An elder once told me...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Spyfxmk2, Mar 26, 2018.

  1. Spyfxmk2

    Spyfxmk2 Guest

    It seems in the past the elders/older people were respected more from the younger generations.
    In ancient times in tribes the elders was where the younger would go to find inspiration & wisdom.
    The elders were considered as "frequency holders" of peace & love.

    It seems today everyone knows everything,but not necessarily true in all situations & paths in life.

    Have you received in your life from a family member/close relative or friend of greater age than yours, any words of wisdom that you keep close to your mind & heart ?

    If so & want please share.

    Thank you in advance.
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  3. tvandlover

    tvandlover Producer

    Aug 27, 2016
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    My great uncle who was a conscientious objector during the first world war assured me that he knew the war was not going to change anything as it was all about business and that it was in the interests of the people with money. He also could not kill another man who didn't want to be there either

    He was certainly right about it not changing anything, the people of the world were at each others throats only 20 odd years later
    He also played a mean blues harp and was still riding a BSA 250 in his seventies bless him.

    The real lesson I got from this kind and gentle man was that you should think for yourself, which is a lot harder than people think.
  4. Magic Mango

    Magic Mango Producer

    Jan 27, 2017
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    In chinese culture, age (still) comes with great respect by default.
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  5. Kinghtsurfer

    Kinghtsurfer Audiosexual

    Jan 20, 2018
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    In my family, the older lot are treated with great respect and reverence... and extended family hangouts are more the norm than just occasion... my father has been and still is my guide and mentor for charting my life path (I'm 42 btw) ... the one piece of advice he gave me which I wish I could live by is "Live within your means"... But Dad! I gotta buy that new Keyboard!!! Aaargh!!! hahaha... :rofl:
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  6. Kinghtsurfer

    Kinghtsurfer Audiosexual

    Jan 20, 2018
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    @spyfx is that you? Or your doppelganger with rearranged alphabets? :)
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  7. safran5020

    safran5020 Platinum Record

    Dec 15, 2011
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    La Belle Province
    Not only the alphabet reordering but the words of wisdom could speak for itself.
    Nice observation Watson !
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  8. Kinghtsurfer

    Kinghtsurfer Audiosexual

    Jan 20, 2018
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  9. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Didn't realize that but the first I do since certain things happened is to look the sign date. Sad but true.
  10. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Everything going on today is natural. Humans are experiencing new forms of life by the aid of the technology and adapting themselves to it. This kind of life is quite new (and it's changing fast in every decade like software) and reaching perfection and excellence in it that everything to be in balance needs some time. You can not expect a lot of the new generation to be both deep in humanity and other fields and it's because of the natural limitation in the structure of the brain. Be optimistic about the future! Problems are resolvable and they can weather the storm and live to tell the tale.:winker:
  11. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Old people loosed respect, because too many of them think they are right just because they are old ..

    My gran father, who was a pilot, and didn't understood anything about music told me:
    "I dont understand Music, but I know that this is like Aviation, it's an incurable disease, so do it well"
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  12. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I forgot I wanted to give my 2 cents

    That's an information age hazard. I can picture myself being one of these over-informed/under-self-thinked young people.

    Many. The one that comes to my mind is when I was having a hard time and I said to my aunt:
    "I don't know what to think anymore"
    "That's called maturing, Xupito"

    Hats off, auntie
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  13. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Adaption and modification are the cures and humans in any age can learn how to adapt. In the adaption, expectations have to change. Respect is an expectation and for a flexible mind, changing expectation is an easy task. If people can learn how to change their mindsets according to the new situations would be able to enjoy every minute of their lives.

    So let's not be lazy and change.:bleh:
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  14. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    I was thinking like you when I read this !
  15. Splicementality

    Splicementality Kapellmeister

    Jan 31, 2018
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    it's a matter of perception as you mentioned, either you get the whole spectrum or you get a few colors, but i can assure you both parts will say "i've understood this completely" but only one is actually right.

    some people like robots and think it that if you'd have one in your life doing all the work carried out by man - it'll be the greatest thing ever. well that's one humans perception and i can assure that other computer nerds would say the same.
    but that doesn't make sense since evolution is about competition, so we'll end up killing each other or hacking these robots for malign purposes.

    others - say musicians, still see the art in making music, without any kind of ridiculous V.R headsets and such and has come to understand that the process of making music is getting obsolete, the very art of art is getting pushed over by these non-artists.

    i'd say.. evolve the technology of harnessing natural occuring energy FIRST, having a guy boasting about coal to save his old corporate friends that are soon dinosaurs is redundant.
  16. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I knew you'd make friends fast @globr :wink:
  17. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    My welding tutor, a true master at his craft, gave me some advice that quite possibly saved my life. He said, "Son, your overalls are on fire."

    I still have those overalls today.
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  18. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America
    Yes, I believe you're right. In the USA the lack of respect for our elders is rampant. Mainly because we have "lost" a few generations due to children having children. Yes, there are other reasons as well, but that is the main one. It is sad and unfortunate and obviously a systemic cancer.

    That being said, I am fortunate and blessed to have had some very powerful and wise minds impart some wisdom upon me.

    The 1st, my mom who told in my childhood that "Nothing beats a failure but a try". That statement alone made me strive to succeed in everything I do in life. Although I must admit it took me a little while to truly understand it. That's the one thing about wisdom...if you are wise enough to receive it you still need to learn how to understand and apply it.

    Now, there are many things I have learned from my Elders (too many to list here,lol.) but I have one more for you... My favorite Uncle once told me "Every second of the day you are either
    building your life up or breaking your life down. There is no grey area". Now, lets see you grasp that one! lol.

    I live by these words of wisdom. However like most, I still forget or don't apply the same wisdoms
    I have been taught sometimes...for me...just not to often. But I always respect my elders.

    Lastly, Xyfsp...where are your words of wisdom to asked for something you have yet to share yourself, lol. :mates:
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  19. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Just a thought:
    If you see this from another angle (a parents perspctive) the question could/would be:
    Did/do I lead my kids well enough. Are they ready for the "real" world?..... If I succeded what actually made the difference etc etc.

    We have an expression in my country that goes like this:
    "Adults are children who have become insane"...... if that´s a fact I´ll prefer kids find their very own way instead of listen to elders :no:

    And yes..... I have had a lot of good advices and role models from elder folks during my life.
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    MNDSTRM Platinum Record

    Nov 24, 2011
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    From my high school woodshop teacher, a 3rd generation master carpenter.

    “Big tool, big job. Small tool, small job.”

    I interpret it as: There’s no one tool for everything and there’s no best tool. Only the right tool for the specific job at hand.

    This is for all the “Omnisphere vs Serum” or “what’s the best eq?” people...
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  21. BibouLeNoob

    BibouLeNoob Kapellmeister

    Apr 11, 2015
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    Apart from the top 5% avant-gardistes / intellectuals / visionnaries, old people are just people who went from young assholes to old farts.
    Aging neved cured anything.
    If you lost the opportunity to learn and share some wisdom while being middle aged, the probality you might do something about it while being in the third age will unavoidably tend towards 0.
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