For Jazzers, all of these parts are the same because they don't know what the word "sound" means.

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by foster911, Mar 16, 2018.

  1. retsoff119

    retsoff119 Kapellmeister

    Mar 17, 2018
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    "Jazz is essentially wrong and been developed by wrong people thinking all wrong and it's time to reform their manners for the sake of next generation."

    Poor soul ! I am afraid that you are definitely gone ...One way ticket to "planet dummy proud of it's own stupidity"

    You are so jealous about people that have talent and craft that you have to put them down !
    Poor soul indeed .
    That kind of attitude we can see everywhere , not only in the music field .
    Not able of learning , developing , growing these people need to put others down , hoping that doing this way will put them on the same level .

    If you are under 15 it's okay Foster911.
    If you are an adult it is sad , poor soul
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  2. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Some facts after 40 years of being in the industry and playing with some of the best on most continents....

    Music is one of two things, it is good or it is not.
    If you do a search for nearly every name artists' session musicians that played on the best known albums in history, you will find they are great Jazz musicians as well.
    Steve Gadd one of the most used and booked pop, rock, R&B session drummer's of all time was jazz trained, military drumming trained and blues trained.

    Jazz comes from blues by the way. Check your history books. Nobody here was around in the cotton fields in 1890 though the history books clearly show work songs went into blues with Blind Lemon Jefferson and then Jazz. Country 2 beat comes from Jazz. R&R comes from the blues and so does Jazz. Jazz- Rock mixes rock, blues and jazz... check your history because Jazz is an important part of it.
    A great Jazz musician loves all music and can play all of it well because they love music.
    To say jazz music is shite generally indicates someone who neither has the understanding or the skils to be able to play it well.
    99% of all cases.
    Have a nice day
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 17, 2018
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  3. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    RE: Music is one of two things, it is good or it is not.

    In saying all of the above post, it is perfectly fine not to like a style of music or prefer something else.
    What is uncool is to put it down and say it is crap and takes no skill at all for personal reasons, or dislike of the style, or because of a lack of understanding, or because it annoys you.

    I also say the same thing to Jazz musicians who say trap, trance, hip-hop, techno and all sequenced music is completely lacking in musical skills and only requires computer knowledge. I try to see what contributes to music as a whole, culturally, stylistically, harmonically, rhythmically and a pile of other things that allow me to appreciate something new that I may have not spent enough time listening to before I would even consider calling something terrible. Even then I doubt I would say that, though a fair bit of newer music in some cases does require more technology knowledge than music knowledge. Yet the fact it requires more computer skills than musical does not mean the music is bad or lacks skills., only a different type of skills.
    There are good and bad in ALL styles.

    Opinions are fine, but putting something musical down without showing beyond any doubt you can pull apart, transcribe and diagnose an Orchestral or Big Band score by hand, recreate the simplest or most complex odd-meter trance/trap etc piece, show incredible harmony knowledge, arranging skills, solo as well as anyone on the planet on any instrument, be able to play 7 across 3 or any time division without a machine at any tempo and have millions of dollars from album sales to your name.... then possibly best to try and appreciate everything.
    Do I have all the skills above? No. Many of them I will still be working on when my time is up.
  4. fritzm

    fritzm Producer

    Feb 22, 2013
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    "To be criticized by a fool, is the highest compliment one can receive" John McLaughlin
  5. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    @foster911 :bow:
    Here's to the things you love,my friend
    in music & in life....only Love May Be In Your Heart :wink::bow: :

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  6. Splicementality

    Splicementality Kapellmeister

    Jan 31, 2018
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    so much love, so much humor and so much hatred in one and a same thread.
    this is why you're liked foster :wink:
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  7. panaman

    panaman Kapellmeister

    Jul 8, 2017
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    lets be honest. not jazz musicians exclusively, but virtuosos in general often lack taste. you can get lost in complicated i guess.
    as far as sound goes, guitars, synths, keys, drums, basses are all fine in jazz. its the blowmonkeys (winds, brass) who make it hard to digest. they dont get it their instruments need to be tamed and do not sound necessarily pleasant. and they dont know how/when to shut up, im thinking some of the later pat metheny albums: you think youre getting an album of guitar music but then theres this sucker blowing away constantly at twice the guitars volume in unison. was mr. metheny having a bad day? no, just a lack of taste and good judgement. i sure am glad i downloaded those and didnt oay for them.
    it is also not coincidence the german word for bassoon is fagott, theres the connection to blowing.
    as always there are exceptions, like some of the trumpeteers, especially when electronics are involved.
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  8. panaman

    panaman Kapellmeister

    Jul 8, 2017
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    there is of course the theory they play so terrible because they are so frustrated with their instruments,
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2018
  9. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    you have no ability to look at a thought you are having, and evaluate the content of that thought in order to determine if the thought is complete fantasy ,made up fiction, PHONY,
    OR if the thought you are having is factual because the content of that thought matches the way things actually work in reality.

