To all guitar & bass players please help...

Discussion in 'Guitars' started by spyfx, Mar 13, 2018.

  1. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    pressure pressure... .. what if it comes out like a wet fart man? :rofl:

    working on it @midi-man, but gotta do the dishes too ya know... :bleh:
  2. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    No Pressure, Just letting you know we are waiting on you and forgot to say no rush.
  3. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    Thank you. That's a lot of time and effort spent on troubleshooting in this song, which makes me expect a lot from the suggestions on how to fix it. I just don't think you can call us out on being non-pro. I'm sure many of my fellow Audiosexers here are audio professionals or musicians. I have never needed to see their credits. Their solid advice makes me trust what they can say. I hope you earn the same kind of respect around here. As for myself, well, I have never considered myself a professional. I don't like the concept. I've just been a bass player for over twenty years, which have led me to own some beautiful basses, read and write staff music, learn to play from great artists, play international gigs, be paid for playing, and drink so much that I'm lucky by liver keeps holding on. But hey, my primary-school chops have allowed me to achieve this, imagine when I get pro (I assume like you are, buddy).

    Anyhow, this is a collaborative project and I hope your contribution to beautifying this horrible compilation of ideas will take it in the right direction. Meanwhile, we'll continue having fun and loving it.
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  4. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    Sorry for your noob nagging.
    First of all: clean up your grammar, the Grammarly fucked up with 70 mistakes in a text.
    1: His guitar is intended to sound like this. There is no in time for music unless you have only listened to kid songs for all of your life.

    2: rough tempo is recognized by human ear in a second, but wait... I am talking about quantizing the draft takes so the "exact tempo" is needed.
    3: go to 1
    4: they are intended to sound like this ......, unless you ..... (go to 1)
    6: go to 1
    7: go to 1
    8: this is draft, as every one said rearrange is needed.
    9: you are wrong for the music.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2018
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  5. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    Thanks @spyfx for the stems I'm having fun.
    Where are your professional examples?

    I'm sure @xoso, best cast scenario, had a rough day cleaning toilets and getting coffee at the studio he interns at
    thinks he's professional since all his relatives paid to download his remix.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 22, 2018
  6. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    ......some thoughts i would like to share....:bow:

    It is so nice to see this community of people being together,friendly & as one :bow:...
    As a friendly reminder please focus your energy on what really matters : Yourself & Your love for Your music :bow:
    We all love music & the "muses" :wink:
    Everything else is secondary :bow:
    spyfx Peace & love :keys:
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  7. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    found @xoso

    That is him on the guitar apparently. ' It took me about 5 hours to complete this song ' he proudly commented.
    This progression shouldn't take more than an hour tops tracking and mixing.

    Just goes to show you, most real pros would never talk down to a fellow musician like that.
    Looks like he's got some good weed though.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 24, 2018
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  8. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    @dragonhill yes i see :bow:,but please remove the above link if you don't mind :wink::bow:

    & all other members :bow:

    i simple don't want any negativity here on this thread,only us all to smile,have fun :yes: & be creative :wink::bow:

    i'm posting the vid below not about ableton live 10 ( even if it is funny that the 'work in progress" track is created in ableton 10,but more to show how a bunch of friends can have a good time :yes:,so that is my wish & will,lets all have fun & laughter :yes::bow: :

  9. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    Sound pretty cool, rather curious as to how it will sound with all the different parts mixed into it.

    On the unexpected drama... man you guys can't let the Internets get to you on stuff like that. Just take it for what its worth and enjoy the rest of your day.
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  10. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    @mozee thank you :bow: the guys have the stems & are working on it :wink:
    if you have any suggestions/input please tell. (also this is not the final mix)

    Here it is as an mk5 version,before a real electric bass will be included,real acoustic & electric guitars,maybe a synth lead at the end ? :

  11. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Ok I hate to comment but I will put this up against that any day.

