Should us Music people get involved in Boxing and martial arts? ( to be healthier)

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by MMJ2017, Mar 19, 2018.


Do you get behind boxing and martial arts as way to be healthy?(for those in music fields)

  1. no

  2. yes

  3. maybe

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  1. Splicementality

    Splicementality Kapellmeister

    Jan 31, 2018
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    reread his poem, and i got it down now :yes:
    about sunshine though, that stuff is virtually non-existent. what even is it? :rofl:
  2. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    That's the biggest lie that studios tell people to get them in the door. It's the same way with guns - if you practice shooting when someone breaks into you house or you get into a firefight your skills will kick in......

    Both of those are bullshit... you will not know until you actually are put into that situation. Range shooting and martial arts will at least prepare you if you are the type of person that will respond to aggression with aggression (most humans by a large margin are not - that's why bulling is a problem and why it works,) but if you are not and you get frogy don't be surprised if the bad guys actually respond by doing bad things.

    I thought this was about being healthier not kicking someone's ass. Lots of easier and more effective ways to learn how beat down an other person than strip-mall martial arts club.

    @jonathanrodhes They don't necessarily need to have long beards....

  3. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Everyone should do some kind of sport or some kind of means of staying healthy. Even if it's just going out for a walk every morning before work or something. It helps with circulation and also mental health too. I'll tell you my ass hurts from sitting at my computer producing tracks. I could never have a desk job. Because I'm always so active lately. I walk on average probably 30-60 miles per week (hiking and the walk to work which is right down the street from my place). Is it tiring? Yes. But am I in good shape? For a 25 year-old kid like me who loves pizza a little too much - Yes I am very much in shape LOL.
    You gotta stay active regardless. A body at rest tends to stay at rest, while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. I turn off all the lights and technology at 9pm. I meditate for about an hour and then I'm in bed by 10pm-10:30pm. I'm out of bed at 6am-6:30am. I drink some milk, make myself a sandwich and then I'm out the door at 7:30am (my walk to work takes me 22-23 minutes and is 1.7 miles long. That's around 4.5 mph walking... at 7:30am). How? Because I'm used to it. When I am not asleep, producing music, or watching TV, I am almost always in motion. Today I brought my 12 string acoustic-electric guitar with me to the park and strummed away a little bit. It was nice. Is walking as intense of a sport as boxing/martial arts? No. But it keeps me in shape for the most part. I'm not trying to kick someone's ass. My main goal is just to be happy and healthy.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2018
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  4. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    Let's start with this before we start bashing people in the face?
    This is 90 year old Japanese stretching. One of the reasons of longevity?

  5. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    he synthesizes his own... you should have gathered that by now.. :rofl:
  6. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    jeez why boxing? martial arts? what about yoga?
  7. Splicementality

    Splicementality Kapellmeister

    Jan 31, 2018
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    kind of depends on your needs, yoga is great, but if you run high on testosterone (naturally that is) then martial arts is a very helpful way to discharge whilst giving your mind something to focus on, it's all about balancing your own personality what's most important, i think that people who only sees the "violent" part of it has got the wrong idea really.

    just because one like it that doesn't mean you'll have to force your girlfriend to watch UFC :)
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  8. jonathanrodhes

    jonathanrodhes Kapellmeister

    Apr 17, 2015
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    I fully agree with you but I guess you know what I mean as well, and by the way, if you can kill two birds with a stone (being healthier and being able to defend yourself)...
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  9. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    guess you never tried Ashtanga yoga then, its fucking hard to hold drishti for 90 minutes or more, then all the vinyasas you have to do in a full primary series (apart from half of the seating series, i do almost complete primary series).

    and no ashtanga yoga has its origin in the indian army, thats why its also perfect if you look to tame yourself.

    im not talking about the western style of yogas, they are a disgrace to real traditional yoga.
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  10. Hmmm...if your income is derived from being a working musician, or even if it is not, although playing a musical instrument is still a way that you need in order to define and/or express yourself, then no, to me the risk of injury far outweighs the fun or other benefits derived from any form of combative martial art training. And so, in summing it all up, being a musician can be likened to a long term loving relationship in that focusing outside of that relationship, even in the guise of what you feel might be harmless flirting, could endanger your long term commitment to the one you love.
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  11. Torrao

    Torrao Platinum Record

    Aug 26, 2015
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    Traditional TaeKwon-Do & Kickboxing practitioner here. It's just an sport like any other, and sports and outdoors activities keep you healthier and help you to disconnect from too much computer time.

    I'm not going to enter any debate here about the efectiveness of them, as that is a crapfest that you can read on youtube comments in every damn video if you so wish. For example, Kyokushin Karate is a very tough and destructive art but I neglected it since they go bare hands most of the time and I was concerned about that as I'm a guitarist.

    Everyone has their own priorities nad preferences. I do them just for fun! :bow:
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2018
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  12. Splicementality

    Splicementality Kapellmeister

    Jan 31, 2018
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    i believe you :yes:
    but what i'm also implying is that some people just can't yoga.
    like others just can't martial art!

    i see the benefit in both though :mates:

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  13. BooBam

    BooBam Ultrasonic

    Jan 9, 2018
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    Learn an instrument, join a country band, go on the road in Texas playing road houses and you will get all the one on one combat training you want!
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  14. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

  15. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    the actual headline does carry an Allquantor in its message, so i felt necessary to actual exclude me from the headline.
    but yes you are right, there is probably like a million way to workout, from boxing, martial arts, yoga, etc , as long as it lets you relax, refocus your mind, also give you a way to cardio at the same time.

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  16. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    I'm all with ya bro but why not ? here's an example of martial arts perfection and musical ability .. errrr... hmmm... yes. Ability.

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  17. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    love it!
    just food for thought thats all.........

  18. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    If you are a male, you will have to fight to defend yourself ( or loved ones)at some point in your life. If you are a female you might have an attempt rape upon you at some point in your life.
    that is why i believe self defense of any type you are comfortable with is great and boxing and martial arts provide full body workouts ( unless you wan to be body builder haha) but I believe supplement with normal stretching running meditation and yoga ( for your body type.)

    next i believe in the u.s. with all the school shootings and such ( actually various violence all over world occurs too)
    for this reason everyone should learn firearm and knife take downs to incorporate into their exercise routine ( if comfortable with it)

    nobody should be forced to do any of these though.
  19. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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  20. Splicementality

    Splicementality Kapellmeister

    Jan 31, 2018
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    dude, listen, the average barfight doesn't care about "rules" how many of the drunken or non-drunk streetfights have been from a professional fightstance etc, the average dude just flails and pulls your hair pull you through 8 tables of dining people leaving absolute destruction in it's path or something until he feels manly enough or whatever.
    also these poses are actually great if your opponent knows and also anticipates how you're going to move.

    for example these krav maga positions are developed as a counter ONLY if your opponent actually knows how to wield the knife, and mostly in the military all these knife techniques are basically the same all over the world because it's about protecting yourself whilst making efficient blows to your opponent, that's why the counters are also the same because the moves are anticipated. this is military training not something you bring down to the streets. and hopefully that won't ever occur to you or anyone else.

    thats why you should run, because an average drunkard or whatever may cross doesn't move the way you're trained for and you can get seriously injured.
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