To compress or not compress

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by qhemist, Mar 5, 2018.

  1. qhemist

    qhemist Noisemaker

    Mar 5, 2018
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    I am a new producer I feel. I started a little over 2 years ago was able to get a good work flow where I am happy with my mix downs, now I am trying to expand my writing of my tracks.

    However I have had mixed feelings about compression.

    I myself use Ableton 10 as my DAW, and I use compression on just about everything. I use it to sidechain, on my kick. I use an RMS compressor, than an expand compressor and finally a glue compressor.

    Is too much compression bad?

    I am really close I feel to the quality of professional tracks of my genre, but I wan't to know your all's opinion. I have been watching lots of tutorials on my genre (psytrance) and there is lots of compression used. Opinions

  3. Satai

    Satai Rock Star

    Feb 23, 2013
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    It's good if it sounds good. It's easy to accidentally make it sound shitty with too much compression. But if you didn't exceed that boundary, then no one can lecture you about using too much, even if you used a lot. It may have been a lot, but it was right for the situation and sounded good, so you're in the right.

    Compression squeezes a sound like it was an orange or lemon, and so at first a lot of extra zest comes out and it's delicious to the ear. It basically gives you a super-hero hearing experience, so we all like that feel, it's powerful. But if you keep squeezing it deforms the orange forever and after some more compression it looks like a formless pulp, can't even tell it was an orange to begin with. Superhero hearing illusion is gone and the sound is so exaggeratedly fake it hurts your ears.

    When you add too much compression the sound starts getting too in-yo-face all of the time, it has the same sickening kinda feel to it as nasty processed food like fat chick cakes from the supermarket, laden with chemicals. It's got a strong taste but doesn't taste anything like grandma's homemade, real cake so you (the listerner) go "yuck" and don't want to eat it. Or maybe you gobble it down without thinking because you're the fat chick those cheap artificial cakes are made for.

    As long as you stay away from that cheap artificial taste level of compression, knock yourself out and use as much as you feel is good for your purposes.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2018
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  4. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    There are not rules anyway compressing everything is a non-sense. Not every audio source need it 'cause automation sometimes is enough. I use compression, even if basically useless, when I want apply some tricks (ie The Dr. Pepper Trick using 1176 - Bobby Owsinsky)
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2018
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  5. qhemist

    qhemist Noisemaker

    Mar 5, 2018
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    I really love the stock Ableton compressor, it does the job I wan't while leaving dynamic range. I don't use it, if it doesn't sound good or if it doesn't need it.
  6. oa.

    oa. Ultrasonic

    Jan 28, 2016
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    Open your project. Look at your compressors and ask yourself "Why I did this?". If you have a good answer, then keep doing it.
  7. qhemist

    qhemist Noisemaker

    Mar 5, 2018
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    Good words
  8. qhemist

    qhemist Noisemaker

    Mar 5, 2018
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    Reason I ask, is that my friend who makes the same genre. Uses no compression at all, sidechains with LFO Tool (which I don't really feel gives me the sound I want) and uses EQ for everything. It amazes me how many different ways to achieve the same sound.
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  9. Zealious

    Zealious Kapellmeister

    Feb 22, 2015
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  10. Zealious

    Zealious Kapellmeister

    Feb 22, 2015
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  11. m9cao

    m9cao Producer

    Oct 3, 2012
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    that depend on how deep you understood the genre(psytrance), psytrance need much compression(not too much), but how much? based on your monitoring devices(and your brain and ears) and playing back places
  12. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Over compression is a novice mistake I think.When I started to make music I did that too.
    If I can say something,in first time don't focus on mix aspect but more on music theory,learning your instruments and creative FXs(although compression can be it...).
    I only compress when I feel it needs it.When a synth line volume is too swinging for example,or to improve/decrease the attack/sustain of the drums, or to glue a bus...Or Sidechain too...If you're not sure the less you use it the better it is.
  13. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    It really doesn't matter HOW you get the desired sound, only that you get it!

    As for my view on compression. Never use it just because you have a pile of compressors sitting there, and you think you ought to use them. If you need to bring out one or two sounds that are getting swallowed up inthe mix, then yes absolutely, just remember with great compression comes greater risk of *ucking it all up!

    Is that how the saying goes? It doesn't sound right to me!

    @Satai I love your food reference analogies.
  14. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    Best Answer
    First of all it's awesome that you follow tutorials in your genre. Many "classic" advices simply do not work in electronic music. And high bpm genres are even trickier, see below:

    At the end of the day compression is a tool to position each of your elements in the mix. Psytrance is a style where a huge number of tiny elements fight to jump in listener's face. Also the BPM is fast so most of the elements are plucky rather than sustained sounds. Your purpose is to make all the elements audible for that short time they play - or atleast to properly bracket their level so the mixing is not a continuous nightmare.

    If I were you, I'd also try a clipper on each track: use a fast glue compressor innitially doing nothing (0 threshold), and activate the soft clip. Listen what happens when you push compressor's makeup gain (while using a Utility after, to compensate - make a rack, it's handy). For a lot of elements you can get away with simply clipping the peaks instead of compressing them. You can also try to adjust the threshold so the compressor is compressing a part of the signal and thus sending less signal to the soft clipping module. Play with the attack (20-50ms): let the compressor process the sustain of the sound and the soft clipper will shave the innitial peaking transients untouched by the compressor - or do the reverse and clip more of the signal's body.

    Some tracks can be clipped more, some less. Don't worry about missing depth in your mix, just give your mix depth: place some elements at the back fo the mix (lower volume) and the rest in front. Or even automate (utility on each track, at the end of the chain) and throughout your song play with the levels: bring some elements forward on certain segments, push them back on other segments while bringing in front a different set of elements - your song will sound that have way more elements than you already have just by doing this trick.
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