For Jazzers, all of these parts are the same because they don't know what the word "sound" means.

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by foster911, Mar 16, 2018.

  1. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    The jazzers never care about the sounds and they're proud of it. I've learned it from @MMJ2017 .:bleh:

    I think for them, all women are the same too.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 17, 2018
  3. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Note is a valuable commodity, when you overuse them in a jazzy fashion, it loses its price.

    Music without sounds = Soulless Jazz.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2018
  4. Splicementality

    Splicementality Kapellmeister

    Jan 31, 2018
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    foster sorry to break an entrance again in your threads :)
    but!.. i'ts more or less a fact that jazzers do care more about the sound itself as an articulation since articulation is basically at the center of jazz, you can play for example a rudiment on drums in a jazz rhythm but if you don't articulate it well the resonance of your cymbals will just overlap and clutter everything, jazz is more about "the sound itself" rather than making alot of sounds, accents are like the center of it all.
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  5. sir jack spratsky

    sir jack spratsky Producer

    Apr 22, 2017
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    hahahaha nice try splicementality..... surely you have a brick wall to chat with where you live? much more productive.....foster will never get" music......
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  6. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    That's it?
  7. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Not me but Jazzers, because Jazz is essentially wrong and been developed by wrong people thinking all wrong and it's time to reform their manners for the sake of next generation.:bleh:
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2018
  8. electriclash

    electriclash Guest

    sounds like de honeyman has come to visit monsieur foster... a restful tower I'm hoping :mates:


    ps: trying to think as or for others may not be a productive use of the 86,400 seconds each day has to offer :bleh:
  9. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    To devote lots of time trashing a music genre and try humiliating its practitians and listeners is really strange.
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  10. Beth

    Beth Guest

    Trashing 'jazzers' and women in the same post???


    .......a new low surely ?
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  11. Daz

    Daz Guest

    Indeed Beth :sad:

    This is what 90% of your comments are Foster :yes:

    :wink:Yes you should consider that, seriously mate, snap out of it...

    Vee shall fight on the beaches
    Vee shall fight in the hills
    Vee shall never surrender
    And vee have vays of making you talk
    Vee just need to find a vay of making you not talk!!:knock:
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  12. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    hello @foster911 :bow: how are you doing today ?
    i hope all is good :bow:
    me i'm not doing so good.....someone very close to me is not doing good.

    I feel in a parallel universe you like jazz & are a real black panther :winker: :wink: :bow:

    In the meantime Kate says hi :wink: it is a beautiful song :yes: :wink: :bow: :

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  13. foster911

    foster911 Guest

  14. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    Low enough to give limbo dancers vertigo.

    Low, wrong and a fail.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2018
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  15. Blorg

    Blorg Producer

    Jan 1, 2018
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  16. Splicementality

    Splicementality Kapellmeister

    Jan 31, 2018
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    foster don't talk about the next generation, you still live in the 30s and by default you like jazz :bleh:
  17. Splicementality

    Splicementality Kapellmeister

    Jan 31, 2018
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    he's doing his best! :rofl:
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  18. pine

    pine Ultrasonic

    Dec 2, 2017
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    Don't see where's he trashing women... 'For jazzers, women are all the same' it's what I read.

    Also think this is his point, which I agree: jazzers tend to be musical snobs (i.e. everything outside jazz is a low form of art).
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  19. Splicementality

    Splicementality Kapellmeister

    Jan 31, 2018
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    have a good time ya'll :bow:

  20. genophyte

    genophyte Producer

    Mar 13, 2015
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    what is even going on in this thread
  21. retsoff119

    retsoff119 Kapellmeister

    Mar 17, 2018
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    "The jazzers never care about the sounds and they're proud of it"
    R U Serious ?
    You could also write : "The jazzers are eating worms at breakfast and they love it" ...
    Or : The earth is flat , we all know it ...

    I have been looking at your posts and what seems obvious is that you are frustrated about your lack of knowledge about music , not only
    theory or note reading or stuff like that . No , not knowing about music , not being able to play an instrument , not being able of nothing except some sounds coming from your DAW .
    So as a troll you write whatever just to provoke others .If you were happy with your stuff you would not write such ridiculous statements .
    It is not very wise to show others that you do not know anything about something , being proud of it .
    What "jazzers" do you talk about ? Which era ? 1920 ? 1940 ? 1960 ? 80's 90's Up to now ?
    What do you know about countless hours these guys work on their sound ? How important it is ?
    Sonny Stitt has a great sound on tenor ,so do Chris Potter ... Yellowjakets have a great sounds with all the synths and stuff mixed with acoustic .What about tribal tech ? Metheny ? Coltrane ? Return to forever ?

    You are talking about things that you have no idea of . And you are proud of it !
    Huge difference with the childish statement : "The jazzers never care about the sounds and they're proud of it"

    But if you like to self humiliate you by publishing ridiculous statements go ahead !
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