Is it Chance Luck or Synchronicity in Life ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Spyfxmk2, Apr 1, 2018.

  1. Spyfxmk2

    Spyfxmk2 Guest

    Hello audiosex community,

    Is it Chance, Luck or Synchronicity in Life ?

    I'm sure everyone here have heard the saying : "everyone deserves a second chance in life...."
    I would say that some people get a third or a fourth & so on too..
    Some in life are lucky, some not so much, me i've been lucky in my life so far...
    Are events in our lives chance, luck or synchronicity driven, all of them ?
    For me & that is my humble opinion is it all Synchronicity.

    What are your thoughts/feelings about this ?

    Share if you want.

    note #1 : music is a part of our lives therefore this question can be music related too.
    note #2 : please be kind to each other here.

    Thank you in advance.
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  3. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Best Answer
    I would say it's how much emotion one gives to the situation. Ideally, the journey through life should be tranquil, but exciting.
    Emotions can get one stuck for a long time, and they perceive that everything is against them (had that feeling).

    But the solution is quite simple, remain tranquil, resolute and calm at all times and all situations, regardless what our value system tells us. And in doing so, there'll be less and less situations that demands emotional response, skyrocketing one's happiness level to over 9000.
  4. Spyfxmk2

    Spyfxmk2 Guest

    Beautiful ^ thank you ^ :) :wink: :bow:
  5. Legotron

    Legotron Audiosexual

    Apr 24, 2017
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    My believes are simple, what you give is what you gain. :hug:
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  6. Riot7

    Riot7 Platinum Record

    Aug 29, 2015
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    The world is a chaotic, complex and ruthless place, yet we manage to not only survive but build civilizations, form meaningful relationships with each other and debate which EQ is best on the internet.

    Our brain allows us to do all this and make sense of the world around us. When you stop to think about it, it is almost inconceivable how such a wonder or biology has emerged out of the chaos.

    However our brains also tend to see patterns and meaning where there is none. We have a tendency for supernatural thinking. That's what "synchronicity" is (well, also a great album by The Police!). That's what "luck" is. In reality there are no unseen forces directing our lives.

    Fuck, my car won't start. And now the bus is late too? And it's raining! Why is this happening to me? Is it because I was shitty to my wife the other night?

    No. Yet we all tend to sometimes think like this. It comes to us very naturally.

    There are certain tools and methods to overcome our natural tendency to believe in all kinds of impossible things. Namely and ultimately the scientific method.
  7. muffball

    muffball Kapellmeister

    Dec 25, 2017
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    It's nice to think of things like Karma as real and that "you make your own luck" but there's no evidence for either. The latter, in particular, is, by most definitions, untrue. If you made your own luck then it's not luck. Luck is something outside your control. You cannot influence it. If you do then it's not luck.

    You can only do your best and live your life within your moral boundaries "do unto others etc" so that you have as few regrets as possible but, in the end, most things come down to sheer luck. Where you were born or that you were born at all are a couple of the largest chunks of incalculable luck.

    In the case of art and the artistic side of music I've always believed that the greatest inspiration comes from dark places, birthed from pain and misery. These things are a part of life but some people get a bigger dose than others. The best artists are often the most miserable people. Their misery can bring them great success in that area.

    To be happy, to be lucky, may bring the best life but some great legacies would never exist without pain and misery. Normal people would never seek out the latter but they're very hard to avoid getting, at least, a small dose of. Some of that is within our control but, for many, most of it isn't.

    There's a saying I hate: "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade" and it's often used as a coverall motivation but... lemons are nice. When life gives you shit... what do you do?
  8. tvandlover

    tvandlover Producer

    Aug 27, 2016
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    my personal belief is that it starts with chance...the hand we are dealt at birth. purely random. Of course then comes the way we play the cards. Some will play better than others but the ones with more natuaral ability got that by chance. Then there are those with great perseverance that study and learn how to play the game well without being gifted to start with. But of course the power of perseverance was given to them at birth by chance and you can go on reducing this for ever but chance will always be the driving force.
    I have read a lot around Jung and can't deny having felt that there must have been a causal relationship between two events that seemed very unlikely to be synchronous. This I ,and many statisticians believe, is our belief in our inherant understanding of probability .....which is unfounded. I'm talking about the average person here like me. This is the reason people play the lottery not realising that they are more likely to be struck by lightning.
    Getting back to cards again, if you shuffle the pack and deal them out one by one onto the table, it will be the first time ever, that the cards came out in that order since cards were invented......since forever. There are more permutations than there are atoms in the universe.
    I am glad that you have had a good life, I myself have had one too. It is up to us to make the lives of those less fortunate better in some way that is within our means. cheers
  9. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    From an elder guy that had pretty much all in life, my view may be somewhat from just that angle, OLD. Born clever, really clever and easy to learn i took on the world in and pretty much swollowed it all. But then just as Andrew said for some reason i started to get emotional. it was like i i had to explore what emotions really were. I started to look for thing that made me feel things. Love, music, fame, exitement and so on.

    I got so many chances but mosatly since i created them myself. Succesfull in sports and as a sidekick i had music. Even started a family with kids. Things were going fine and i didnt mind that i sometimes could just start to cry without any reason. By myself. was like something was stuck or not taken care of. So right in the middle of life i had it all.. and then waking up one morning and my legs couldnt move. Really, i had no feelings in my legs. I crawled out of the sofa where i had fell asleep the night before, in a hotel room, in a town far from home. I was scared shitless. Managed to call the reception for help. Picked up by medics and rushed to hospital.