  12. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    For some reason I liked your post without reading it... what could be the reason? :dunno:
  13. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
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    A: that's not me, playing guitar its a client. I wrote drums and bass for him So 5 hours was taking what he had with nothing cutting it writing the drums the bass arrangement. And its unfinished. It's why its on my soundcloud page that doesn't have ANY finished stuff on it.

    The rest you can take my advice or not. It's valid advice. The hate is dumb, and anyone who does this for a living will say the same thing wether you like it or not. But I'm glad to see how butthurt people can get so fast and start throwing accusations from nothing. As for typing mistakes, dude if you're gonna go there admit you have nothing to say. Just wow... hate on haters. Seems like a sad life.
  14. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Also I didn't call anyone noobs, he said it was his first attempt at something like that. If you can get free help its great but even in bands they need a dedicated songwriter or it usually doesn't go well. But I'm often misunderstood so take my advice or not, or simply take everything negative you think I'm saying and disregard the rest. What ever is clever.
  15. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Also if that's all you've found of me that's pretty bad detective work... The challenge was before this client I had NEVER done a reggae song in my life. That was the whole point of putting those up in the first place. Just the wild draw to conclusions no wonder you misunderstand what I said. But ya know what wont comment again. I even said I loved the idea and concept of the song, but lets forget that. Good luck.
  16. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Also you actually went through a cherry picked a song to complain about that even has "TEST" in the title, and no information is on that track about how long I spent on it so are you just trying to make me look bad for fun because A: you didn't even pick the first song on the page B: made up a description on it and C: you went through SEVERAL of my songs before posting that. Trying to skew opinions much...
  17. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Ok so I think you might have have did exactly what you said, but to be very truthful. You commented on that guitar part on Spyfx song and I must say I listened to that track of yours and that guitar player is not that great. He sounded very ruff and like he did not know what he was doing in many places. YOu should have really slammed him from my prespective, You came in here and acted like you were Eddie Van Halen or Steely Dan.. I made a few mistakes on that track I posted and I am not perfect I am Human, but at least to me you can not really hear my mistakes and if I am wrong I will take criticism.

    Now Spyfx track was a ruff draft, we all really knew it was not great yet and it was a work in progress. Now as for me I would love to hear you on all instruments. Not your clients, only you no prerecorded wavs either . I have also worked with Spencer in audiosex and if you do your research you will find out who he is. He is really a somebody not a nobody.
  18. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    would be cool to hear @xoso put his money where his mouth is... but his handle here makes me think...
    maybe this guy is some kind of genius... a of THE greats... xoso... hmm where have I heard that before..

    xoso .. xo.. xo.. so.. so.. zo zo... ZoSo...??? !!! my god! we have been taken to task by.. by... Jimmy Page !!! :bleh:

    @midi-man is it possible we're just not worthy ?? :beg::beg::beg:
  19. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    On a positive fact level, Art is about not placing a boundary.
    In saying that, it is one thing to break the rules but I do agree it assists in finding that "Creation G Spot" if a person has strong foundations in at least one of these, preferably all: harmony, scales, counterpoint, orchestration, substitution, improvisation... I suppose I could add more but that's enough.

    Now the study aspect is dealt with, the world is full of great songs that were written without any scholastic background with The Beatles and Nirvana being perfect examples of many.

    So what is the recipe?

    If it feels good and sounds good as a composer and you are happy then you define yourself, not anyone else. Keep at it. If you want to learn musical background do it, if you do not, then don't. If you want someone's opinion then expect to hear things you might not like. Some people have a genuine desire to help, some do not and are pissed off with the world or feel the world owes them a living. It's a big no to both.

    Miles Davis said there are no wrong notes, only bad musicians.
    Just be that best you can be at whatever you like doing. You cannot be any better than the best version of yourself. Also if musician's tell you being an a-hole is good trait - It is not. Being a good person has more positive energy in your playing than being an a-ho;e ever will do. Ask any of your heroes that have been around for decades.:)
  20. Spyfxmk2

    Spyfxmk2 Guest
