Mid-field monitors?

Discussion in 'Studio' started by rhythmatist, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. rhythmatist

    rhythmatist Audiosexual

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Chillicothe, Ohio, USA
    I am going to get new audio monitors. I want something larger than near fields because my living room/studio is fairly big with a high ceiling, and I want to be able to monitor bass guitar sometimes at a little higher level when I'm sitting around noodling. I have been limping along for years with half assed crap since my old JBL 4311Bs died. I also just like to crank music up and bop around sometimes. Be it Beethoven or Wilco. Anybody have any experience with these particular models, or suggest something else I should consider in a similar price range? Need to be self powered, because my power amp fans make too much noise. I feel like a child waiting for a holiday gift, because I have to wait until January before I have the money. I have also budgeted for a either a lower price matched pair or a slightly nicer single small dia. condenser mics, and maybe a decent tube pre-amp for my Rode NT2-A.--------- Note to Saint---You need an emoticon for "I'm drooling" or "I'm rubbing it in" :rofl: . Monitors- http://www.zzounds.com/item--KRKRP103--- Pre-Amp-http://www.zzounds.com/item--ARTPROMPAII --- Mics-I don't know. Always wanted an AKG. http://www.zzounds.com/item--AKGC45165 ------http://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/NT5/
  3. bwem

    bwem Newbie

    Oct 16, 2012
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    G Town
    As far as monitors go I love Event Opal's and it's little brothers 20/30 and 20/20.
    I've been spoiled with ATC's scm150 for a lng while so KRK doesn't fit my bill. The 20/20's however are really descent in comparison.
    A choice for mics depends of coarse on what you want to do with it.
    OH's I would go for AKG414BLXII
    I just love the divercity of the mic and it's briliant sound.
    It works like a charm on acoustic guitars, drums, horns and even some vocals.
    Just my 2 cents
  4. rhythmatist

    rhythmatist Audiosexual

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Chillicothe, Ohio, USA
    well, yeah, I've always wanted a 414, but not my main budget priority right now. And though it's not an AKG, I have a large dia. I need a small dia. They're main job is probably drum overheads. And I want 10 or 12 inch woofers to move some air. Those Events look nice, and I like the abundance of power in the 2030. But the Opal is out of my budget also.
  5. TheDude

    TheDude Newbie

    Sep 13, 2011
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    I have also never been a big fan of KRKs but they seem to be the only option that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. As far as microphones go, those 451s are really great for what you are wanting to do, and I would recommend that you also look at the Audio Technica AT4041SP and it's large diaphragm option the AT4050. We used to use those down at studios in Nashville and my friends and I came to conclusion that mics these days are pretty equal if you are using a great preamp. (we couldn't tell a huge difference between his big Blue Bottle ($3000+) and the AT4050 when using his millennia mic pres.
    Mic Preamp - it isn't tube but is a great quality and has some killer features like variphase on the 2nd input to making everything stay in phase a lot easier. it also has serves as a really nice a/d convertor(but you don't have to use that part.)it's the Audient Mico. It is a little more expensive. but I am sure if you call my guy over at sweetwater he can make everything work out price wise. he can usually beat the prices shown on the pages.

    I wiil PM you his info.
  6. rhythmatist

    rhythmatist Audiosexual

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Chillicothe, Ohio, USA
    One of my friends has an AT4050. I borrow it on occasion. Nice mic. I have a fondness for the sound of AT stuff. That mic and their headphones have a smooth, silky, sounding high end that I like. Maybe I should check out a couple of their small dia. condensers. For a large diaphragm, I like my Rode OK. Can't say I'm overly impressed. I think a tube pre-amp will make it a little nicer on vocs. I also use it in a figure eight pattern when doing a mid/side technique, which is what I use for drum overheads now. one more edit: my top priority needs to be monitors over mics right now. Hard to keep my focus when I start daydreaming about mics.