F/S Avid Pro Tools 10 (Download Vertion)

Discussion in 'Selling / Buying' started by S.LEE, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. S.LEE

    S.LEE Newbie

    Aug 13, 2011
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    Hey guys i sell my pro tools 10 if any one are interested it cause 629 euro and i let it for 300 euro it's a Download Version so no Ilok or dvd incl. just transfer license in your ilok account and account transfer from avid to download Set up/Plug's/Sound Banks.....

    the price incl. all transfers


    Attached Files:

  3. paraplu020

    paraplu020 Banned

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Sewers of Amsterdam
    why? you don't like it? by the way i mailed you ;) :wink:
  4. S.LEE

    S.LEE Newbie

    Aug 13, 2011
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    i don't really use it and i want to buy some new stuff so this is why i sell it
  5. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Plan 9
    Good price ....
  6. S.LEE

    S.LEE Newbie

    Aug 13, 2011
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    yes and great Daw all plug's are very good incl. Vacuum and braid new you plug
  7. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    Is ProTools 10 still that unstable as 9 is ? Especially in conjunction with 3rd party plugins ?
  8. S.LEE

    S.LEE Newbie

    Aug 13, 2011
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    -no pro tools 10 are very stable any problem with the stability plus it work on mac os x 10.7 and 10.8 and great update release very soon for 64 bits

    -and Sugar Byte will release a new wrapper for VST to AAX (32/64) soon very huge wrapper ;)
  9. danfuerth

    danfuerth Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2012
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    Notice how all of a sudden Avid is looking desperate, as Motu has left their moronic "Mac only mentality and Studio One and Reaper taking off like a rocket, now you see avid scrambling back back to PC and Windows, what a joke.

    Motu and Avid with Protools have hid behind Apple for years to slow Piracy down. It worked well until Apple switched to Intel or was "forced to switch" lol as IBM told apple a big F OFF we "are going to be building 50 times more processors for Consoles"

    That is the biggest Reason Apple is leaving the desktop computers in the dust as they have no more control over the hardware as they did when they were using the IBM processors.

    Apple is not a a big innovator all they did from 2002 to the Intel switch was buy up software apps for video and audio then killed the other OS's versions in the end killing even the Mac versions. They have always done these tricks to get people to buy their overhyped computers

    With the Intel switch that all changed and Apple started to shift away from Computers and into small format devices as that's where the money is

    Apple will soon dump the Mac pro's as they always knew since they were running an X86 OS with Freebsd/Next ( MAC OS X) that if they ever switched to Intel or AMD they would be pardon my language "FUCKED"

    Apple stifled hardware and software development for almost 7 years. Since everyone that was building products for Video and Audio always had to look to the Apple knows all Mantra.

    That was all bogus all the Pro's are finding how who Apple really is, Apple is dropping the Pro's like a turd is flushed down the Toilet.

    All the Pro's that I know personally have been burned badly by Apple with the Logic and Final Cut X fiasco and they will never buy another mac period!!

    I just hope Apple does not have to come back to sell computers only again if the phone world gets over saturated because this time will be going indeed banrupt. As I know most the Pro's already switched away from anything to do with Apple.

    When Apple switched to Intel, I bet my mac buddy $1000 that Apple would phasing away from the Desktop Mac's and moreover would be leaving the Pro Audio and Video content producing markets and they have done it!! Pixar was sold off, Mac pro desktops are going to be axed, Apple dumped Final cut off the Pros hands by removing the Pro features and the dumbing down of Logic

    Companies like Avid and Motu are seeing the light but they are pardon my language to FUCKING LATE.

    Protools and Digital Performer should of been equally pushed on Both XP and MAC OS X it was just stupidity and MORONIC Pompus attitudes that have now put these 2 companies well one at least on the verge of Bankruptcy

    SUPPORT BOTH PLATFORMS or you end up like Motu "We eat sleep and breath Mac" they must be eating their own words now.

    PS I did get the money from the bet however the fool spent $3000 on his mac when it could of been 1500 and just run a hackintosh so he could only pay $100 FOOL!! I took some gear though lol.

    DO NOT EVEr TAKE BETS with me on tech. For 12 years I have been dead on with either Microsoft and Apple's directions.
    I was dead on with the Financial Collapse in 09 too and I am predicting a massive collapse coming to Canada very soon.

    Time is only the stupidity we call time. Time does not exist, time is slavery.
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