    each time you demonstrate that your ignorance causes a misunderstanding, and causes you to make a fool and a clown out of yourself,
    you are hurting yourself not helping yourself as a human being.

    I will use an example to put myself in your clownshoes.

    Say I have a thought ,

    "Human beings, are a single object which contains 5 legs 7 eyes and 176,822 arms."

    step 1. evaluate the content of the thought itself in order to see if it is fiction PHONY or matches reality itself.

    Part A. we take the first component "human beings are a single object"
    Part B. we look through the knowledge of humanity , we find that it is a fact a human being is a
    phrase used to describe a collection of trillions of living cells. the living cells is the single object , a human being is trillions of things.
    therefore we have shown the first component does NOT match reality ( the way things actually work)

    Part C. we take the next portion of the thought content.
    "5 legs 7 eyes and 176,822 arms.""

    Part D. we look through the knowledge of humanity, we find that human beings have 2 legs, 2 eyes and 2 arms.

    We have come to a conclusion that the thought is fiction FAKE ,phony and false.
    we have looked at each component of the content itself and used reality to compare to this thought in doing so arrived at a conclusion that the thought itself is invented made up non-sense with no value.

    STEP 2. ( IF we now speak or communicate this thought to other human beings, what will be happening in reality is that we fasten our clown shoes and make a fool out of ourselves, because the events that will be taking place in reality itself is saying a false statement, yet behaving as if it was true and demonstrating to others we have not evaluated the thought as I have presented to you step by step here.
    If I was the one making this claim to you i would be showing you i had taken a moment of my life to evaluate my thoughts before impulsively speaking it therefore being destructive towards my reputation to you, you would see me as a joke.

    I hope you take on this new process of evaluating each thought you have to differentiate fiction from reality.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2018
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  10. Blorg

    Blorg Producer

    Jan 1, 2018
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  11. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    you guys are taking this WAY to personal........ like if hes speaking to YOU as a human beeing. - hes not, hes doing his ussual thing with a shotgun.

    if you have been around here long enough you will know foster911 is eating popcorn and enjoying all that energy and attention you guys are giving him. he lives for this shit! That is why he keeps making threads.
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  12. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    some Ejimacation

  13. Blorg

    Blorg Producer

    Jan 1, 2018
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  14. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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  15. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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  16. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54

  17. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    I'm so happy for making you have fun.:bleh:

    We're on the verge of the biggest monumental event of the mankind's whole history (releasing AS's Jazz Album). I hope everything changes afterwards specially my brain.:bow:

    At the end, I appreciate a lot for spending your gilt-edged time for passing some Jazzy lessons down to me. Hope I never pass up those great opportunities that I'm comped with for free for being a great artist.:mates:
  18. retsoff119

    retsoff119 Kapellmeister

    Mar 17, 2018
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    We have another "expert" here that seems to know what is talking about ! :

    @panaman "im thinking some of the later pat metheny albums: you think youre getting an album of guitar music but then theres this sucker blowing away constantly at twice the guitars volume in unison. was mr. metheny having a bad day?"

    Which "sucker" ? Chris Potter maybe ? LOL !
    Maybe you should work as an adviser for Pat Metheny , i guess he is waiting for your advices ...
    "as far as sound goes, guitars, synths, keys, drums, basses are all fine in jazz. its the blowmonkeys (winds, brass) who make it hard to digest"
    So Bird , Trane , Freddie hubbard , Brecker brothers and all the countless blowers are "hard to digest" ?
    Man you definitely are a connoisseur about this music and it's sound !
    Go to the circus with Foster911, he already have the costume , you guys will form a great pair !

    Can not believe that it exist such people proud of their ignorance and stupidity ...
    Laughable and sad same time .
  19. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    [​IMG] Clown Core
  20. panaman

    panaman Kapellmeister

    Jul 8, 2017
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    if differing taste in instruments makes me a fool, ok.
    not everybody has to like every crap out there. like i said its a matter of taste,