professional music career with cracked plugins?

Discussion in 'Software' started by teach me plz, Mar 27, 2018.

  1. PopstarKiller

    PopstarKiller Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2016
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    This is unreal...

    Don't let people dig in your computer. It's your private stuff. Make sure plugins don't show registration to some obvious group.

    And if you dare, you can always try digging some dirt on those teachers to get them off your back.
  2. Jeffriezal

    Jeffriezal Producer

    Feb 2, 2017
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    Just leave the cracked at home behind the close door with all the collection of the first born unicorn, and disconnected.

    In school, just focusing on learning and improving yourself with what you have. It will teach your self to be creative and exploring your potential. Trust me, it's worth it, you'll be original. Just go and be a kid and have fun. Be a hero and get laid or something.

    But if u still feel like a brat who too depending and trust plugins and software more than your own potential to grow better than the rest, here is my suggestion, find a group of people that share the same chemistry with you, start a small party or company or a group or a band, whichever feels right, and share the money to buy the plugins and software, usually they come with 3 to 5 licenses per purchase. They used to say, sharing is caring. If we oldies can share money to buy an outboard gear and take a turn to use, why can't you do the same?
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  3. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    That makes perfect sense. Or better still a PC/Mac at home as everyone already has one of those!

    There are 7 'free' String Libraries, all good enough to help you through your course here:-

    I remember seeing a video of an extremely talented musician using only freebies, and he turned out something I could only dream of doing! Point I'm making is, Software will only get you so far. The rest is talent, and if you can make a success with basic libraries, imagine what heights you'll reach when you pass!
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  4. ClaudeBalls

    ClaudeBalls Producer

    Jan 3, 2012
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    Out of love and kindness... There are approximately 200 movies that are released theatrically in the united states each year, ave of 4 per week, 52 weeks per year. There are a group of about 40-60 people that score all of those movies. The average A or B list composer scores 4-5 films per year. That doesn't leave a lot of crumbs for someone just getting going in the business. Also, factor in the fact that you absolutely must live in staggeringly expensive los angeles and not the cheaper (but still extremely expensive) surrounding suburbs to have any chance of meeting people that have anything to do with the film music business. You will have to somehow survive and have have some sort of plan to work as an intern or assistant for several years to get the experience and chops before you will be taken seriously by even the lowest rung straight to streaming movies/tv shows.

    There are more presidents of countries, more best brain surgeons in their major metropolitan areas and more movie stars than there are people currently writing the music for films right now.

    Not trying to talk anyone out of their dream, but I am offering actual facts that your school may not have informed you of.

    Just a dose of realism before you saddle yourself with debt to pursue a job that is EXTREMELY rare.

    Of all the younger people I see that are genuinely in the hunt they are almost exclusively from wealthy families and have no school debt and have parental support to live here and work internships and part time assistant gigs. (Musical talent isn't part of the equation.) That is who you will be competing with. People that have no financial consideration. About rent, food, cars, software, hardware... Something to consider when you are gambling with the rest of your life.
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  5. Satai

    Satai Rock Star

    Feb 23, 2013
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    Nothing will happen. This is really the least of your worries, man.

    I mean look at you, you're about to let your clueless parents drop tens of thousands on sending you to "music and film and new media studies", because that's the only thing they know and understand. When you could have been buying gear and honing your craft in the studio with the same money. Much more experience and none of the BS & painfully wasted years. Good luck convincing them of that though, you need some underhand tricks to make it happen way more esoteric than cracking software.

    You're completely misaligned, out of whack with reality. You need a chiropractic readjustment and a smack in the face from someone you respect, so you won't waste your time on pointless renaissance fair ideas like "music and film and omg school". You may have heard vague whispers that it's a complete scam nowadays, and that's because IT IS. When you're done with it and got the outrageously expensive piece of paper, there's nobody waiting on the other side to give you a job. The school's scam is to make you believe there is someone waiting, but there is no one.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2018
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  6. mindpassfilter

    mindpassfilter Member

    Jul 5, 2012
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    I studied music in college, and while I did use some cracked software at the time, I can say in retrospect that it's best to limit yourself when it comes to production tools. Choose an instrument and learn it inside and out. Also, the free options today are much better quality compared to what was available back then (circa 2004). There are plenty of free sound libraries that sound great, and lost cost options that sound amazing. sometimes has good deals on professional scoring tools, worth joining their mailing list. Go to and browse the database for free plugins. With the right skills, I'd say it's possible to make a professional sounding record using ONLY free software these days. Good luck.
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  7. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Also about the spitfire audio... Their products aren't that great and they are overpriced. I don't think the company even knows who their demographic is since most of their libraries are done better by other companies imo.
  8. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    If you are going there to learn - let them teach you with what they have.

    Otherwise you are wasting your money, or you parents money and more importantly you are wasting people's time... and unlike money you can never get more time to make up for the time you've wasted.

    You don't need the stuff you think you need, especially for classical composition. The only thing you really need we are all born with, so go there and get that sharpened up. You are really cheating only yourself if you think tools == education. There is a big difference between learning and training go to learn not to train on platform XYZ that will be obsolete by the time you actually develop the mental ability and understanding to use it.
  9. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You

    WOW!! maybe it's you that needs a slap in the face , you immediately jumped to conclusions , your post\response literally comes across as a person that never tried and yet still holds the world accountable for his failures. Give the O.P. credit ,at least he is asking, Nothing wrong with a question, Your first sentence said it all, Correct yourself and stop pissing on others dreams "Nothing will happen" ..."i MEAN LOOK AT YOU" Could you be any more bitter and condescending. Where I am from, the only stupid question is the one you do not ask!! And , TBH, I'm so glad I have daughters 'cause if you were my son and talking out the mouth that way, I'd bitch slap you
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2018
  10. julianbre

    julianbre Producer

    Jul 15, 2015
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    teach me plz, try going to your classes with xeroxed textbooks you didn't pay for and see what your professors say.
    Just follow the recommendations for dual boot hard drive and use the software only at home. When you start making money, buy it.
  11. elixter

    elixter Kapellmeister

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Most Companies have Student Versions so you can fetch up Cubase for Example at Half Price
  12. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    UGH. certain comments really pis me off, sorry fellas and gals for my diatribe
  13. Triphammer

    Triphammer Platinum Record

    Mar 21, 2015
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    It's simple really. Most people are dicks. Don't be a dick....or stupid. You'll be just fine.
  14. westfinch

    westfinch Platinum Record

    Jun 25, 2013
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    How bout a Professional Music Career on Crack? :rofl:
  15. aurilind

    aurilind Noisemaker

    Mar 28, 2018
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    I´ll give you my very personal opinion on this...

    Rule #1 to be a successful composer or musician (or artist) in my opinion is to not be a dick, pretentious and secluded artist hidden in his man-cave, cringing that there is no work and the medium is corrupted, criticising everyone else! this will only lead to the death of your career.

    Almost everyone I have to know in the industry which has had a relatively good career has been very kind and polite to me, as the musicians that work in the industry.
    You don´t have to be great to have work and have a good career, you have to know people in the industry, have friends that do the same as you, when one of your friends can´t do a gig, he´ll give it to you and you will do the same! get to know film directors (students or not) other composers, instrumentalists, producers, game developers, buy them a beer, talk about the weather and your girlfriend and family, make personal connections with real people. (If your best friend is a fantastic designer, would you recommend him!? hire him for something you need?! of course, you will!)

    Ask for advice! get to know the big fish in the industry, try to call working composers in the industry and ask for advice (don´t ask for a job, for the love of Christ!), send them an email. e-mail upcoming composers in the industry and ask for advice! tell them you liked their work (Because you do!), ask for a few tips and advice on whatever bugs you! if one of them lives near your city, invite them to lunch, buy them a beer! do this with 200 people!

    Have friends that do the same you do, share your work with them, share your work with them as they do with you! share your work online. share your tips with the world, your craft, get people to know you! SHARE! lol

    About college... my composition college degree got me this:

    -My parents being proud of actually "studying" something...
    -The most expensive piece of furniture in the house (I´ts framed on my bathroom)
    -Maybe to get a scholarship for a master´s degree or something?
    other than that, useless... nobody asks for your title for a gig (only if you get into teaching at an institution)

    What I got from college:
    -Friends that I´ve worked with and I have worked for them
    -knowledge which I could have learned from books
    -Zero advice on how to develop my career and make a living

    What I am going with this is... If your family has enough money to send you to college and be debt free, sure, it´s a nice "bubble" to experiment, fail, have fun and get to KNOW PEOPLE.

    What I´d wish I´ve done sooner is to get a private mentor to teach me the real world craft and to start doing work for students and whatever sooner to build experience and a portfolio, to have known more people in the industry before.

    You need to study all the time, buy books on all the music topics you can until you can understand the most complicated harmony book and orchestration, counterpoint, film scoring, sound design, folie, literarure, art, marketing, managment, finace, music business, music licening books on the market, ask yourself why on everything you see and the decisions of the work you study, get a private piano teacher to learn MUSICALITY, learn classical music composition, learn jazz composition, learn synths and ambient music, EDM, etc... study with very different people and styles, learn all you can from everyone, get a private mentor on composition and orchestration, then another one better than the last.

    If you can´t afford a private teacher, get a job! If you don´t get work, ask yourself why! maybe you're not that good enough for that job?! keep studying, write every day! don´t just do the assignment on school or your teacher or the books, do a hundred more! don´t wait years to get a job because you are not as good as "X" guy, there is always work for your current level, find it!

    About sample libraries?
    Sample libraries are the least of your concerns... subscribe to the EastWest Composer´s cloud and work with that until you can buy them later or as first as you get paid for your gigs. If all goes well, you´ll record a live orchestra and not a sampled one.

    sorry for the long post... this topic gets me on the edge!

    This is only my personal opinion, feel free to take it or leave it :)
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  16. You are just a few clicks away from having anything at all you may need to score your next assignment at school or your next major movie studio international release. As a student you get a fantastic discount. For $240 for the entire year you are good to go. I can only assume that if you can finance tuition you can afford this, and if I am wrong, my apologies. Subscribing to the COMPOSERCLOUD EDU solves your concerns and provides adequate tools to use at your disposal.
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  17. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    There's a course on AZ named "The Place of Music in 21st Century Education" uploaded lately:


    What do children need from education now, and in the future? How is technology best used in teaching and learning? How can innovative approaches to education be reconciled with established, traditional ones? What does student-centred learning really mean?

    This five module course is not just for classroom or ensemble music educators. It’s suitable for anyone interested in creativity-infused education, in contemporary education issues, and in the integration and use of digital technology. It’s designed to challenge old paradigms, to inspire innovative and creative pedagogical philosophies, and to develop your ability to critically respond to the latest research.

    We’ll visit schools with vastly different approaches to learning and teaching, and meet inspiring teachers and principals. We’ll venture inside the classroom to closely observe how technology is integrated with music education – or how it’s decidedly not!

    We’ll talk to international leaders and experts about innovative and traditional approaches to music education, and I’ll provide insights from my own practice as well as from some of my students.

    I’ll be provoking you to think critically and creatively, to develop your own ideas and theories around students’ educational needs and the impact of digital technologies, now and into the future.

    Watch it before any action. Discusses about the new methods of learnings and you can hear the students and educators' views.:wink:
  18. teach me plz

    teach me plz Banned

    Mar 27, 2018
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    damn this seems to be a hot topic. anyways, fuck college, ill order private teachers after all ive read here. its gonna cost the same. thanks fellas
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  19. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    my harsh opinion on this matter is, that EVERY serious developer/publisher should offer their products for FREE for educational purposes,
    sure there may be some (online) authentication, limitations etc.., but if software industry fails to open doors to young people studying and using loads of software, those companies will simply become obsolete - just remember Autodesk or AVID, the education community or protools first are clear signs of company realizing that without people being able to learn their software, companies will not use the software in the long run and that is something very serious threat for a software company existence
  20. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    If you need to work with those libraries for school you are provided with them or they are there for you to use in your school's studio(s).
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