This bass???

Discussion in 'how to make "that" sound' started by Djono, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. Djono

    Djono Newbie

    Dec 1, 2012
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    I need help to recreate this bass. Sorry for the song, its shit but I found the bass is most clear in it. Is it saw wave? What processing they used?
  3. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    Yes, saw (with filtering, EQ, compression and SC-compression). Why do you ask instead of trying it out for yourself?
  4. xsze

    xsze Guest

    It's a regular saw, EQ-ed,compressed, distorted,sidechained, really basic bass, of course you can't replicate exactly the same result it's part of the mix, but you can get close within your own mix.

    Get the good source, you have to deal with less processing to make it fat, shave everything you don't need with EQ and believe me throw something just for fun, I love to mess around with this basses, make huge chain of effects and go nuts. :boombox:

    Put some distortion, multi band one would be great, but you can always throw another on send effect channel just to give it little more character, also that sausage fattener is good thing just don't go nuts with it, I like to put phaser and make more movement , some reverb, experiment, it's fun :)

    If all the processing killed your low end, just low pass it somewhere between 120-150hz, make another dedicated sub bass high passed in same area and you have better result :)

    Have fun :wink:
  5. Djono

    Djono Newbie

    Dec 1, 2012
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    Thank you very much. Also I tried to replicate it soo many times, but maybe is problem with compresion, cause its not have much caracter.
    In which frequency range are fundamental frequencies of this bass? 100hz-200hz maybe?
  6. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    Subs are generally 20-90Hz. Bass (fundamental frequencies) is generally 90-300Hz. Bass overtones and harmonics go way higher.
  7. xsze

    xsze Guest

    It depends on note you are playing and octave, use analyzer and watch your wave, you will notice peaks and general shape of your material, so you can detect everything without problem.

    If you hunt for character my answer is distortion/saturation, as I told you before, multi band distortion is great tool for shaping that saw, splitting into different bands and processing them to your liking, another thing is side chain compression, which is part of that movement, if your kick is trigger, that means whenever kick hit-compressor will do his job, so when you have bass note that is overlapping with kick, compressor will react and duck it.

    You can compress everything after and shape it little more, throw some enveloper/transient designer,some one knob miracle plugins, everything is there, use your instinct and if you know your shit use it, if you don't, experiment and try to learn/understand what is doing to your material, so you can easily be gentle and creative and make unique sound in no time :)

    Find good source, Trilian for example have great saw's from different machines,Diva is great too, fat and rich saw from beginning, little shaping and processing and that's it, but you can turn anything with little more processing into madness, I tried on almost every saw I have in disposal.
  8. charnk

    charnk Newbie

    Jun 12, 2011
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    Nord Lead
  9. xsze

    xsze Guest

    It would be awesome if you could sample it and share with us :wink:
  10. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    Lol at the "complicated solutions" for making this fairy simple bass.
  11. xsze

    xsze Guest

    What complicated solutions? I just tried to open his mind to explore possibilities and make even better bass, to use his tools and never stop experimenting.

    Maybe I just should write one sentence and be cool :wink:

    Music today sound like copy-paste shit because lazy asses just go with easiest way to copy the same boring stuff, if you are learning than go deeper and bring your own shit upon that, experiment, if you are lazy ass copy-paste trendy beatport wannabe than I feel sorry for you. *yes*
  12. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    Sorry if you felt targeted. I apologize.

    I love experimenting, still after 15 years of doing so. Many, many happy accidents have come out of experimenting. I know quite alot (as I guess you do too) yet there is soo much more to learn and to be taught. It's all good.
  13. xsze

    xsze Guest

  14. charnk

    charnk Newbie

    Jun 12, 2011
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    You can get the latest Nord rack for about $1100 or less. But I dont think youd get the same sound without mixing exerything through a sumbox or analog console. I know there are plugins that emulate this, but I don't think they compae to the saturation a transformer or tube can offer. That bass has a sort of "juiciness" I associate with the Nord, but without the analog mix I think a lot of it would be lost in an "in the box" mix. You'd only get an approximization.

    Edit: I took out the word close, as in close approximization. It wouldn't make you happy.
  15. xsze

    xsze Guest

    I'm aware of it, sure most of us would love to have that luxury, but for now we can get close and what is most important it would sound good enough :)
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