    I had hit the wall. My body said to me NO MORE.. 3 weeks later my body was working again. But my mind wasnt.

    I was depressed and its clear now that it changed my view on everything. Going through that and still today living with it to some degree has made me realize a few things. That life is all about our brain. How we feel and experience and how the we then manage to handle thoose things. And we are all not the same so ofc some people dont even care if they step on a ant while other will jump to the roof for the same reason. Sure, breaks are mostly earned but for someone that has no strenght its very very hard to get to that point. Many many times its even hard to take thoose breaks if the come your way. I mean if its a struggle just to get out of bed, to see the sun outside your window, the see people smile at you,then you may have i really hard time beeing "there" in that moment. Stuck in the brain, with emotions and not handled memories or whatever is in there.

    Its getting way to long so i jump to my conclusion. And its not so muuch "how it is" but more of a wish. This forum should actually think about it cause sometimes this is a harsh place. Fighting going on, people arguing abuout things that i trivial and only point of views. So please people, next time try to think that the person behind the words you read and dont like, may actually get hurt. without realizing it right in that moment. And my view is that by not beeing kind to tohers r treat people with respect, you hurt your self and really burning some of the breaks you may get later in life. Offer someone a hand is how your breaks will come to you.. i think so anyway..
  10. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Nice topic.
    I'm 41 year old and I had so much episodes in my life, some good some bad like anyone else, but what I've learned so far is to learn from any situation in life bad or good.
    Now, is life a chance, luck ... hmm... chance for sure, everyone has a chance or even more chances.
    Luck! What is luck? It depends how do you declare luck. Definition of luck is not the same to me like 15 years ago and today.
    15 years ago I thought luck was to have expensive car, house etc etc, now is totally different. Wow, some of my friends relocated to Germany, USA, Ireland - and I'm still here where am I. I was depressed because of that.

    Right now, just came back from bike ride with my wife on this Easter morning, outside is raining and is cloudy. It's a beautiful day. Trees and grass in my town are the same like in Berlin for sure. People are the same, some cruel and arrogant, some beautiful and kind, like anything in life.
    Now, we're going to visit my parents with our kids. But that's me and my age.
    I think that key is in simplicity... Simplicity of living.
    Go outside, give your smile to other people, give your best and it will return back to you also best.
  11. Seedz

    Seedz Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Sitting on a Cornflake
    @Xyfsp We're all incredibily lucky to be here at all............pity more don't realise that.

    The following is imo a pretty rough estimate.......but its accurate enough to get the idea.

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  12. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    One thing that is really important, is the aspect that we the individual through effort can shape every aspect of ourselves and our lives into any direction. that gives me great hope and inspiration in this reality which for me contains no gods souls or afterlives.
  13. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    One thing that is really important, is the aspect that we the individual through effort can shape every aspect of ourselves and our lives into any direction. that gives me great hope and inspiration in this reality which for me contains no gods souls or afterlives.
  14. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    One thing that is really important, is the aspect that we the individual through effort can shape every aspect of ourselves and our lives into any direction. that gives me great hope and inspiration in this reality which for me contains no gods souls or afterlives.
  15. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    One thing that is really important, is the aspect that we the individual through effort can shape every aspect of ourselves and our lives into any direction. that gives me great hope and inspiration in this reality which for me contains no gods souls or afterlives.
  16. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I dont know why it keeps repeating my comments please delete this comment thank you
  17. The Drake Equation:


    Trust in god but tie up your camel.
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  18. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    We haven't found anything similar to god in studying reality itself.
    the drake equation does not make any type of point on its own.
  19. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Not meant offening in any way (you know that) :bow: but, is this really important?

    Isn't more important to be open minded and to learn from everything we are feeling, thinking and doing, or not feeling, thinking and doing?
    Isn't it more important to learn from the bad things and never to give up and, as I've recently been told (from my lovely HTB :winker:), from the good things that happen to us?

    Is it synchronicity when sad things happen to a friend on the other side of the world that really touches my heart, or just important to both of us to learn that we are not alone and life is just life - and hopefully all will be good in the end?
  20. electriclash

    electriclash Guest

    believe you are lucky and you are. offer up the highest parts of yourself freely. musically, lead with your spirit and the like-minded will answer
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  21. Spyfxmk2

    Spyfxmk2 Guest

    Thank you everyone for participating ^^^^^ beautiful thoughts & people ^ :bow:

    Hello good friend @Riot7 :bow: i read all your post(reply #5) & thank you for sharing :wink:
    can you consider this for a moment please ? :wink::bow: :
    Is it not that our brain is just an organ that our non-local mind localizes the thoughts ?....
    and before you think of a thought, where was it /? is it yours ?
    in another whey of saying things...more simply put.....:
    are we all here random people having random conversations ? is it pure chance that we all met here ?
    i'm the last guy that likes the "supernatural" & new age kind of things if you know what i mean & i use logic often...
    but is it not a deeper meaning in life & the events in it /there is nothing supernatural about it, it appears all natural & real in our minds imho,
    miracles happen to if you ask me :wink::bow:
    Thanks for your time & everyone, i really appreciate it :wink::bow: