with reasonable headroom -13db it's really at the limit. I have to use all cranked up to listen loud enough. But not everyone works at -13db. If you are into dance music this combination of headphones and Audio interface will work.

    Aside of this, there are the Audio-Technica headphones that have less impedance and can be interesting for you. But they are closed headphones ATH-M70x 35 ohms.

    Also have a look at AKG offer.
  4. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    You should also check the output impedance of 2i2. If I recall correctly, it was either 47 or 62 Ohms, meaning that even 250Ohm might be too low impedance for the headphone.
    I personally wouldn't touch DT880. AKG K612 might be good altenative, but for 2i2 you'd need extra headphone amp or buffer to keep the impedance in the system in check.
  5. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    If you are happy working with that particular headphone, might I suggest you buy another of the same kind. (Bear in mind you'll be able to use the speakers from these as spares) as the learning curve to a very different headphone can be extremely steep and take a long time to get accustomed to!
  6. Poper21

    Poper21 Member

    Nov 10, 2017
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    Thanks everybody for great answers :)

    If I am not mistaken, I think it was you who pointed in some other topic about focusrite impedance, meaing it helped. Soo, Yea, I work with dance music, so you think its enough? I am a bit worried tho :D By the design i kinda like the Beyerdynamics DT's in general, and as the technical specification goes seems good aswell. Did you think about using some additional heapdhone AMP ?

    I checked the ATH in general, looks good by design aswell as specifications and reviews goes, you fance those M70x specificaly? the ATH-M50 X looks fine aswell. I have no problems with closed cans.

    The scarlet 2i2 heapdhone output has only 10 ohms Impedance. On the site they suggest to go bellow 250 ohms, so thats my concern. I checked The AKG K612 and they have Impedance of 120 ohms, which could work, but , dont kill me please :D But as design goes, they remind me of samson SR850 and I dont like that much :D but thats minor thing, gonna consider :)

    Thank you for response, ye I agree with you, its just that they are super uncomfortable for me :D . I know it sounds stupid, but after like hour or 2, my ears are in pain :D literally :D
  7. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    I can't recommend this one at all. Uncomfortable high pressure to the head, boosted low and high frequencies.
  8. Poper21

    Poper21 Member

    Nov 10, 2017
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    Ye, right when you answered I read similiar reviews stating the same.

    Well, in all honesty, i am gonna go for Beyerdynamic, most likely with DT 880 pro(250 ohms). Was thinking to go for 770's with 80 ohms, but heard they are little bit colorized(boosted bass).I could use even with phone. hmm, damn so many choices :D

    //edit: Thinking to go for DT 770 PRO 80 ohm more and more...hmmm, i like to have nice bass aswell, but its hard to say without hearing em :/
  9. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    I probably didn't express clearly.
    The impedance of the Headphone, being relatively high, helps to guaranty more linearity in the response curve of the headphones.

    I dont remember me speaking about the impedance of the Focusrite. I spoke about the phone output of the Scarlett 18i20 that is weak, so the level reached with high impedance headphones is sometimes almost too low.

    The best way is to check how much loud are your mixes. If you see levels around -6db, it's alright, you will have enough level in your headphones (If the headphone output of the 2i2 is the same as the one of 18i20).

    No, as I dont want to add anything to the chain. Audio chain is as good as it's weakest part... And good headphones pre-amps are too expansive for me.
    I though you specifically wanted open ones. In this case the choice is much bigger...
    M70X have good critics.. But i didnt tried it myself. and I didnt tried the M50X either.
  10. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    I use Sony MDR -V6 With my pro 40 and no issues and sound great.
  11. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    for whats its worth I use AKGK702 with my forcusrite 2i4. sounds great
  12. Margot Menace

    Margot Menace Noisemaker

    Mar 20, 2017
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    I am with AKG 712 pro on a 2i2. while recording at -18 dbfs the headphone knob on scarletti needs to be all the way to the right (100%) in order to hear decently. However if your daw has a dedicated monitoring section you can also boost from there. When hearing mastered tracks (about -12 to -10 LUFS) the knob is about in the middle (50%). The headphones are always on price close to what you can afford on Thoman
  13. lhuie

    lhuie Newbie

    Aug 14, 2017
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    Samson SR850,yep i used to have this one around to mix things up,not bad headphones at all.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2018
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